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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-28):1717-1730
The puparial stage is described for each of four saproxylic hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae): Ferdinandea fumipennis Kassebeer, 1999 Kassebeer, C. F. 1999. Eine neue Art der Gattung Ferdinandea Rondani, 1844 (Diptera: Syrphidae) aus Nordafrika.. Dipteron, 2: 153162.  [Google Scholar], Mallota dusmeti Andréu, 1926 Andréu, J. 1926. Una lista de sírfidos para contribuir al conocimiento de los dípteros de España.. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Española, 9(5): 98126.  [Google Scholar], Myolepta difformis Strobl, 1909 Strobl, G. 1909. Neue österreichische Muscidae Acalyptratae II.. Weiner Entomlogische Zeitung, 28: 283301.  [Google Scholar], and Myolepta obscura Becher, 1882 Becher, E. 1882. Ueber die ersten Stande einiger Syrphiden und eine neue Myiolepta Art.. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 1: 249254. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]. Early stages were collected at Cabañeros National Park in Ciudad Real province, central Spain. Mallota dusmeti, M. difformis, and M. obscura were found in water‐filled holes of live Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. trees and the larva of F. fumipennis was found in a sap run on a live Quercus pyrenaica Wild. tree. Larvae were identified by rearing them to the adult stage. Puparia of these species possessed generic‐level characters found in congenerics. Apparent species‐level characters separating them from early stages of congenerics are proposed. The records reported here are the first for the Iberian Peninsula of M. obscura. Mallota dusmeti, M. difformis, and Myolepta obscura are extremely rare in Europe with M. dusmeti classed as “vulnerable” in the Spanish Invertebrate Red Data Book.  相似文献   

The revision of the saproxylic hoverflies collected in Serbia from 1950 to 2010 has revealed a total of 56 species, of which Sphiximorpha subsessilis (Illiger in Rossi) is new to the Balkan Peninsula and Arctophila superbiens (Muller), Blera fallax (Linnaeus), Brachyopa panzeri Goffe, Brachyopa testacea (Fallén), Brachyopa vittata Zetterstedt and Chalcosyrphus piger (Fabricius) are new to Serbia. According to “Syrph the Net, the database of European Syrphidae”, 16 of the 56 species are threatened with extinction in Europe, while 6 species are “strictly protected” and 13 are “protected” under Serbian legislation. Distribution maps for each species, as well as new data on adult habitats, are provided. The conservation status of the saproxylic hoverflies of Serbia is discussed. The present study attempts to provide a basis for the conservation of the saproxylic hoverflies of this Balkan country.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):583-607
This report represents the first integrative study on saproxylic Coleoptera and Diptera Syrphidae from a representative Mediterranean forest in Cabañeros National Park in Central Spain. We collected 107 beetles, representing 32 families, and 25 species of hoverfly. Two undescribed and numerous rare beetle species were recorded, as were four hoverflies considered to be threatened species in Europe. We compiled biological information for all of the taxa encountered and recorded new data on their feeding habits, breeding microsites, and known tree associations. We found that the saproxylic biodiversity in this National Park was characterized by a significant number of Central European and North African species. Our results on the saproxylic assemblage, comprising many rare and poorly known species, of a typical Mediterranean forest represent a first step toward improved understanding of the saproxylic community and establishing the basis for conservation strategies in this region.  相似文献   

In North Wales the larva of Cheilosia semifasciata (Diptera: Syrphidae) makes full-depth blotch mines in leaves of Umbilicus rupestris. Mines occur mostly on shaded plants with one larva per plant. Each larva mines several leaves to complete development and initiates new mines by curling round the leaf margin and puncturing the epidermis under the leaf. Unlike other dipteran leaf-miners which feed on their sides, only the thorax is turned sideways when feeding. The larva uses a grasping organ on the anal segment to grip the substrate when moving externally on the food-plant. Inside leaf mines, position is further secured by the integumental vestiture which grips the epidermis above the larva. The morphology and behaviour of the larva of C. semifasciata differs markedly from larvae of three congeneric species that tunnel in stems and roots.  相似文献   

