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A number of papers in recent years have investigated the problems of forecasting contemporaneously aggregated time series and of combining alternative forecasts of a time series. This paper considers the integration of both approaches within the example of assessing the forecasting performance of models for two of the U.K. monetary aggregates, £M3 and MO. It is found that forecasts from a time series model for aggregate £M3 are superior to aggregated forecasts from individual models fitted to either the components or counterparts of £M3 and that an even better forecast is obtained by forming a linear combination of the three alternatives. For MO, however, aggregated forecasts from its components prove superior to either the forecast from the aggregate itself or from a linear combination of the two.  相似文献   

We compare models for forecasting growth and inflation in the enlarged euro area. Forecasts are built from univariate autoregressive and single‐equation models. The analysis is undertaken for both individual countries and EU aggregate variables. Aggregate forecasts are constructed by both employing aggregate variables and by aggregating country‐specific forecasts. Using financial variables for country‐specific forecasts tends to add little to the predictive ability of a simple AR model. However, they do help to predict EU aggregates. Furthermore, forecasts from pooling individual country models usually outperform those of the aggregate itself, particularly for the EU25 grouping. This is particularly interesting from the perspective of the European Central Bank, who require forecasts of economic activity and inflation to formulate appropriate economic policy across the enlarged group. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the disaggregation of consumer sentiment data into its sub‐components improves the real‐time capacity to forecast GDP and consumption. A Bayesian error correction approach augmented with the consumer sentiment index and permutations of the consumer sentiment sub‐indices is used to evaluate forecasting power. The forecasts are benchmarked against both composite forecasts and forecasts from standard error correction models. Using Australian data, we find that consumer sentiment data increase the accuracy of GDP and consumption forecasts, with certain components of consumer sentiment consistently providing better forecasts than aggregate consumer sentiment data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

If interest centres on forecasting a temporally aggregated multiple time series and the generation process of the disaggregate series is a known vector ARMA (autoregressive moving average) process then forecasting the disaggregate series and temporally aggregating the forecasts is at least as efficient, under a mean squared error measure, as forecasting the aggregated series directly. Necessary and sufficient conditions for equality of the two forecasts are given. In practice the data generation process is usually unknown and has to be determined from the available data. Using asymptotic theory it is shown that also in this case aggregated forecasts from the disaggregate process will usually be superior to forecasts obtained from the aggregated process.  相似文献   

