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Sowa Y  Rowe AD  Leake MC  Yakushi T  Homma M  Ishijima A  Berry RM 《Nature》2005,437(7060):916-919
The bacterial flagellar motor is a rotary molecular machine that rotates the helical filaments that propel many species of swimming bacteria. The rotor is a set of rings up to 45 nm in diameter in the cytoplasmic membrane; the stator contains about ten torque-generating units anchored to the cell wall at the perimeter of the rotor. The free-energy source for the motor is an inward-directed electrochemical gradient of ions across the cytoplasmic membrane, the protonmotive force or sodium-motive force for H+-driven and Na+-driven motors, respectively. Here we demonstrate a stepping motion of a Na+-driven chimaeric flagellar motor in Escherichia coli at low sodium-motive force and with controlled expression of a small number of torque-generating units. We observe 26 steps per revolution, which is consistent with the periodicity of the ring of FliG protein, the proposed site of torque generation on the rotor. Backwards steps despite the absence of the flagellar switching protein CheY indicate a small change in free energy per step, similar to that of a single ion transit.  相似文献   

Ryu WS  Berry RM  Berg HC 《Nature》2000,403(6768):444-447
Rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor is driven by an ensemble of torque-generating units containing the proteins MotA and MotB. Here, by inducing expression of MotA in motA- cells under conditions of low viscous load, we show that the limiting speed of the motor is independent of the number of units: at vanishing load, one unit turns the motor as rapidly as many. This result indicates that each unit may remain attached to the rotor for most of its mechanochemical cycle, that is, that it has a high duty ratio. Thus, torque generators behave more like kinesin, the protein that moves vesicles along microtubules, than myosin, the protein that powers muscle. However, their translation rates, stepping frequencies and power outputs are much higher, being greater than 30 microm s(-1), 12 kHz and 1.5 x 10(5) pN nm s(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

S A Lloyd  F G Whitby  D F Blair  C P Hill 《Nature》1999,400(6743):472-475
Many motile species of bacteria are propelled by flagella, which are rigid helical filaments turned by rotary motors in the cell membrane. The motors are powered by the transmembrane gradient of protons or sodium ions. Although bacterial flagella contain many proteins, only three-MotA, MotB and FliG-participate closely in torque generation. MotA and MotB are ion-conducting membrane proteins that form the stator of the motor. FliG is a component of the rotor, present in about 25 copies per flagellum. It is composed of an amino-terminal domain that functions in flagellar assembly and a carboxy-terminal domain (FliG-C) that functions specifically in motor rotation. Here we report the crystal structure of FliG-C from the hyperthermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima. Charged residues that are important for function, and which interact with the stator protein MotA, cluster along a prominent ridge on FliG-C. On the basis of the disposition of these residues, we present a hypothesis for the orientation of FliG-C domains in the flagellar motor, and propose a structural model for the part of the rotor that interacts with the stator.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of the physical characteristics of Titan's environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of previous ground-based and fly-by information, we knew that Titan's atmosphere was mainly nitrogen, with some methane, but its temperature and pressure profiles were poorly constrained because of uncertainties in the detailed composition. The extent of atmospheric electricity ('lightning') was also hitherto unknown. Here we report the temperature and density profiles, as determined by the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI), from an altitude of 1,400 km down to the surface. In the upper part of the atmosphere, the temperature and density were both higher than expected. There is a lower ionospheric layer between 140 km and 40 km, with electrical conductivity peaking near 60 km. We may also have seen the signature of lightning. At the surface, the temperature was 93.65 +/- 0.25 K, and the pressure was 1,467 +/- 1 hPa.  相似文献   

In situ detection of collisionless reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Oieroset M  Phan TD  Fujimoto M  Lin RP  Lepping RP 《Nature》2001,412(6845):414-417
Magnetic reconnection is the process by which magnetic field lines of opposite polarity reconfigure to a lower-energy state, with the release of magnetic energy to the surroundings. Reconnection at the Earth's dayside magnetopause and in the magnetotail allows the solar wind into the magnetosphere. It begins in a small 'diffusion region', where a kink in the newly reconnected lines produces jets of plasma away from the region. Although plasma jets from reconnection have previously been reported, the physical processes that underlie jet formation have remained poorly understood because of the scarcity of in situ observations of the minuscule diffusion region. Theoretically, both resistive and collisionless processes can initiate reconnection, but which process dominates in the magnetosphere is still debated. Here we report the serendipitous encounter of the Wind spacecraft with an active reconnection diffusion region, in which are detected key processes predicted by models of collisionless reconnection. The data therefore demonstrate that collisionless reconnection occurs in the magnetotail.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization of adenovirus RNA and DNA   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
J K McDougall  A R Dunn  K W Jones 《Nature》1972,236(5346):346-348

