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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(42):3621-3632
A current checklist of valid avian species of Babesia, Haemoproteus, Hepatozoon, and Leucocytozoon is presented. Some taxonomic problems which have arisen since the last review are discussed as too are the remaining host family groups of parasites still requiring review.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Beebeomyia Curran found in central Veracruz (Mexico) is described, including characters of the male and female terminalia, and a key to the identification of the known species is provided. This new species was found feeding within inflorescences of Dieffenbachia oerstedii Schott (Araceae). Larvae were found throughout the inflorescence, with a proportion nearly three times higher in the female (bottom) than the male (top) section. The life cycle from larval stage to adult emergence takes place in an average time of 42 days, while pupation occurs within the inflorescence. Observations of the oviposition behaviour suggest that after oviposition, the female marks the inflorescence with a deterrent pheromone to prevent further ovipositions by other conspecific females.

http://zoobank.org/lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DC19F7E5-3AAF-4E5C-A35C-F4872C89D3B4  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2665-2676
A Japanese foliage spider, Cheiracanthium japonicum, builds nests with plant leaves. The nests are classified into seven types in relation to the seasons and purposes of nesting. We investigated whether the spider selects a plant species according to the nest type and how the physical traits of leaves influence the spider's plant selection. The difference between the composition of the host plant species used for nesting and that of the seasonal vegetation cover was confirmed. This suggests that the spider chooses the host plant species regardless of its abundance in their habitat. Early juveniles use small living or large dead leaves of various plant species to build moulting nests. Females prefer long and large leaves found in Miscanthus sinensis and Phragmites japonica over other plant leaves to build breeding nests.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):807-823
The mangals of South Andaman Island were surveyed for the insect fauna of mangrove associates. The herbivorous insects collected were reared to adulthood on the hosts on which they were collected. The parasitoids that emerged during the rearings were also collected. Ninety‐six species of insect herbivores and nine species of hymenopteran parasitoids were collected during this study. Comparison with insects known to be phytophagous on true mangroves indicated that species overlap between insects on true mangroves and those on mangrove associates was minimal. Each of these plant communities apparently has its own distinct entomofaunal complex.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2633-2644
Nest architecture, use of floral oil for brood cell lining and pollen collecting are described for the first time for the genus Rediviva, using the South African endemic oil-collecting solitary bee species Rediviva intermixta. The nest consists of a dead-end vertical tunnel with a single brood cell located at the end of each of several horizontally branching lateral tunnels. Brood cells are lined with a thin layer of waxy material, presumably derived from chemically modified floral oil. Rediviva intermixta is a pollen generalist but relies on a small number of host plant species for oil-collecting. Brood cells are provisioned with pollen from at least six plant families, but with a preference for non-oil-producing Scrophulariaceae. The nesting biology and Dufour’s gland size of the species are discussed and compared with the closely related genera Melitta and Redivivoides (non-oil-collecting) and Macropis (oil-collecting). The differences between Macropis and Rediviva suggest that oil-collecting in the two genera evolved independently.  相似文献   

We describe the life cycle and general biology of the tropical cerataphidine aphid Cerataphis fransseni. We demonstrate that this aphid migrates between trees of Styrax benzoin and various species of palms; palm-feeding populations have previously been known as C. variabilis and C. palmae, which now become synonyms of C. fransseni. On S. benzoin the fundatrix induces a relatively simple gall which can contain >6000 aphids at maturity with a large number of reproductively sterile soldiers that protect the gall from predators. These galls are apparently produced throughout the year. Colonies on the secondary host plants, palms, are apparently obligately tended by ants whereas colonies within galls on Styrax are never tended by ants. We discuss the life cycle of this tropical aphid with respect to hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of host alternation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2501-2516
We compiled observations of ommastrephid squid of the genus Illex, primarily Illex illecebrosus from archived submarine video footage recorded during dives off Cape Hatteras and New England, and in the Gulf of Mexico. Based on the behaviour observed, we derived a partial in situ ethogram, or catalogue of the body patterns and behaviour. In total, 36 components were observed: 16 chromatic components (5 light and 11 dark), 10 postural components and 10 locomotor components. Co-occurrence analyses were used to show that specific sets of components occurred together either more or less often than they would if chosen at random. In addition, some of the components were observed occurring during specific behaviours, such as bottom sitting, hunting, or schooling. Such observations by submersibles also provide very precise, although incomplete, records of depth distribution. We summarize the depths and altitudes above bottom of these observations by time of day. Most of the squid were observed near bottom at depths of about 200–900 m. The deepest depths observed were during daytime and the shallowest during the evening. However, individuals were observed as much as 1000 m above the bottom during daytime whereas others were on or near the bottom in deep water during the evening.  相似文献   

