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A new species of Indiacypris, I. chalakkudensis n. sp., is described from Chalakkudy River in Kerala, India; an asexual population of I. dispar occurred sympatrically with the new species and is here briefly redescribed. This is only the third species reported in this genus, and indeed also in the subfamily. The taxonomic position of this lineage is discussed in light of new morphological evidence. The subfamily could either belong to Cyprididae, or to Ilyocyprididae, or could represent an intermediate branch. Until molecular phylogeny can test these hypotheses, the subfamily remains in Ilyocyprididae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1243-1261
Heterodesmus adamsii Brady, 1866 from Amakusa and a new species, Heterodesmus apriculus sp. nov. from Amakusa and Noto, both from Japan are reported. It is confirmed in the present study that the main characteristics of the carapace and appendages of H. adamsii accord with those of the genus Amphisiphonostra Poulsen, 1962, and it is concluded that the latter is a junior synonym of Heterodesmus Brady, 1866. A diagnosis of the genus Heterodesmus is given.  相似文献   


Pontocyprididae is a diverse ostracod family with over 300 species described so far. It has a worldwide distribution in various marine ecosystems. I describe two new species belonging to Ekpontocypris Maddocks, 1969 and Schedopontocypris Maddocks, 1969. They have been collected from shallow littoral and interstitial waters from the east coast of Korea. This is the first record of the family from this country. Two new species differ from their closest congeners mostly by male sexual characters, including morphology of the hemipenis and prehensile palps. Taxonomic keys to living representatives of Ekpontocypris and genera of Pontocyprididae are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1B3664EA-4999-4625-81A3-9BE31D11F517http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:A18697AE-F331-4E10-B1E6-866752F83ADA  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(24):2217-2224
A new species, Habrobathynella indica, is described. The male thoracopod VIII of this species is unique within the Parabathynellidae in its penis‐like extension of the internal lobe reaching thoracopod VII. The other two species known from India also have features unique to either the family or the genus. Habrobathynella schminkei has a seta on the uropod distally of the thick terminal spine of the spine row, a seta otherwise unknown in the family, and H. nagarjunai has a homonomous spine row on the uropod, which is lacking in other species of the genus.  相似文献   

Cytheridella tepida sp. nov., a freshwater ostracod, is described from Nigeria, West Africa. It has been compared with five extant species of the genus Cytheridella. Cytheridella tepida was collected from slow-flowing streams characterized by warm water. Some other ecological notes on its habitat are given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2715-2736
Two new species, Leicacandona pinkajartinyi sp. nov. and L. jula sp. nov., are described from the Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia. Both species have reduced posterior claws on the caudal ramus, but differ in carapace shape and the length of setae and number of segments on the second and third thoracopods. A cladistic tree based on 27 morphological characters and a tree based on geographic latitudes and longitudes of the localities where Leicacandona species have been collected so far were constructed. These two cladograms do not correspond completely, although some similarities exist. The results obtained here agree with those obtained for some other subterranean animals in Australia, and they are understood as independent colonizations of subterranean waters by a couple of widespread surface water species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2919-2934

We report molecular phylogenetic and dating analyses of snakes that include new mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data for three species of the peninsular Indian endemic Xylophis. The results provide the first molecular genetic test of and support for the monophyly of Xylophis. Our phylogenetic results support the findings of a previous, taxonomically restricted phylogenomic analysis of ultraconserved nuclear sequences in recovering the fossorial Xylophis as the sister taxon of a clade comprising all three recognised extant genera of the molluscivoran and typically arboreal pareids. The split between Xylophis and ‘pareids’ is estimated to have occurred on a similar timescale to that between most (sub)families of extant snakes. Based on phylogenetic relationships, depth of molecular genetic and estimated temporal divergence, and on the external morphological and ecological distinctiveness of the two lineages, we classify Xylophis in a newly erected subfamily (Xylophiinae subfam. nov.) within Pareidae.


urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:AD3486DF-D874-4CFD-8EAE-14FF3E403AF9  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2277-2304
First records of Coelotinae are reported from Laos. Five new species of the genus Draconarius are described from the northern Luang Nam Tha Province: Draconarius bounnami sp. nov. (male), D. latidens sp. nov. (female), D. postremus sp. nov. (male, female), D. songi sp. nov. (male) and D. tabularis sp. nov. (female). In addition, two new Coelotinae species are described from Vietnam: D. hanoiensis sp. nov. (female) and D. huongsonensis sp. nov. (female). Of the 429 currently valid Coelotinae species, 154 of them have only females described (36%). The embolus characteristics of those with males described (275 species, 64%) are reviewed. Two characters have been found that might be informative for the estimation of phylogeny, and their congruence with the current Coelotinae classification system is discussed. One character is the point from which the embolus arises and another is the embolus shape.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17):2211-2223
A new genus, Cornutorogas gen. nov., and four new species, Cornutorogas orientalis Chen and Belokobyskij, sp. nov. (China, Vietnam), C. maetoi van Achterberg, sp. nov. (Thailand), C. javensis van Achterberg, sp. nov. (Java) and C. sumatrensis van Achterberg, sp. nov. (Sumatra), of the subfamily Rogadinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from the Oriental Region are described and illustrated. The placement of this genus in the Rogadini is discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Tetradinodula Zha gen. nov. (type species: T. bambusae Zha sp. nov.) is described from the Baiqing Nature Preserve, Tongzi County, Guizhou Province, China. Ecology and habits of the new species are discussed. Genera of Cladonotinae from China are reviewed and a revised key for identifying the genera of Chinese Cladonotinae is presented.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EDEEECE8-9828-4C8E-829E-98089F58469E  相似文献   

Three species of Characodoma Maplestone, 1990 from the Mediterranean are discussed here. Two, C. rostratum and C. reclinatum are described as new from Pleistocene bathyal sediments of Southern Italy. The third, C. mamillatum (Seguenza, 1880) was already known from Tertiary-to-Quaternary sediments of Southern Italy. It has been recognized as the senior synonym of C. bifurcatum (Waters, 1918). Stratigraphical, geographical and ecological distributions of all the species are discussed. Morphological studies, principally of C. mamillatum, provide useful information about the life habit of these species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1489-1508
Several species, belonging to the genus Amphiblestrum Gray from the Atlantic-Mediterranean area are discussed. One species is described as new: A. frigidum sp. n., from Lower Pleistocene sediments of the Mediterranean area and from the Recent Northern Atlantic. Systematic affinities among species are discussed together with geographical, ecological and stratigraphical distributions. The climatic-palaeoclimatic significance of some species is stressed: A. lyrulatum and the fossil A. spaeleus and A. intermedius seem to be warm-temperate species whereas all the others are cool, boreal or boreal-arctic species. A. flemingi and A. frigidum sp. n., both Recent Northern Atlantic species known from Würmian submerged sediments and/or Lower Pleistocene outcrops of the Mediterranean area are considered as Boreal Guests.  相似文献   

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