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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2617-2658
In Iran, 4 genera and 27 species are recorded of the Thysanoptera tribe Haplothripini (Phlaeothripidae, Phlaeothripinae): Dolicholepta Priesner with 1 species, Haplothrips Amyot and Serville with 23 species, Neoheegeria Schmutz with 2 species, and Plicothrips Bhatti with 1 species. Identification keys are provided to these taxa. Three new synonyms are established: H. inoptatus Priesner is a junior synonym of H. globiceps Bagnall, H. iraniensis Priesner is a junior synonym of H. maroccanus Priesner, and H. scythicus Knechtel is a junior synonym of H. leucanthemi (Schrank). Reports of H. cerealis Priesner from Iran are considered to be misidentifications of H. tritici Kurdjumov, and comments are made on the identity of several predatory species related to H. subtilissimus (Haliday) and H. globiceps Bagnall. Several character states used for recognizing taxa in Haplothrips are discussed, and available biological data for each species are presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2369-2373
Two new taxa are described: Ecoporanga cooperi sp. nov. from Peru (Amazonas) and Ecoporanga wallacei sp. nov. from Ecuador (Tungurahua). The former differs from other species of the genus by the antennae and black legs and green elytra with metallic reflections. Ecoporanga wallacei differs from the other species by well-marked posterolateral depressions and tubercles near posterior margin of the pronotum, and apex of elytra laterally with recurved spine. A key to species of the genus is provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:58E5FC0E-F269-4A44-9A36-F1D1A9299D5D  相似文献   

The Dorcadionini fauna of Turkey is reviewed, and a complete list with type information and provincial distributions is presented. Two hundred and seventy-eight species-group taxa are catalogued in total. This represents approximately 35% of the known Palaearctic Dorcadionini fauna. The Turkish Dorcadionini fauna is characterised by 227 endemic species-group taxa. So its endemism ratio is very high (approximately 82%). Distributions of the taxa in Turkey are given based on available literature records. Taxa in the list are arranged systematically under tribe, genus, subgenus (when recognised), species and subspecies (when recognised). The species group taxa whose occurrences in Turkey need conformation are not included in the list but are given separately. Additionally, two taxa are removed from the list: Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) investitum Breuning in Braun, 1978a as nomen nudum and Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) rosinae K. Daniel in Bodemeyer, 1900 as nomen nudum; and two taxa are given as status nov. and comb. nov.: Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) atritarse Pic, 1931a and Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) equestre bernhauerorum Peks, 2010. Moreover, a checklist of Dorcadionini of Turkey is presented in an appendix.  相似文献   

Classification of the higher taxa of the Pipunculidae is analysed by cladistic techniques. Twenty-five taxa are studied, and 117 character states are examined for these taxa. Based on the cladistic analysis a classification is proposed, recognizing three subfamilies: Chalarinae, Nephrocerinae, and Pipunculinae. The subfamily Pipunculinae is separated into five tribes: Pipunculini, Cephalopsini trib. nov; Microcephalopsini trib. nov., Eudorylini trib. nov., and Tomosvaryellini. Monophyletic genus groups within these tribes are recognized. The position of Claraeosphaera is unclear. Twenty-three taxa of generic status are recognized, and Wittella is considered synonymous with Cephalops. The genus Collinias is revalidated. Claraeomorpha is retained as a subgenus of Dorylomorpha. A presumed phylogenetic history of the taxa and evolutionary transformation series for certain characters are extrapolated from the analysis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1039-1048
Diathera gen. n., a new larentiine genus from central and southwestern China, is described. Three new species are named and described: fluctuata sp. n., metacolorata sp. n. and brunneata sp. n. All species and their genitalia are described and illustrated. A key is provided and the monophyly of the genus and its relationships to the allied taxa are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

New findings on Chinese Corydiinae are presented and new taxa are described and illustrated: Ctenoblatta impubis gen. and sp. nov., Minicorydia maoxiana gen. and sp. nov. and Ergaula nepalensis (Saussure) is newly recorded from China. The occurrence of two species of Polyphaga Brullé, P. plancyi Bolívar and P. obscura Chopard, in China are confirmed. A key to Chinese Corydiinae genera is provided as well as checklists for extant Polyphaga and Ergaula.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F428E561-2A57-4DAD-8855-5879AB4599FB  相似文献   