In situ U-Pb dating of titanite by LA-ICPMS   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Titanite is an ideal mineral for U-Pb isotopic dating because of its relatively high U,Th and Pb contents.Here,we developed a technique for U-Pb dating of titanite using the 193 nm ArF laser-ablation system and Agilent 7500a Q-ICP-MS.Standards of titanite (BLR-1 and OLT-1) and zircon (91500 and GJ-1) were dated using single spot and line raster scan analytical methods.To check the matrix effect,titanite (BLR-1) and zircon (91500) standards were analyzed as the external standards.The weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U ages of OLT-1 titanite are 1015±5 Ma (2,n=24) and 1017±6 Ma (2,n=24) by single spot and line raster scan analyses,respectively,using BLR-1 titanite as the external standard.These ages are consistent with its reference age of about 1014 Ma.However,using 91500 zircon as the external standard,the weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U ages are 917±4 Ma (2,n=24) and 927±5 Ma (2,n=24) for BLR-1 titanite,and 891±4 Ma (2,n=24) and 901±5 Ma (2,n=24) for OLT-1 titanite by single spot and line raster scan analyses,respectively.It is evident that these ages are ~12% younger than their reference values.Our results reveal that significant matrix effect does exist between different kinds of minerals during LA-ICPMS U-Pb age determination,whereas it is insignificant between same minerals.Therefore,same mineral must be used as the external standard for fractionation corrections during in situ LA-ICPMS U-Pb age analysis.In addition,we determined U-Pb ages for titanites from the Early Cretaceous Fangshan pluton,which indicates a rapid cooling history of this pluton.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial expression patterns of calmodulin mRNA in the developing tobacco anthers were investigated by in situ RNA hybridization, using digoxigening-labeled anti-RNA probe. Calmodulin mRNA was distributed in various developmental stages of tobacco anthers, but the expression level had temporal and spatial differences distinctly. During early stage of anther development, the expression level of calmodulin mRNA was significantly high, mainly distributed in epidermis, tapetum and transfusion parenchyma cells and so on. Especially, more mRNA was accumulated in the nuclei and chromosomes of microspore mother cells prior to and during meiosis. With the development of anther, mRNA was decreased gradually in the anther wall and pollen. By mature pollen stage, only a stronger positive reaction still existed in the epidermis of anther wall and transfusion parenchyma cells. The results suggest that the temporal and spatial expression of calmodulin mRNA is closely correlated with cell division, pollen development and substance transport.  相似文献   

利用循环伏安法,现场红外反射光谱法研究了电聚合的聚吡咯膜电极在电化学氧化还原过程中性质和结构的变化。结果表明,聚吡咯膜电极在电化学氧化还原过程中呈现薄层电极的特点,聚吡咯中每12个吡咯单元中有1个单元参加反应。  相似文献   

巨型黄土滑坡剪出口滑带土的原位剪切试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对某巨型黄土滑坡的工程地质现状,在滑坡剪出口3个不同位置切削尺寸为500 mm×600 mm×800 mm的土柱体进行了天然状态和饱水状态2种工况下的残余剪切试验,获得相应的残余抗剪强度指标.通过与滑带土同工况下的室内实验强度指标对比,发现原位剪切试验获得的内聚力和内摩擦角较室内实验指标高13.06%和24.64%,并分析了试验结果差异的原因,最后总结了黄土滑坡原位剪切试验过程中的注意事项.试验研究表明巨型滑坡滑带土的大型原位剪切试验对滑坡稳定性分析和工程治理优化具有重要价值.  相似文献   

介电常数沿不同方向周期性变化的woodpile结构三维光子晶体存在完全带隙,可以实现立体空间中对光的控制传输。鉴于此,采用时域有限差分方法研究了椭圆截面和长方形截面介质柱形成的光子晶体的完全带隙。结果发现,这两种情况都存在很好的完全带隙,且带隙的宽度受到介质柱不同截面形状的有效调节。  相似文献   

Here we solve a 2.4-A structure of a truncated version of the reverse-direction myosin motor, myosin VI, that contains the motor domain and binding sites for two calmodulin molecules. The structure reveals only minor differences in the motor domain from that in plus-end directed myosins, with the exception of two unique inserts. The first is near the nucleotide-binding pocket and alters the rates of nucleotide association and dissociation. The second unique insert forms an integral part of the myosin VI converter domain along with a calmodulin bound to a novel target motif within the insert. This serves to redirect the effective 'lever arm' of myosin VI, which includes a second calmodulin bound to an 'IQ motif', towards the pointed (minus) end of the actin filament. This repositioning largely accounts for the reverse directionality of this class of myosin motors. We propose a model incorporating a kinesin-like uncoupling/docking mechanism to provide a full explanation of the movements of myosin VI.  相似文献   

We have applied the newly developed hierarchical structure theory for complex systems to analyze the multi-scaling structures of the nucleotide density distribution along a linear DNA sequence from the completeEscherichia coli genome. The hierarchical symmetry in the nucleotide density distribution was demonstrated. In particular, we have shown that the G, C density distribution that represents a strong H-bonding between the two DNA chains is more coherent with smaller similarity parameter compared to that of A, T density distribution, indicating a better organized multi-scaling fluctuation field for G, C density distribution along the genome sequence. The biological significance of these findings is under investigation.  相似文献   

