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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1465-1482
The tetracnemine tribe Aenasiini is discussed and a key is provided for the separation of the nine genera that can be attributed to this tribe. Neodiscodes is synonymized with Aenasius and the following seven species, which were originally assigned to the former genus, are transferred to Aenasius as new combinations: abengouroui (Risbec), comperei (Kerrich), lepelleyi (Kerrich), martinii (Compere), indicus (Narayanan & Subba Rao), parvus (Kerrich) and subbaraoi (Kerrich). A key is given for the separation of the four Afrotropical species of Aenasius and the male of A. comperei is described for the first time. Incisencyrtus gen. n. is described for the following three new Afrotropical species: secus (the type-species), sirus and afer. Cladiscodes incisius sp. n. is described from South Africa and it represents the first species of this genus from Africa. New distribution records are given for three Alfrotropical species of Metaphaenodiscus.  相似文献   


The African Ctenidae in the Collections of the British Museum (Natural History) are revised. Thirty species are contained in the subfamilies Cteninae and Acantheinae. Ctenus batesii Pocock, 1903, is a synonym of Ctenus capulinus (Karsch), 1879, Ctenus dirus Thorell, 1899, is a synonym of Ctenus kingsleyi F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1898, Ctenus marshalli F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1898, is a synonym of Ctenus melanogastra (Bösenberg & Lenz), 1895, and Ctenus spenceri F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1898, is a synonym of Ctenus pulchriventris Simon, 1896.

The subfamily Acantheinae is recorded from Africa for the first time. A new genus, Africactenus, is erected for a group of allied species. The genotype is Ctenus agilior Pocock, 1899, and the following new species are described:—A. depressus, A. desartsi, A kribiensis, A. pococki, A. sandersoni, A. simoni, A. sladeni, A. tridentatus and A. trilateralis. Ctenus longurio Simon, 1909, is transferred to the genus Africactenus on examination of the type-material.

Certain species from the Simon Collection are listed in the Appendix and figured for the first time.  相似文献   

The mite genus Erythracarus is revised and redefined and the new pyrrholeucus species group is described. The type species of Erythracarus is established as E. ruricola and the previous designation of Trombidium parietinum as the type is thus declared invalid. Bechsteinia and Chabrieria are newly synonymized with Erythracarus. Nine new species are described: Erythracarus amnicolus n. sp., E. avius n. sp., E. barbarus n. sp., E. ciliatus n. sp., E. decoris n. sp., E. elegans n. sp., E. flavipes n. sp., E. katherinae n. sp. and E. nasutus n. sp. The species E. parietinus, E. pyrrholeucus, E. festinus and E. grahami are redescribed and identification keys to known species and instars of Erythracarus are presented. E. cluozzai is made a junior synonym of Tarsolarkus articulosus, Bechsteinia solarii and Erythraeus spinatus are made junior synonyms of Erythracarus parietinus, while Bechsteinia californica, B. schneideri and Tarsotomus terminalis are all made junior synonyms of E. pyrrholeucus. E. simku is found to be a nomen nudum. E. pyrrholeucus is recorded for the first time from Australia, Iran and the Ukraine and E. parietinus for the first time from the western United States. The only record of E. parietinus from Australia is shown to be based on a misidentification. Observations on reproductive behaviour are made for five Erythracarus species. All of these reproduce sexually by means of stalked spermatophores, the shape of which is species specific. Spermatophores are often deposited on top of one another, possibly indicating sperm competition. Males of one species, E. pyrrholeucus, are unknown and this species is thus likely to be thelytokous. Some Erythracarus species are oviparous. E. ciliatus and E. parietinus are ovoviviparous or viviparous. Prelarvae that were studied were immotile except for those of E. ciliatus, which were able to move their legs. Immotility is a derived character state in Erythracarus and possibly an adaptation to more protected habitats.  相似文献   

Parasites of the grey mullet Mugil cephalus collected from Lower K?z?l?rmak Delta in Turkey were investigated. Trichodina puytoraci, Trichodina lepsii, Ligophorus mediterraneus, Ligophorus cephali, Gyrodactylus sp., Microcotyle mugilis, Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa, Haplosplanchnus pachysomus, Diplostomum spathaceum, Tylodelphys clavata, Posthodiplostomum sp., Neoechinorhyncus agilis and Ergasilus lizae were identified. Overall infection prevalence (%), mean intensity and mean abundance values were 99.61%, 458.10 ± 75.72 and 456.30 ± 75.44, respectively. Infection indices of parasite species in relation to season, lakes/lagoons and some physicochemical parameters of water such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nitrate are determined and discussed. Posthodiplostomum sp. is a new parasite record for mugilids and Diplostomum spathaceum is the first record in M. cephalus, in the present study. Moreover, Ligophorus mediterraneus, Ligophorus cephali and Ergasilus lizae are new records for Turkish parasite fauna of fish and Mugil cephalus is a new host record for Neoechinorhyncus agilis in Turkey.  相似文献   

