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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2857-2873

In the framework of faunistic research conducted along the Apulian coast of Italy, three new species of thelepodid polychaetes are reported: Streblosoma pseudocomatus sp. nov., S. nogueirai sp. nov. and S. hutchingsae sp. nov. The taxonomic position of S. comatus is clarified and emended as Thelepus comatus. The described species are characterised by their C-shaped arrangement of uncini. The species are compared with their closest congeners and a synoptic table is provided for the species of Streblosma with C-shaped tori.




urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:BEC2919B-4CAD-4314-B829-79E02C5D53A3  相似文献   


Mesoplophora invisitata sp. nov. is described from Uganda.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2357-2363
A new genus of soil-inhabiting nematode belonging to the family Mydonomidae Thorne, 1964 Thorne, G. 1964. Nematodes of Puerto Rico: Belondiroidea, new superfamily, Leptonchidae Thorne, 1934 and Belonenchidae new family (Nematoda, Adenophorea, Dorylaimida). University Puerto Rico Agriculture Experiment Station Technical paper No. 39, : 51 [Google Scholar] is described and illustrated from natural forests of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Paratimmus provulvatus gen. nov., sp .nov. is characterized by having a continuous lip region; tiny, asymmetrical odontostyle; single distinctly sclerotized guiding ring; simple, rod-like odontophore; a thin sheath (not spiral) around basal pharyngeal bulb; elongate conoid cardia; mono-opisthodelphic female genital system; transverse vulva; long filiform tail in both sexes and males with dorylaimoid spicules and three to four spaced ventromedian supplements.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1983-1991
Two new species are here described and illustrated: Falkovitshella hindukushi sp. nov. from north-eastern Afghanistan, and Scythris wadiqeltella sp. nov. from Palestine. Scythris inconspicuella Sinev is newly recorded from China, markedly extending its known range. http://www.zoobank,org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:2BC5092F-D004-4CB3-85C7-1CAA54AAE536  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):2001-2011
The morphology and infraciliature of two marine synhymeniid ciliates, Orthodonella apohamatus nov. spec. and Orthodonella gutta (Cohn, 1866 Cohn, F. 1866. Neue infusorien im seeaquarium. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 16: 253302.  [Google Scholar]) Kahl, 1931 Kahl, A. 1931. Urtiere oder Protozoa I: Wimpertiere oder Ciliata (Infusoria) 2. Holotricha außer den im 1. Teil behandelten Prostomata. Tierwelt Deutschlands, 21: 181398.  [Google Scholar], collected from coastal water off Qingdao, China, were studied on living cells and using protargol silver impregnation. The diagnosis for O. apohamatus nov. spec.: marine Orthodonella with length×width about 60–160×20–35?µm in vivo; lanceolate body shape with conspicuous beak-like projection at anterior end; 42–60 (mean 53) somatic kineties, including 28–42 on ventral and 13–20 on dorsal side; synhymenium with about 54–62 dikinetids; pharyngeal basket composed of 8–13 rods; four contractile vacuoles, two in middle near left margin and two at posterior end of cell; one elongated macronucleus and one micronucleus. Based on a Qingdao population, an improved diagnosis for the poorly known species, O. gutta is suggested: marine Orthodonella in vivo about 140–200×60–100?µm; body widely ellipsoidal with contractile beak-like anterior end; 62–74 (mean 66) somatic kineties with ca 41–48 ventral and 20–26 dorsal; synhymenium consisting of 43–70 dikinetids; 11–14 pharyngeal rods; one to several contractile vacuoles distributed in caudal area of cell; numerous cortical granules tiny and colourless; one ovoid macronucleus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1411-1422
The morphology and morphogenesis of the poorly known hypotrichous ciliate Gastrostyla setifera, isolated from a freshwater pond near Harbin, China, are described from both living and protargol silver-impregnated specimens. The Harbin population of this species is characterized thus: medium-sized freshwater Gastrostyla, 150-205 × 70-95 μm in vivo, ellipsoid in shape but somewhat narrowed posteriorly. Contractile vacuole located in left half of mid-body region. On average 48-56 (mean 52) adoral membranelles; 10 frontal and 9-11 ventral cirri; 23-26 left and 30-34 right marginal cirri; usually with four complete dorsal kineties and two dorsomarginal kineties; three caudal cirri present at posterior margin; invariably two macronuclear nodules and two micronuclei. Its morphogenesis reveals the following characteristics: (1) adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) in the opisthe arises from the new oral primordium while the proter inherits the entire parental structure; (2) 10 frontal, 9-11 ventral and five transverse cirri are derived from five frontoventral transverse cirral anlagen together with the undulating membrane anlage; (3) left and right marginal cirri are derived from new anlagen which originate within the old marginal rows; (4) the generation of the dorsal kineties is of the 'two-group-mode'; three left primary dorsal anlagen and two dorsomarginal anlagen appear as two groups in both dividers from which all dorsal kineties are derived (the fourth kinety is formed due to the fragmentation of the third anlage); (5) one caudal cirrus is formed at the ends of each of the first, second and fourth dorsal anlagen.  相似文献   

Species of the marine nematode genus Pontonema have been found to dominate the macrobenthos under abnormally high conditions of particulate organic enrichment. Populations from organically enriched habitats in six localities (Kiel fjord, Germany; the Garroch Head sewage-sludge dump ground in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland; Cornelian Bay, N.E. England; the Tyne estuary, N.E. England; Sete, N.W. Mediterranean, France; Blanes Bay, N.W. Mediterranean, Spain) have been compared. Multivariate analyses of 16 morphometric characters in males, and 13 in females, shows that each population is significantly different morphologically from every other population. However, there is morphological overlap between the populations, and it is considered pragmatic to recognize three species in this group, based on a few stable morphological characters: P. vulgare (Bastian, 1865) from the Baltic, P. alaeospicula Bett and Moore 1988 from the UK sites, and P. mediterranea sp. nov. from the Mediterranean. P. mediterranea sp. nov. is described. The species were not found to have established sympatry in this study, unlike many other opportunistic taxa from organically enriched habitats, and the significance of this is discussed.  相似文献   

