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Gatsby’s dream is a typical American Dream.His failure signified the decay of the American post-war spirit.His death belled the alarm for the other disillusioned people from fantasy dreams and set them to reconsider the social reality.This thesis would discuss the collapse of the Gatsby’s dream and that of American dream based on the book plot and the background of 1920s.  相似文献   

The paper holds that the presentation of Gatsby as unique to America signifies that Gatsby's personal dilemma and failure are the dilemma and failure of American nation, thus satirizing the illusory nature of the American Dream and the impossibility to attain it.  相似文献   

Hardy's masterpiece Tess of The D'urbevilles depicts the heroine's miserable life,revealing out the objective cause of society reality and subjective cause of heroine's own character.Society objective reality cause is a hypocritical capitalism morality standard,heroine's own weck character is but:Dare to resist tradition morality being not able to shake off that,and whose double character were yoke her completely.  相似文献   

The beautiful and warm-hearted girl,Tess of the D’urbervilles was Thomas Hardy’s masterpiece.In this novel,Hardy described a beautiful and warm hearted girl’s experience.As we take pity on her,we can’t restrain ourselves from wondering what caused her tragedy.The capitalist moral bias and hypocritical martial system were the main reasons.Of course,there were also other related factors,which worked together:this pure girl became the sacrifice of that society.  相似文献   

王晓红 《科技信息》2007,(25):153-153
As the spokesman of the Jazz Age,F.Scott Fitzgerald ,based on his own experience,writes his masterpiece-The Great Gatsby.Through abundant symbols,Fitzgerald profoundly depicts the social prospect of Jazz Age and successfully displays the process of the disillusionment of American Dream which exists in majority people in 1920s.This paper,based on some basic symbolic theories,discusses how the author brings the deep philosophy to the surface to show his attitude,to reveal the theme by these symbols.And by analyzing the symbolic meanings of some characters,it further probes some causes for the failure of American Dream and how the author pays attention to common human nature.  相似文献   

Owing to the influences of Greek's view of fate, Dorset peasant's fatalism and Schopenhauer' s pessimistic philosophy, Hardy showed more or less a pessimistic tendency in his early writings and this tendency illustrated itself in his writing of Eustacia, heroine of The Return of the Native. He believed that Eustacia' s tragedy resulted from the disagreement between her aspiration for a brilliant life outside Egdon Heath and the fate imposed on her by some mysterious force working at odds with her. This is what the paper attempts to prove.  相似文献   

Taking Emerson and Thoreau's transcendentalist opinions as a main framework of the essay,this paper mainly talks about how does the power of Nature infulunce the main characters of the 19th century American novels.It also trys to find a conclusion that the one who rely on the nature could survive and the one who fight against or keep away from nature will perish.  相似文献   

梁慧 《科技信息》2006,(11):104
Learning English has become more and more popular inChina.Those who have experience in leaning English,knowthat vocabulary,in the end,becomes one of the biggest prob-lems in learning English,because vocabulary is the most essen-tial element in communicati…  相似文献   

本篇文章通过回顾英语发展史和分析英语发展现状,从历时和共时角度对比和分析英国英语和美国英语在词汇方面的差异;阐明美国英语是英语这一语种的一种变体,并非另一种语言。  相似文献   

For a prime p,let E_(p,p~m)={(a p~(m-1) b d)|a,b,c∈Z_p,d∈Z_(p~m)}. We first establish a ring isomorphism from Z_(p,p~m) onto E_(p,p~m). Then we provide a way to compute-d and d~(-1) by using arithmetic in Z_p and Z_(p~m), and characterize the invertible elements of E_(p,p~m). Moreover, we introduce the minimal polynomial for each element in E_(p,p~m) and give its applications.  相似文献   

刘昀 《科技信息》2007,(32):138
A Streetcar Named Desire is a tragedy.Blanche,a beautiful woman,finally goes insane.She has an indecent past.She tells lies and is indulgent in her behavior toward men.All these seem to suggest that she deserves such a consequence.However,the fact is that Blanche once was a pure girl who dreamed of true love and happy family.It is the cruel reality that results in her tragedy.Compared with her,Stella's tragedy is a tragedy of toleration.Unlike Blanche,Stella prefers to tolerate when confronting with the reality.The tragedy of Blanche and Stella is typical of the time in which women cannot enjoy the same rights as men.  相似文献   

One of the most important theorems in elementary theory of differentiationis the mean-value theorem.When we prove Taylor's formula or discuss someparametric curves, we often use the following generalized mean-value theorem:  相似文献   

“The Armies of the Night” was written by the American contemporary prominent writer Norman Mailer in a particular skill--combining fictional art with journalistic writing.It has been considered one of Norman Mailer‘s best books and was awarded the pulitzer prize in 1968.  相似文献   

Equivalence validity is an important piece of guideline in translation.The thesis mainly deals with the utilization of the guideline in translating the Chinese classic Dream of Red Mansions into English.Through the analysis it is not difficult to find that appropriate use of the principle should be based on specific conditions in the rendering.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of the world economy,the international business among countries is extending to almost every field.The trademark phrases have become part of the social culture.They affect people's normal life through a variety of channels.As the deepening process of our Opening Policy is going on,China has ranked among the first group in its annual export and import.  相似文献   

Numerical weather prediction (NWP) has become one of the most important means for weather forecasts in the world. It also mirrors a nation's comprehensive strength in meteorology. In 2000, China Meteorological Administration (CMA) established the National Innovative Base for Meteorological Numerical Prediction in the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS), to work on developing a new generation of the national operational NWP system-Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System (GRAPES), to enhance meteorological services in China in the new century. In recent years, the GRAPES has witnessed a fast development. The GRAPES has been set up as an integration of the model framework, data assimilation, regional and global NWP system, which can be commonly used for both operation and research. In this paper, a brief review is made for illustrating the GRAPES system, including the advanced designs of the GRAPES, its diverse applications in multi-fields, and efficiencies of the regional and global GRAPES in operational applications based on hindcast results.  相似文献   

朱正玲 《科技信息》2009,(6):114-115
Jane Austen was a writer in the age of rationality, which surely leaves its imprint upon her works Pride and Prejudice. The "pride" and "prejudice" of the heroes and heroines in the novel manifest the fact that they are rationaUy-controUed. Such rationality, however, high- lights the unusual power of emotionality when the characters finally get married after experiencing complicated love This kind of first-back- grounding-emotionality-and-then-foregrounding it plot development in the works displays Austen's profound knowledge of life and her progressive thought surpassing her times. It also represents the characteristics of "the exterior rationalism and the interior romanticism" in her works.  相似文献   

托马斯·哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中以看似互相矛盾的景物描写为切入点 ,引出了苔丝性格之中的矛盾与不一致性 ,也为苔丝最终的悲剧埋下伏笔 ,充分展示作者独具匠心的巧妙设计和审美价值 ,同时籍此区别于同时代的其他作家  相似文献   

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