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Here we present an insight into the genesis of Himalayan granulitic lower crust based on the experimental studies on the dehydration melting of natural biotite-plagioclase gneiss performed at the temperatures of 770-980℃ and the pressures of 1.0-1.4 GPa. The experiments produce peraluminous granitic melt and residual phase assemblage (Pl+Qz+Gat+Bio+Opx±Cpx+Ilm/Rut±Kfs). The residual mineral assemblage is similar to those of granu-lites observed at the eastern and western Himalayan syntax-ises, and the chemical compositions of characteristic minerals-garnet and pyroxene in the residual phase and the granu-lite are identical. Additionally, the modeled wave velocities of the residual phase assemblage are comparable well with those of the top part of lower crust beneath Himalayas. Hence, we suggest that (1) the top part of lower crust beneath Himalayas is probably made up of garnet-bearing intermediate granulite; (2) the formations of granulite and leucogranites in Himalayas are interrelated as the results of crustal anatexis; and (3) dehydration melting of bio-tite-plagioclase gneiss is an important process to form granulitic lower crust, to reconstitute and adjust the crustal texture. Moreover, experimental results can provide constraints on determining the P-T conditions of Himalayan crustal anatexis.  相似文献   

以经高能机械球磨的α-SiO2粉体作为初始原料,考察了高压高温下柯石英的合成。使用XRD和Raman等表征手段对合成样品进行了结构表征,结果显示在2.5GPa的低压下就能够合成出少量小尺度柯石英。  相似文献   

利用高温高压釜,通过失重法、SEM、XRD以及电子探针微观结构分析等方法,研究X70钢在3种不同高温条件下及2 MPa分压的饱和CO2环境介质中的腐蚀行为.结果表明,在所研究的温度范围内,X70钢在CO2环境介质中表现出高的腐蚀速率;随着温度的升高,腐蚀速率呈上升再下降的趋势,120℃时为最大值;表面腐蚀产物膜的主要成分为Fe3C和FeCO3;CO2腐蚀的作用形成了钢表面点蚀、条状腐蚀特征,EPMA分析显示碳元素也呈条状分布;试样中沿轧制方向的两相对平行侧面的点蚀特征明显,而垂直于轧制方向的两相对平行侧面点蚀极少;CO2腐蚀是各种因素相互作用的结果.  相似文献   

利用高温高压釜,通过失重法、SEM、XRD以及电子探针进行微观结构分析,对90、120、150℃时X65钢在模拟油气田CO2/H2S环境中的腐蚀行为进行研究.结果表明:在实验条件下,X65钢发生严重的CO2/H2S腐蚀.随着温度的升高,腐蚀速率呈上升再下降的趋势(120℃时为最大值).表面都生成了FeCO3为主的腐蚀产物膜;CO2/H2S腐蚀的协同作用形成了钢表面独特的点蚀和台地腐蚀特征.CO2/H2S腐蚀是各种因素相互作用的结果.  相似文献   

High-pressure polymorphs of olivine (wadsleyite and ringwoodite) are major minerals in the mantle transition zone (MTZ).Phase transformations in olivine are important for a series of geodynamic problems such as the mineralogical and evolutionary history of the mantle,mantle convection patterns,and deep focus earthquakes in subduction zones.In this study,we examine phase transformations in olivine with two compositions,namely Mg 2 SiO 4 (Fo 100) and (Mg 0.9 Fe 0.1) 2 SiO 4 (Fo 90),at pressures between 14.1 and 20 GPa and a constant temperature of 1400°C,using the newly installed multi-anvil system at the Laboratory for Studies of the Earth’s Deep Interior (SEDI),China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).At 14.1 GPa,Fo 90 transformed completely into the wadsleyite structure (β),while Fo 100 remained as olivine (α).Between 14.8 and 15.6 GPa,both Fo 100 and Fo 90 transformed into the wadsleyite structure.Wadsleyite crystals were identified by two characteristic Raman peaks between 722 and 723 and 917 and 919 cm 1.They exhibit a bimodal grain size distribution:large-crystals with average grain sizes greater than 100 μm and microcrystals less than 10 μm.The population of microcrystals increased with pressure,apparently due to the increase in over-pressure (the difference between the experimental pressure condition and the equilibrium transformation pressure at 1400°C),which promotes nucleation and retards grain growth.All run charges contained large numbers of wadsleyite microcrystals,because of the low activation energy of the nucleation process.The experimentally observed microstructure may shed light on the morphology of wadsleyite observed in shocked meteorites.At 19.5 GPa,wadsleyite coexisted with ringwoodite (γ) in Fo 100,but was absent in Fo 90.At 20 GPa,both samples transformed completely into ringwoodite,which was characterized by the 798 and 840 cm 1 Raman lines.Ringwoodite crystals are euhedral grains (average grain size 10-20 μm),with well-developed triple junctions.The complex upper mantle structure in eastern China determined from seismological studies cannot be explained by the simple transformation sequence of the olivine system alone.Phase transformations in other pyroxene-normative components (including pyroxenes and garnets) and the interaction of these components with olivine may be responsible for the complex structure.High-pressure and high-temperature experimental studies on complex systems (e.g.olivine-pyroxene),combined with data from geophysical exploration,may help in establishing a more realistic geological-petrological model for eastern China and further our understanding of the possible physical mechanisms that are responsible for the complex structure.Such studies will have profound implications for understanding the dynamic processes in the deep Earth interior.  相似文献   