Larval instars of the myrmicine ant Strumigenys solifontis Brown were determined by measuring the head width under a stereomicroscope and examining the morphology, especially chaetotaxy, by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. This study found that the larval stage consisted of four instars, but the first and second instars were not distinguishable by their head widths. However, the four instars could be discriminated clearly by a combination of size measurement and observations on the chaetotaxy. Within a population, there are few larvae in the first instar because of its short period (only 1–2 days before moulting into the second instar) and the low oviposition rate of the queen. Therefore, the first-instar larva needs to be collected separately from other instars so that it is not missed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1509-1530
Four new and one known species of Belondiroidea Thorne, 1939 Thorne, G. 1939. A monograph of the nematodes of the superfamily Dorylaimoidea. Capita Zool., 8: 1261.  [Google Scholar] are reported from Japan. Axonchium mizukuboi sp. nov. has isthmus-like constriction between two parts of pharynx; rectangular pars refringens vaginae; spicules with thickened distal end; seven ventromedian supplements starting above the range of spicules and hemispheroid tail. Axonchium japonicum sp. nov. also has short isthmus-like structure between two parts of pharynx; triangular pars refringens vaginae; massive spicules with thickened distal tip and 9–10 ventromedian supplements. Dorylaimellus (D.) japonicus sp. nov. has 0.9–1.0 mm long body; poorly flanged odontophore; pharyngeal expansion 54–65% of neck length; 22–25 μm long, strongly ventrally arcuate spicules; four ventromedian supplements and elongate conoid tail with subacute terminus. Dorylaimellus (Axodorylaimellus) paracrassidens sp. nov. has 0.4–0.5 mm long body; slender odontostyle; pharyngeal expansion 48–57% of neck length; transverse vulva; long prerectum and short conoid tail. Axonchium amplicolle Cobb, 1920 Cobb, NA. 1920. One hundred new nemas. Contrib Sci Nematol., 9: 217343.  [Google Scholar] is reported for the first time from Japan.  相似文献   

The Oriental genus Hygiella Mesnil is revised: three species are described as new, Hygiella angustifrons sp. nov., Hygiella luteipes sp. nov. and Hygiella proclinata sp. nov., and two known species are re-described, Hygiella nigripes Mesnil and Hygiella pygidialis Mesnil. A key to these five species is provided. The host of H. proclinata, Phyllium siccifolium (Linnaeus) (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae), is recorded for the first time as a host of the Tachinidae. The systematic position of Hygiella is discussed and the genus is placed in the tribe Acemyini (Exoristinae) based on the structure of the male terminalia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1941-1947
Numerous fly (Diptera) larvae develop in plant saps or rotting exudates, but few have adapted to resin flows of trees. Among these are some primitive syrphid genera (Syrphidae), Cheilosia in the temperate region and Alipumilio in the neotropics. A recent study of resin harvest in the eastern Brazilian Amazon has revealed a potentially new species of Alipumilio that develops in resin lumps on some species of Burseraceae trees. These resin flows are primarily stimulated by larvae of a bark-boring Sternocoelus weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). This fly larva's morphology, movement in the resin and unsuccessful rearing apart from fresh resin indicate it may be consuming microbial spores or sap materials coming out of tree wounds. While Sternocoelus weevils are found in resin lumps in a range of Protium and other Burseraceae species in the region, Alipumilio larvae were only found in the resin of some of these species. The study speculates that some trees do not support Alipumilio because their resin's chemical properties are inhospitable to these larvae or inhibit the micro-organisms that they feed on.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2127-2142
The hangingfly Bittacus choui Hua et Tan, 2007 Hua, B. Z. and Tan, J. L. 2007. A new species of Bittacus Latreille (Mecoptera,Bittacidae) from Daba Mountain in China.. Acta Zootaxon Sin., 32: 455458.  [Google Scholar] is unique in Bittacidae for having only three instead of four larval instars. Its morphology was studied and illustrated in detail for developmental stages, including egg, larva and pupa. Ultrastructure of eggs, larval head, spiracles and prolegs are provided. The egg is spherical. A single micropyle was observed. The larva is eruciform with a pair of prominent compound eyes and a mid ocellus; the eight pairs of prolegs are unequal in length. Nine pairs of spiracles are located on the prothorax and the first eight abdominal segments respectively; the first instar larva differs from other instars in spiracle number. The somites are unusual, with rows of protuberances bearing distinct setiferous clavate setae. The anal segment terminates in a protrusile sucker. Pupae are exarate and decticous, taking the shape of the adults. The species completes one generation per year, overwintering as a mature larva. Adults emerge in the field from mid‐July to late August.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2691-2705
The immature stages of the scorpionfly Panorpa liui Hua were obtained through rearing. The egg, larva and pupa were observed using light and scanning electron microscopy with special reference to the chaetotaxy of the first instar larva and pupa. The larva is of the eruciform type, with three pairs of thoracic legs and eight pairs of abdominal prolegs. The head of the larva bears a pair of compound eyes, each of which consists of 26 ommatidia. A fleshy tibial lobe is borne distally on the mesal side of the tibia of the thoracic legs. The telson bears a protrusile sucker of four anal forks. The pupa is exarate and decticous with sexual dimorphism in chaetotaxy and caudal segments. This species completes two generations per year, overwintering as the prepupal stage in the soil. The durations of egg, larva and pupa are 3–4, 13–19 and 8–10 days, respectively.  相似文献   