The number of bumblebee species found in Iceland has doubled from three to six in 35 years. This paper considers the colonisation of Iceland by bumblebees; updates information on Bombus(Pyrobombus) jonellus (Kirby), B. (Megabombus) hortorum (L.) and B. (Bombus) lucorum (L.); presents findings for two new colonists, B. (Pyrobombus) hypnorum (L.) and B. (Thoracobombus) pascuorum (Scopoli); and considers the arrival of another species, B.(Pyrobombus) pratorum (L.), that may have become established. The context of bumblebee dispersal to remote islands is considered. Many of the restricted number of insect species that have colonised North Atlantic islands have done so in association with man. B. (Bombus) terrestris (L.) has been used as a pollinator in glasshouses in Iceland since 1994, and it may also have become naturalised. Barcoding is needed to check the identity of some specimens. B. jonellus has probably been present for at least several hundred years; genetic studies should help determine whether the timescale for its arrival is compatible with an anthropogenic origin. It is suggested that consideration is given to ways of reducing both unintended introduction of bumblebee species with cargo, and the release and disease risk of those imported intentionally for commercial use.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1073-1078
Diastopora suborbicularis Hincks (1880) is a junior subjective synonym of Alecto compacta Norman (1866). Eurystrotos gen. nov. is introduced for A. compacta, in place of Microecia Canu (1918). Diaperoecia Canu (1918) is restricted to its type species, Pustulopora intricaria Busk, from Australia. European species formerly referred to Diaperoecia are assigned to Annectocyma gen. nov., type species: Alecto major Johnston (1847). Annectocymidae fam. nov. is created for Annectocyma gen. nov. and Entalophoroecia Harmelin (1974).  相似文献   

A new genus, Protogamasellopsis (family Ascidae), is proposed to accommodate the type species Protogamasellopsis corticalis sp. nov and Protogamasellus diocorus Manson. The classification of the Protogamasellus complex is discussed and a new subgenus, Protogamasellodes (type: Protogamasellus hibernicus Evans), is erected. A key is given for the separation of the genera Gamasellodes, Protogamasellus s.lat and Protogamasellopsis.  相似文献   


The families Opecoelidae, Lepocreadiidae and Enenteridae are differentiated. The Enenteridae is considered to consist of three subfamilies, the Enenterinae, the Cadenatellinae subfam. nov. and the Pseudolepidapedinae, whose constituent genera are listed. The diagnostic features of the opecoelid subfamilies Opecoelinae, Plagioporinae and Stenakrinae are presented. Plagioporus is restricted to freshwater forms, and Lebouria is considered a synonym of Peracreadium, following the transfer of L. idonea Nicoll, 1909, to the latter genus as P. idoneum comb. nov. Caudotestis is considered to belong to the Stenakrinae, Trematichtys to the Allocreadiidae, Spinoplagioporus to the Enenterinae and Pycnadenoides to the Plagioporinae. Macvicaria gen. nov., with the type-species M. [Plagioporus] alacris (Looss, 1901) and also containing M. [Distoma] soleae (Dujardin, 1845) (syn. Plagioporus varius) is erected for some of the marine forms previously allocated to Plagioporus. Neolebouria is briefly discussed and N. merretti sp. nov. from Bathytyphlops sewelli is described. Gaevskajatrema gen. nov. is erected for type-species G. [Peracreadium] perezi (Mathias, 1926) and G. [Plagioporus] lethrini (Nagaty, 1942). Podocotyle is discussed, especially in relation to P. angulata (Dujardin, 1845), which is reinstated as the type-species, P. atomon (Rud., 1802) and P. staffordi Miller, 1941, and P. abitionis McFarlane, 1936, is transferred to Pellamyzon. Tellervotrema gen. nov. is erected for the type-species T. armstrongi sp. nov. from Nezumia aequalis, which is described, and T. [Plagioporus] beringi (Mamaev, 1965). The genera Peracreadium, Cainocreadium, Hamacreadium, Bathycreadium and Helicometra are also briefly discussed. In addition, a key to the plagioporine genera occurring in European Atlantic waters is presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1087-1111
An identification guide to the genus Eurysternus is presented. One new species, confusus is described from South America. The synonymies inflexus (Germar) (=planipennis Lucas), parallelus Castelnau (=femoralis Lucas), hirtellus Dalman (=cirratus Harold), calligrammus Dalman (=opacus Lucas), foedus Guérin-Méneville (=claudicans Kirsch), velutinus Bates (=hypocrita Balthasar), and caribaeus (Herbst)(=peruanus Harold) are established, and four previously established synonymies confirmed. Lectotypes are designated for the following species of Eurysternus: mexicanus Harold, plebejus Harold, angustulus Harold, velutinus Bates, hypocrita Balthasar, hamaticollis Balthasar, nebulosus Kirsch, peruanus Harold, sulcifer Balthasar, cirratus Harold, planipennis Lucas, cyanescens Balthasar, femoralis Lucas, and for Onitis deplanatus Germar.

