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Two new species representing new genera of tantulocaridans are described from western Japan. Paradoryphallophora inusitata n.g., n.sp. is parasitic on deep-sea asellote isopods and belongs in the family Doryphallophoridae. It differs from the type genus Doryphallophora in the form of the abdomen and thoracopods of the adult male, and in the stylet and the pore pattern on the dorsal cephalic shield of the tantulus larvae. Hypertantulus siphonicola n.g., n.sp. infests shallow-water siphonostomatoid copepods and is assigned to the family Basipodellidae on the basis of the pattern of thoracic tergite separation of the male trunk sac. A developing sexual female is described, only the second known from the Tantulocarida. This is the first record of tantulocaridans on a representative of the copepod order Siphonostomatoida and the first case of presumed hyperparasitism recorded in the group.  相似文献   


A new species of the recently designated crustacean class Tantulocarida (Deoterthron megacephala sp. nov.) is described from New Zealand waters, ectoparasitic on an undescribed new species of the deep sea asellote genus Haploniscus, collected by epibenthic sledge at a depth of 1386 metres. Illustrations of the new parasite include the first scanning electron microscope photographs of a tantulocaridan. The genotype, Deoterthron dentatum Bradford & Hewitt has been re-examined to clarify certain structural features.  相似文献   

The deep-sea asellote isopod species belonging to the family Haploniscidae were studied from three study sites off the North Carolina coast and one off Bermuda. The following five new species, belonging to the new genus Chandraniscus, are described: C. kussakini from Alpha-A off Bermuda (1300 m), C. eastwardae, C. costlowi and C. chardyi from the Carolina lower slope site Beta and C. negoescuae at site Sigma on the Carolina continental rise (4910 m). Three new species of Haploniscus are described: H. kensleyi from the Carolina upper continental slope at Alpha-B, H. gnanamuthi from site Alpha-A off Bermuda, H. harrietae from site Beta. A new species Chauliodoniscus wilsoni from site Sigma is also described. Three new species of the genus Hydroniscus, found in this alpha-taxonomic study, include H. buzwilsoni and H. malyutinae from site Beta and H. watlingi from both Beta and Sigma. Two new species of the genus Antennuloniscus, A. menziesi and A. lincolni, are described from site Beta over the Carolina lower continental slope.  相似文献   

Aega falcata sp. nov. is described from two female specimens from about 500m off Taiwan. The species' most distinctive feature, which readily distinguishes it from all others described, is the flattened falcate plates of the two basal articles of the antennular peduncle. Three specimens of Anuropus pacificus Lincoln and Jones, 1973, are recorded from 400 to 500m. These include a male, an ovigerous and a larvigerous female having numerous manca in the broodpouch. Given the rarity of specimens of Anuropus, all three forms, as well as the manca, are described in some detail.  相似文献   

Four species of chondracanthid copepods are reported from grenadier fishes (Macrouridae) taken in the deep waters off Japan. They are Chondracanthus neali Leigh-Sharpe, 1930 from the oral cavity floor of Malacocephalus nippoensis Gilbert et Hubbs; Chondracanthodes deflexus Wilson, 1932 from the gill cover of Coryphaenoides armatus (Hector); Jusheyhoea ryukyuensis sp. nov. from the oral cavity wall of Coelorhynchus anatirostris Jordan et Gilbert, C. gilberti Jordan et Hubbs and C. productus Gilbert et Hubbs; and Chelonichondria okamurai gen. et sp. nov. from the gill cover of Coryphaenoides nasutus Günther. A key to the 42 genera of the Chondracanthidae is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1925-1935
In this paper three species of terrestrial isopods from Sicily are discussed. Spelaeoniscus coiffaiti and Cylisticus convexus are new to the Sicilian fauna. Sicilian specimens of Spelaeoniscus coiffaiti are examined and illustrated, and the biogeographical significance of this species in Sicily is discussed. Trichoniscus panormidensis is described as a new species, and the affinities are treated.  相似文献   


The corallanid isopods, C. nodosa, C. estuaria sp. nov. C. bidentata sp. nov. and C. tridentata sp. nov. have been found within timbers of mangroves and man-made structures in marine and brackish waters around Papua New Guinea. Corallana estuaria, C. bidentata and C. tridentata are new to science and are described in detail. In addition, aspects of the ecology of all four species are considered, including their association with the marine-boring isopods, Sphaeroma terebrans and S. triste.  相似文献   