CO2环境介质下16Mn钢的高温高压腐蚀性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高温高压釜,通过失重法、SEM、XRD以及电子探针微观结构分析等方法,对16Mn钢在3种不同高温条件下以及1 MPa分压的饱和CO2环境介质中的腐蚀性能进行研究.结果表明,在60、90、120℃下,16Mn钢发生严重的CO2腐蚀,表现出高的腐蚀速率,且伴有不同程度的点蚀、条状腐蚀特征.随着温度的升高,腐蚀速率呈下降再上升的趋势,90℃时最小,各温度下表面都生成了Fe3C为主的腐蚀产物膜。研究发现,Cl-为点蚀的"激发剂",并且在点蚀坑内富集,导致局部Cl-浓度差不同,形成电偶腐蚀,促进点蚀发生;腐蚀过程显示CO2腐蚀的局部腐蚀特征是各种因素相互作用的结果.  相似文献   

唐波  吴雪锋  赵洪山  李泽  肖东 《科学技术与工程》2023,23(28):12031-12037
深层油气勘探开发过程中常面临高温高压的挑战,钻井液在高温高压等复杂工况下,其性能会发生改变,研究钻井液在复杂工况下的流动摩阻变化规律,能为特深井钻井提速及井控提供理论基础。根据实际工况要求,建立了高温高压钻井液循环流动摩阻测试装置,实验研究了温度、压力、固相颗粒及含气率对钻井液流动摩阻的影响,采用多元回归方法拟合并绘制温压摩阻系数图版,能更好阐述温压与钻井液流动摩阻的定量关系。结果表明:顺北区块钻井液流动摩阻随温度增大而减小,随压力增大而增大,摩阻系数图版能更准确体现摩阻系数与温压的定量关系,固体颗粒含量对流动摩阻影响不大,钻井液流动摩阻随着含气率增加而增大。该实验装置与分析方法,对于研究复杂工况下钻井液流动摩阻变化规律具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that the existence of over- pressure in sedimentary basins not only affects the as- sessment of oil and gas resources, but also closely re- lates to the accumulation and preservation of petroleumin deep reservoirs[1,2]. It is well known that there are more than 180 overpressure basins in the world. Be- cause fluid pressure is transient in sedimentary basin over geologic time, the effect of increasing pressure on organic matter metamorphism is difficult to determine, …  相似文献   

高围压高水压作用下脆性岩石强度变形特性试验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞大理岩、砂岩进行高围压高水压条件下全应力-应变过程三轴压缩试验,分析高围压高水压对脆性岩石变形、强度及脆-延转化特性的影响,探讨围压变化范围较大时岩石强度与围压及高孔隙水压之间的关系.结果表明:在较大围压范围内,有无施加水压力2种条件下,σ1与σ3之间均呈非线性关系;高孔隙水压力加速了岩石的脆性破裂,降低了岩石的强度.  相似文献   

