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Some new and poorly-known taxa of batodesmine diplopods are described from northern South America, with notes on their affinities. New genera include Igaraparana, based on I. batesi, sp. nov. from Amazonian Colombia; Curimagua, based on C. granulata, sp. nov. from Edo. Falcon, Venezuela; and Cheirogonus, based on C. pittieri, sp. nov. from Panama. The inadequately proposed species Leptodesmus interrupticolor Silvestri (southeastern Ecuador) is redescribed and figured from type material, and referred to Cordilleronomus as its third species. The enigmatic genus Tunochilus Chamberlin, 1950, is clarified and referred to the Batodesmini from its incorrect location in the Cryptodesmidae, with notes and drawings made from a paratype of the type species T. marginis; the presumptive congener T. marcuzzii is described as new from material taken at Caracas, Venezuela.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):1283-1297
As an addition to earlier published systematic revisions of the genus Ceratitis MacLeay, five new species are hereby described: Ceratitis (Pardalaspis) millicentae sp. n., C. (Ceratalaspis) oraria sp. n., C. (C.) perisae sp. n., and C. (C.) perseus, sp. n. all from Kenya, and C. (C.) ealensis sp. n. from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Their relationship with closely allied species within the respective subgenera is discussed and differentiating characters given.  相似文献   

The tropical African species of the genus Exoprosopa Macquart placed by Bezzi (1924) in his group 10, E. busiris are reviewed. A key, short diagnoses and outline distributions are provided for each species. E. albonigra Bezzi and E. saskae Szilády are shown to be synonyms of E. luteicosta Bezzi; E. engyoptera Hesse a synonym of E. brevinasis Bezzi; and E. ferrieri Hesse a synonym of E. decastroi Hesse. Two new species are described; E. selenops from Kenya and E. glossops from Nigeria.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1159-1181
The biology, morphology, and genetics of Terellia fuscicornis on cultivated artichoke and its new recorded host, Silybum marianum, are examined. Morphometrically, the two host‐associated populations were distinct. Except for egg length, all immature stages of the artichoke‐associated population were larger. Principal component analysis, based on head and wing measurements, showed that the adults from both populations clustered into two groups, with the adults reared from artichoke being larger. The ovipositor was significantly longer and blunter in the artichoke‐associated females, reflecting the larger flower heads exploited. Male terminalia measurements showed significant differences between the two populations. Several differences in courtship behaviour were detected between the two populations. Although the two populations show allochronic isolation, sequencing of two mitochondrial genes, ND1 and COI, and one nuclear gene, 18S, revealed no genetic differences between the two populations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2425-2463
The Afrotropical fruit fly genus Perilampsis Austen is revised. In total, 17 species are recognized of which three are new to science: P. deemingi sp. nov., P. incohata sp. nov., and P. rubella sp. nov. Perilampsis thyene Munro is considered a junior synonym of P. amazuluana Munro. All species are described or re-described, with illustrations of wing patterns and female terminalia where deemed necessary for unambiguous identification. Their host-specificity is briefly discussed. An identification key to species is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1159-1216
The complex of species resembling Megaselia pulicaria (Fallén) has proved to be one of the most troublesome challenges to attempts to resolve the recognition of species within the huge genus Megaselia Rondani. The new data presented allow more confident recognition of species and reveal that most published records represent misidentifications. The penis complex is discussed and its use in species identification demonstrated. All specimens currently assigned to M. pulicaria, other than the lectotype, are consequently reassigned to other species. These include the reinstatement of M. angusta (Wood) and its newly designated subspecies M. angusta angustina Schmitz, M. eupygis Schmitz, M. longifurca (Lundbeck) and M. monochaeta (Strobl) as valid species, and the recognition of M. buchsi sp. nov. from Germany, M. iberiensis sp. nov. from Spain, M. martensi sp. nov. from Nepal, M. nectergata sp. nov. from Britain, M. oviaraneae sp. nov. from Britain, and M. rotundapicis sp. nov. from Scotland. Five synonyms are proposed. The hitherto unknown male of M. petraea Schmitz is described. It and M. longifurca are reported from Britain and the latter from the Nearctic Region also. Natural history information is summarized for each species. In particular, it is reported that the species whose larvae prey upon spider eggs are M. angusta, M. longifurca and M. oviaraneae.  相似文献   