Neotypes are designated for the following species of Eurysternus: magnus Castelnau, marmoreus Castelnau, impressicollis Castelnau, foedus Guérin-Méneville, hirtellus Dalman, opatrinus Perty, parallelus Castelnau, cayennensis Castelnau, and for Scarabaeus caribaeus Herbst.

Type-species are designated for the genera Eurysternus Dalman and Aeschrotes Saint-Fargeau & Serville.  相似文献   

Osteochilotrema malayae gen. nov. sp. nov. (Osteochilotrematinae subfam. nov.) from the intestine of Osteochilus hasselti in Malaysia is described. It is characterized mainly by the symmetrical extracaecal testes and the structure of the male terminal ducts. Protocladorchis pangasii is reported from Pangasius pangasius, Barbus daruphani, B. tambroides and from Malaysia for the first time. It is redescribed and the generic diagnosis amended. Helostomatis indica is reported from O. hasselti in Malaysia, both new records. The subfamily and generic diagnoses are amended. Orientodiscus jumnai was recovered from new hosts, B. tambroides and P. micronemus, and is new for Malaysia.  相似文献   


A new genus is erected for Megacoelum nigroscutellatum Distant in the Hyaliodinae as opposed to the Mirinae where the species was originally described. Two species previously described in the genus, Araspus Distant, viz. A. scutellaris Poppius and A. bicolor Poppius, are considered not congeneric with the genotype of the genus and are therefore transferred tentatively to Imogen Kirkaldy in the Saturniomirini. The genus Attractotomelus recently erected by Linnavuori (1975) for Attractotomus serosus Odhiambo is synonymized with Millermiris Carvalho while the transfer of the latter to the Phylinae by Schuh (1974) is confirmed. Proboscidocoris nitidus Odhiambo is transferred to Polymerus Hahn while Polymerus capitatus (Distant) is transferred to Proboscidocoris Reuter and P. antennatus (Distant) to Charagochilus Fieber.  相似文献   


