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An allowable generalized quantum gate (introduced by Long, Liu and Wang) has the form of U = Σ k=0 d−1 c k U k , where U k’s are unitary operators on a Hilbert space H and |Σ k=0 d−1 c k |⩽1 and |c k |⩽1 (0⩽kd−1). In this work we consider a kind of AGQGs, called restricted allowable generalized quantum gates (RAGQGs), satisfying 0 < Σ k=0 d−1|c k |⩽1. Some properties of the set RAGQG(H) of all RAGQGs on H are established. Especially, we prove that the extreme points of RAGQG(H) are exactly unitary operators on H and that B(H)=R + RAGQG(H).  相似文献   

Let {Xn, n≥1} be a martingale difference sequence and {a nk , 1⩽kn,n⩾1} an array of constant real numbers. The limiting behavior of weighted partial sums ∑ k=1 n a nk X k is investigated and some new results are obtained. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Sciene Foundation of China (No. 10071058 and No. 10071019) Biography: Gan Shi-xin (1939-), male, Prof lessor, research direction: martingale theory, probability limiting theory and Banach space geometry theory.  相似文献   

For weighted sums of the form where {a nj , 1 ⩽jk n ↑∞,n⩾1} is a real constant array and {X aj , 1≤jk n, n≥1} is a rowwise independent, zero mean, random element array in a real separable Banach space of typep, we establishL r convergence theorem and a general weak law of large numbers respectively, conversely, we characterize Banach spaces of typep in terms of convergence inr-th mean and probability for such weighted sums. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10071058) Biography: Gan Shi-xin (1939-), male, Professor, research direction: martingale theory, probability limiting theory and Banach space geometry theory.  相似文献   

Viscosities of molten Al(1-x)Mgx(0≤x≤0. 10 alloys have been measured in the temperature range of 973 K--1173 K by a torsional oscillation cup method. The viscosity dependence on temperature for Al(1-x)Mgx(0≤x≤0. 10 melts obeys Arrhenius equation. The viscosity increases with increasing magnesium concentration in the investigated system. There is an important relationship between viscosity and its glass-forming ability for metallic melt.  相似文献   

A tree decomposition of graph G=(V, E) is referred to as a partition of edge set E into edge-disjoint trees. Given (not necessarily distinct) vertices u-1, u-2...u-k∈V with k≥2, a sufficient and necessary condition is given for a connected graph G=(V,E) to have a tree decomposition {T-1, T-2...T-k} such that V(T-i)=V{u-i}, i=1,2,... k.  相似文献   

Let u ∈ R ,for any ω 〉 0, the processes X^ε = {X^ε(t); 0 ≤ t≤ 1} are governed by the following random evolution equations dX^ε(t)= b(X^ε(t),v(t))dt-εdSt/ε, where S={St; 0≤t≤1} is a compound Poisson process, the process v={v(t); 0≤t≤1} is independent of S and takes values in R^m. We derive the large deviation principle for{(X^ε,v(.)); ε〉0} when ε↓0 by approximation method and contraction principle, which will be meaningful for us to find out the path property for the risk process of this type.  相似文献   

Let (t)(tR + N ) be the d-dimensional N-parameter generalized Brownian sheet. We study the polar sets for (t). It is proved that for any aR d , P{ (t) = a, for some tR > N } = and the probability that (t) has k-multiple points is 1 or 0 according as whether 2kN > d(k − 1)β or 2kN < d(k−1)α. These results contain and extend the results of the Brownian sheet, where R > N = (0,+∞) N ,R + N =[10,+∞) N ,0< α≤1 and β≥1. Biography: LI Huiqiong (1966–), female, Associate professor, research direction: stochastic process and random fractal.  相似文献   

当A,B中有一个是正定矩阵,另一个是半正定矩阵时,(A tB)m的主子式的和在k=n(任意m)和m<3(任意k,n)这两种情况下是关于t的正系数多项式.  相似文献   

The colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) effect and charge ordering (CO) phenomenon in perovskite man- ganites have become very important research objects in the field of materials science. The charge ordering (CO) is that, in some materials with specific pro…  相似文献   

This paper discusses the total irredundance relations between the graph G and its clone-contraction graph H, that is, let H be the clone-contraction graph of G and v1,v2,...,vk be all contraction vertices ofH. IfS is a maximal total irredundant set of H such that A = S ∩ {V1,V2,…,Vk} contains as few vertices as possible, then S'= S-A is the maximal total irredundant set of G. Furthermore, we obtain the bound of the total irredundance A(G) number: irt ≤△(G)/2△(G)+1 n, which n is the order of graph G, and △(G) is maximum degree in G.  相似文献   