Two new species of parasitic copepods from the North Atlantic, Rhizorhina leptostracae associated with Nebaliella caboti, and Rhizorhina tanaidaceae from Leviapseudes hanseni, are described. Leptostracans and tanaids are new host groups for this genus. The systematic position of Rhizorhina is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2901-2913
Three bopyrid isopods of the subfamily Athelginae parasitizing hermit crabs collected in Chinese waters are discussed and described in this paper. Athelges takanoshimensis Ishii, 1914 Ishii, S. 1914. On a new epicaridean isopod (Athelges takanoshimensis sp. nov.) from Eupagurus samuelis Stimpson. Annot Zool Jpn, 8: 519530.  [Google Scholar] is recorded again from China on Pagurus pectinatus (Stimpson) and from Hong Kong on a new host, Pagurus minutus Hess. Parathelges enoshimensis Shiino, 1950 Shiino, SM. 1950. Notes on some new bopyrids from Japan. J Mie Med Coll, 1: 151167.  [Google Scholar] is recorded for the first time from China on a member of the genus Spiropagurus. Pseudostegias setoensis Shiino, 1933 Shiino, SM. 1933. Bopyrids from Tanabe Bay. Mem Coll Sci Kyoto Imperial Univ ser. B, 8: 249300.  [Google Scholar] is recorded again from Hong Kong but from a new host, Clibanarius virescens Hess, and for the first time from Hainan Province on a new host Calcinus laevimanus (Randall). A combination of light and scanning electron microscopy is used to investigate the morphology of these species and data on their prevalence with hermit crab hosts are provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1233-1246
Six species of copepods parasitic on elasmobranch fishes from the Peruvian coast has been recorded. Two of them, Eudactylina peruensis and E. myliobatidos parasitic on Rhinobatos planiceps (Rhinobatidae) and Myliobatis chilensis (Myliobatidae), are considered new species. New geographical and host records for Pseudocharopinus narcinae Pillai, Pseudocharopinoides myliobatidos Castro and Baeza, Perissopus oblongus (Wilson) and Trebius latifurcatus (Wilson) are included, as also is a checklist of copepod species parasitic on elasmobranch fishes from the coast of the South American Pacific.  相似文献   

Speleophriopsis balearicus n. gen., n. sp., and Speleophria gymnesica, n. sp. are described from the flooded coastal karst of the Balearic Is. Two existing species of Speleophria are transferred to the new genus. Speleophriopsis scottodicarloi (Boxshall and Iliffe), new combination, occurs on Bermuda (Atlantic) and S. campaneri (Boxshall and Iliffe), new combination, in the Palau Archipelago (Indo-West Pacific). The type species of Speleophria is known only from caves on Bermuda. Both genera are noteworthy for displaying the most primitive condition known in copepods of the allobasis of maxilla (setal formula 5,3), and of the male antennule which, in Speleophriopsis n. gen., is geniculate but exhibits a 27-segmented condition. They inhabit cave waters with salinities in excess of 18‰., avoiding lower salinity inland groundwater habitats. A Tethyan relict status is proposed for both taxa.  相似文献   

Three Poecilochaetus species occurring in N.Z. waters are described. Poecilochaetus trachyderma n. sp. is similar to P. fulgoris Claparède; P. aff. bermudensis Hartman and P. sp. 3 are previously unrecorded species, but as yet only anterior fragments have been obtained. Setal microstructures were examined by scanning electron microscopy. P. trachyderma and P. aff. bermudensis have distinctive capillary setae with nested spiral palisades of fused spinules. P. aff. bermudensis has hispidpappose capillaries with twin accessory spines. A key to the family is given.  相似文献   