The Neotropical species and genera of the tribe Euderomphalini (Eulophidae: Entedoninae) are revised. Five genera are described as new: Cabeza, including six species (baeostigma (§, ¦), canaliculata (§), laticeps (¦), petiolata (§), planiscapus (§), ugaldei (§)); Itahipeus, including two species (brasilicola (§, ¦), euryceps (¦)); Monterrondo, including one species (aphelosoma (§)); Sifraneurus, including one species (strigifer (§)); Xenopomphale, including one species (sulcata (§)); all above-mentioned species are described as new. Five additional genera are included: Aleuroctonus LaSalle and Schauff, with four species, one described previously: vittatus (Dozier) (§, ¦), and three described here: latiscapus (§), marki, (§, ¦) and metallicus (§); Entedononecremnus Girault, with 14 species, two described previously: krauteri Zolnerowich and Rose (§, ¦), unicus Girault (§, ¦), and 12 described here: bennetti (§, ¦), bimaculatus (§, ¦), convexus (§, ¦), crassicornis (§, ¦), depressus (§), fulgens (§), hansoni (§, ¦), imdasus (§, ¦), parfer (§, ¦), reticulatus (§), tripar (§) and unicarinatus (§); Euderomphale Girault, with two species, one described previously: flavimedia (Howard), and one described here: sulciscapus (§, ¦); Neopomphale LaSalle and Schauff, with 20 species, two described previously: aleurothrixi (Dozier) (§, ¦), quercicola (Dozier) (§, ¦), and 18 described here: azofeifai (¦), cerrobius (¦), depilis (§), dichrous (§, ¦), erecta (¦), graciliclava (§), longicornis (¦), longipilis (§, ¦), nonaequa (§, ¦), noyesi (§), pinguicornis (§, ¦), prymna (§), rubescens (§, ¦), rubii (§), silvestris (¦), transversa (§), umbonata (§, ¦), xenipennis (§); Dasyomphale LaSalle and Schauff, including one species (chilensis LaSalle and Schauff). The genera are placed in either one of three genus-groups, one of which is newly created. The species Euderomphale quercicola Dozier is newly combined to Neopomphale. Lectotypes are designated for Entedononecremnus unicus Girault, Euderomphale quercicola Dozier and Gyrolasia flavimedia Howard. Key to genera and species are included.  相似文献   

Adult flies may visit faeces to lay eggs or larvae, to feed, or to drink, in dry weather. Within the group of calyptrate flies without meral bristles (Muscoidea), species that breed in faeces show a significantly greater tendency to visit it than those species that breed in other media. Oestroidea (with meral bristles) do not show this tendency, ecological confirmation of the anatomical fact that calyptrates fall into at least two distinct natural groupings. Visiting faeces to drink seems unimportant for muscoids. The dung of semi-wild browsing cattle is visited by few calyptrate fly species and is only attractive for a short time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1517-1563
A total of 53 Amiota (s. str.) species (75% of the world total) from Asia and Europe, including 10 new species, kamui, kimurai and planata from Japan, and aristata, cuii, macai, magniflava, nuerhachii, spinata and watabei from China, are reviewed with designation of two new synonymies and phylogenetic analysis. Based upon the result of cladistic analysis with 31 adult male morphological characters, the following conclusions are deduced: (1) The subgenus Amiota is monophyletic, so far as the Asian and European forms are concerned. (2) Seven monophyletic groups are recognized within this subgenus. Two of them correspond to known species-groups, the apodemata and sinuata groups, and the remaining five are established as new species-groups, the nagatai, basdeni, taurusata, alboguttata and rufescens groups. A key to all the studied species from Asia and Europe is provided.  相似文献   

Three new species are described: Foveacheles gigantea n. sp., F. halltalensis n. sp. and F. proxima n. sp. Their phylogenetic relationships are discussed. The new gigantea-species group is erected, based on the presence of a lyrifissure-like structure near the base of the fixed digit of the chelicera. A cheliceral lyrifissurelike structure has not been previously observed and described in literature on mites of the superfamily Eupodoidea. The definition of the genus Foveacheles is slightly adapted.  相似文献   