It is of profound theoretical and practical significance to study endangerment status of rare species in Tibet. Index system is firstly set down for quantitative assessment of rare animal and plant species, then endangerment degree of wildlife under special state protection are calculated, which is expressed by value E. The results reveal that Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti), Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus) and Gigantic Cypress (Cupressus gigantea) have the highest E respectively in animals and plants. According to value E, all species are categorized into 4 ranks: critically endangered(0.6-0.8), endangered (0.4- 0.6), vulnerable (0.2-0.4) and lower risk ( E ≤ 0.2). By comparison of the first five animals and plants of the highest E, each sub-ecozone bears a distinct identity.  相似文献   

For low degree systems (n≤3), it is verified that all convex combination of α(s) and b (s) keeping Hurwitzness is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of c (s) such that both c(s)/α(s) and c(s)/b(s) areSPR.  相似文献   

An upper bound is established on the parameter Γ -(G) for a cubic graph G and two infinite families of 3-connected graphs G k, G * k are constructed to show that the bound is sharp and, moreover, the difference Γ -(G * k)-γ s(G * k) can be arbitrarily large, where Г -(G * k) and γ s(G * k) are the upper minus domination and signed domination numbers of G * k, respectively. Thus two open problems are solved.  相似文献   

We discussed the Dirichlet problem of semilinear elliptic equationin (Pβ,α)D;-β△u=uε+εu,u>0,in Ω u=0, on(e),Ω where Ω(∪)RN(N≥4) is smooth and bounded domain,P=N+2/N-2,β,ε>0. We have proved that there exist positive ε0 and ε1 , such that when 0≤ε≤ε0,β>√ε1,(P0,1)has a single-peaked solution uβ, furthermore, |▽μβ|-0in the sense of measure as ε→0 and β→0.  相似文献   

We proved ifk(z)H q (q≥1),g(z) is analytic on |z|=1, , thenk′(z)H 1, especially, ifq=1, thenk(z) is an analytic function on the closed unit disk |z|≤1. Peng Zhigang: born in June 1970, Ph. D  相似文献   

The conception ofk-uniform smoothness (KUS) is introduced. It is the extension of the conception of uniform smoothness. It is proved that thek-uniform smoothness and Sullivan’sK-uniform rotundity (KUR) are the daul notions. X* is a KUR space if and only if X is a KUS space, X* is a KUS space if and only if X is a KUR space. If X is a KUS space, then X is a (K + 1) US space. It is also proved that the KUS space includes the Nan’sk-strongly smooth space.  相似文献   

Let C be a free cyclic code over Z n α and dim p C = k. In the paper, we prove that if the k characteristic generators of C are p-linearly independent then the corresponding k characteristic generators of C are p-linearly independent. We then show that to any trellis that can be constructed from k p-linearly independent characteristic generators of C, there exists a trellis for C with the same state-complexity profile, which generalizes the conjecture of Koetter and Vardy to a free cyclic code over Z n α. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(60673071)  相似文献   

A diagnostic formula of magnetic field strength of gyrosynchrotron radiation regions of the lower harmonics (5 ≤S≤10 ) is presented based on their emissivity η νBN , absorptivity κ νBN , and the turnover frequency of radio spectra ν P. Their diagnostic error is estimated. And an accurate relation between electron energy spectral index δ and brightness temperature spectral index β is also given.  相似文献   

Determination of oxygen is very important in vari- ous fields such as analytical chemistry, medical chem- istry and environmental and industrial applications[1]. The optical oxygen sensors are based upon the princi- ple that oxygen is a powerful quencher …  相似文献   

Letm, n andk be positive integers, m> 1 andk≤ n. Let ‰ m =‰m‰ denote the residue class ring modulom. Let ‰ m denote the group of additive characters of ‰ m denote the identity of ‰ m . A necessary and sufficient condition for the systemf 1,...,f k ∈ ‰ m [x 1, ...,x m ] to be orthogonal is given: for all additive characters ψ1, ..., ψ k ∈ ‰ m with ψi,≠x0 forsomei, . As corollaries, the result of Shiue-Sun-Zhang and the result of Sun are obtained.  相似文献   

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