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The name Processa canaliculata Leach has been applied to a species other than that to which the holotype belongs. The species P. canaliculata Nouvel & Holthuis non Leach has no valid name; it is re-named P. nouveli, with type material from Monaco.

P. nouveli and P. canaliculata have been considered to be conspecific by one recent author. New characters for their separation are described from Irish Sea material.

The northern form of P. nouveli differs from the Mediterranean form sufficiently to be placed in a separate subspecies. The name P. nouveli holthuisi is proposed for it, with type material from the Irish Sea.

The distribution of the four species and subspecies of Processa known to occur in northern Europe is reviewed.  相似文献   


In this paper the different interpretations of the genus Delthyris are discussed, and that given by Schuchert in 1913 is adopted with slight amendment. The species Delthyris elevata, D. crispa, D. elegans (nom. nov. for D. crispa, Hisinger, non Linnæus), and D. tenuilamellata, sp. n., from the British Silurian, are all described and figured.

The distinguishing characters of the genera Uncinulus and Uncinulina are pointed out, and Uncinulina is retained with U. fallaciosa as genotype. Rhynchonella stricklandi and Terebratula lewisi are transferred to the genus Uncinulina. Meristina tumida (Dalman) is shown to be a synonym of Meristina obtusa (Sowerby).

The British Silurian Spirifers can be separated into two groups:—(1) those with longitudinal folds and a transverse ornament of imbricating lamellæ (=Delthyris of Dalman) and (2) those with longitudinal folds bearing fine continuous longitudinal striæ (=Eospirifer of Schuchert).

The species referable to both these genera have as a rule been assigned to the genus Spirifer, from which, however, they differ in internal characters.  相似文献   


The distribution of phylacites (single-celled dart glands) and pits in the skin of the four British species of Oxychilus is described. These features are peculiar to the genus. The distribution patterns are specific and have been used to compile a key.  相似文献   


A new species of Halectinosoma Lang, 1948, H. pterinum sp. nov. is described from the Isle of Man. Examination of this and some other species of the genus under high magnifications suggests that the diagnosis of the genus may have to be modified.  相似文献   


Nine soil, freshwater, and marine species of Thecamoeba have been isolated and investigated, and nine other probably or possibly valid species were reviewed from the literature. Locomotive form/behaviour and interphase nuclear structure are adequate to distinguish all known species, and on that basis the diagnoses of several species have been clarified and questions of possible synonymy resolved.

Most known species can be placed into either a rugose or a smooth group, but it is not yet clear that the genus can be formally divided along that line.

Feeding experiments and observations on six soil and freshwater species showed interspecific differences in the kind of protozoan prey ingested. Species also differed in their rate of multiplication in culture.

One recently discovered species, T. proteoides, approaches Amoeba proteus in both morphological and cultural characteristics more than does any other known species of Thecamoeba but is clearly a member of the latter genus.  相似文献   


The genus Tristria is redescribed and defined, and a key is given to the known genera of the subfamily Tropidopolinae. A key to the nine species included in the genus is also provided, and all the species are diagnosed and notes given on their distribution.  相似文献   


A short historical background to the genera considered is given. A review is made of a number of characters which had previously only been treated inconsistently, or not at all. As a result, the old-world genus Ctenacroscelis is merged with Holorusia sensu stricto, as represented by the isolated Californian type-species. All other species previously referred to Holorusia sensu lato are redistributed to two genera; the tropical South American and New Zealand forms are united into Zelandotipula; the Chilean element and the Australian species are united into Ischnotoma, the name Icriomastax Enderlein being resurrected as a subgenus to receive most of the Chilean species.

Tentative phylogenetic and zoogeographic observations are made. Holorusia and Ischnotoma are considered and discussed as sister-groups, whilst Zelandotipula is believed to be only distantly related. Zoogeographically Holorusia is seen as a successful Asiatic genus; Ischnotoma as a receding group, with extreme southern-continental distribution, having had a much wider distribution as indicated by the European Oligocene fossil Holorusia vasifera, transferred here to Ischnotoma. Zelandotipula is viewed as an essentially Neotropical genus, which has made one ‘invasion’ of New Zealand, probably in the geologically recent past.