A total of 33 species of blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) are recorded from Idaho. They include 1 species each of Cochliomyia, Phormia, Protophormia, Trypocalliphora, Cyanus, Cynomya, and Melanodexia ; 12 species of Protocalliphora ; 5 species of Lucilia ; 6 species of Calliphora ; and 3 species of Pollenia . Other calliphorid species that may also occur in the state include 5 species of Protocalliphora and 3 species of Calliphora . Known distribution, periods of activity, abundance within the state, and biological notes are provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of rhagidiid mites are described from Oetztal Alps, Tyrol, Troglocheles archetypica n. sp. and T. aggerata n. sp. Their interspecific relationships are discussed and two new species-groups, T. strasseri and T. vornatscheri, are defined. A key to the known adult species of the genus Troglocheles Zacharda is given. Phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships among the known talus- and cave-dwelling species of this genus are briefly outlined, including the possibilities of sympatric versus allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):945-957
A new tephritid species from Pakistan, Stemonocera longisystylis sp. nov. Singh, Hancock & Ramamurthy is described and Stemonocera cervicornis (Brunetti) is redescribed with details of external morphology including genitalia and sexual dimorphism. A new combination Acidiostigma discale (Brunetti) is proposed for Acidia discalis Brunetti, previously included in Stemonocera.

http://zoobank.org/73F6BC90-8699-4C0A-9BA7-45349D32A8C3  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1489-1508
Several species, belonging to the genus Amphiblestrum Gray from the Atlantic-Mediterranean area are discussed. One species is described as new: A. frigidum sp. n., from Lower Pleistocene sediments of the Mediterranean area and from the Recent Northern Atlantic. Systematic affinities among species are discussed together with geographical, ecological and stratigraphical distributions. The climatic-palaeoclimatic significance of some species is stressed: A. lyrulatum and the fossil A. spaeleus and A. intermedius seem to be warm-temperate species whereas all the others are cool, boreal or boreal-arctic species. A. flemingi and A. frigidum sp. n., both Recent Northern Atlantic species known from Würmian submerged sediments and/or Lower Pleistocene outcrops of the Mediterranean area are considered as Boreal Guests.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1143-1151
The Afrotropical genus Sisyrophanus Karsch is reviewed and a key is provided for the separation of the eight known species, including Sisyrophanus stylifer sp. nov. which is described from Burundi and Tanzania.  相似文献   

Three new species of the Stegana (Oxyphortica) convergens species group are described from South China: S. (O.) gonglui Wang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) xiaoyangae Zhang and Chen, sp. nov., and S. (O.) zhulinae Wang and Chen, sp. nov. The diagnosis of S. (O.) setifrons is revised. A key to all eight species of this group is provided. The phylogenetic relationships among the eight species of this group are reconstructed using DNA sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene (cytochrome c oxidase, subunit I). The intra- and interspecific pairwise Kimura’s two-parameter (K-2P) distances for these species are summarised. Moreover, 35 COI sequences of the eight convergens species show the presence of 30 species-specific base substitutions in 28 nucleotide sites in the character-based analysis.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8AC2D398-96F2-4EE5-AE0D-16B8761BD55D  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):557-563
The genus Shamshevia Grichanov, gen. nov. is described from Namibia to accommodate a new species, Shamshevia hoanibensis Grichanov sp. nov. Despite flattened posterior mesonotum, the new genus is placed in the subfamily Diaphorinae and is considered close to the genus Dactylonotus Parent, differing from the latter in peculiar characters of male antenna, wing and genitalia.  相似文献   

Three new species of Copidognathinae (Acari: Halacaridae) are described from the eastern coast of southern Africa (Mozambique; South Africa: Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal). Copidognathus caloglossae sp. nov. and Acarothrix umgenica sp. nov. were collected in mangrove habitats, whereas Copidognathus xaixaiensis sp. nov. was collected on a rocky shore. Acarothrix umgenica represents the first record of the genus Acarothrix Bartsch, 1990 from the African continent.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2649-2665
Munromyia marsabitensis sp. nov. is described from the isolated mountains of Marsabit in northern Kenya. It can be distinguished from the two known congeners by the thoracic and abdominal colour patterns, structure of the male and female terminalia, and host plants. Larvae are seed predators, developing within the green, aborted fruits of Chionanthus battiscombei. Over 70% of sampled fruits (n?=?74) were infested with larvae, but nearly all of the individually infested fruits (96.1%) produced only one adult tephritid. Bactrocera biguttula, but not M. marsabitensis, was reared from ripe fruits of the same plant.  相似文献   

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