Two species of bopyrid isopods of the Bopyrinae subfamily are recorded from new localities and hosts in northeastern Brazil. Parabopyrella lata (Nierstrasz and Brender à Brandis, 1929) was recorded from the state of Ceará, found for the first time parasitising the caridean shrimp Alpheus packardii Kingsley, 1880. In addition, Probopyrus cf. pandalicola (Packard, 1879) is recorded from the state of Bahia, parasitising the palaemonid shrimp Palaemon northropi (Rankin, 1898). Taxonomic comments are provided for each species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23):2787-2806
Three new species of the deep-water family Neotanaididae Lang are described. Neotanais minimus n. sp. and N. curvimanus n. sp. were collected from the Gulf of Mexico and are the first species to be described from this region. Neotanais minimus cannot be grouped with other Neotanais species, since it displays characters from all groupings. Neotanais curvimanus has strong affinities to the ‘americanus’ group but can be separated by the short pereonite 6 and by the presence of many setulose setae lateral on the pleonites. Male N. curvimanus can easily be separated from all other species of the genus by the cheliped fixed finger being only half as long as the dactylus and the dactylus being incurved from fixed finger at an angle of about 40°. Neotanais noelietaiti n. sp. was found off south-east Australia and is the first Neotanais species to be described from Australian waters. It also has strong affinities to the ‘americanus’ group but can be distinguished by the complete lack of a midventral keel and by the uropodal exopod being as long as the endopod article 1.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2255-2272
Two new species of asterocherid associated with sponges are described from the Mediterranean Sea. They are Psilomyzon laetitiae sp. nov. and Psilomyzon sarcotragusicola sp. nov. The genus Psilomyzon consists of only one known species, P. pauciseta. The two new species can be easily distinguished from the cogener species by reduction of the endopod of leg 4. In P. pauciseta the leg 4 endopod is 3-segmented, with the third segment reduced; in both new species it is 2-segmented, with the second segment carrying an inner projection, possibly homologous to the third segment of the leg 4 endopod of P. pauciseta. In the two new species, the bifid outer process on male leg 4 second endopodal segment seems to be serially homologous to the similar processes on the same segment in legs 1–3, whereas the inner projection may represent a vestigial element of the third endopodal segment of leg 4.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:33BF0653-BBA9-426B-B365-5D8C62DFD44A  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2329-2356
A lineal “island” theory is proposed to account for the dispersal of marine/estuarine, supralittoral talitrid populations, both to and from isolated shore “islands” on continental and true oceanic islands. Evolution may occur following dispersal to shores that are contiguous with ecologically open habitats, inclusive of sub-tropical forest litter and caves. Specific hypotheses of the lineal “island” theory are therefore: the conventional wrack hypothesis 1 – direct from marine supralittoral wrack to subtropical forest litter; the driftwood hypothesis 2(a) – direct from marine supralittoral driftwood to subtropical forest litter; the driftwood hypothesis 2(b) – direct from the marine supralittoral driftwood to caves opening on a marine supralittoral; and the driftwood hypothesis 2(c) – direct from the marine supralittoral driftwood via caves to subtropical forest litter. Circumstantial evidence supporting each hypothesis is presented using the ecology and distribution data of the talitrid fauna of the northeast Atlantic islands, north of 25°N and south of 40°N, including the Canaries, Madeira and the Azores archipelagos. The currently known talitrid fauna of all these islands includes 15 species: seven endemic, subtropical landhoppers, two synanthropically introduced landhoppers, three wrack generalists, one sand-burrowing specialist, one specialist cavehopper, and one specialist driftwood hopper. Based on distributional data from the northeastern Atantic islands, specialist driftwood hoppers have a long distance dispersal capability, which makes them potential colonizers of distant oceanic islands. Talitrids provide an excellent model of dispersal and speciation, whose evolutionary pathways can be solved by modern genetic methods.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2639-2652

Two new species of siphonostomatoid copepods are described based on specimens collected off Tokara Islands located in the northern part of the Ryukyu Islands, Southern Japan. Cholomyzon multisetum sp. nov. (Coralliomyzontidae) found from the orange cup coral Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 (Hexacorallia: Scleractinia: Dendrophylliidae) has the following characters: armature formula of the antennule of the female; the outer lobe of the maxillule; and numbers of elements on the legs 1 to 3. Another species, Entomopsyllus takara sp. nov. (Entomolepididae), was found from both the Indo-Pacific blue coral Heliopora coerulea (Pallas, 1766) (Octocorallia: Helioporacea: Helioporidae) and the race coral Distichopora violacea (Pallas, 1766) (Hydrozoa: Anthoathecata: Stylasteridae). This new species of the male specimen is characterized by the antennule with shortest sixth segment, the endopod of leg 2 bearing two inner setae on the second segment and five setae on the third segment, the third exopodal and endopodal segments of leg 3 bearing three spines and three setae, respectively, and the third exopodal segment of leg 4 bearing four setae. These two species represented the first records of the families Coralliomyzontidae and Entomolepididae from Japanese waters.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7C8DED0A-9CEB-405D-9BBF-FAF2043B0858  相似文献   

Three new species of zerconid mites, Prozercon (Prozercon) mersinensis, P. (Prozercon) yavuzi and P. (Prozercon) kafkasoricus, from Turkey are described and illustrated, and a key to adults of known species of Prozercon provided.  相似文献   

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