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Summary A series ofin vitro experiments have been made on lactic acid production in anaerobiosis in the developing optic lobes (mesencephalon) of the chick embryo. The rate of anaerobic glycolysis is relatively important during multiplication of the neuroblasts; but, during the differentiation of the neuroblasts into mature neurons, the anaerobic processes are lower than the phosphorylation and oxidation mechanisms essential for the growth of nerve expansions and onset of functional activity.  相似文献   

Summary The recent successes in chemotherapy suggest that a solution of the same order should now be possible for cancer. The cause of cancer being still unknown, the therapeutic action aimed at is the creation in the organism of conditions unfavorable for cell multiplication. Certain of the factors essential for cell growth, such as the hydrocarbons, have already been studied in this light. The author has demonstrated the possibility of influencing the high degree of hydration of tumor tissue by the use of substances capable of effecting a homogeneous distribution of the dispersed substances in the aqueous phase. Furthermore, it was proposed to influence the protein repair accompanying cell multiplication by means of substances having an affinity for proteins. This was done to effect a condensation of protein elements before they reach the tumor, thus producing a return to the normal concentration of the free protein fraction, and, at the same time, a decrease in the turn-over of these elements through the tumor. Electrophoretic measurements made with theTiselius apparatus have made it possible to follow protein affinity and to suggest the synthesis of compounds containing quinone and imine groups which may prove valuable in future investigations along these lines.  相似文献   

Summary The young blastoderms cultivatedin vitro, by the method ofNew, slightly modified, grow abnormally on a medium of albumen mixed with LiCl solution. It acts in the first place upon the morphogenesis, secondarily upon the differentiation of organs, if they are able to develop.

Travail subventionné par le Fonds national suisse de la Recherche scientifique.  相似文献   

Summary The action of various proteolytic and glucidolytic enzymes on the biological potency of Human Menopausal Gonadotropin was studied. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, papaïn and glucosidase attack the gonadotropin only after 6 h of digestion. Carboxypeptidase and RDE produce a rapid inactivation.  相似文献   

Summary The reduced form of ribonuclease acts on the cells ofEhrlich's carcinoma by producing important changes in the RNA content of cells:(1) First, there is an important synthesis of intracellular RNA and an accumulation of free nucleotides (from the external medium). This phenomenon accompanies the necrosis of the cells.(2) After this first stage begins a rapid degradation of intracellular RNA.Simultaneously, the respiration of cells decreases whilst protein content remains unchanged.The oxidized form of ribonuclease has no action on the cells.

Aspirant du Fonds national belge de la Recherche scientifique.  相似文献   

Summary The maternal behaviour in the female white rat was ascertained by the method of spontaneous reactions to several stimuli.The observed rats were divided into two groups, and each of them was refrigerated once a day, by the method of detension, from the fourth to the seventh day after parturition, the body temperature attained being, on an average, 30°C. Females of the first group were refrigerated in recipients of the capacity of 2 1, and females of the second group in recipients of the capacity of 5 1.Disturbances of maternal behaviour were much more pronounced in the females refrigerated in recipients of the greater capacity than of those refrigerated in smaller recipients.  相似文献   

Summary Triethylenemelamine (1/400 to 1/12000) induces pseudo-chiasmas and chromosome-breakage in the egg-segmentation mitoses ofPleurodeles waltlii Michah. The primitive effect is stickiness, breakages appear subsequently, but without an interval of time between: the primary physiological and the secondary genetical effect cannot be separated. There are points of breakability, which explains the symmetry of certain fragments. The action is inverted in the epidermal cells of the larvae, where spindle alterations are prominent. Cytodieresis is never inhibited.  相似文献   

Summary In the presence of actinomycin D (20–40 µg/ml), the development of the eggs of the sea urchin,Paracentrotus lividus, is slowed from the late morula and stopped at the blastula stage. The development is immediately stopped in the blastula treated with actinomycin D (20–40 µg/ml). The inhibitory effects of actinomycin D are prevented by deoxyribonucleic acid. Actinomycin D does not exert animalizing or vegetalizing effects. However, the enhancing of vegetalizing action of lithium and the weakening of animalizing effects of zinc ions and Evans blue have been observed in the presence of actinomycin D. These observations may reflect some difference in the state of dependence of differentiation of entomesodermic and ectodermic structures towards the nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary An i.v. injection of 548 g of killedCorynebacterium parvum into C57B1 mice leads to significant changes in serum lysozyme (muramidase) levels. After an initial fall at 24 h, the activity of the enzyme increased progressively, reached a peak on the 9th day and returned to control range after the 15th day.  相似文献   

