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Cremastobaeus belonging to the monotypic tribe Cremastobaeini is represented by 24 species worldwide. Only two species, C. indicus Mukerjee and C. unicolor Rajmohana are known from India. Surveys conducted from different parts of India including the remote Andaman and Nicobar islands resulted in 22 species of Cremastobaeus of which 20 are new to science. These 20 species are C. boolei sp. nov., C. breviabdominus sp. nov., C. cornutus sp. nov., C. eila sp. nov., C. foveatus sp. nov., C. fuscus sp. nov., C. longigaster sp. nov., C. luteus sp. nov., C. mahaviraii sp. nov., C. nicobarensis sp. nov., C. nigricephalus sp. nov., C. nigrifemoralis sp. nov., C. parallelogaster sp. nov., C. robustus sp. nov., C. suvarnadeha sp. nov., C. tanugatra sp. nov., C. valmikii sp. nov., C. variegatus sp. nov., C. varuna sp. nov. and C. yoganarasimha sp. nov. The main diagnostic characters are shape and size of metanotum, horn on T1 and sculpture of metasomal tergites. All 22 species are imaged and keyed.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6B34883C-F8BC-4DFB-9807-E2F73AA04DAD  相似文献   

In the present study, the subfamily Cardiochilinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is revised. This study is based on specimens deposited in Egyptian repositories. Many of them were collected during Priesner’s trips to Gebel Elba (extreme south-west of Egypt). The subfamily Cardiochilinae is represented in Egypt by 11 species in three genera, Bohayella Belokobylskij, 1987 (one species), Cardiochiles Nees, 1819 (three species) and Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 (seven species). The cardiochiline species C. pseudofallax Telenga, 1955 and S. deserta (Telenga, 1955) are recorded here as new records in the fauna of Egypt. The females of previously known male C. weidholzi Fischer, 1958, S. acrenulata (Fischer, 1958) and S. obscuriceps (Fischer, 1958) as well as the male of the previously known female S. glabra (Fischer, 1958) are described. Schoenlandella pseudoglabra sp. nov. is also described and illustrated.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C134A1AA-81F6-4661-9C7B-12A7CAE08F67  相似文献   

A key is provided to the 18 known species of Neococcidencyrtus. Platylyca is synonymized with Neococcidencyrtus and its type-species, quadraticeps, is transferred to Neococcidencyrtus. The following species are described as new: brenhindis, cleddis, cliradainis, colynis, cullainis, delis, dryslydis, hynodis, melynis, selogis, synodis, and two further undescribed species are keyed but not formally described. All available published information on the biology and distribution of each species is listed and the pest status of the hosts is included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1131-1164
One new genus Songmachilis and six new species in family Machilidae are described from China: Songmachilis xinxiangensis gen. sp. nov., Coreamachilis songi sp. nov., Pedetontinus jiuzhaiensis sp. nov., Pedetontinus maijiensis sp. nov., Pedetontinus taishanensis sp. nov. and. Pedetontinus wudangensis sp. nov. A key to all Chinese species of Pedetontinus is given. We also examined the relationships among Chinese machilids based on partial sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). The molecular study further supported the species status of the six new taxa.  相似文献   

The Neotropical species and genera of the tribe Euderomphalini (Eulophidae: Entedoninae) are revised. Five genera are described as new: Cabeza, including six species (baeostigma (§, ¦), canaliculata (§), laticeps (¦), petiolata (§), planiscapus (§), ugaldei (§)); Itahipeus, including two species (brasilicola (§, ¦), euryceps (¦)); Monterrondo, including one species (aphelosoma (§)); Sifraneurus, including one species (strigifer (§)); Xenopomphale, including one species (sulcata (§)); all above-mentioned species are described as new. Five additional genera are included: Aleuroctonus LaSalle and Schauff, with four species, one described previously: vittatus (Dozier) (§, ¦), and three described here: latiscapus (§), marki, (§, ¦) and metallicus (§); Entedononecremnus Girault, with 14 species, two described previously: krauteri Zolnerowich and Rose (§, ¦), unicus Girault (§, ¦), and 12 described here: bennetti (§, ¦), bimaculatus (§, ¦), convexus (§, ¦), crassicornis (§, ¦), depressus (§), fulgens (§), hansoni (§, ¦), imdasus (§, ¦), parfer (§, ¦), reticulatus (§), tripar (§) and unicarinatus (§); Euderomphale Girault, with two species, one described previously: flavimedia (Howard), and one described here: sulciscapus (§, ¦); Neopomphale LaSalle and Schauff, with 20 species, two described previously: aleurothrixi (Dozier) (§, ¦), quercicola (Dozier) (§, ¦), and 18 described here: azofeifai (¦), cerrobius (¦), depilis (§), dichrous (§, ¦), erecta (¦), graciliclava (§), longicornis (¦), longipilis (§, ¦), nonaequa (§, ¦), noyesi (§), pinguicornis (§, ¦), prymna (§), rubescens (§, ¦), rubii (§), silvestris (¦), transversa (§), umbonata (§, ¦), xenipennis (§); Dasyomphale LaSalle and Schauff, including one species (chilensis LaSalle and Schauff). The genera are placed in either one of three genus-groups, one of which is newly created. The species Euderomphale quercicola Dozier is newly combined to Neopomphale. Lectotypes are designated for Entedononecremnus unicus Girault, Euderomphale quercicola Dozier and Gyrolasia flavimedia Howard. Key to genera and species are included.  相似文献   