在凝聚相含能材料的反应过程中,反应体系往往需要高温高压的反应条件,且其中原子、分子的反应往往具有不同于气态分子的反应路径.因此,除需对体系分子的结构及电子性质进行计算分析外,还需对体系分子做反应动力学分析.本文采用ReaxFF分子动力学方法模拟了凝聚相下1,3,5-三氨基-2,4,6-三硝基苯(TATB)分子的初始反应过程,通过对分子产物随时间的分布、分子产物在不同时间段内的分布等分析,总结了其在反应初期的一些反应过程.结果显示,C-NO2键的断裂及质子转移为引起更复杂化学反应的初始反应.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivities of the dunite from the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau were measured with the impedance spectra method at 1.0-4.0 GPa and 643-1093 K. The experimental results indicated that activation enthalpies of the dunite are smaller than 0.9 eV, the conduction mechanism in dunite may be attributed to the mixed electrical conduction involving grain interiors and boundaries. On the basis of the results of this experiment, we can deduce that there exists cold mantle in the area of Gaize-Lugu in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau by reverse methods from the magnetotelluric sounding data (conductivity-depths profile) available for western Tibet. The result provides the present cold mantle viewpoint with strong proof on the basis of high temperature and pressure experiments.  相似文献   

利用高温高压可视化填砂管,研究了静态和动态条件下N2泡沫驱油过程中原油与泡沫的流动规律及其驱油机理,并对QHD32-6油田N2泡沫驱泡沫体系进行优化.实验结果表明:压力的增大有利于更多N2溶入原油中,使原油黏度下降,有利于原油的采出;随温度升高,N2泡沫在填砂管模型中的封堵作用逐渐减弱.在90℃下,N2泡沫体系仍具有较高的阻力因数,说明该体系具有良好的耐高温性能.随注入速度的增加,泡沫产生的阻力因子增大;但压力过大容易形成气窜影响采收率,因此,应将注入速度控制在1~2 mL/min.  相似文献   

At 1.0?4.0 GPa and 1123?1473 K and under oxygen fugacity-controlled conditions (Ni+NiO, Fe+Fe3O4, Fe+FeO and Mo+MoO2 buffers), a YJ-3000t Model six-anvil solid high-pressure apparatus and a Sarltron-1260 Impedance/Gain-Phase analyzer were employed to conduct an in situ measurement of the electrical conductivity of single crystal olivine. Experimental results showed that: (1) within the range of experimentally selected frequencies (103?106 Hz), the electrical conductivity of the sample is of great dependence on the frequency; (2) with the rise of temperature (T), the electrical conductivity (σ) will increase, and the Arrenhius linear relationship is established between lgσ and 1/T; (3) under the control of oxygen buffer Fe+Fe3O4, with the rise of pressure, the electrical conductivity tends to decrease whereas the activation enthalpy and independent-of-temperature preexponential factor tend to increase, with the activation energy and activation volume of the sample estimated at (1.25±0.08) eV and (0.105±0.025) cm3/mol, respectively; (4) under given pressure and temperature conditions, the electrical conductivity tends to increase whereas the activation energy tends to decrease with increasing oxygen fugacity; and (5) the mechanism of electrical conduction of small polarons can provide insight into the behavior of electrical conduction of olivine under high pressure and high temperature.  相似文献   

在一个小型工业化水合物生成装置上 ,对由冰和天然气反应生成天然气水合物的过程及动力学进行了研究 .实验结果表明 :水合物的生成温度与诱导时间无关 ,诱导时间不会改变水合物的生成条件 ;较大的过饱和度或过冷度对水合物生成有利 .此外 ,采用过压方式 ,研究了这种类似结晶过程的扰动作用 .最后还得到了最佳的反应时间 .  相似文献   

根据气体在浓度梯度下通过岩样自由扩散的原理,利用建立的高温高压致密气藏岩石扩散系数测定方法,对四川盆地须家河组、鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界致密气藏岩石样品开展试验分析,并探讨物性、温度、注气平衡压力、围压、饱和介质等因素对致密气藏岩石扩散系数的影响。研究表明:物性是致密气藏岩石扩散能力的基础,对其具有重要控制作用,二者呈正幂函数相关关系;温度对致密气藏岩石扩散系数具有促进作用,二者呈指数相关关系;孔隙流体压力、上覆地层压力对致密气藏岩石扩散能力均具有抑制作用,呈负幂函数相关关系,且上覆地层压力的影响与岩性密切相关(泥岩大于砂岩);饱和介质条件致密气藏岩石干样、湿样扩散系数总体相差2~3个数量级。  相似文献   