A history of the genus Pseudanisakis Layman &; Borovkova, 1926, is given. After studies on two species of the genus with both light and scanning electron microscopes, the genus is re-defined. A nomen novum, P. tricupola, is proposed for the type-species, P. rotundata (Rud., 1819) Mosgovoi, 1950, and another, P. baylisi, is proposed for Eustoma rotundatum (Rud., 1819) of Punt (1941). These two species are re-described, and a larval stage of P. tricupola is described for the first time. P. rajae Yamaguti, 1941, sensu nov. is included in the genus. Anacanthocheilus australis of Johnston &; Mawson (1945) is placed in the genus Acanthocheilus Molin, 1858. Acanthocheilus and Pseudanisakis are distinguished, and aspects of their life-histories commented upon.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1135-1169
Leptotachidia iberica Becker is completely redescribed from the type material and is shown to carry claviform aesthetascs on the mouthparts. This is regarded as a character of high phylogenetic significance and, together with the loss of the mandibular exopod and the form of sexual dimorphism of the distal segment of the male P2 endopod, provides overwhelming evidence for a common ancestry for the genera Leptotachidia, Micropsammis Mielke and Paradanielssenia Soyer. Additional observations are made of the morphology of M. noodti Mielke, M. secunda Mielke and P. biclavata Gee. From a discussion of the probable relationships within this group of genera it is concluded that M. secunda is the most likely sister group of Leptotachidia and therefore must be removed to a new genus Telopsammis gen. nov. New diagnoses are given for all the genera.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21):1893-1945
Nine species of Hygrobates (Acari: Parasitengona: Hygrobatidae) from Hokkaido, Japan are described or redescribed from newly collected material and historical specimens. Treated herein are eight species in the subgenus Hygrobates, including one new species, H. bibi sp. nov., as well as H. calliger Piersig, ; H. foreli (Lebert, ); H. japonicus Uchida, ; H. longipalpis (Hermann, ); H. longiporus Thor, ; H. nigromaculatus Lebert, ; and H. sokolowi Thor, . Also treated is H. ezoensis Uchida, in the subgenus Rivobates. A lectotype and paralectotype are designated for H. japonicus Uchida, . Hygrobates (s. str.) heteropalpis Imamura, is synonymized with H. calliger Piersig, . The name H. ezoensis Uchida, is resurrected from synonymy with H. diversiporus Sokolow, . Six species previously known from Hokkaido were collected in the study: H. foreli, H. japonicus, H. longipalpis, H. longiporus, H. diversiporus, and H. ezoensis. New records for both Hokkaido and Japan include H. nigromaculatus and H. sokolowi. A species previously recorded from Hokkaido, H. taniguchii Imamura, , was not found in this study. Three new characters are proposed as useful for the taxonomy of the genus Hygrobates: the ratio of the distance between the P‐4 ventral setae to P‐4 length, the ratio of the length of the longest terminal seta on IV‐L‐5 to the length of IV‐L‐5, and the nature of the outer border of the genital plates.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):975-1001
The early history of the genus Tydeus, the type genus of the family Tydeidae, is complex and convoluted and, subsequently, even the identity of the type species of the family remains unclear. First, the literature is thoroughly analysed and morphological characters of some species are reappraised. After studying Oudemans' types, two species inquirendae, Tydeus croceus and T. cruciatus, are redescribed and a third, T. spathulatus, removed from synonymy and reinstated as a valid species. A fourth species, confused with T. spathulatus, is described. A lectotype is designated for T. spathulatus and a neotype for T. croceus. After discussion, the genus Lorryia Oudemans, is re‐established in its pristine state. As the redescribed species were designated as type species by Oudemans, the following new generic synonymies are proposed: Raphitydeus Thor, and Lorryia Oudemans, sensu Ka?mierski (, ) are junior synonyms of Brachytydeus Thor, ; Homeotydeus André, (partim) and Pseudolorryia Ka?mierski, are junior synonyms of Calotydeus Oudemans, ; Brachytydeus Thor, (partim), Calotydeus Oudemans, (partim), Tydeus Koch, sensu Oudemans, (partim), Orthotydeus André, , and Tydeus Koch, sensu Ka?mierski, are junior synonyms of Tydeus Koch, . To stabilize the usage of the names, especially that of the genus type of the family Tydeidae, the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature will be asked to set aside all previous type species designations for Tydeus and to designate Tydeus spathulatus as the type species, with Oudemans' specimens from Italy as primary type material.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1457-1505
Exactly 100 years ago Forel made a misidentification of Cataglyphis viaticus as C. megalocolus, one of the most characteristic insects of North Africa. This farreaching error has influenced the systematics of the genus ever since. What really are the species of Cataglyphis? Cataglyphis is unique among formicine ants in that the morphology of the male genitalia is highly diverse: their characteristics are used for the differentiation of species groups and as a basis for postulated phylogenetic relationships within the genus. A synopsis, a key to the species-groups, and a full catalogue of all the available names are given. Of the 104 taxa currently recognized as valid, Cataglyphis albicans var. mixtus is a new combination, Cataglyphis cursor ssp. flavicornis is transferred to Alloformica, and Cataglyphis mauritanicus and Cataglyphis nigripes are given a new status. Camponotus phaenogaster is a new synonym, and Cataglyphis hispidus is a nomen nudum. A lectotype has been fixed for Cataglyphis savignyi.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1377-1389
A key to the females of Neodohrniphora Malloch is provided. A species referred to as Apocephalus sp. by Eibl-Eibesfeldt and Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1967) is assigned to N. attae sp. nov., and to a newly designated subgenus Eibesfeldtphora for the N. curvinervis (Malloch) group of species. Neodohrniphora frontalis (Curran) is confirmed as a synonym of N. (E). curvinervis. The paratype of N. (N.) acromyrmecis Borgmeier differs from the lectotype, and is reassigned to N. (N.) similis Prado. A new subgenus, Wallerphora, is designated for N. (W.) mexicanae sp. nov. from Mexico.  相似文献   

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