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An account is given of Simulium xanthinum, an unfamiliar simuliid of the southwestern Palaearctic area remarkable for its mainly bright orange-yellow adult and for the clear yellow-green colour of its larva when alive. The species is described in all life stages (except the unknown egg), and the name Simulium gaudi confirmed as a new synonym of S. xanthinum after examination of types and other material. The finding is reported of pupae and larvae in several limestone streams of Andalusia (southern Spain), notably in the headwaters of the Rio Guadalquivir. SEM examination of the heavily sculptured surface of the pupal gill seems to reveal the occurrence of rows of micropores, and this finding is briefly discussed for its bearing on current debate about the nature of the simuliid pupal gill plastron.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands provide a difficult habitat for Simuliidae because of the scarcity of running water for the early stages, but the archipelago currently supports a fauna of six species (one other species formerly present is considered extinct). Breeding is confined to three of the seven islands (Gomera, La Palma, Tenerife), but once occurred also in Gran Canaria, an island that now lacks flowing streams. The taxonomic and faunal conclusions are based on a study of all available specimens, including material of early stages and reared adult flies collected by the author and aided by cytological data from the larval polytene chromosomes of several species. Twenty-one nominal species have at some time or another been reported from the Canaries, but, following this revision, only seven are recognized in the fauna (most past records being erroneous and based on misidentifications or false assumptions of endemicity); full synonymies clarify the old records in relation to modern nomenclature. All species belong to Simulium Latreille s.l., and keys are given to them in adult, pupal and larval stages. Three species are endemic (two newly described) and the other four common to the Palaearctic mainland. Some remarks are included on simuliid colonization and extinction in the islands.  相似文献   

A detailed account is provided of the blackfly (Simuliidae) fauna of Andalusia, southern Spain. The work is based on a study of 14204 specimens, of which 13733 were collected by the authors from a total of 137 positive sampling sites during prospections made mainly in early summer 1986 and in the spring seasons of 1994—1998. In all, 25 identified species and two possible species of uncertain identity are recorded. The topographical and climatic background is briefy described, data from previous literature and material from earlier collections are covered, a checklist of the blackflies of Spain and Portugal is provided, and the character of the simuliid fauna is discussed for areas within and outside Andalusia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-24):1467-1480
This work provides a summary of all simuliid species described or reported from China over the past 10 years. Text references pertaining to each additional species are accompanied by statements of the type localities, sexes and life stages described.  相似文献   