Five taxa of talitrid amphipods were found in the archipelago of Bermuda, of which three were recorded there for the first time. Four of these are supralittoral wrack generalists: Platorchestia monodi BOLD:AAB3402, (a unique Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit according to the Barcode Index Number system), a related species recognized by molecular methods, Platorchestia platensis BOLD:AAA2949, Mexorchestia carpenteri carpenteri BOLD:AAC1491 and Tethorchestia antillensis; and one a terrestrial leaf-litter generalist: Talitroides alluaudi. A key is provided to discriminate between the formally described talitrids of Bermuda. Dispersal mechanisms from the American continent to Bermuda were considered for all taxa based on species distributions along the North American Atlantic coast and also investigated by molecular methods, using genetic population differentiation and haplotype network analysis based on the barcode region of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. For P. monodi BOLD:AAB3402 the genetic results suggest that some dispersal events occurred before human colonization of Bermuda but are equivocal about the source population and therefore the direction of dispersal. Some very recent synanthropic dispersal is possible with this species. For the other two species studied genetically, P. platensis BOLD:AAA2949 and M. c. carpenteri BOLD:AAC1491, the small population samples analysed support dispersal to Bermuda from the American mainland, before human occupation of Bermuda, although the available sample size was limited for these species. The available limited direct, non-genetic evidence supports synanthropic transport for Talitroides alluaudi. Platorchestia monodi BOLD:AAB3402 is found in the same wrack habitat as P. platensis BOLD:AAA2949 on Bermuda, apparently without interbreeding. No evidence was found that driftwood specialist talitrids had become established in Bermuda.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2919-2934
The cleptoparasitic anthidiine bee genus Stelis Panzer is primarily Holarctic in distribution, extending as far south as Costa Rica. A new species of Stelis subgenus Dolichostelis Parker and Bohart is described and illustrated based on females collected in dry forests of the Caribbean region of Colombia. Stelis (Dolichostelis) costaricensis Friese is also recorded from dry forests but in western Colombia. These are the first records of the genus, as currently recognized, for South America. An updated key to the species of Dolichostelis and a synopsis of the diversity and biogeography of the bee fauna from the Caribbean region of Colombia are provided. Based on reports from the literature and data from collections, we provide a checklist consisting of 125 species in 48 genera of five families. The complex composition of this bee fauna parallels that of the flora, with taxa having the following origins or distributions: West Indian, North or Central American, Andean, xeric or temperate South American, and Neotropical widespread. A brief account on the contribution of George Salt to the knowledge of the biology of this Colombian bee fauna is also provided.  相似文献   

The Geometrine genus Metallolophia is revised. In addition to the 11 species known, five new species are described as new. All the known species are redescribed and lectotypes are designated for M. opalina (Warren), M. arenaria (Leech) and M. danielaria (Oberthür) (=M. arenaria (Leech)). The male of M. ocellata (Warren) and the females of M. medullosa Inoue and M. devecisi Herbulot are described for the first time. The generic characters based on all species are summarized and a key to all taxa is given. Illustrations of moths and genitalia are presented. The new and revised taxa are: Metallolophia purpurivenata sp. nov., Metallolophia cuneataria sp. nov., Metallolophia inanularia sp. nov., Metallolophia flavomaculata sp. nov., Metallolophia stueningi sp. nov. and Metallolophia ostrumaria Xue, syn. nov. (of Metallolophia albescens Inoue).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1477-1499
Based on material collected during the BIOICE project off Iceland, four species of polychaetous annelids belonging to the genus Amphicteis Grube, 1850 (Polychaeta: Ampharetidae) were found: Amphicteis gunneri, Amphicteis ninonae, Amphicteis vestis and Amphicteis wesenbergae sp. nov. The differences between A. gunneri and A. ninonae, two species usually confused in the literature, are reviewed. Amphicteis vestis is described from newly collected material and its taxonomy in relation to other ampharetid taxa with modified notopodia is discussed. Amphicteis wesenbergae sp. nov. is described; the new species is characterized by the presence of long, slender and evenly tapered paleae, and long dorsal cirri on thoracic and abdominal neuropodia. Several body characters with high value in Amphicteis taxonomy, particularly the dorsolateral protrusions of abdominal chaetigers called rudimentary notopodia, are reviewed using scanning electron microscopy. A key to species of the genus Amphicteis described or reported in European Boreo-Arctic waters is provided.  相似文献   

