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全新世存在周期性气候突变事件已被多项研究证实,但有关于这些突变气候事件的驱动因子一直存在争议。本项研究通过对长江三角洲南翼PJ钻孔沉积物研究,反演区域全新世期间多次气候突变事件,几次明显的突变事件在500,1900,2900,3800,4500,5800,6800,7800,8500 cal yr BP左右,这些突变气候事件与全球其它地区的研究成果有很好的对比性。本文认为这些突变气候事件在全球范围内都有明显表现,可能是由于全球性气候因子的周期性变化所致,而非局地气候因子引起。  相似文献   

格陵兰冰芯和北大西洋沉积揭示了25 ka至今存在着一系列的冷暖突变由于这些气候突变事件变化速度快,温度振幅大引起了全球古气候学家的关注。本文对格陵兰冰芯近25 ka以来δ18O的变化曲线与石笋记录进行了对比,对比结果显示,石笋记录和冰芯记录中都揭示了东亚夏季风降水史中的Heinrich事件和YD事件,两者有着很好的对比关系,但也不排除两者存在着一定的差别,主要原因可能由于石笋的生长环境与冰芯的形成背景有着一定的差异性,导致两折限时的记录也存在一定的差异,特别是在时间上,存在了2000多年的事件差距。  相似文献   

由于全球气候变暖的一个负反馈机制——温盐环流的存在,使得气候在变暖过程中有可能出现突然变冷事件.地质历史时期气候突变事件的研究表明:这种潜在的突然变冷事件可能会持续几百年甚至上千年.加强对温盐环流强度变化的监测研究对于预测未来的气候变化,制定防灾减灾措施具有重要意义.  相似文献   

全新世寒冷事件与气候变化的千年周期   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在统计10000aBP以来我国每百年中寒冷事件记录的频率的基础上,分析了寒冷事件的时间分布特点和频率序列的功率谱.结果表明,10000aBP以来的冷暖变化在500,1000和1300a的周期是明显的.其中,两个相邻寒冷事件的平均时间间隔与500a周期相对应,间隔一个事件的两个寒冷事件之间的平均时间间隔与1000a周期相对应.而包括一长(400~800a)一短(100~200a)两个寒冷时段的一个气候旋回与1300a左右的周期相对应.为千年周期的存在提供了进一步的证据.  相似文献   

南京江北地区全新世环境演变的沉积学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过区域地貌调查及对南京浦镇林峰桥剖面沉积物进行粒度、地球化学和稳定碳同位素等环境替代指标的分析研究 ,结果表明 :本区在 140 0 0aBP左右先后经历了沼泽扩张期 ,此后气候变干 ,沼泽开始退缩 ,直至消失 ,在经过了长时间的沉积间断后又经历一次洪水泛滥期 .经过新仙女木期(10 2 0 0~ 10 80 0aBP)的寒冷期后进入了全新世的增温期 .后又经历多次冷暖波动 ,在 756 2± 90aBP~ 380 0aBP全新世最适宜期增温事件后 ,受 14~ 19世纪小冰期气候的影响 ,气候又开始向冷干转变 .同时在研究中还发现 ,古洪水多发生在气候转型期 ,因此笔者提出古洪水的发生可能与全球气候变迁历史中的突变事件有某种必然的联系 .  相似文献   

全球气候变化与塔里木盆地古城绿洲演变关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国西部地区地形复杂,气候的地域差异性大.特别是青藏高原的突起给塔里木盆地的环境带来了巨大的变化,导致盆地气温降水的突变.从而使塔里木盆地水流分布状态发生改变,导致盆地中原有的古绿洲的蜕变,进而直接影响到整个人类的发展历史.历史研究表明,塔里木盆地气候服从于全球气候变化,并且与某些人文事件,特别是古城绿洲兴盛与消亡有着十分一致的耦合关系.所以,全球环境变化对古城绿洲发展影响重大.  相似文献   

巴里坤湖是我国西风区古气候环境演变研究的理想区域.根据BLK-1剖面多指标建立了巴里坤湖9 000 cal a BP以来的时间序列,了解其气候演变的过程.结合巴里坤湖古气候演变及砷元素含量的波动变化,发现砷元素变化响应气候环境的演变:气候冷干时期,砷含量较多;而暖湿时期则相对少.此外,砷含量的变化很好地指示了全新世的气候突变事件.巴里坤湖沉积物中砷元素主要来源于湖泊周边基岩受物理风化产生的碎屑,并经由风力带入湖中沉积.干旱的气候环境下,砷的沉积速率较湿润期变化明显.研究结果表明,砷对于我国西风区的古气候环境演变及气候突变事件具有指示作用;砷沉积速率的突变表明在干旱气候环境条件下,砷可能比其他元素更为敏感.不同气候环境下砷元素的来源及波动,也为砷污染的防治提供参考.  相似文献   

