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Résumé On a mesuré la concentration en hémoglobine de cellules-hôtes vivantes pendant la période d'infection par lePlasmodium berghei de souris. Le premier jour de l'infection on n'a pas constaté de différence significative entre la concentration en hémoglobine des cellules-hôtes et celle des erythrocytes de contrôle. Le 5e et le 93 jour le niveau de concentration en hémoglobine des cellules-hôtes a nettement baissé. Le pourcentage de parasitémie était inversément proportionnel à la concentration en hémoglobine de la cellule-hôte, réaction érythropoiétique probable.  相似文献   

Riassunto Nell'ambito del problema del polimorfismo cromosomico diRattus rattus è stato studiato il cariotipo di varie popolazioni europee (Italia, Svizzera, Francia ed Inghilterra) riferibili alle sottospeciefrugivorus, rattus edalexandrinus. Il numero diploide osservato è sempre stato2n=38 e non è emersa nessuna differenza morfologica tra i cariogrammi delle varie popolazioni.

This research was supported by the Gruppo di Studio per le popolazioni insulari del C.N.R..  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli Autori dimostrano che lo spettro di diffrazione a basso angolo del tessuto osseo è determinato da micelle elissoidali (elissoidi di rivoluzione) delle dimensioni di 200 × 70 Å, pertinenti all'osseina e accolte in incavi delimitati dalla frazione inorganica.  相似文献   

Intraventricular injection of 250 microgram of 5 HTP induces both slow wave and paradoxical sleep, after 20-60 min. latencies, in insomniac Cats pretreated with P-chlorophenylalanine. Direct injections of 5 HTP in several brain stem structures do not induce sleep. The long latency or paradoxical sleep induction and its suppression with chloramphenicol suggest that indolamines are not directly responsible for paradoxical sleep, but that they act by controlling the synthesis and/or the liberation in the periventricular system of some specific paradoxical sleep inducing factor.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Einfluss der Azidose auf die Glykolyse der Erythrozyten wurde in vitro untersucht. Es resultiert eine Erniedrigung der Milchsäureproduktion bei gleichzeitiger Erhöhung des Glukose-6-Phosphat-Gehalts und des Laktat/Pyruvat/Quotienten. Die Befunde weisen auf eine direkte Beeinflussung der Glykolyse infolge verändertem NAD/NADH-Redox-Zustand durch erhöhte H+-Konzentration.  相似文献   

The effect of hypercapnia on the deformability of erythrocytes was studied by means of a nuclepore membrane filter method. A decrement of the deformability by 20--40% was observed when PCO2 was increased from 50 mm Hg to 200 mm Hg, accompanied with an increment of 5% in hematocrit value.  相似文献   

Some conceptual issues in the foundations of classical electrodynamics concerning the interaction between particles and fields have recently received increased attention among philosophers of physics. After a brief review of the debate, I argue that there are essentially two incompatible solutions to these issues corresponding to F.A. Muller's distinction between the extension and the renormalization program. Neither of these solutions comes free of cost: the extension program is plagued with all problems related to extended elementary charges, the renormalization program works with point charges but trades in the notorious divergences of the field energies. The aim of this paper is to bring back into the discussion a third alternative, the action-at-a-distance program, which avoids both the riddles of extended elementary charges as well as the divergences although it admittedly has other problems. It will be discussed, why action-at-a-distance theories are actually not a far cry from particle–field theories, and I will argue that the main reasons for rejecting action-at-a-distance theories originate in certain metaphysical prejudices about locality and energy conservation. I will broadly suggest how these concepts could be adapted in order to allow for action at a distance.  相似文献   

The rate of delta microH(+)-induced Na/H-exchange in erythrocytes of patients with occlusive and with floating types of acute deep venous thromboses, and in control volunteers, was estimated. In patients with occlusive thrombi Na/H-exchange was revealed to be fourfold higher in comparison with patients with floating thrombi and with controls, while no difference was observed between the two latter groups.  相似文献   

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