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利用Cryosat-2数据计算南海高空间分辨率高精度重力异常,对Cryosat-2 level 2 SIR_GDR-2A数据进行轨迹分析和交叉点分析。基于测高数据集(第1~4周期),借助加权最小范数最小二乘解计算网格剩余垂线偏差分量,然后计算中国南海海域(4°~24°,105°~120°)2'×2'重力异常。结果表明,Cryosat-2数据轨迹密度高且分布均匀规则,交叉点不符值均方根值为15.9 cm,略高于同步时间段的Jason-2 GDR数据。与船测重力相比,中国南海海域(4°~24°,105°~120°)2'×2'重力异常误差为4.5×10-5m·s-2。  相似文献   

针对海空重力测量常见的粗差和系统误差干扰问题,在分析评估国际上近期发布的卫星测高重力模型的可靠性和有效性基础上,提出了利用卫星测高重力模型作为比对控制基准,分步检测海空重力测量大粗差、小粗差和系统偏差的方法、流程及计算模型,分析比较了不同检测方法的技术特点和适用条件,使用海上实际观测数据对推荐的检测方法进行了有效性验证,证明将卫星测高重力模型应用于海空重力测量粗差和系统误差检测是可行和有效的.  相似文献   

基于Cryosat-2三年半的卫星测高GDR(geophysical data records)数据,使用海面高梯度,依据最小二乘配置方法得到了南海部分海域垂线偏差格网,结合移去-恢复技术采用逆Vening-Meinesz的球面一维傅里叶变换算法快速计算我国近海海域测高重力异常CASM_GRA.与船载重力测量数据融合后,重力场精度在2.75~5.38mgal之间,平均偏差在-0.21~0.45mgal之间.与DTU13重力场模型相比,平均值最大改进为12.98mgal,标准差最大降幅近3.40mgal.与Sandwell V23.1模型相比,平均值最大改进为13.58 mgal,标准差最大降幅为1.09mgal.  相似文献   

通过迭代延拓法对重力异常进行向下延拓,并对导纳法反演的中国南海海底地形进行精度评估.首先,利用HY-2A高度计数据通过最小二乘配置法计算得到重力异常,使用迭代延拓法将重力异常延伸至延拓面;然后,利用重力异常与海底地形的相干性,确定海深反演波段为20~115 km.基于CRUST 1.0全球地壳模型,得到均衡补偿模型参数...  相似文献   

针对GRACE卫星仅能探测到大空间尺度的重力变化,提出利用卫星测高数据反演高空间分辨率的海洋时变重力.首先将CryoSat-2卫星测高数据按月分组,基于每组海面高数据计算沿轨剩余大地水准面梯度和格网剩余垂线偏差,然后利用逆Vening-Meinesz公式反演月重力异常,最后基于全部月重力异常数据计算格网大小为3′的CryoSat-2时变重力.以孟加拉湾及其周边海域为例,在2011年2月—2020年4月间,CryoSat-2时变重力的周年振幅和周年相位分别为(0.10±0.03)μGal和98.84°±0.43°,同期GRACE数据的周年振幅和周年相位分别为(0.66±0.05)μGal和93.52°±0.08°,两者的周年信号基本一致;CryoSat-2和GRACE时变重力的线性趋势分别为(0.02±0.01)和(0.09±0.01)μGal/a,均表现为增长.结果表明:3′×3′格网的CryoSat-2时变重力能够反映出研究海域重力变化的季节性信号和长期趋势,验证了利用卫星测高数据反演高空间分辨率海洋时变重力的可行性.  相似文献   

依据卫星重力探测技术在地球动力学应用研究中的优越性,利用GOCE卫星重力梯度测量计算重力场信息的原理,针对2011年Ms9.0级日本大地震期间GOCE重力场数据实验计算了日本及邻近区域重力异常情况,对比分析了GRACE卫星数据结果的异同,说明两种不同探测技术的特点,初步探讨了GOCE卫星重力资料在地震中重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