Summary The cells obtained from anaerobic cultures ofA. aerogenes contain both a hydrogenase and a fumaric reductase, but lack one or several electron transporters necessary for the coupling of the two enzymes. It is possible to measure the fumaric reductase activity of the extracts in the presence of hydrogen, hydrogenase and benzyl viologen, using the Warburg manometric technique. In anaerobic cultures the reductase is an inducible enzyme. In aerobic cultures its formation is strongly repressed by atmospheric oxygen.  相似文献   

Summary The radiations coming from Blanc Brillant de Luxe' fluorescent stimulate the growth and ramification of protonema ofCeratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. This stimulation is caused by red light (660 nm). Multidirectional lightening is more favorable than unidirectional exposition.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird vorgeschlagen, N--di-(-chloräthyl)-carbamyl-l-arginin (III) als neues Stickstofflost auf cytostatische Wirkung zu untersuchen; dies in der Erwartung, dass III in Krebszellen in höherem Masse zum cytostatisch wirkenden Di-(-chloräthyl)-amin (V) hydrolysiert wird als in normalen Zellen. Das gleichzeitig freiwerdendel-Arginin sollte die Krebszelle noch empfindlicher gegen V machen.  相似文献   

Summary The biochemical effects on bone marrow of a same dose of X rays (700 r) induced by a total body irradiation or a local irradiation are compared. The ribonucleic acid and the desoxyribonucleic acid of bone marrow show a fall during days 2 to 14 after irradiation, followed by complete recovery on day 21. A significant difference is noted during this period between animals exposed to a total or local irradiation system. The changes consecutive to X rays induced by a total irradiation are prominenter and remain longer than in local irradiation. The direct effect of X rays is probably associated with secondary injury of physiological connexions or other substances affected in total body irradiation.

Travail effectué avec le concours matériel de l'Institut National d'Hygiène.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Einspritzung von NaFl beim Kaninchen verursacht Netzhautveränderungen, welche derRetinitis pigmentosa ähnlich (Fundus, ERG, Histologie), aber auf einen Bezirk beschränkt sind.  相似文献   

Summary The authors studied the lesions observed in the rectal and vaginal smears of the rat after a local irradiation of the rectum. They observed that an injection of cysteamine before the irradiation strongly diminishes the ratio of damaged rectal and vaginal cells. A local treatment with cysteamine in the rectum before and during the irradiation diminishes only the ratio of damaged rectal cells.  相似文献   

Summary Suppression of the chemo-receptors of the carotid sinus and aorta æreas prolongs the acapnic apnea markedly. Animals deprived of their chemo-receptors may even die in apnea.During hyperventilation, the expiratory position of the thorax increases. During the acapnic apnea the inspiratory position returns progressively to normal. During hyperventilation and acapnic apnea, rhythmic changes occur in the tonus of the respiratory muscles. These changes in tonus occur in normal animals as well as in animals deprived of their chemo-receptors and vagi nerves.In normal dogs, hyperventilation and acapnea do not induce a fall in arterial blood pressure. Arterial hypotension occurs, however, during hyperventilation in dogs deprived of their carotid sinus and aortic innervation. During acapnic apnea, the arterial blood pressure rises in animals deprived of their carotid sinus and aortic nerves. A secondary fall of arterial pressure occurs during prolonged acapnic apnea in these animals.  相似文献   

Summary Hypoglycaemia in the rabbit due to an intravenous injection of insulin results in an important diminution of the value of theb wave in the ERG (up till 80%). Nevertheless, this phenomenon does not follow directly upon the lowering of the blood glucose level but takes place, on the average, about 2 h later. This fact is explained by the enormous energy reserves of the retina, the lowering of the ERG taking place only when these reserves are exhausted.

Travail subventionné par la FondationEmil Barell (Bâle).  相似文献   

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