Known host-plant associations are listed for the 16 species of Eupteryx occurring in Britain. A total of 77 species in 17 plant families are exploited. The most frequently represented plant family is the Labiatae. Degrees of specificity range from strict monophagy (four spp.) to broad polyphagy (five spp.). In general, host-plant overlap between species is low. The detailed relationships between three Eupteryx species and three members of the Urticaceae were explored using field populations and laboratory feeding experiments, survival tests and examination of patterns of oviposition. Eupteryx urticae, E. cyclops and E. aurata all utilized Urtica dioica as their primary host plant. However, the only regularly recorded association with other members of the Urticaceae was the host range expansion of E. urticae onto Parietaria judaica in the second generation. These findings were supported by the laboratory experiments. The spatial distributions of E. urticae oviposition sites and levels of attack by mymarid parasitoids were similar in populations on the two plant species. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2103-2115
The nests of Myrmelachista are found in tree trunk cavities and branches. The biology of these arboreal ants is still relatively unknown. We investigated the nesting behaviour of this genus in fallen dry twigs in the Atlantic rainforest of southeastern Brazil. Physical characteristics of the nests, colony demographics, presence of breeders and ant worker sizes were recorded. Samples were collected weekly for 12 months, along open, sunny and undisturbed trails within forest remnants. In all, 202 nests were collected and six species were recorded. Myrmelachista ruszkii had the highest population of immatures and the greatest number of nests found. Myrmelachista nodigera had the smallest workers, was the least populous and the colony was housed in the finest branches. These results expand the current knowledge about the diversity and biology of Myrmelachista in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, and describe polydomic nests and competitive behaviour of M. ruszkii.  相似文献   

The structure and composition of the test wall in seven species of Bathysiphon, a genus of large, tubular agglutinated foraminifers (Astrorhizacacea), have been studied using high-resolution SEM. In all cases the wall is composed mainly of quartz grains and varying proportions of sponge spicules which, in some species, show a characteristic orientation within the wall. Three species, B. capillare, B. flavidus and B. rufus, have a well-defined, but very thin (1 μm) outer layer consisting of flat-lying or imbricated plate-like mineral grains. Bathysiphon stictus has a less well-defined surface veneer of tiny mineral grains while in B. major the surface layer is composed of dark-grey or dark-brown particles of an indeterminate nature. The test fabric is rather open and, in all species, the intergranular spaces are partly occupied by an organic cement which forms either a meshwork of fine, branching and anastomozing fibres or shorter, column-like strands. All species also have an inner organic test lining. Thus, the basic structure and composition of the test wall is fairly uniform, but some features show interspecific variability. Some incidental observations on the organization of the protoplasmic body are also reported.  相似文献   

Eriogallococcus isaias Hodgson and Magalhães is a Neotropical species of gall-inducing scale insect (Coccoidea: Eriococcidae), whose phenological synchrony with its host plant, Pseudobombax grandiflorum, is fundamental to the maintenance of its population. Furthermore, E. isaias is unusual among gall-inducing Eriococcidae because its galls are not sexually dimorphic and are induced by the second-instar nymphs. We studied the life cycles of the host plant and the galling insect, and followed the development of the insects and the structure of the gall. The results showed that gall induction is synchronous with leaf flushing, and that the galls and leaves mature concomitantly. Males have a 36–48-day life cycle within the gall, whereas females have a 75–100-day life cycle.  相似文献   