中国南海高分辨率大地水准面及海底地形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆洋 《自然科学进展》2002,12(7):767-770
利用高分辨率的海洋卫星测高资料,构制中国南海及邻近海域完整到3600阶次的甚高阶大地水准面数值模型,使其表示大地水准面起伏的空间分辨率好于5.5km;对大地水准面进行滤波和平滑,滤除相关的波长,得到了中国南海及邻近海域高分辨率的海底地形图像,清晰地勾画出中国南海及邻近海域海底地貌、构造特征及动力学事件,可作为海洋测深预报和构造的重新构成等之参考.  相似文献   

研究如何从有限的数据改进现有的全球重力场模型,主要讨论了利用剪切法改进高阶模型.并利用中国及周边地区的高分辨率重力数据,求得一个720阶的全球重力场模型,经内外精度检核,它比初始模型更为符合局部的重力场.  相似文献   

利用二维重力正演拟合的方法,导出湖北武当山地区地下地层的可能分布,认为该地区是老地层覆盖在新地层之上,从而佐证了推覆体的存在。同时还得出:在川陕鄂地区的地壳中普遍存在低密度体,该低密度体可能是麻粒岩受压后析出自由水发生破碎所致。  相似文献   

三门峡盆地位于汾渭地堑系东南端,秦岭纬向构造带和新华夏构造的交汇部位。研究其构造格局对盆地油气勘探具有重要意义。综合利用布格重力资料和野外观测资料,刻画盆地断裂特征并划分了构造单元。结果表明:三门峡盆地主要发育近EW向、NE向和NW向三组断裂系,包括4条边界断裂和13条盆地内次级断裂,且边界断裂多以断裂带形式呈现。盆地断裂多形成于前新生代,至第四纪趋于稳定,具有延伸长、切割深的特点。盆地西部布格重力异常值相对较高,剩余重力场盆内自北向南呈近EW向低-高-低的条带分布,且存在多个异常值不同的区域,表明新生代沉积地层较厚,并受断裂控制出现了沉降差异。受中条山南断裂、文底-宫前断裂、灵宝-三门峡断裂和三门峡-硖石断裂等断裂控制,三门峡盆地可划分为3个二级构造单元和9个三级构造单元,盆地自北向南依次为北部坳陷带、中部低隆起和南部坳陷带。整体表现为南北分带、凹隆相间的构造格局。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡位于南海北部大陆边缘,地质构造活动丰富,是大陆和深海进行物质和能量交换的重要过渡区。研究北部陆坡区复杂的地形地貌,有助于深化对南海北部陆缘海底地质活动与环境变化的认识,并为资源勘探与工程建设提供基础地质信息支撑。本研究基于全球水深地形图(General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans,GEBCO)数据及实测多波束数据,对南海北部陆坡的地形地貌进行研究,识别出不同的地貌类型,并探讨其形成和发展的控制因素。研究表明,南海北部陆坡发育有海台、海山、海丘、海槽、海底峡谷以及冷泉地貌类型。南海北部陆坡地形地貌的发育和演化主要受控于构造活动及火山活动,而外动力地质作用如沉积输运、海平面变化及甲烷流体的活动等,都对研究区的地形地貌做了进一步的改造,使之更加复杂。  相似文献   

南海海底特征、资源区位与疆界断续线   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据南海海底的成因与地形特征 ,并通过建立和分析南海海底数字地形模型 ,将南海的海底分为中央的深海盆地、两侧的阶梯状大陆坡、以及周边亚洲大陆延伸的大陆架 3个地貌单元 .再据 194 7年“南海诸岛位置图”精确计算出二战后依据波茨坦公告为国际认可的断续线疆界的经纬度坐标 ,阐述了中国对南海主权的历史延续性 .最后 ,论述了南海区位与资源的优势 ,论证了其海域具体位置与巨大的经济政治战略意义 .  相似文献   

