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Eighteen species of the cheilostome bryozoan genus Arachnopusia Jullien are described from Antarctic, Subantarctic and southern cold temperate localities. Eleven species are considered to be new to science. The morphology of Arachnopusia species is discussed, with particular reference to features of taxonomic value, and the zoogeography of the genus is considered briefly.  相似文献   

Thirty eight species of anascan Cheilostomata are described from the collections of Discovery Investigations, and other British antarctic expeditions. Ten new species are described, including Stomhypselosaria watersi introduced for Cellaria dubia (Busk) sensu Waters (1904). Two new genera are introduced, and Swanomia nom. nov. is proposed for Mawsonia Livingstone 1928, non Woodward 1907.  相似文献   

Project HABITATS was recently initiated in the Campos Basin (20.5–24° S), state of Rio de Janeiro, to assess biological impacts of petroleum exploration and exploitation on the continental shelf and slope of Brazil. Among species discovered in benthic samples from the area is the hydroid Monobrachium parasitum Mereschkowsky, 1877, occurring in an epibiotic association with the pelecypod mollusc Mendicula ferruginosa (Forbes, 1844): this is the first report of an association between the two species. Monobrachium parasitum has always been reported from cold waters, and is generally considered bipolar. This report records the occurrence of M. parasitum at lower latitudes, where they have seldom been collected: it is also the first account of this species from South America and the southwestern Atlantic. Moreover, the bathymetric distribution of M. parasitum is extended to a depth of 998 m. No previous records exist of hydroids from the Brazilian continental slope.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1509-1528
The polychaete Polydora colonia is a widely distributed symbiont of sponges that has been reported as introduced into the Mediterranean Sea. Polydora colonia is re-described based on specimens associated with the sponges Microciona prolifera and Halichondria bowerbanki from New York and aspects of its reproduction and feeding biology are described for the first time. The morphology of P. colonia agrees with previous reports of this species. Females of P. colonia deposited egg capsules (14–19 eggs/capsule) in their tubes on sponges and adelphophagy was observed. Larvae appear to be competent to settle on hosts at the 13-chaetiger stage. One commensal ciliate and one parasitic copepod were found associated with P. colonia. P. colonia as an introduced species is evaluated based on current evidence. Sponge material was observed in the gut of > 50% of the worms examined but further studies are needed to evaluate whether P. colonia is selectively feeding on M. prolifera.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-20):1047-1161
We found 39 cheilostome species among more than 7000 specimens collected at 10 intertidal sites in rocky habitats along the shore of Akkeshi Bay, eastern Hokkaido Island, Japan. These species are herein described in detail and illustrated by scanning electron microscopy. Nine species (23% of total) are described as new (Electra asiatica, Callopora sarae, Conopeum nakanosum, Cauloramphus cryptoarmatus, Cauloramphus multispinosus, Cauloramphus niger, Stomachetosella decorata, Microporella luellae, and Celleporina minima), and 21 species (54%) are reported for the first time from Japan. Species richness ranged from eight to 29 species per study site. A TWINSPAN analysis showed the species fell into nine groups defined by the local pattern of distribution. A cluster analysis of study sites based on similarity of species composition showed three faunistic groups distributed geographically: in Akkeshi Lake, along the eastern‐central shore of the bay, and at the mouth of the bay. Species richness in estuarine Akkeshi Lake was low, with a species composition very different from the outer bay. Most cheilostomes were found on rock and shell substrata, but uncommonly occurred on concrete walls, algae, hydroids, tubes of polychaetes, other bryozoans, and anthropogenic debris. Of the 39 species found, 33 (85%) contained embryos during the collecting periods, 2–7 June and 3–6 July 2004. The biogeographical composition of intertidal cheilostomes at Akkeshi Bay included species with Arctic‐Boreal (28%), Boreal (59%), and Boreal‐Subtropical (13%) distributions. The overall species richness of intertidal cheilostomes was two‐thirds that documented intertidally in a comparable study at Kodiak, Alaska, a locality 15° higher in latitude. We attribute the lower richness at Akkeshi to differences in the nearshore marine environment between the two localities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):1601-1619
Members of the bryozoan family Petraliellidae share the capacity to develop basal rhizoids, which anchor the unilaminar, semi-repent parts of the colonies above the substratum, and enable them to overgrow other, competing sessile forms. Little is known of the larval behaviour and settlement, or the early astogeny of species. Ancestrulate colonies of the Australian Tertiary lunulitiform species Smittia biincisa are referred to the genus Riscodopa, and together with Riscodopa paucipora sp. nov. are described and compared with the Recent species R. cotyla and R. parva from New Zealand, and with R. hyalina sp. nov. from New South Wales, Australia. All the Recent species are known to develop basal rhizoids, and an early astogeny similar to that of many other small, rooted bryozoans, comprising the post-metamorphosis development of a binary complex, including rhizoid and feeding elements, is inferred for Riscodopa. Observations on living Hippopetraliella magna from Queensland suggest that both the ancestrular morphology and early astogeny show a capacity for semi-repent growth, even though they do not include rhizoid development. Larvae metamorphose without direct attachment, and the ancestrula develops elongated, partially calcified supporting processes, which raise the early stages of growth above the substratum. A similar kind of ancestrula has been found in preserved specimens of Mucropetraliella ellerii.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of the encrusting bryozoan genus Chaperiopsis Uttley are described from material collected by Discovery Investigations. Six species are considered to be new to science. The type-species, Membranipora galeata Busk, 1854, is redescribed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(4):1057-1065
We propose that Chaperiopsis annulus (Manzoni, 1870) is conspecific with C. cristata (Busk, 1884), and that C. annulus has priority. We also record this species for the first time from the European Atlantic coast.  相似文献   