A new genus is erected for Megacoelum nigroscutellatum Distant in the Hyaliodinae as opposed to the Mirinae where the species was originally described. Two species previously described in the genus, Araspus Distant, viz. A. scutellaris Poppius and A. bicolor Poppius, are considered not congeneric with the genotype of the genus and are therefore transferred tentatively to Imogen Kirkaldy in the Saturniomirini. The genus Attractotomelus recently erected by Linnavuori (1975) for Attractotomus serosus Odhiambo is synonymized with Millermiris Carvalho while the transfer of the latter to the Phylinae by Schuh (1974) is confirmed. Proboscidocoris nitidus Odhiambo is transferred to Polymerus Hahn while Polymerus capitatus (Distant) is transferred to Proboscidocoris Reuter and P. antennatus (Distant) to Charagochilus Fieber.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):2085-2117
As human demands for water have become more intense in modern times, the Canary Islands have become a difficult environment for all the macroinvertebrate fauna dependent upon running water for their survival; few permanent streams remain. Investigations on the simuliid (blackfly) fauna have shown, however, that at least six species exist in the archipelago, but that one, the endemic Simulium paraloutetense, known only from one site now destroyed, is possibly extinct. The paper presents cumulated data on distribution and material obtained over the past 33 years (since aquatic-stage specimens from breeding sites were first collected) with the aim of providing a baseline against which future studies of the Canarian simuliid fauna can be assessed. Revised identification keys for larvae and pupae are given to aid such monitoring. Remarks concerning each species include notes on chromosomal data when these are available. Comments are included on some aspects of the lotic habitats and island colonization.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1509-1528
An investigation was carried out over a five-year period into the blackfly fauna of one of the most important rivers of the North-Central European lowlands, the Oder, together with its major tributaries (Nysa, Stobrawa, O?awa, Barycz, Bobr, Kroisa, Lausitzer Neisse, Warta, Notec), from its source in the Oder Hills to its mouth in the Baltic Sea. Thirteen species were found. The two dominant indicator species, Simulium (Simulium) reptans (Linnaeus) and Simulium (Schoenbaueria) nigrum (Meigen), develop populations of plague proportions within this catchment area. Blackflies of the subgenus Schoenbaueria Enderlein have not been found in Germany or Poland for more than 70 years. However, since 1997, the species S. (Sch.) nigrum was found in the River Oder in enormous numbers together with S. (S.) reptans, and in the vicinity of their breeding sites in Poland and eastern Germany both species are serious pests of man and grazing animals. Notes are given on the biology, distribution and habitat preferences of S. (Sch.) nigrum. The paper concludes with a comparison of the River Oder with some other Central European rivers in respect of its blackfly fauna, together with data on the phenology of the two indicator species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2559-2575
The parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of Macrosiphoniella del Guercio (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from the western Palaearctic region are reviewed and keyed. The host associations and distribution of each species are summarized. Aphidius stigmaticus sp. nov. reared from Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria on Tanacetum polycephalum, which is another member of the Macrosiphoniella aphid parasitoid guild from high-mountain habitats in western Iran, is described in the present contribution. Some taxonomic problems within Macrosiphoniella parasitoid guilds are discussed as well.  相似文献   

A preliminary list of Diptera (Insecta) in Garf Raydah Nature Reserve (GRNR), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) with remarks on their zoogeographic affinities is presented. This is the first in a series of planned faunal studies on different insect orders as an output of a project proposed to study the entire entomofauna of GRNR. A total number of 177 Diptera species belonging to 130 genera, representing 38 families has been listed. Some species have been identified only to genus and listed herein as genera that were not previously recorded from KSA or of a taxonomic or faunal importance. The list records five families, 11 genera and 31 species for the first time in KSA, namely: the families Acroceridae, Asteiidae, Chamaemyiidae, Heleomyzidae and Pipunculidae; the genera Acrocera (Acroceridae), Eremisca (Asilidae), Asteia (Asteiidae), Chamaemyia sp. (Chamaemyiidae), Ochthera (Ephydridae), Physoconops (Conopidae), Pseudoleria (Heleo-myzidae), Salentia (Therevidae), Sapromyza (Lauxaniidae), Sternobrithes (Stratiomyidae), Tomosvaryella (Pipunculidae); and the species Apoclea algira (Linnaeus), Apoclea femoralis (Wiedemann), Promachus rectangularis Loew, Eremisca sp. and Oligopogon nitidus Efflatoun [Asilidae]; Phycus sp., Salentia sp. and Thereva nobilitata (Fabricius) [Therevidae]; Drapetis flavipes Macquartand Platypalpus flavicornis (Meigen) [Hybotidae]; Acrocera sp.1 and Acrocera sp.2 [Acroceridae]; Aspida-cantha atra Kertesz and Sternobrithes sp. [Stratiomyidae]; Tomos-varyella sp.1 and Tomosvaryella sp.2 [Pipunculidae]; Eristalinus taeniops (Wiedemann) and Eumerus amoenus Loew [Syrphidae]; Asteia sp. [Asteiidae]; Chamaemyia sp. [Chamaemyiidae]; Physoconops sp., and Thecophora fulvipes Rubineau-Desvoidy [Conopidae]; Ochthera sp. [Ephydridae]; Pseudoleria pectinata (Loew) [Heleomyzidae]; Cestrotus megacephalus Loew and Sapromyza sp. [Lauxaniidae]; Campylocera oculata Hendel [Pyrgotidae]; Australosepsis niveipennis (Becker) [Sepsidae]; Metasphenisca transilis Munro [Tephritidae]; Anthomyia xanthopus (Hennig) [Anthomyiidae]; and Sarcophaga inaequalis Austen [Sarcophagidae]. More than 50% of the recorded fly species are of an Afrotropical affinity, whereas the Palaearctic elements did not exceed 20%. Only 7% of the species were of both Afrotropical and Palaearctic affinities, and Oriental elements were close to nil. This emphasizes the fact that the southwestern part of KSA, including the study area, belonging to Asir Province, ought to be part of the Afrotropical Region rather than the the Palaearctic Region.  相似文献   