The Schizopodidae (formerly subfamily Schizopodinae, family Buprestidae) is elevated to family status, based on a review of its morphology including wing venation, male and female genitalia, larvae, and also a cladistic analysis of in-group and out-group comparisions. Two tribes are recognized: Schizopodini LeConte with one genus, Schizopus LeConte and Dystaxiini Théry with two genera: Dystaxia LeConte and Glyptoscelimorpha Horn. The genus Schizopus contains two species: S. laetus LeConte and S. sallei Horn with one new subspecies, S. sallei nigricans Nelson. The genus Dystaxia includes two species: D. murrayi LeConte, and D. elegans Fall. The genus Glyptoscelimorpha is separated into two subgenera: G. (s. str.) with two species, G. marmorata Horn, and G. viridis Chamberlin; and G. (Dystaxiella) Knull, new status, with one species, G. (D.) juniperae (Knull), new combination, with a new subspecies, G. (D.) juniperae viridiceps Nelson. All taxa are described and information on variation, type localities, distribution, biology, and comparisons are given for each species. Keys to taxa for tribes to subspecies are provided. Illustrations for all species, including habitus, male and female genitalia and other parts, as well as cladograms of relationships are presented. Lectotypes are designated for the following: Yermoella helferi Obenberger, Dystaxia elegans Fall and Glyptoscelimorpha marmorata Horn. Tables of taxa, characters and character states used in the cladistic analysis are included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1391-1456
The South American Trogidae are revised. Three genera, Trox Fabricius, Omorgus Erichson (with two subgenera, Omorgus and Haroldomorgus Scholtz), and Polynoncus Burmeister, and 47 species are recorded from the continent and its islands. Trox is represented by the ubiquitous introduced species T. scaber (L.), Omorgus is represented by 13 species and Polynoncus by 33 species. Five new species are described and all others are re-described. A key to all taxa is provided. Adults of all species and their male genitalia are illustrated and their distributions mapped. Observations are presented on phylogeny, zoogeography and biology. The new species are O. capillaceus, O. indigenus, O. nocheles, P. erugatus and P. gibberosus. Four new synonymies are proposed (synonyms listed first): O. triestinae Pittino = P. suberosus (Fabricius); P. furcifer Pittino = P. bifurcatus (Vaurie); P. parafurcatus occidentalis Pittino and P. furcillifer Pittino = P. parafurcatus Pittino. Omorgus badeni (Harold) is reinstated as a valid species. Lectotypes are designated for O. batesi (Harold) and O. badeni (Harold).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):1677-1694
Baiting and flower watching mainly in forest habitats throughout Thailand (1997–2002) yielded 46 species of Sarcophaga Meigen. About 50% of the species are new to Thailand and several new to science. All 67 species of Sarcophaga so far reported from Thailand are listed and their taxonomic status and nomenclature updated. Emphasis on rearing (523 broods) ensured species identification through the male progeny of the otherwise mostly unidentifiable females, and allowed several new correct male–female associations, besides offering new insights into the flies' breeding strategies. Three natural larviposition habits were observed in the wild: (1) on faeces of carnivorous and omnivorous, but not herbivorous, mammals (coprobiodotic), e.g. S. africa (Wiedemann), S. albiceps Meigen, S. misera Walker; (2) on cadaver (necrobiodotic), e.g. S. krathonmai Pape and Bänziger, S. nathani (Lopes), S. saprianovae Pape and Bänziger; and (3) on both of them (amphibiodotic), e.g. S. dux Thompson, S. ruficornis (Fabricius). However, larvae of copro- and necrobiodotic species experimentally transferred to cadaver and faeces, respectively, also developed to normal adults. The unexpected laying choosiness between excrement or carrion in the wild is discussed, together with the role played by laying habits in deceptive pollination systems and myiases.  相似文献   

Japanese fauna of the cimicomorphan family Microphysidae is documented. Four species of the genus Loricula Curtis are recognised, including three new species herein described from Japan, Loricula miyamotoi, L. nikko and L. yakushima, representing the first discovery of new taxa in the twenty-first century for the Asian Microphysidae. A single known species, L. pilosella Miyamoto, is rediagnosed. A key is provided to distinguish both sexes of the Japanese Loricula species.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C01445E4-FD3E-4953-932C-7835FC8BDD16  相似文献   