Three species of Characodoma Maplestone, 1990 from the Mediterranean are discussed here. Two, C. rostratum and C. reclinatum are described as new from Pleistocene bathyal sediments of Southern Italy. The third, C. mamillatum (Seguenza, 1880) was already known from Tertiary-to-Quaternary sediments of Southern Italy. It has been recognized as the senior synonym of C. bifurcatum (Waters, 1918). Stratigraphical, geographical and ecological distributions of all the species are discussed. Morphological studies, principally of C. mamillatum, provide useful information about the life habit of these species.  相似文献   

The three species of Cellaria with large avicularia (the size of an autozooid) known from West Africa have been studied: C. atlantida Cook, C. cookae n. sp. and C. salicornioides Lamouroux. All three are figured by SEM. Cellaria cookae n. sp. is mainly distinguished by its avicularium, with arched and pointed rostrum and mandible and a cryptocyst with a rectangular lyrula. Cellaria atlantida is characterised by its bell shaped Cellaria avicularium. The recognition of C. salicornioides var. normani is considered to be unjustified, as the distinctive character, which is the existence of lateral branching, is only a feature of young colonies and tends to disappear later.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):975-1001
The early history of the genus Tydeus, the type genus of the family Tydeidae, is complex and convoluted and, subsequently, even the identity of the type species of the family remains unclear. First, the literature is thoroughly analysed and morphological characters of some species are reappraised. After studying Oudemans' types, two species inquirendae, Tydeus croceus and T. cruciatus, are redescribed and a third, T. spathulatus, removed from synonymy and reinstated as a valid species. A fourth species, confused with T. spathulatus, is described. A lectotype is designated for T. spathulatus and a neotype for T. croceus. After discussion, the genus Lorryia Oudemans, is re‐established in its pristine state. As the redescribed species were designated as type species by Oudemans, the following new generic synonymies are proposed: Raphitydeus Thor, and Lorryia Oudemans, sensu Ka?mierski (, ) are junior synonyms of Brachytydeus Thor, ; Homeotydeus André, (partim) and Pseudolorryia Ka?mierski, are junior synonyms of Calotydeus Oudemans, ; Brachytydeus Thor, (partim), Calotydeus Oudemans, (partim), Tydeus Koch, sensu Oudemans, (partim), Orthotydeus André, , and Tydeus Koch, sensu Ka?mierski, are junior synonyms of Tydeus Koch, . To stabilize the usage of the names, especially that of the genus type of the family Tydeidae, the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature will be asked to set aside all previous type species designations for Tydeus and to designate Tydeus spathulatus as the type species, with Oudemans' specimens from Italy as primary type material.  相似文献   