We studied the natural history, hatching phenology and egg bank composition of the Oriental spinicaudatan clam shrimp Eulimnadia indocylindrova Durga Prasad and Simhachalam using both field studies and ex situ sediment rehydration. Field observations revealed that hatching began very early (1–2 days) after inundation, and continued for about 5 days. Mature adults could be observed by 10 days, and they survived up to 16 days. The population showed a largely hermaphrodite-biased sex ratio (male:hermaphrodite 1:3) observed over three years, with a decrease in number of males throughout the hydroperiod. Both amphigenic and monogenic hermaphrodites were observed. The total lifetime fecundity recorded was about 300 eggs laid in multiple clutches. The egg bank composition showed a high proportion of intact eggs, indicative of predictable hydrations and low sediment adversity. Hatching began on the first day post-inundation for all successive cyclical hydration treatments, with peak hatching on days 2 and 3. Hatching rate was highest (57% of total hatching in successive cycles) for the first hydration, decreasing subsequently for the further hydrations. Hatching duration decreased with successive hydrations and was the longest (around 7 days) for the first hydration. Maximum hatching (93%) occurred in the first 10 days for the continuous hydration treatment. Overall, the total emergence of nauplii in successive hydrations was larger than that observed for the continuous hydration treatment, indicative of a risk-spreading strategy across hydroperiods. Early and concentrated naupliar emergence, along with decreased hatching durations for successive cycles, was observed for all the hydrations. A survey of literature revealed a general lack of data on hatching phenology of clam shrimps, particularly from tropical and sub-tropical regions. Based on the available data, it appears that hatching patterns, particularly high, early hatching fractions, are commonly observed in Spinicaudata species, and do not seem to differ much across biogeographical regions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1315-1321
Three transient rabbit-burrow systems with openings below the high tide mark in shelly sand at Ballochmartin Bay, Great Cumbrae Island (Scotland) established during late summer/autumn are reported. The first remained in being for <6 days prior to tidal inundation and collapse. The period of its existence followed the first hotter spell of weather experienced during 2002 locally. A second burrow, begun a month later, at a higher elevation on the beach, lasted <1 day due to mechanical collapse. A third high-shore burrow lasted 21 days. Rabbit activity along the high shore was observed directly and evidenced indirectly (by monitoring tracks). Feeding scrapes were frequently noted at the bases of Ammophila arenaria and at the roots of Potentilla anserina. The prostrate foliage and roots of Halimione (=Atriplex) glabriuscula and upright shoots of Raphanus maritimus plants were also heavily grazed. Stranded algae (mostly Fucus spp.) of different ages (from fresh to well decomposed) were also exploited and some feeding scrapes were even observed in apparently clean sand. Perhaps rabbits foraged there for comminuted seaweed fragments incorporated into the beach. The possibility of marine macroalgal consumption by rabbits having a wide choice of vascular plant species in summer appears not to have been reported before.  相似文献   

Many hemiepiphytic plants secrete a thick layer of mucilage to limit desiccation and protect against fungal pathogens. With its stable moisture and protected location, this mucilage constitutes a potentially attractive microhabitat for small animals; however, until now, no animal species have been recorded from it. Larvae of a psychodid fly were collected from the mucilage of a hemiepiphytic Araceae in Braulio Carillo National Park, Costa Rica. Rearing of the larvae yielded specimens of pupae and one adult male described here as Mucomyia emersa Kvifte and Curler gen. nov. sp. nov. An additional species from Costa Rica, Mucomyia browni Kvifte sp. nov., is described based on adult males from the Zurquí de Moravia forest reserve. Mucomyia belongs to tribe Psychodini, which comprises both habitat generalists and specialists. The new species are morphologically similar to those in Philosepedon s. str. and Eurygarka, both of which are known to develop in snail carrion. It is premature to speculate about whether or not species in the new genus are restricted to hemiepiphyte mucilage.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:37CD136B-53D8-4D3E-A34A-3BE4859045E5  相似文献   

The seed beetles, Acanthoscelides quadridentatus and Acanthoscelides winderi are here recorded for the first time feeding on seeds of Mimosa setosa var. paludosa in the Brazilian Cerrado. Our main aims were to describe the temporal distribution, seed damage, and notes on the natural history of these two species on their host plant. We hypothesised that: (a) healthy seeds from infested fruits would have worse germination rate than healthy seeds from noninfested fruits, and (b) females of seed beetles would lay more eggs on large fruits. We made field observations and an experimental field study with the presence of seed beetles versus their exclusion on plants. Results revealed that seed beetles are synchronised with fruiting, with a temporal partitioning in occurrence. Attacked seeds did not germinate, whereas healthy seeds from infested fruits had worse germination rate than healthy seeds from noninfested fruits. Females of seed beetles laid more eggs on large fruits. These results suggest that seed beetles avoid competition through a temporal partitioning curcial for their coexistence, and select large fruits to oviposit as these fruits probably provide more food resource for their offspring. Furthermore, plants might perceive seed beetles’ damage and then reduce resource allocation on infested fruits.  相似文献   

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