末次冰消期以来古气候演化研究进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 从盛冰期到全新世之间的末次冰消期经历了地球表层系统的一次巨变,期间发生了一系列气候突变事件,在全球不同地区以不同的方式回应着这些事件的变化过程。末次冰消期转暖的过程和机制一直是古气候研究的热点。本文综述了末次冰消期以来的古气候/季风演化研究成果,指出海陆交界敏感地带的陆架区对全球环境变化十分敏感,陆架区沉积物蕴含了丰富的气候/季风演化信息,对陆架区沉积物中古气候代用指标的提取,东亚季风演化历史及其驱动机制、季风的差异和交互作用、季风在各个时间尺度上的驱动机制等问题的分析均具有重要意义,可以为地区及全球环境变化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

河南三门峡王官剖面与甘肃武威沙沟剖面捕捉到了末次间冰期向末次冰期转换时期发生于72 ka前后持续时间约为2 ka的一暖性回返事件,两剖面的冬、夏季风替代指标对该暖性回返事件的反应在时间上大致同步(其时间段约为71~73 ka,在71.4~72.1 ka前后该暖性回返事件最强盛),暗示该暖性回返事件在东亚季风区可能是一普遍存在的气候突变事件.鉴于该暖性回返事件在全球其他地区的海洋、陆地、冰芯记录中也有较普遍的反映,我们认为该事件很可能是一次发生于气候转型期的全球普遍存在的暖性突变事件.  相似文献   

用中子活化分析技术分析了南极西湖岩芯(长146cm)中地球化学元素含量,结合^14C定年技术,发现近2000年来,地球化学元素在沉积物中的含量变化与沉积环境密切 相关,尤其是稀土元素总量∑REE出现峰值时,往往反映了温暖湿润的气候条件。而元素含量较稳定时,往往与干旱寒冷的气候条件相对应,近2000年来南极的气候变化特征是温暖-寒冷-温暖,气候的突变在沉积物上表现为元素含量的突变。  相似文献   

With a total area of 36000 km2, the Tengger Desert is the fourth largest desert in China. The Qilian Mountains demarcate the southwestern boundary of the desert andthe Helan Mountain on the east separates the desert from the Mo Us Desert. The Yabulai Mountain on thenorthwest borders the Tengger Desert and the BadainJaran Desert and the Loess Plateau touch its southern tip (Fig. 1). Climatically, the area is situated at the junction of the hyper-arid northwest, the arid to semi-arid sou…  相似文献   

Diatom data from core MD992271 on the North Icelandic shelf record a cooling trend through the last 3000 years. This is indicated by a general decrease in warm water species and an increase in cold water taxa. The relative abundance of these two diatom groups changed periodically, suggesting that the climate also fluctuated within this time period. The results of diatom-based transfer function calculation show that the summer sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) before 1400 cal. a BP were generally higher than the mean value for the last 3000 years and the summer SSTs fluctuated around the mean between 1400 and 700 cal. a BP, and dropped to the values below the mean after 700 cal. a BP. Four cooling events were distinguished, centered at around 2600, 1900, 1300 and 600 cal. a BP respectively. The results are not only consistent with the data from neighbouring cores HM107-03 and MD992275, but also comparable with those from the GISP2 ice core and from other marine sediment records in the North Atlantic. This suggests that changes in the summer SSTs reflect regional climate variations in the North Atlantic. On the North Icelandic shelf, the summer SST variation is a result of changes in the in-teraction between the cold and the warm currents in the area.  相似文献   

The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is widely believed to affect climate. Changes in ocean circulation have been inferred from records of the deep water chemical composition derived from sedimentary nutrient proxies, but their impact on climate is difficult to assess because such reconstructions provide insufficient constraints on the rate of overturning. Here we report measurements of 231Pa/230Th, a kinematic proxy for the meridional overturning circulation, in a sediment core from the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. We find that the meridional overturning was nearly, or completely, eliminated during the coldest deglacial interval in the North Atlantic region, beginning with the catastrophic iceberg discharge Heinrich event H1, 17,500 yr ago, and declined sharply but briefly into the Younger Dryas cold event, about 12,700 yr ago. Following these cold events, the 231Pa/230Th record indicates that rapid accelerations of the meridional overturning circulation were concurrent with the two strongest regional warming events during deglaciation. These results confirm the significance of variations in the rate of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation for abrupt climate changes.  相似文献   

Based on modern pollen studies and reliable chronology of nine AMS 14C dates, a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes during the past 8660 cal. a BP was reconstructed by a high-resolution pollen record from Ugii Nuur in central Mongolia. Poaceae-steppe dominated the study area and the climate was mild and semi-humid before 7800 cal. a BP with a noticeable cool and humid interval at 8350―8250 cal. a BP. Xerophytic plant increased and the climate became warm and dry gradually since 7800 cal. a BP...  相似文献   

