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Fluvicola nengeta is an insectivorous bird that belongs to the Tyrannidae family, which lives close to bodies of water and can occur in urban areas as well. It makes use of natural and man-made substrates to build its nests. This study aims at describing the reproductive biology of F. nengeta by comparing nests built on vegetation and man-made structures as to their shapes, nest dimensions, building materials, distance from bodies of water and reproductive success. Forty-four nests were found, where 30 were located in vegetation and 14 on man-made structures. Nests did not exhibit any single pattern and were divided into three distinct shapes: closed/globular/base; closed/ovoid/base (45.5%; n = 5 for both) and low cup/base (9%; n = 1). Nests built on man-made structures exhibited a larger amount of anthropic material, such as plastic and paper, instead of plant-derived materials. Nests on man-made structures were found to be higher up from the ground (459.8 ± 46.9 m) and farther from water (232.9 ± 54.8 m) in comparison to those on vegetation (92.2 ± 28.6 m and 7.3 ± 4.7 m, respectively), aside from exhibiting a higher Mayfield reproductive success (37%) when compared to nests built on vegetation (34%). The estimated values of the daily survival rate (DSR) for vegetation nests were 0.997 for the incubation period and 0.928 for the nestling period. In man-made structure nests, DSRs were 0.968 and 0.964, respectively, during the incubation and nestling periods. The period survival rate (PSR) of nests in vegetation was significantly higher than the PSRs of nests in man-made structures during the incubation period. DSRs did not differ between incubation and nestling periods for either nesting sites.  相似文献   

Eubrachyurans not only exhibit a crab-like body shape, consisting of a mostly wide cephalothorax and a thin, shield-like pleon folded underneath it, but reportedly hold the pleon in this position with the use of specialized holding structures. To further our knowledge of the variability of these holding structures, and investigate their functionality, male and female crabs from five primary freshwater crab and five selected thoracotreme families were examined with stereomicroscopy. Exemplary specimens of each group were documented photographically and with micro-computed tomography to illustrate the holding structures in situ. The results show a press-button mechanism of variable shape in freshwater crabs, where divergent structures possibly support pleon attachment of different effectiveness. The press-button is present in the majority of basal heterotreme lineages, and is therefore regarded as an ancestral character of the Heterotremata. In the Thoracotremata, multiple holding mechanisms are identified: press-button, clasping apparatus, overhanging edge, and increased setae cover on sternal plates, with the last system probably only effective in terrestrial species, due to wet adhesion effects. The ancestral character state in the Thoracotremata is debatable, but most likely also a functional press-button was present. Each holding mechanism requires different pleon movements to engage and disengage. Additionally, in contrast to the most common press-button mechanism, divergent holding mechanisms tend to be present, and likely functional, in adult males and females.  相似文献   


The swarming flights of 23 species of termite were observed at three localities within Brazil and data collected on the periodicity of swarms, the predators which attach the exposed termites and the defensive behaviour of the three castes of termites.

The principal predators on termites during swarming were ants at ground level and birds in the air. The defensive behaviour of workers and soldiers effectively protected the termite alates from terrestrial predators, but only the low level of light at dawn and dusk protected them from aerial predators.

Most of the termites released their alates at the beginning of the rainy season, either at dawn or at dusk and protected them from grounded predators with a ‘blanket’ cordon of workers and soldiers.

Three species of the subterranean, soldierless Anoplotermes constructed special launching towers for the release of alates and protected them from predation with these structures. Armitermes euamignathus and Cornitermes cumulans also built launching structures on their nests for alates, but showed the ‘blanket’ behaviour of most termitids in their defence.

The towers constructed by the three species of Anoplotermes indicated, by their distribution and number, the density and approximate size of the subterranean colonies which built them. A mean density of 240 nests ha-1 and 258·24 termites m-2 was estimated for Anoplotermes sp I.  相似文献   

It has long been an axiom of Antarctic terrestrial ecology that interactions between terrestrial invertebrates and their abiotic environment are unidirectional: they are affected by their extreme environment in numerous ways, but they themselves do not affect their environment. Field observations in tandem with laboratory investigations of the exuvial refugia of the springtail Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni Carpenter, reported here, challenge this long-held assumption. These previously undescribed structures consist of minute lithic particulate matter that has been bound together by the accumulation of moult exuviae. Macrophotography, microscopy and manipulation assays demonstrated that the exuviae act as a kind of ‘cement’. Detachment of exuviae by emulsification indicated that this is mediated by the accumulation of cuticular hydrocarbons (retained in shed exuviae) at the lithic–exuvial interface. In addition to re-enforcing preferred microhabitat features by extending the hygrically buffered refuge phenotype, these structures contribute to primary soil formation processes through the structural cohesion of particulate matter. These by-products of moulting behaviour represent the first tangible evidence of environmental modification by terrestrial invertebrates on the Antarctic continent.  相似文献   