This paper performs a large‐scale forecast evaluation exercise to assess the performance of different models for the short‐term forecasting of GDP, resorting to large datasets from ten European countries. Several versions of factor models are considered and cross‐country evidence is provided. The forecasting exercise is performed in a simulated real‐time context, which takes account of publication lags in the individual series. In general, we find that factor models perform best and models that exploit monthly information outperform models that use purely quarterly data. However, the improvement over the simpler, quarterly models remains contained. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It has been acknowledged that wavelets can constitute a useful tool for forecasting in economics. Through a wavelet multi‐resolution analysis, a time series can be decomposed into different timescale components and a model can be fitted to each component to improve the forecast accuracy of the series as a whole. Up to now, the literature on forecasting with wavelets has mainly focused on univariate modelling. On the other hand, in a context of growing data availability, a line of research has emerged on forecasting with large datasets. In particular, the use of factor‐augmented models have become quite widespread in the literature and among practitioners. The aim of this paper is to bridge the two strands of the literature. A wavelet approach for factor‐augmented forecasting is proposed and put to test for forecasting GDP growth for the major euro area countries. The results show that the forecasting performance is enhanced when wavelets and factor‐augmented models are used together. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom holds that restrictions on low‐frequency dynamics among cointegrated variables should provide more accurate short‐ to medium‐term forecasts than univariate techniques that contain no such information; even though, on standard accuracy measures, the information may not improve long‐term forecasting. But inconclusive empirical evidence is complicated by confusion about an appropriate accuracy criterion and the role of integration and cointegration in forecasting accuracy. We evaluate the short‐ and medium‐term forecasting accuracy of univariate Box–Jenkins type ARIMA techniques that imply only integration against multivariate cointegration models that contain both integration and cointegration for a system of five cointegrated Asian exchange rate time series. We use a rolling‐window technique to make multiple out of sample forecasts from one to forty steps ahead. Relative forecasting accuracy for individual exchange rates appears to be sensitive to the behaviour of the exchange rate series and the forecast horizon length. Over short horizons, ARIMA model forecasts are more accurate for series with moving‐average terms of order >1. ECMs perform better over medium‐term time horizons for series with no moving average terms. The results suggest a need to distinguish between ‘sequential’ and ‘synchronous’ forecasting ability in such comparisons. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper an investigation is made of the properties and use of two aggregate measures of forecast bias and accuracy. These are metrics used in business to calculate aggregate forecasting performance for a family (group) of products. We find that the aggregate measures are not particularly informative if some of the one‐step‐ahead forecasts are biased. This is likely to be the case in practice if frequently employed forecasting methods are used to generate a large number of individual forecasts. In the paper, examples are constructed to illustrate some potential problems in the use of the metrics. We propose a simple graphical display of forecast bias and accuracy to supplement the information yielded by the accuracy measures. This support includes relevant boxplots of measures of individual forecasting success. This tool is simple but helpful as the graphic display has the potential to indicate forecast deterioration that can be masked by one or both of the aggregate metrics. The procedures are illustrated with data representing sales of food items. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we adopt a panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) approach to estimating and forecasting inflation dynamics in four different sectors—industry, services, construction and agriculture—across the euro area and its four largest member states: France, Germany, Italy and Spain. By modelling inflation together with real activity, employment and wages at the sectoral level, we are able to disentangle the role of unit labour costs and profit margins as the fundamental determinants of price dynamics on the supply side. In out‐of‐sample forecast comparisons, the PVAR approach performs well against popular alternatives, especially at a short forecast horizon and relative to standard VAR forecasts based on aggregate economy‐wide data. Over longer forecast horizons, the accuracy of the PVAR model tends to decline relative to that of the univariate alternatives, while it remains high relative to the aggregate VAR forecasts. We show that these findings are driven by the event of the Great Recession. Our qualitative results carry over to a multi‐country extension of the PVAR approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is investigated whether euro area variables can be forecast better based on synthetic time series for the pre‐euro period or by using just data from Germany for the pre‐euro period. Our forecast comparison is based on quarterly data for the period 1970Q1–2003Q4 for 10 macroeconomic variables. The years 2000–2003 are used as forecasting period. A range of different univariate forecasting methods is applied. Some of them are based on linear autoregressive models and we also use some nonlinear or time‐varying coefficient models. It turns out that most variables which have a similar level for Germany and the euro area such as prices can be better predicted based on German data, while aggregated European data are preferable for forecasting variables which need considerable adjustments in their levels when joining German and European Monetary Union (EMU) data. These results suggest that for variables which have a similar level for Germany and the euro area it may be reasonable to consider the German pre‐EMU data for studying economic problems in the euro area. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the problem of forecasting an aggregate of cointegrated disaggregates. It first establishes conditions under which forecasts of an aggregate variable obtained from a disaggregate VECM will be equal to those from an aggregate, univariate time series model, and develops a simple procedure for testing those conditions. The paper then uses Monte Carlo simulations to show, for a finite sample, that the proposed test has good size and power properties and that whether a model satisfies the aggregation conditions is closely related to out‐of‐sample forecast performance. The paper then shows that ignoring cointegration and specifying the disaggregate model as a VAR in differences can significantly affect analyses of aggregation, with the VAR‐based test for aggregation possibly leading to faulty inference and the differenced VAR forecasts potentially understating the benefits of disaggregate information. Finally, analysis of an empirical problem confirms the basic results. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is first, to demonstrate how multivariate forecasting models can be effectively used to generate high performance forecasts for typical business applications. Second, this study compares the forecasts generated by a simultaneous transfer function model (STF) model and a white noise regression model with that of a univariate ARIMA model. The accuracy of these forecasting models is judged using their residual variances and forecasting errors in a post-sample period. It is found that ignoring the residual serial correlation can greatly degrade the forecasting performance of a multi-variable model, and in some situations, cause a multi-variable model to perform inferior to a univariate ARIMA model. This paper also demonstrates how a forecaster can use an STF model to compute both the multi-step ahead forecasts and their variances easily.  相似文献   