The South Asian goblin spider genus Aprusia Simon, 1893 currently consists of five species. All species are narrow endemics with very restricted distributions. In this paper, the Sri Lankan species are revised and three new species described from both sexes: Aprusia koslandensis n. sp., Aprusia rawanaellensis n. sp. and Aprusia vankhedei n. sp. We also provide some notes on the poorly known species A. strennus and A. vestigator. In addition, we present a key to adult Aprusia and a distribution map of the Sri Lankan species, highlighting their diversity in the highly fragmented forests of the island. To test the monophyly of Aprusia and infer relationships among its species, a matrix of 49 morphological characters scored for 11 taxa (seven ingroup and four outgroup) was assembled and analysed. The monophyly of Aprusia is recovered and supported by three unambiguous synapomorphies: the presence of smooth male endites, the presence of leg spines on the prolateral side of the femur I and the procurved ridge of the postepigastric scutum.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:40352A9B-F455-4F41-B293-FF57BACA2997  相似文献   

The occurrence of male antennal glands in three hymenopteran parasitoids belonging to the family Encyrtidae (Leptomastix dactylopii, Rhopus meridionalis and Asitus phragmitis) is reported for the first time. The ultrastructure and function of these glands are described in detail. In all three species the glands consist of clustered unicellular secretory units extending underneath the cuticle. Glandular secretions were released externally and spread onto female antennae by specialized ‘release and spread sites’, appearing as ‘scale-like’ or ‘peg-like’ cuticular structures. These antennal glands play an important role during the complex sequences of courtship behaviour, eliciting female acceptance. The possible behavioural and taxonomical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Morphological variations in 10 habitus characters of adult Heizmannia greenii (Theobald) collected from the eastern, central and southern regions of Sri Lanka were examined and quantified. Pale-scaled areas conforming to those of the type form of the species were seen in 67–100 and 74–93% of eastern and central region specimens respectively. By contrast, 76–100% of specimens from the southern region had the the same areas completely or nearly completely covered with dark scales. Specimens with individual characters and character combinations intermediate between the extreme ‘pale’ and ‘dark’ forms were observed. All of these variants were inseparable from typical Hz. greenii on the basis of male genitalia characters, and larval and pupal morphometrics and chaetotaxy. It is likely that the variability observed in adult ornamentation is the reason for the confusion that has existed in the literature regarding the identity and distribution of Hz. greenii. Such extreme variability within a species raises questions regarding the stability of taxonomic characters used to separate species within the genus.  相似文献   

Three species of Characodoma Maplestone, 1990 from the Mediterranean are discussed here. Two, C. rostratum and C. reclinatum are described as new from Pleistocene bathyal sediments of Southern Italy. The third, C. mamillatum (Seguenza, 1880) was already known from Tertiary-to-Quaternary sediments of Southern Italy. It has been recognized as the senior synonym of C. bifurcatum (Waters, 1918). Stratigraphical, geographical and ecological distributions of all the species are discussed. Morphological studies, principally of C. mamillatum, provide useful information about the life habit of these species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2283-2300
The genus Nasutopedia is a distinct lineage of tapinotaspidine bees that occurs in cloud forests of the tropical Andes, mostly in altitudes higher than 1200 m above sea level. Here, four new species of Nasutopedia are described for a total of seven species in the genus: Nasutopedia borealis sp. nov., from Colombia and Venezuela, Nasutopedia laeta sp. nov. from Ecuador, Nasutopedia morena sp. nov. from Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico, and Nasutopedia puncticutis sp. nov. from Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. A key to Nasutopedia species is provided, including illustrations of main characters and a map of geographical distribution.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C3D6A837-7D84-4CB6-B74D-C4A9A5323A9B  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1611-1615
Nesting behaviour and prey of two species of Pseudoplisus, a gorytine wasp genus in the sphecid subfamily Nyssoninae, are described. P. natalensis is a solitary nester in southern Africa nesting often in the soil in flower-pots. P. ranosahae in Madagascar nests in the ground in large aggregations. Both species show a high degree of prey specificity. Nests are provisioned only with large adult froghoppers (Aphrophoridae), P. natalensis preying on Ptyelus grossus and P. ranosahae on Ptyelus goudoti.  相似文献   