Einstein引力理论在大尺度上的修正是解释目前宇宙加速膨胀的一类颇受关注的方案,它不需要引入奇怪的暗能量.作者构造了一个玩具模型,它与目前的天体物理数据相吻合,且能避免宇宙大撕裂.把宇宙标度因子a(t)代入由含待定修正项修正引力导出的宇宙动力学方程,并在t=t0处展开为Taylor级数,保留前2项,定出引力拉氏量中修正项的系数,从而把修正项置于更为可靠的基础上.  相似文献   

We review and discuss some of the recent scientific findings made on magnetic data in the South China Sea (SCS). Magnetic anomalies bear extremely rich information on Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution. 3D analytical signal amplitudes computed from magnetic anomalies reveal very precisely relict distributions of Mesozoic sedimentary sequences on the two conjugate continental margins, and they are also found very effective in depicting later-stage magmatism and tectonic transitions and zonation within the SCS oceanic crust. Through integrated analyses of magnetic, gravity and reflection seismic data, we define the continent-ocean boundary (COB) around the South China Sea continental margin, and find that the COB coincides very well with a transition zone from mostly positive to negative free-air gravity anomalies. This accurate outlining of the COB is critical for better tracing magnetic anomalies induced by the oceanic crust. The geometrically complex COB and inner magnetic zonation require the introduction of an episodic opening model, as well as a transform fault (here coined as Zhongnan Fault) between the East and Southwest Sub-basins, while within the East and Southwest Sub-basins, magnetic anomalies are rather continuous later-ally, indicating nonexistence of large transform faults within these sub-basins. We enhance magnetic anomalies caused by the shallow basaltic layer via a band-pass filter, and recognize that the likely oldest magnetic anomaly near the northern continental margin is C12 according to the magnetic time scale CK95. Near the southern continental margin, magnetic anomalies are less recognizable and the anomaly C12 appears to be missing. These differences show an asymmetrical opening style with respect to the relict spreading center, and the northern part appears to have slightly faster spreading rates than to the south. The magnetic anomalies C8 (M1 and M2, ~26 Ma) represent important magnetic boundaries within the oceanic basin, and are possibly related to changes in spreading rates and magmatic intensities. The magnetic evidence for a previously proposed ridge jump after the anomaly C7 is not clear. The age of the Southwest Sub-basin has yet to be further examined, most favorably with deep-tow magnetic surveys and ocean drilling. Our magnetic spectral study shows that the shallowest Curie points are located around the eastern part of the Southwestern Sub-basin, whereas within the East Sub-basin Curie depths are smaller to the north of the relict spreading center than to the south. This pattern of Curie depths is consistent to regional heat flow measurements and later-stage volcanic seamount distributions, and we therefore reason that Curie-depth variations are closely associated with later-stage magmatism, rather than with crustal ages. Although magnetic anomalies located around the northern continent-ocean transition zone (COT) are relatively quiet, this area is not a typical magnetic quiet zone since conceptually it differs markedly from an oceanic magnetic quiet zone. The relatively quiet magnetic anomalies are seemingly associated with a shallowing in Curie isotherm and thinning in magnetic layer, but our comprehensive observations suggest that the well-preserved thick Mesozoic sedimentary rocks are major causes for the magnetically quiet zone. The high similarities between various low-pass filtered marine and air-borne magnetic anomalies and satellite magnetic anomalies clearly confirm that deeper magnetic sources (in the lower crust and the uppermost mantle) have contributions to long-wavelength surface magnetic anomalies in the area, as already inferred from magnetically inversed Curie depths. The offshore south China magnetic anomaly (SCMA) becomes more prominent on low-pass filtered marine and air-borne magnetic anomalies and satellite magnetic anomalies, indicating very deeply-buried magnetic sources beneath it.  相似文献   