 利用广州地区南北2个不同沉积地貌区的钻孔进行孢粉分析,结合测年和沉积信息,分析了广州所代表的珠江三角洲地区晚更新世以来的沉积环境和气候变化。孢粉分析结果显示:在晚更新世珠江三角洲地区气候经历了偏冷干-偏凉干-暖湿-热湿-偏凉干-冷干的变化过程,末次冰期对本区具有明显影响,使全新世和晚更新世孢粉组合表现出一定的差异;全新世气候明显转暖湿,整体上以暖湿为主,但出现了一些小的气候波动事件,最明显的是在2 250 a BP 前后偏凉干的变化;该区在晚更新世和全新世各经历过一次海侵,两孔反映的气候期和海平面变化较为一致,气候和海平面变化也有很好的对应。两孔在地层、沉积相和孢粉特征上的差异是地理位置、沉积环境和基座地貌等差异造成的。  相似文献   

A typical lake sediment core is obtained from the Chaohu Lake in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River,Anhui Province,China.The timing scale is constrained by AMS 14 C dating method.Climate proxies such as pollen and grain size in the core are analyzed to reconstruct the environment changes at this site approximately between 9870 and 2170 cal.a BP.The results indicate that at the research area, the climate in the early-middle Holocene had evolved through 3 stages.From 9870 to 6040 cal.a BP, proxy records show a warm and dry climate with low water levels after the late-glacial period.During this stage,cool and dry events occurred at about 8910 and 6060-6030 cal.a BP.Then,between 6040 and 4860 cal.a BP,the climate was humid and vegetation was more flourishing in the Chaohu Lake Valley.The Holocene Optimum occurred at 5840-5500 cal.a BP in the Chaohu Lake,showing the best condition of water and heat.Elm Decline occurred at the period of 5380-4930 cal.a BP.Since 4860 cal.a BP,the climate was warm and dry through 2170 cal.a BP as shown in both pollen spectrum and grain-size histories.Two obvious dry events occurred in 3760 and 2170 cal.a BP,respectively.At 2170 cal.a BP,the water level of the Chaohu Lake reached the lowest as the lakebed possibly exposed. Such lake sediment observations are consistent with the historical records in this area.  相似文献   

In this study, to reconstruct the paleoclimatic history, pollen and oxygen isotope were analyzed on the 160 samples of a 2.7 m peat core from Taishizhuang, Huailai County, Hebei Province. Combining our data with other information of climate history and archaeology from this area, we found that there is a close linkage between cultural development and the mid-Holocene (6000-3000 cal. aBP) environment changes. The main results and conclusions are presented as the following: The climate during 5678-5400 cal. aBP was unstable and in general colder and drier than today. From 5400 to 4800 cal. aBP the climate was much warmer and wetter than before. The climate during 4800-4300 cal. aBP was persistently cold, with an exceptional cold event occurring at 4600-4300 cal. aBP. This cold event was recorded at several other localities in Northern China even the Northern Hemisphere and played an important role in the cultural development. After the cold event, there was a return to warmer conditions between 4200 and 3300 cal.aBP.  相似文献   

Multi-proxy data are presented and a discuss is made of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes during Holocene from a 225-cm-long sediment core from Wulungu Lake, located in westerly area of China. The chronology is constructed from six AMS radiocarbon dates on the bulk organic matter. Analyses of pollen, TOC, TN, δ^13Corg, ostracod assemblages and the shell stable isotopes, suggest Holocene climate pattern as follows: temperate and dry (10.0-7.6 cal. ka BP) -warm and wet (7.6-5.3 cal. ka BP) -warm and moist (5.3-3.6 cal. ka BP) -temperate and dry (3.6-2.1 cal. ka BP)-temperate and moist (2.1-1.3 cal. ka BP) -cool and dry (1.3 cal. ka BP-present). With the climatic change, Wulungu Lake experienced two large-scale retreat (5.3-3.6 cal. ka BP and 1.3 cal. ka BP-present) and an obvious transgression (7.6-5.3 cal. ka BP). The records of climatic and environmental evolution of Wulungu Lake were in good accordance with those of adjacent areas. It responded to regional environmental change, global abrupt climate events and followed the westerly climate change mode.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物物理、化学和生物特征是反演区域古环境的有效载体。本文选择巢湖西湖区CH-1钻孔连续湖泊沉积物的粒度和磁化率数据,结合公元1450年以来该区域旱涝灾害文献资料和全球气候变化代用指标中的Intcal 98 ~(14)C同位素数据,对500 cala.BP以来巢湖流域古气候演变,特别是降水演替进行分析。研究表明1450-1949年间,巢湖流域降水变化经历了少-多-少-多的变迁,湖芯钻孔粒度、磁化率变化很好的响应了区域和全球气候变化,环境变化与人类活动密切相关。  相似文献   

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