A new species of Prosimulium from Rhodesia is described and placed in the damarense-group; this species-group is defined and keys are given for the identification of its three constituent species in larval, pupal and adult stages.  相似文献   

Of the four species of phlebotomine sandflies known from the Canary Islands one is endemic. The subgenus Phlebotomus (Abonnencius), created to accommodate this endemic species, is newly synonymized with Ph. (Anaphlebotomus). The biology of Canary Island sandflies is summarized and a comparison of the fauna to that of continental Africa suggests a closer affiliation to the eremic Palearctic than to the Afrotropical Region.  相似文献   


The previously unknown immature stages of Simulium speculiventre are described and figured, and a lectotype is designated for this species from the adult syntypes. S. speculiventre is assigned to the subgenus Eusimulium (new subgeneric combination) and the genus-group name Stilboplax Enderlein is sunk in synonymy with Eusimulium Roubaud (new synonym).  相似文献   


A gynandromorph of Austrosimulium (Austrosimulium) australense (Schiner) is described. This individual had the head of a female, whereas the thorax and abdomen were a mosaic of male and female characters. The genitalia of both sexes were present, but only the female set was complete. Overall, the female characters of this specimen appeared to be more fully expressed than those of the male.  相似文献   

Examination of Fulgoroid specimens collected in several caves of volcanic origin on the Canary Islands (Tenerife, El Hierro) has revealed the existence of at least two undescribed troglobitic Fulgoroid species. These are apparently the first records of troglobitic Auchenorrhyncha, not only from the Middle Atlantic Islands, but from the Palaeartic Region. These cavernicolous taxa belong to the families Cixiidae (Tachycixius lavatubus sp. nov.) and Meenoplidae (Meenoplus cancavus sp. nov.). Possible pathways towards the evolution of troglobitic forms in Auchenorrhyncha and ways of speciation—sympatric or allopatric—for T. lavatubus sp. nov. and its epigean relative Tachycixius canariensis (Lindberg) are discussed. These findings suggest that cavernicolous Homoptera are more widely distributed over the world than was previously assumed.  相似文献   


Type-material has been studied of six southern Palaearctic species of Simulium Latreille hitherto inadequately known and the subgeneric assignment and synonymy of each established or verified. Four lectotypes are designated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2679-2687
Material from Southern Chile and Patagonia was revised, and information on distribution and adult morphology of Atherimorpha imitans Malloch, A. nemoralis (Philippi), A. scutellaris Malloch and A. triangularis Malloch is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1939-1945
Mosquitoes of five Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf (Abu-Musa, Greater Tonb, Lesser Tonb, Kish and Qeshm), Hormozgan Province of southern Iran, were studied during 2009 (February and March) and 2010 (April, May and November). Adult mosquitoes were obtained by hand catch, total catch and night landing catch using aspirators and light traps. Larvae were collected by dipping with a 350-ml dipper. In total, 963 adults and 114 third-instar and fourth-instar larvae representing seven species belonging to four genera were collected and identified, including Anopheles stephensi Liston, Culex perexiguus Theobald, Cx. quinquefasciatus Say, Cx. sitiens Wiedemann, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus Giles, Culiseta longiareolata (Macquart) and Ochlerotatus caspius (Pallas) s.l. This is the first record of mosquitoes on the Greater Tonb, Lesser Tonb and Kish Islands.  相似文献   

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