An account if given of the larval and pupal morphology of the ant-attended lycaenid butterfly, Jalmenus evagoras Donovan, focusing on those structures specifically associated with the mutualistic interaction with ants. Scanning electron micrographs of these and associated structures are presented and interpreted. A brief account of the function of these myrmecophilous organs and their mode of action is included.  相似文献   

Tanais dulongii (Audouin, 1826) is a small benthic crustacean with separate sexes and a marked sexual dimorphism characterized by a cephalothorax narrowed anteriorly, larger chelae (claws) and a pair of tiny genital cones in males, and ovisacs that form chambers for carrying embryos in females. Recent studies have described the existence of intersexual individuals with a cephalothorax similar to males, large chelae and ovisacs, but, due to their small size, it has not been possible to confirm the presence of genital cones under normal light microscopy. The present study analyses and compares external reproductive structures under scanning electron microscopy, of male and female T. dulongii, to corroborate the presence of both ovisacs and genital cones in potentially intersex individuals. The possible causes, such as hermaphroditism, environmental sex determination, parasitism, genetic aberration or endocrine-disrupting pollutants, are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Aciliini diving beetles, Thermonectus tremouillesi sp. nov., is described on the basis of adult and larval specimens collected in shaded forest ponds in Argentina. The adults are compared with morphologically close species and diagnosed by the following combination of characters: the colour pattern on pronotum and elytra; the sexual sculpture of the female well marked, covering basal fourth to basal half of elytra; the male protibia narrow with dorsal margin slightly prominent; the tergite IX of male with four posterior projections; the median lobe of aedeagus bifid apically; and the parameres bearing a terminal spur. The larvae, for their part, are compared with those of other species of the genus and diagnosed by the colour pattern of the cephalic capsule, the shape of the nasale, the spinulae on the prementum, and several chaetotaxic features. Both adults and larvae are illustrated in detail combining scanning electron microscope images, digital photos and line drawings of selected structures. The habitat of the new species and its associated fauna are briefly described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(44):3833-3845
Spiders in the genus Argiope commonly include curious silk structures, termed web decorations or stabilimenta in their webs. Whilst interesting ontogenetic and interspecific variation in both the form and frequency of web decorations has been documented, to our knowledge this is the first study to compare this variation across a number of decorating species. Here we show that two sympatric species A. picta and A. aetherea construct different forms of web decorations as adults and that A. picta decorates at a higher frequency than A. aetherea. Furthermore, this difference in decoration frequency may be related to the different decoration forms (linear or cruciate) across this genus. We also show that native bees responded significantly more quickly to cruciate decorations than to linear decorations. Here we argue that consideration of the different decoration forms and the frequency at which spiders adorn their webs may help illuminate possible context‐dependent functions for these curious structures.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism among crawlers of the scale insect family Eriococcidae is reported for the first time. The general morphology of crawlers of the gall-inducing genus Apiomorpha (Eriococcidae) is presented and sexual dimorphism described. Sexual dimorphism appears to be associated with differential dispersal and settling-site preference of the sexes during the crawler stage. First-instar males of the A. pharetrata and A. munita species-groups settle only on the galls induced by their mothers or, in the case of A. munita, also galls of nearby females, whereas female crawlers disperse. Female crawlers of all species of Apiomorpha, and male crawlers of most species, are well suited for air-borne dispersal. It is suggested that sexual dimorphism among crawlers of Apiomorpha, and some other scale insects, is the result of loss or reduction of those morphological features associated with dispersal. In addition, male crawlers of some species of Apiomorpha have sensory structures which may assist in the detection of sex-specific settling sites.  相似文献   

Males in six of seven species of Phyllophaga perform apparent courtship behaviour during copulation. As predicted by the hypothesis that such copulatory courtship is under sexual selection by female choice, behavioural details differ between species. The modified male abdominal sternites, which rub against the female's pygidium during copulation and whose morphology also differs between species, and the flattened, setose tarsi of males of one species probably function as contact courtship devices during copulatory courtship. Observations of events inside copulating beetles were made through the semi-transparent abdominal sternites of females and male genitalia in three species. They revealed cryptic genitalic thrusting behaviour of male genitalia within the female which occurred even when there was little or no external movement of the male genitalia. Dissections of pairs frozen in copula demonstrated that males transfer large quantities of material to females during copulation that is not physically related to sperm transfer. The type of material varied between species. In at least two species most of the transfer apparently occurred after sperm transfer. The possibility that some male genitalic structures function as holdfasts and/or stimulatory devices was suggested by their positions relative to female structures, and/or their movements within the female. Portions of male genitalia with strong bristles tended to lie against setose or more heavily sclerotized portions of the female reproductive duct. Some portions of female genitalia which vary between species seem ill-designed to exclude the genitalia of cross-specific males. The female reproductive tract is partially everted during copulation in one species.  相似文献   