The family Cerithiopsidae H. Adams and A. Adams, 1853 is distributed worldwide, and comprises around 800 extant species divided into ~40 genera. The most speciose genus within the family is Cerithiopsis Forbes and Hanley, 1850, a taxon currently used as a general receptacle rather than as a proper phylogenetic lineage. We hereby redescribe the rare species Cerithiopsis horrida di Monterosato, 1874, review its nomenclature, known material, and distribution as well as figure the entire protoconch, operculum, and radula for the first time. Our results highlight extreme differences between ‘Cerithiopsishorrida and the Cerithiopsis type species Cerithiopsis tubercularis (Montagu, 1803) and strong morphological and radular similarities with species belonging to the genus Retilaskeya Marshall, 1978. A wide discussion lists several taxa that might be ascribed to the same group of species, which presumably constitute a different worldwide lineage. Pending relevant molecular phylogenetic studies of the Triphoroidea Gray, 1847, for morphological conformity we suggest transferring ‘Cerithiopsishorrida to the genus Retilaskeya, and the same action is presumably appropriate for its possible sister species ‘Cerithiopsisleopardus Rolán and Gori, 2013. Finally, Retilaskeya better conforms to Newtoniellidae Korobkov, 1955 than Cerithiopsidae.  相似文献   

Pseudelzalia longiseta gen. nov, sp. nov. and Paramonohystera sinica sp. nov. from subtidal sediment in the East China Sea are described. Pseudelzalia is characterized by 6 labial papillae and 10 cephalic setae, cylindrical buccal cavity, elongate (>2 anal body diameter) spicules, and conico-cylindrical tail devoid of terminal setae. It differs from Elzalia by the absence of terminal setae. Pseudelzalia longiseta sp. nov. is 647–853 μm long, has 7–8 μm long cervical setae, 11–14 μm long caudal setae, 25–41 μm long spicules about 2.1–2.7 anal diameter, and pointed tail-tip. Paramonohystera sinica possesses 12 cephalic setae, a character found in four congeners: Paramonohystera buetschlii (Bresslau and Schuurmans Stekhoven in Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1935, Paramonohystera pilosa Boucher, 1971, Paramonohystera concinna Lorenzen, 1977 and Paramonohystera halerba Fadeeva and Belogurov, 1987. It differs from P. buetschlii by shorter body (933–1023 μm versus 2000–2200 μm); from P. pilosa by the much shorter spicules (79–88 μm versus 167 μm) and narrower head (13–16 µm versus 32 µm); from P.concinna by smooth cephalic setae (versus segmented); and from P. halerba by the absence of two rows of setae on the ventral side of the tail (versus present). Based on the evaluation of nominal species, we recognize 14 valid species and provide an emended diagnosis and a tabular key for Paramonohystera.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:474B8F17-AED7-4078-8176-DFC499B78526  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1275-1294
The new gregarious parasitoid Meteorus acerbiavorus sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) was reared from the cocoons of Acerbia alpina (Quensel) (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) in north-western Finnish Lapland. This species belongs to Meteorus rubens (Nees) species group and differs from the most related M. rubens in the following features: the eyes densely setose; the median lobe of the mesoscutum, scutellum, mesopleuron, and the hind coxa entirely or at least partly rugulose-granulate or rugose-areolate and sometimes with granulation; the ovipositor subapically with distinct dorsal node; the ventral borders of the first metasomal tergum weakly separated by narrow space in its basal half; the colour of the body and legs mostly or entirely dark; the fore wing more or less darkened. Phylogenetic relationships among several Meteorus species close to M. rubens including new M. acerbiavorus were investigated based on DNA sequence fragments of the mitochondrial COI and the nuclear 28S rDNA genes. The discussions on the species groups of Meteorus, on distribution of Acerbia alpina in the Holarctic and on its known parasitoids are presented.  相似文献   

A new species of hyperiid amphipod, Primno evansi, is described from samples collected on R.R.S. Discovery Cruise 140, August to September 1983, in the eastern North Atlantic. The genus Primno, which has a wide geographic distribution, is now represented by five species with two of these occurring in the eastern North Atlantic. Primno evansi is closest to P. brevidens.  相似文献   

Chrysoperla shahrudensis sp. nov. is discovered in northern Iran, co-occurring with at least five other cryptic species of the Chrysoperla carnea-group. It is distinguished by the volley period and tonality of its courtship duetting song. Another Asian species from alpine meadows of northern Kyrgyzstan, previously C. ‘adamsi-K’ but here named Chrysoperla bolti sp. nov., has a song distinct from but convergent with both C. shahrudensis and North American Chrysoperla adamsi. Coordinated duets can be established in the laboratory between individuals of C. shahrudensis and recorded songs of either C. bolti or C. adamsi. Such functional song equivalence in distinct allopatric species suggests that repeated episodes of parallel speciation can drive the origin of cryptic species diversity in lacewings. Morphology, life history, and ecology of larvae and adults of C. shahrudensis and C. bolti are then formally described. Adding C. shahrudensis to a large mitochondrial DNA data set for ≈ 21 species shows it to be similar to neither C. adamsi nor C. bolti, further supporting independent, convergent evolution of song rather than song similarity due to relationship. Although C. bolti and C. shahrudensis are both from Asia and share some basic temporal song features, the two taxa are distinct, allopatric biological species.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D9B7BDC9-6C09-468B-A6B-D378628EC557  相似文献   

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