Morphology of the mature larvae and pupae of the apterous fly, Badisis ambulans McAlpine (Diptera: Micropezidae) are described and illustrated. In addition, the curious commensal habits of the larvae are described. Each spiracular plate of the mature larva is situated at the base of a small horn; similar horns have been described in other micropezid larvae. The posterior spiracles appear to be non-functional with depressions forming the vestiges of the spiracular openings. The larvae were found inside pitchers of the Albany pitcher plant, Cephalotus follicularis (Cephalotaceae) and have a commensal relationship with the plant. They feed on the decaying pitcher plant prey and leave the pitcher to pupate. It is likely that the larva obtains oxygen from the pitcher fluid. This is the first immature micropezid described from Australia.  相似文献   

The egg, three larval instars, and puparium of Pherbina mediterranea are described. The duration of the various immature stages indicates that this specis is univoltine and spends the winter as quiescent larvae. The biology, phenology and geographical distribution are presented. The main features of the larvae are illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. A key to the adults of genus Pherbina is given.  相似文献   

One new and two known species of the genus Tantunema Siddiqi, 1982 are described and illustrated. Tantunema indicum sp. nov. is characterized by having a small body (length 0.32–0.45 mm); lip region cap-like, set off by slight constriction; odontostyle 6–7 µm and odontophore 8–10 µm long; pharyngeal expansion gradual, expanded part occupying about 35–41% of total neck length, lumen of posterior expanded part widened and thickened; female genital system mono-opisthodelphic, anterior genital branch absent; tail short, hemispheroid, 0.8–1.1 anal body diameter long. Tantunema pakistanense (Timm, 1964) comb. nov. (=Tylencholaimus pakistanensis Timm, 1964) and Tantunema intermedium (Peña-Santiago and Coomans, 1996) Andrássy, 2009 are redescribed. A diagnostic compendium and key to species of the genus is also provided.  相似文献   


The previously unknown immature stages of Simulium speculiventre are described and figured, and a lectotype is designated for this species from the adult syntypes. S. speculiventre is assigned to the subgenus Eusimulium (new subgeneric combination) and the genus-group name Stilboplax Enderlein is sunk in synonymy with Eusimulium Roubaud (new synonym).  相似文献   


This study is primarily directed to the most poorly known species of the genus Trichomycterus, comprising five nominal species (T. florensis, T. immaculatus, T. nigricans, T. paquequerensis and T. santaeritae) endemic to south-eastern Brazil. One of them, T. nigricans, is the type species of the genus, involved in taxonomic problems for over 150 years. A detailed historical review, accompanied by examination of type specimens and recent collections, revealed that the correct type locality of T. nigricans is in the vicinity of Rio de Janeiro, not Santa Catarina as commonly appears in the literature; specimens previously misidentified as T. nigricans from Santa Catarina belong to a possibly undescribed species of the genus Cambeva; T. paquequerensis is a synonym of T. immaculatus, and T. florensis is a synonym of T. santaeritae; and the hypothesis that T. santaeritae is closely related to the Amazon Sarcoglanidinae is refuted. The three valid species are redescribed. These species are members of a clade also including T. caipora that is highly supported by molecular data, diagnosed by a pronounced posterior maxillary process and caudal fin emarginate at least in larger specimens. A subclade comprising T. caipora, T. nigricans and T. santaeritae is diagnosed by a long maxilla and a bifid anterior extremity of hypobranchial 3.  相似文献   

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