Résumés of the principal features of the re-defined genera are given, together with systematic notes on certain species, and species catalogues giving distributions and all new name combinations.  相似文献   


A new genus and species of pilargid polychaete, Litocorsa stremma, is described from silty grounds on the west coast of Scotland. Its relationship to other pilargid genera is discussed. Notes on two other pilargid species and a revised key to the genera of the Pilargidae are given.  相似文献   


A taxonomic review of 15 species comprising the genus Bagatus (Asellota, Janiridae) is presented with the following species described as new (type-localities in parenthesis): Bagatus nereus (Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil), B. triton (Belize, British Honduras) and B. brachydactylus (La Parguera, Puerto Rico).

Taxonomic characters and ontogenetic variation is discussed, and the status of dubious species clarified. B. crosslandi (Stebbing) is reinstated as a valid species; B. longimanus Pillai is considered a junior synonym of B. algicola (Miller) and B. falcifer (Barnard) a junior synonym of B. parvus (Omer-Cooper). Keys to species-groups and to species are provided together with notes on the geographical distribution and habitat.  相似文献   


This contribution establishes the characters of the genus Triozastus and the characters distinguishing six of the nine species, and is based on a re-examination of reliably identified material. It is concluded that the six species should not be reduced to subspecies as has been proposed by Schedl and that the synonymy T. propatulus Schedl 1935 = T. handeniensis Nunberg 1960 is correct.

Zunächst möchte ich an dieser Stelle meinen Dank ausprechen dem Department of Entomology in British Museum, speziell Herrn R. T. Thompson, wie auch Herrn P. Basilewsky, Chef der Entomologischen Abteilung in Kön. Museum für Zentral Afrika in Tervuren, für das bereitvillige Ausleihen der nötigen Käfer. Leider zum Bearbeiten der Art Triozastus pertenuis Schedl habe ich kein Material gehabt, weil die Typen nicht zugänglich sind (das Pariser Museum f. Naturkunde antwortet überhaupt nicht, Prof. Schedl leiht nicht die Typen).  相似文献   


A new species of terrestrial isopod, Metatrichonixoides celticus is described and differentiated from other European species of the same genus. M. celticus occurs on the coast of South Wales, U.K. and its supralittoral habitat is outlined.  相似文献   


Brachygaster minutus is a parasite of the oothecae of three species of British field-dwelling cockroaches belonging to the genus Ectobius. This species has previously received very little attention probably due to its restricted occurrence in Britain and the difficulties encountered in its collection. The life cycle and development of the parasite is described. The species is solitary in habit, the single larva overwintering within the ootheca as a final instar. The emergence of the adult the following summer is perfectly synchronized with the occurrence in the field of the particular cockroach species. Aspects of the mating and oviposition behaviour of the parasite are described.  相似文献   


A new species of Argyrophylax, parasitic on the Banana Scab-Moth Nacoleia octasema Meyrick, is described and the Oriental and Australasian species of this genus are reviewed; a key is given for their identification. Six species and a subspecies hitherto placed in other genera are here assigned to Argyrophylax, and seven new combinations are established; two specific names are newly placed in synonymy.  相似文献   


The African Ctenidae in the Collections of the British Museum (Natural History) are revised. Thirty species are contained in the subfamilies Cteninae and Acantheinae. Ctenus batesii Pocock, 1903, is a synonym of Ctenus capulinus (Karsch), 1879, Ctenus dirus Thorell, 1899, is a synonym of Ctenus kingsleyi F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1898, Ctenus marshalli F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1898, is a synonym of Ctenus melanogastra (Bösenberg & Lenz), 1895, and Ctenus spenceri F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1898, is a synonym of Ctenus pulchriventris Simon, 1896.

The subfamily Acantheinae is recorded from Africa for the first time. A new genus, Africactenus, is erected for a group of allied species. The genotype is Ctenus agilior Pocock, 1899, and the following new species are described:—A. depressus, A. desartsi, A kribiensis, A. pococki, A. sandersoni, A. simoni, A. sladeni, A. tridentatus and A. trilateralis. Ctenus longurio Simon, 1909, is transferred to the genus Africactenus on examination of the type-material.

Certain species from the Simon Collection are listed in the Appendix and figured for the first time.  相似文献   


Acanthochondrites inflatus (Bainbridge, 1909), parasitic on the branchial cavity wall of Raja radiata is redescribed and a comparison of its morphological features is made with the only other species of the genus, A. annulatus (Olsson, 1869.)  相似文献   

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