The delayed release of the National Account data for GDP is an impediment to the early understanding of the economic situation. In the short run, this information gap may be at least partially eliminated by bridge models (BM) which exploit the information content of timely updated monthly indicators. In this paper we examine the forecasting ability of BM for GDP growth in the G7 countries and compare their performance to that of univariate and multivariate statistical benchmark models. We run four alternative one‐quarter‐ahead forecasting experiments to assess BM performance in situations as close as possible to the actual forecasting activity. BM are estimated for GDP both for single countries (USA, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy and Canada), and area‐wide (G7, European Union, and Euro area). BM forecasting ability is always superior to that of benchmark models, provided that at least some monthly indicator data are available over the forecasting horizon. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the forecasting performance of alternative factor models based on a large panel of quarterly time series for the German economy. One model extracts factors by static principal components analysis; the second model is based on dynamic principal components obtained using frequency domain methods; the third model is based on subspace algorithms for state‐space models. Out‐of‐sample forecasts show that the forecast errors of the factor models are on average smaller than the errors of a simple autoregressive benchmark model. Among the factor models, the dynamic principal component model and the subspace factor model outperform the static factor model in most cases in terms of mean‐squared forecast error. However, the forecast performance depends crucially on the choice of appropriate information criteria for the auxiliary parameters of the models. In the case of misspecification, rankings of forecast performance can change severely. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we forecast real house price growth of 16 OECD countries using information from domestic macroeconomic indicators and global measures of the housing market. Consistent with the findings for the US housing market, we find that the forecasts from an autoregressive model dominate the forecasts from the random walk model for most of the countries in our sample. More importantly, we find that the forecasts from a bivariate model that includes economically important domestic macroeconomic variables and two global indicators of the housing market significantly improve upon the univariate autoregressive model forecasts. Among all the variables, the mean square forecast error from the model with the country's domestic interest rates has the best performance for most of the countries. The country's income, industrial production, and stock markets are also found to have valuable information about the future movements in real house price growth. There is also some evidence supporting the influence of the global housing price growth in out‐of‐sample forecasting of real house price growth in these OECD countries.  相似文献   

A short‐term mixed‐frequency model is proposed to estimate and forecast Italian economic activity fortnightly. We introduce a dynamic one‐factor model with three frequencies (quarterly, monthly, and fortnightly) by selecting indicators that show significant coincident and leading properties and are representative of both demand and supply. We conduct an out‐of‐sample forecasting exercise and compare the prediction errors of our model with those of alternative models that do not include fortnightly indicators. We find that high‐frequency indicators significantly improve the real‐time forecasts of Italian gross domestic product (GDP); this result suggests that models exploiting the information available at different lags and frequencies provide forecasting gains beyond those based on monthly variables alone. Moreover, the model provides a new fortnightly indicator of GDP, consistent with the official quarterly series.  相似文献   

The most common approach to combining forecasts at different levels of aggregation has been to sum (or average) the more disaggregated forecast, and take a weighted average of the aggregate forecasts. This paper develops a simple method for obtaining minimum variance pooled forecasts at the disaggregated level. The major advantage that this method has over the common approach is that it provides pooled forecasts at both the aggregated and disaggregated level. As will be shown, the resulting aggregate pooled forecast is identical to the forecast which would be obtained by simply pooling two forecasts at the aggregate level, while the disaggregated forecast maintains the aggregation identity required by the problem.  相似文献   

This article applies the Bayesian Vector Auto-Regressive (BVAR) model to key economic aggregates of the EU-7, consisting of the former narrow-band ERM members plus Austria, and the EU-14. This model appears to be useful as an additional forecasting tool besides structural macroeconomic models, as is shown both by absolute forecasting performance and by a comparison of ex-post BVAR forecasts with forecasts by the OECD. A comparison of the aggregate models to single-country models reveals that pooling has a strong impact on forecast errors. If forecast errors are interpreted as shocks, shocks appear to be—at least in part—asymmetric, or countries react differently to shocks. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that composite forecasting produces superior forecasts when compared to individual forecasts. This paper extends the existing literature by employing linear constraints and robust regression techniques in composite model building. Security analysts forecasts may be improved when combined with time series forecasts for a diversified sample of 261 firms with a 1980-1982 post-sample estimation period. The mean square error of analyst forecasts may be reduced by combining analyst and univariate time series model forecasts in constrained and unconstrained ordinary least squares regression models. These reductions are very interesting when one finds that the univariate time series model forecasts do not substantially deviate from those produced by ARIMA (0,1,1) processes. Moreover, security analysts' forecast errors may be significantly reduced when constrained and unconstrained robust regression analyses are employed.  相似文献   

This paper considers univariate and multivariate models to forecast monthly conflict events in the Sudan over the out‐of‐sample period 2009–2012. The models used to generate these forecasts were based on a specification from a machine learning algorithm fit to 2000–2008 monthly data. The model that includes previous month's wheat price performs better than a similar model which does not include past wheat prices (the univariate model). Both models did not perform well in forecasting conflict in a neighborhood of the 2012 ‘Heglig crisis’. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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