Using wavelet transform, the sea surface temperature (SST) during the period of 1982–1999 of the South China Sea and the equatorial Pacific, from datasets of NOAA/AVHRR, was analyzed. It is shown that there are 4- and 8-year interannual oscillations in the eastern equatorial Pacific and 8-year interannual oscillation in the western equatorial Pacific. In terms of attractive time-frequency localization and multi-scale properties of wavelet transform, as shown by the Morlet wavelet, it is found that an in-phase coupling oscillation occurs between the SCS and the equatorial Pacific. The SST changes of SCS will have echoed every event of EI Niño (abnormally warm) and La Niño (abnormally cold) in the equatorial Pacific. There is a positive correlation between the SCS and the western equatorial Pacific in the 8-year time-scale. Evidence is presented that the SST anomalies of the equatorial Pacific influence the SST of the SCS.  相似文献   

文章基于我国水产品出口实际,构建了扩展型贸易引力模型,利用2010年我国水产品出口金额靠前的40个贸易伙伴1992-2010年间的面板数据,使用Eviews5.0对我国水产品出口的影响因素进行了多元线性回归分析并测度了其出口潜力。研究结果表明:渔业生产总值、进口国经济规模、进出口国人均收入水平差异、进口国华裔人口数量和APEC贸易制度安排都是影响我国水产品出口的因素,而贸易距离则是最主要的阻碍因素;我国对波兰、葡萄牙、乌克兰、墨西哥等15个国家水产品过度出口,这些市场均属于贸易潜力衰退型的充分市场;我国对菲律宾、越南、德国、澳大利亚等10个国家水产品出口饱和,对这些经济体扩大水产品出口的空间较为有限;我国对新加坡、俄罗斯、法国、阿尔及利亚等15个国家水产品出口不足,应继续拓展对这些经济体的出口规模。  相似文献   

描述了2008年西北太平洋及南海热带气旋的活动特征,对2008年赤道中东太平洋海温和西北太平洋副热带高压特征量进行了分析,同时对2008年的E1Nino,LaNina,南方涛动现象进行了简略的论述,并用500hPa月或候平均环流形势解释了2008年热带气旋登陆早和登陆多的原因,说明500hPa月或候平均环流形势对热带气旋登陆预报有一定的意义.  相似文献   

In the Ying-Qiong basins in the South China Sea developed a set of giant inner shelf slope and submarine gravity flow deposits in the Ying-Huang formations since the Late Miocene. These deposits can be classified into 9 sequences in which slope slump-debris flow, slope fan and particularly, the large-scale axial basin-floor incised valley fills have been recognized. They were distributed in a distinctive pattern attributed to tectonic control. The development of shelf slopes and abyssal plains in the basins was related to the last episode of rapid subsidence and a large amount of sediment inputs. Large-scale basin-floor incised valleys, formed during the late Miocene and Pliocene, indicate several major sea level falls that occurred in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

华光珊瑚环礁是一典型的大陆坡环礁,区别于大洋环礁和大陆架环礁。其发育既受全球板块运动,又受海面升降运动的控制。现代环礁的结构是在冰期时形成的先成台地之上复盖着一薄层的全新世礁相沉积。东亚季风的作用使礁形成各向相似的沉积相带。环礁礁冠与泻湖宽度之比可作为现代环礁成熟度的定量标志。华光环礁目前尚处于幼年期。  相似文献   

南海北部大陆架海洋生态系统Ecopath模型的应用与分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
过度捕捞和环境恶化导致渔业资源和海洋生态系统逆向发展。采用EwE5.1软件,对南海北部大陆架建立Ecopath(生态通道模型)模型。通过各级流量、生物量、生产量、捕捞量、系统总流量以及生态位和混和营养效应等方面的分析,得出营养流通主要有2种途径,肉食鱼类间饵料竞争非常激烈,低值鱼类间具相似的捕食压力,顶级捕食者对大部分鱼类负效应不明显。系统受过度捕捞渔业影响很大,并存在营养级I利用效率低和渔业资源小型化、低值化等不稳定的幼态特征。  相似文献   

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