Loll B  Kern J  Saenger W  Zouni A  Biesiadka J 《Nature》2005,438(7070):1040-1044
Oxygenic photosynthesis in plants, algae and cyanobacteria is initiated at photosystem II, a homodimeric multisubunit protein-cofactor complex embedded in the thylakoid membrane. Photosystem II captures sunlight and powers the unique photo-induced oxidation of water to atmospheric oxygen. Crystallographic investigations of cyanobacterial photosystem II have provided several medium-resolution structures (3.8 to 3.2 A) that explain the general arrangement of the protein matrix and cofactors, but do not give a full picture of the complex. Here we describe the most complete cyanobacterial photosystem II structure obtained so far, showing locations of and interactions between 20 protein subunits and 77 cofactors per monomer. Assignment of 11 beta-carotenes yields insights into electron and energy transfer and photo-protection mechanisms in the reaction centre and antenna subunits. The high number of 14 integrally bound lipids reflects the structural and functional importance of these molecules for flexibility within and assembly of photosystem II. A lipophilic pathway is proposed for the diffusion of secondary plastoquinone that transfers redox equivalents from photosystem II to the photosynthetic chain. The structure provides information about the Mn4Ca cluster, where oxidation of water takes place. Our study uncovers near-atomic details necessary to understand the processes that convert light to chemical energy.  相似文献   

在役乳化沥青冷再生混合料的疲劳性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过应力控制下的劈裂疲劳试验,分析了现场服役多年的乳化沥青冷再生混合料及室内新成型的乳化沥青冷再生混合料劲度模量衰减特征以及2类混合料疲劳破坏阶段的黏弹性特征;结合损伤分析,提出了在役冷再生沥青混合料和新成型冷再生混合料疲劳破坏准则;对比了不同车道的在役冷再生混合料和新成型冷再生混合料的疲劳寿命,结果表明,现场实际轴载作用次数的增加会导致冷再生混合料剩余疲劳寿命的降低,冷再生混合料在使用中存在疲劳性能增长过程.  相似文献   

采用原痊红外和原位显微Raman光谱技术及XPS、吡啶(Py)吸附的漫反射UV谱、Py-TPD、CO2-TPD等方法对含氟稀土基催化剂上甲烷氧化偶联(OCM)反应活性氧物种、催化剂表面酸碱性进行了考察。在O2预处理和/或工作条件下的SrF2/La2O3,SrF2/Nd2O3,LaOF,BaF2/LaOF和BaF2/CeO2等催化剂上原位观测到超氧物种(O2^-),并在其中前4种催化剂上检测到O2^-物种与CH4反应生成的气相C2H4,CO2和表面碳酸盐等OCM反应主、副产物。这些结果为O2^-是相应催化剂上OCM反应的活性氧物种首次提供了直接的光谱证据。研究结果表明,催化剂的OCM反应性能与其表面酸碱性的强弱并无简单的对应关系。采用原拉时间分辨红外光谱和原位显微Raman光谱技术对SiO2和γ-Al2O3负载的Rh、Ru催化剂上甲烷部分氧化(POM)制合成气反应的研究表明,由CH4直接氧化生成CO和H2是Rh/SiO2上POM反应的主要途径,而燃烧-重整机理是Ru/γ-Al2O3和Ru/SiO2上CO和H2生成的主要途径,反应条件下催化剂表面氧(O^2-)物种浓度的差异很可能是导致这两种催化剂体系上POM反应机理不同的主要原因,其本质可能源于Rh和Ru对氧的亲合力的不同。  相似文献   

潮湿多雨地区高速公路路基湿度的实测特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
为获取潮湿多雨地区路基的湿度分布特征及其影响因素,采用现场钻芯取样和预埋湿度传感器的方法,对4条高速公路进行了现场测试。结果表明,黏土路基显著受地下水毛细作用的影响,路床内平衡含水率较最佳含水率提高5%左右,土路肩和边坡的入渗将直接影响外侧行车道以下路基湿度、提升含水率并造成一定程度的干湿循环,中央分隔带防排水措施的失效也可导致内侧行车道下含水率大幅提升;而砂土路基受地下水的影响较小,湿度波动与气候因素变化之间的滞后性也较小。因此,设计时宜充分重视防排水措施的长效性,并以路基长期的湿度分布作为设计状态;若考虑到入渗产生的湿度提升与波动,以及高速公路行车道的荷载分布特征,以外侧车道的实际湿度作为设计状态则更为合适。  相似文献   

Dynamic properties of bacterial flagellar motors   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
H C Berg 《Nature》1974,249(452):77-79

利用透射电镜和高分辨率透射电镜研究了原位合成钛基复合材料增强体TiB的堆垛层错结构。结果表明,堆垛层错容易在TiB的(100)面上形成,平行于TiB的生长方向[010],并贯穿整个增强体。堆垛层错在TiB形核与长大的过程中形成,并且与增强体TiB的B27晶体结构有关。由于TiB的B27结构,在(100)面上容易形成B原子的不足而导致原子错排,并且在(100)面上形成堆垛层错有利于减少增强体与基体合金间的晶格畸变。  相似文献   

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