Three new species of the Stegana (Oxyphortica) convergens species group are described from South China: S. (O.) gonglui Wang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) xiaoyangae Zhang and Chen, sp. nov., and S. (O.) zhulinae Wang and Chen, sp. nov. The diagnosis of S. (O.) setifrons is revised. A key to all eight species of this group is provided. The phylogenetic relationships among the eight species of this group are reconstructed using DNA sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene (cytochrome c oxidase, subunit I). The intra- and interspecific pairwise Kimura’s two-parameter (K-2P) distances for these species are summarised. Moreover, 35 COI sequences of the eight convergens species show the presence of 30 species-specific base substitutions in 28 nucleotide sites in the character-based analysis.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8AC2D398-96F2-4EE5-AE0D-16B8761BD55D  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2557-2574
The selection of Tubulipora lobulata Hincks, 1880 Hincks, T. 1880. A history of the British marine Polyzoa, London, , (UK): Van Voorst. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] as type species when establishing Oncousoecia is interpreted as a deliberate misapplication of a name, the nominal species T. lobulata having been originally described by Hassall in 1841 Hassall, A. H. 1841. Supplement to a catalogue of Irish zoophytes.. Ann Mag Nat Hist., 7: 363373. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. Canu is deemed to have created a new nominal species, Oncousoecia lobulata Canu, 1918 Canu, F. 1918. Les ovicelles des bryozoaires cyclostomes. Études sur quelques familles nouvelles et anciennes.. Bull Soc Géol France, Série 4, 16[for 1916]: 324335.  [Google Scholar], which is the valid type species of Oncousoecia. Microeciella Taylor and Sequeiros, 1982 Taylor, P. D. and Sequeiros, L. 1982. Toarcian bryozoans from Belchite in north‐east Spain.. Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist), Geol Ser., 37: 117129.  [Google Scholar] and Eurystrotos Hayward and Ryland, 1985 have each been used to accommodate similar oncousoeciid species with subcircular colonies. The type species of Eurystrotos, Alecto compacta Norman, 1867 Norman, A. M. Report of the committee appointed for the purpose of exploring the coasts of the Hebrides by means of the dredge. – Part II. On the Crustacea, Echinodermata, Polyzoa, and Hydrozoa. Report of the 36th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. 1866, pp.193206.  [Google Scholar], has a branching colony‐form and does not differ appreciably from Oncousoecia with which it is here synonymized. Another species, Diastopora suborbicularis Hincks, 1880 Hincks, T. 1880. A history of the British marine Polyzoa, London, , (UK): Van Voorst. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], previously regarded as being a junior synonym of A. compacta Norman, 1867 Norman, A. M. Report of the committee appointed for the purpose of exploring the coasts of the Hebrides by means of the dredge. – Part II. On the Crustacea, Echinodermata, Polyzoa, and Hydrozoa. Report of the 36th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. 1866, pp.193206.  [Google Scholar] (itself a subjective junior synonym of Alecto dilatans Johnston, 1847 Johnston, G. 1847. A history of British zoophytes, London, , (UK): Van Voorst. 2nd edition [Google Scholar]), has a different ancestrular morphology and an unbranched colony‐form. It is here transferred to Microeciella.  相似文献   

The use of the generic name Colpodes MacLeay, 1825, is reviewed, along with characteristics previously attributed to the genus by various authors of Carabidae. The single known specimen of the type species, Rembus (Colpodes) brunneus MacLeay, is designated as lectotype, redescribed and figured. Based on comprehensive character analysis, including external anatomical, male genitalic, and female genitalic and reproductive tract characters, application of the generic-level name Colpodes is restricted to a clade of Javanese species also including Colpodes brittoni Louwerens and C. latus Louwerens. In order to further nomenclatural stability within Platynini, Colpodes should best be considered a subgeneric component of an expanded genus Platynus Bonelli, 1810.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29):2671-2704
Fifteen new species of cheilostomatous Bryozoa are described from the subantarctic Marion and Prince Edward Islands: Pyriporoides judyae, Valdemunitella dianae, Cornucopina elongata, Cornucopina bryonyae, Cornucopina antlera, Paracellaria elizabethae, Filaguria lithocrustata, Celleporella marionensis, Catenicella glabrosa, Ipsibuffonella hyalina, Parkermavella corrugata, Calloporina spinosa, Fenestrulina pumicosa, Microporella mandibulata, and Reteporellina berylae. Two species originally described from the region, Sclerodomus myriozoides and Reteporella gigantea, are here reported for only the second time, while three others, Celleporella alia, Celleporella bougainvillei, and Talivittaticella frigida, represent new records for Marion Island. Phonicosia jousseaumei was previously recorded from Marion Island as P. circinata.  相似文献   

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