电阻率各向异性是影响煤储层电法勘探的重要因素,针对煤样复电阻率各向异性的参数评价,对焦作地区煤矿储层沿平行和垂直层理方向分别钻取了煤样,并在高温高压条件下测量得到了相应的复电阻率频谱。为了定量分析温度、压力对煤样复电阻率各向异性的影响,建立了煤样不同方向频散参数(界面极化频率、模值频散度、弛豫时间)与温度压力的对应关系,电阻率各向异性系数与温度、压力的对应关系。结果表明:平行层理方向频散参数均与温度、压力呈现良好的线性关系,垂直层理方向频散参数的线性关系不如平行层理方向好;任意方向煤样频散与温度、压力的响应关系都可以用弛豫时间来定量评价;随温度升高各向异性系数增大,随压力增大各向异性系数变化不明显。研究结果可为更精确地定量评价温度、压力对煤储层电各向异性的影响提供实验基础和理论参考。  相似文献   

采用第一原理方法计算TiB_2在高温高压下的物理性质.对结构参数、弹性常数、体积模量、能带结构、声子色散、热力学性质等进行了密度泛函理论计算.计算结果与其他实验和理论计算值吻合较好.通过对E-V曲线、声子色散曲线和态密度(DOS)的分析,证明TiB_2是机械稳定的.用B/G和泊松比的两种方法判断TiB_2为脆性材料.在准谐振德拜模型的基础上,计算分析了德拜温度Θ和热膨胀系数对温度和压强的依赖.并从不同压强下定容比热容随温度变化的曲线图中得出,在T=1300 K以后,c_V无限靠近Dulong-Petit极限.通过分析电子态密度,发现TiB_2具有金属性,并且随着压强的增大费米能级处峰值降低,赝能隙变宽,非局域化加大,共价键作用增强,从而也证明了晶体结构的稳定性.  相似文献   

随着油气开采难度的增大,对固井质量和固井水泥浆添加剂的要求越来越高,需要研制开发出新型高渗透水泥浆体系。借助美国产Fann50流变仪,研究了温度和压力对高渗透水泥浆流变性的影响,并与常规水泥浆进行了对比。分析结果表明,一定压力下,高渗透水泥浆的动切力、表观粘度随温度的升高而逐渐降低,流性指数减小;一定温度下,压力对高渗透水泥浆体系流变参数的影响不如温度明显。高渗透水泥浆比常规水泥浆体系具有更好的热稳定性。运用宾汉、幂律、卡森、赫切尔巴尔克莱(H B)、带剪切稀释系数等5种模式对实验数据进行了拟合分析,结果表明,H B模式是描述高渗透水泥浆高温高压流变性的最佳模式。  相似文献   

通过试验研究了温度冲击前后煤样在围压加、卸载条件下的渗透率变化。对试验结果进行非线性拟合,得出煤样的渗透率与围压之间存在负指数关系。温度冲击影响着煤样渗透率对围压的敏感性。煤样经过冷冲击和热冷冲击处理后,煤样的最大渗透率损害率增幅分别为2.88%和10.64%,渗透率损害率增幅分别为18.35%和21.60%;即热冷冲击对煤样应力敏感性影响更大,热冷冲击对煤样渗透率的伤害大于冷冲击对煤样渗透率的伤害。在卸载过程中,渗透率的恢复存在明显的应力滞后效应,产生了塑性变形,由加载过程造成的渗透率伤害不能完全消除。冷冲击和热冷冲击都一定程度上加强了煤样渗透率的滞后效应,热冷冲击的滞后效果大于冷冲击。  相似文献   

本文采用分子动力学结合镶嵌原子势方法研究了高温高压下金属Mo的熔化性质.详细分析了Mo的熔化曲线并给出了熔化曲线T-P(温度-压强)方程,计算得到了Mo的等温压缩曲线和等压曲线.理论上获得Mo在常压下的平衡点温度为2695K,与其他实验和理论数据都符合的很好.同时我们还通过径向分布函数和HA指数研究了Mo在熔化过程中的结构变化情况.  相似文献   

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