A new genus, Lasalleistichus, is described based on material from the Neotropical region (Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru). This new genus includes four species: L. albiclava, L. albifasciatus, L. fuscicoxa, L. longicaulis, all spp. n. and described here. The group is mainly female based, males are known only for L. albiclava. There is no biological information available for this group.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:82E08F36-E2C4-42FF-AD12-11B49C272AC6  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the genus Ooencyrtus Ashmead is described. Ooencyrtus marcelloi sp. nov. has been reared from eggs of Heliconiini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae) collected in Panama on Passiflora spp. The new species is compared with its closest Ooencyrtus species, i.e. O. caligo Noyes, O. neustriae Mercet, O. flavipes (Timberlake), O. camerounensis (Risbec), O. endymion Huang and Noyes and Ooencyrtus sp. “undet. C.” (from India). This represents the second record of Ooencyrtus from Heliconinae and the first record of this genus from Panama.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2255-2272
Two new species of asterocherid associated with sponges are described from the Mediterranean Sea. They are Psilomyzon laetitiae sp. nov. and Psilomyzon sarcotragusicola sp. nov. The genus Psilomyzon consists of only one known species, P. pauciseta. The two new species can be easily distinguished from the cogener species by reduction of the endopod of leg 4. In P. pauciseta the leg 4 endopod is 3-segmented, with the third segment reduced; in both new species it is 2-segmented, with the second segment carrying an inner projection, possibly homologous to the third segment of the leg 4 endopod of P. pauciseta. In the two new species, the bifid outer process on male leg 4 second endopodal segment seems to be serially homologous to the similar processes on the same segment in legs 1–3, whereas the inner projection may represent a vestigial element of the third endopodal segment of leg 4.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:33BF0653-BBA9-426B-B365-5D8C62DFD44A  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):129-138
A new species of Cerchysiella Girault (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae), Cerchysiella raddeii Yang, sp. nov., is described from China. It is a gregarious koinobiont endoparasitoid in mature larvae of the chestnut trunk borer, Massicus raddei (Blessig) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a serious pest which causes severe damage to many oak tree species, particularly Quercus mongolica and Quercus liaotungensis (Fagaceae) in forested areas of northeastern China. The new species is one of the principal natural enemies of the wood borer and it has high potential as a biological control agent with parasitism rates of 6.7%, large numbers of adult wasps were reared from a single host larva (average 1083.8), and there is a high female : male sex ratio (9.67 : 1).  相似文献   

During an investigation of species diversity in the Lengshuihe Nature Preserve, Jinsha County, Guizhou Province, China, in August of 2015, a new species of the rare genus Gibbotettix was discovered. Gibbotettix vallis Zha and Wen sp. nov. is introduced, described and photographed, and compared with other species. A taxonomic review of the genus Gibbotettix is provided and a key to all known species of the genus is given.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:74D8DCB9-A31E-4E4D-A2E8-692A54A81317  相似文献   


The Andaman Sea adjoining the Indian Territory is biologically rich in terms of marine diversity. However, inadequate surveys during the post-independence era have resulted in large lacunae in data on the species composition in these waters. In this paper, we report the first observation of two species of dendrobranchiate prawns, Metapenaeopsis difficilis Crosnier, 1991 and Haliporus taprobanensis Alcock and Anderson, 1899, in the Indian seas, supplemented with notes on their morphological diagnoses, comparison with closely related species and zoogeographical distribution. Crustacean specimens were collected using trawl nets and a naturalists’ dredge on board the Fisheries Oceanography Research Vessel Sagar Sampada in the deeper offshore region between 124 and 850 m depth in the Andaman Sea during the period 2015–2017. Metapenaeopsis difficilis is distinguished by an oval-shaped thelycal plate and a low, unarmed bead-like plate on the thoracic sternum between the third pereiopods. Metapenaeopsis difficilis is previously reported from the Philippines, Indonesia, Coral Sea, New Caledonia, Marquesas Islands, and Wallis and Futuna Islands at depths between 21 and 440 m, thereby indicating its westward range extension. Haliporus taprobanensis is distinguished by a tough integument, presence of a postero-dorsal spine on the fourth pleonal somite, and smooth dorsum of the first four pleonal somites. Haliporus taprobanensis is previously reported from South Africa, Madagascar, off Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines and northern Australia at depths between 300 and 1650 m.  相似文献   


Species of Astymachus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) are of potential economic importance as primary parasitoids of aclerdids (Hemiptera: Aclerdidae) on grasses (Poaceae). We review the known species and describe three as new, bringing the total to eight. The species are characterised by means of a dichotomous key, diagnoses and illustrations and their known hosts are summarised.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:324E4AF7-3032-4573-98AC-CABAE316F33E  相似文献   

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