The island of New Guinea has been identified as biologically megadiverse but many taxa are still poorly known. This is especially the case for many of the island’s snakes, which by their very nature can be difficult to collect and study. Here we examine the phylogenetic and phylogeographic structure of a poorly studied snake genus, Stegonotus, focusing on the species of New Guinea; until now, Stegonotus has never been examined using modern phylogenetic methods. Using molecular data from 49 individuals representing eight of the ten described species, and including all New Guinea taxa, we estimate a multilocus phylogeny and examine population structure to help identify undescribed taxa. We use morphological data from the corresponding museum vouchered specimens (where available) and also examine additional specimens for taxa not included in the molecular data set to determine morphological differences among putative taxa. We find molecular evidence for four new species of Stegonotus, both morphologically obvious and cryptic, and describe them herein. The recognition of these four species indicates that Stegonotus diversity has been previously underestimated and also suggests that there are likely additional undescribed taxa within the genus. These four taxa increase the number of described species by 40% and further confirm New Guinea as the centre of diversity for the genus.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9E21390E-3FD4-40EB-9442-31BC92A76B4F  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2735-2746
Two new Indonesian taxa are proposed in Onthophagus Latreille, 1802, illustrating the composite faunal spectrum of the Lesser Sundas (Indonesia): O. montishannoniae, a new species from Flores, and O. accedens nusatenggaricus, a new subspecies from Lombok and Flores. O. accedens Lansberge, 1883 is, with O. dux Sharp, 1875, placed in what is here defined as the dux subgroup within the subgenus Parascatonomus Paulian, 1932. The three included species‐group taxa are keyed, their status is discussed, and new records are given. The position of O. montishannoniae seems taxonomically and geographically isolated: this species has no known close relatives in the region, neither in the Lesser Sundas, nor anywhere else in Wallacea.  相似文献   

The animal fauna of the Socotra Archipelago is influenced by three biogeographical regions, the Afrotropical, the Oriental and the Palaearctic. Consequently, the Archipelago shares faunal elements of these three regions in addition to unique endemic taxa. The ant fauna of Socotra Island was studied and is reviewed based on literature and newly collected material. In total, 28 species, belonging to 10 genera and four subfamilies, were collected from the main island. Eighteen of these (64%) are successful invasive species, seven are native (25%), and three are considered endemic (11%), Cardiocondyla longiceps Seifert, Monomorium elghazalyi sp. nov. and Monomorium nimihil Collingwood et al. Two genera are recorded for the first time from the island, Hypoponera Santschi, and Syllophopsis Santschi. Ten species are recorded for the first time, Cardiocondyla mauritanica Forel, Cardiocondyla minutior Forel, Monomorium atomum Forel, Monomorium dichroum Forel, Monomorium exiguum Forel, Pheidole pallidula (Nylander), Syllophopsis cryptobia (Santschi), Tetramorium pauper Forel, Tetramorium transformans Santschi and Hypoponera punctatissima (Roger). Ten invasive species are recorded from Socotra, reflecting human impacts on the Archipelago. These species are Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius), Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel, Monomorium exiguum Forel, Pheidole indica Mayr, Syllophopsis cryptobia (Santschi), Tetramorium lanuginosum Mayr, Tetramorium simillimum (Smith), Tetramorium caldarium (Roger), Trichomyrmex destructor (Jerdon) and Trichomyrmex mayri (Forel). Our survey indicated a mixture of Afrotropical faunal elements (10 species, 36%), followed by cosmopolitan (nine species, 32%), Palaearctic (five species, 18%) and Oriental (four species, 14%) taxa. Two new synonyms of Monomorium exiguum Forel are proposed: Monomorium exiguum Forel = Monomorium baushare Collingwood & Agosti syn. nov. = Monomorium qarahe Collingwood & Agosti syn. nov. Tetramorium transformans Santschi is removed from synonymy with Tetramorium caldarium (Roger) and elevated to species rank. Ecological and biological notes for each species are given. Distribution maps for all species known from the Socotra Archipelago are provided.

http://zoobank/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:89612083-9CE6-48E8-8975-1CE5334E098B  相似文献   

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