The dorsal abdominal scent glands of nymphs in Lygaeoidea are diverse. Some related characters, such as number and distribution of dorsal abdominal scent gland openings (DSOs), and shapes of dark plates surrounding DSOs have been commonly used in taxonomic and/or phylogenetic studies of Lygaeoidea. However, comparative studies of the cuticular fine structures surrounding the DSOs in lygaeoid (and other Heteroptera) nymphs are few. We examined the cuticular fine structures surrounding DSOs of fifth‐instar nymphs of 25 species in seven families of Lygaeoidea with scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the structures surrounding DSOs, such as distribution pattern of cell network, type of network, type of non‐latticed area, pattern of channels for glandular secretion, are complicated and diverse at the family level, indicating that they are valuable in taxonomic and phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

Polyrhachis weaver ants build their nests from vegetation bound together using silk produced by their larvae. Here we provide a pilot study of the composition and the physical structure of three arboreal silk nests of Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) delecta based on examination of three colonies. We found broadly similar nest architecture and size of the nests with each containing six or seven identifiable chambers, and describe the distribution of ants of different castes and life stages between them. We also note the construction of silk ‘girder’ structures, which spanned larger chambers, and we hypothesize that these provide additional strength to the internal nest structure. This study highlights the importance of more detailed investigation of the internal nest structure and composition in Polyrhachis, and other weaver ant species, which will help to develop our understanding of this specialized form of nest construction and nesting habits in a diverse group of ants.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31):2935-2952
The scales of one high Andean eumaeine lycaenid butterfly species with pale dorsal coloration and four species with vivid dorsal colour were investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy. The micro‐ and nanostructures are illustrated, described, measured, and interpreted. The vivid colours in the species are caused by a pepper‐pot nanostructure of Urania‐type scales. This nanostructure is a three‐dimensional lattice within the body of the individual scale. The scales of the non‐vivid orange species are lacking this nanostructure and the surfaces of their scales show high microstructure irregularities. This absence of vivid colour may be correlated with thermal regulation. The irregularity of the scale microstructures suggests a heavy environmental pressure on the populations sampled. Previously unknown structural variations of Urania‐type scales are also described. The existence of closed scale microcell structures, explained as an apomorphic character in the tribe Eumaeini, most probably evolved independently several times. It is hypothesized that scale micro‐ and nanostructure modifications develop syntopically within a population, which in turn can lead to rapid diversification.  相似文献   

The function of spider egg sacs is analysed as structures to reduce or prevent mortality by parasitoids and predators. The host relationships of the groups concerned are documented, with special reference to the Australian fauna. Many new records are presented and the biology of each group is discussed. Information presented supports the hypothesis that egg sacs are an effective barrier against scavenging predators (generalists), while coevolution between spiders and their specialized (highly adapted) parasitoids and predators is responsible for the specificity displayed by the latter two groups and the structural diversity evident of egg sacs.  相似文献   

A revision of the new South American riodinid genus Pseudotinea is presented that includes taxonomic and ecological notes, distributional data and illustrations of adults and genital structures for all species. The systematic position of Pseudotinea within the Riodinidae, its ecology and biogeography are discussed. Five species are recognized: volcanicus Callaghan and Salazar, hemis Schaus and caprina Hewitson are transferred from Calydna (comb. n.) and two new species, P. eiselei and P. gagarini, are described here. The genus is confined to the Andes and south-east Brazil where all species are very rare and many endangered.  相似文献   


The variability of four characters commonly used in the separation of species of Limnodrilus has been described, and their relative values assessed. The number of setae per bundle is useless as a specific character; the shape of the setae can serve to distinguish only a single species and the length: breadth ratio of the penial sheath is more useful as an additional or confirmatory character. The shape of the penial sheath proved to be the most important character, but even this was not completely reliable, and it is concluded that several characters must be used in the identification of species of Limnodrilus. It is suggested that structures other than the cuticular derivatives should be examined and that a similar study be carried out on North American species.  相似文献   


Pseudoscorpiones is a mesodiverse order of Arachnida, with more than 3600 described species in the world. Species delimitation is sometimes difficult due to the high variability of some characters, difficulty in finding informative and useful characters for species differentiation and the subjectivity of individual specialists. The aim of this work is to explore and to evaluate the role of morphometric characters in species delimitation within the genus Apolpium (Olpiidae). Measurements of 17 structures of 57 individuals were taken and their length/width ratios calculated. Cluster analyses, principal components analyses, discriminant function analyses and non-metric multidimensional scaling were carried out. The results showed low resolution for the number of species currently recognised in the genus. These results highlight the importance of looking for other morphological characters, and also for a more rigorous assessment of previously used characters for defining species.  相似文献   

Anonyx amphipods feed extensively on dead or weakened animals, often of large size. They cut off strips of food using the wide incisor processes of their mandibles like a pair of shears. The mandibles and associated mouthparts are specialized for this shearing action. The strips of food are coiled and packed into their proventriculi.  相似文献   

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