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二元胶体的熵驱动相变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用二元胶体的硬球模型,讨论了胶体的熵驱动相变机制,排斥体积发挥了重要作用,增加小球的自由体积,导致系统的平移熵增加,同时系统的混合熵减少,随着溶液浓度增加,必须保证小球有足够的平移熵,导致系统相分离的发生,溶液呈现宏观有序.  相似文献   

由铁电纳米颗粒和介电质基体组成的复合材料具有很多功能特性,这些特性可广泛用于新型电子和能量收集装置.然而,铁电颗粒的形状、尺寸和在介电质基体中的取向对这些功能的影响还没有被研究清楚.利用一种中尺度建模方法,模拟了具有极性、弹性和热自由度的铁电纳米复合材料的性质,以及这些性质对尺寸、形状和取向的依赖性.基于时间依赖的朗道...  相似文献   

网络相变的非线性成因与分布式代理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善计算机网络非线性影响,以及用户行为带来的网络性能波动,分析了网络性能相变的非线性机制,在改进的二维耦合网络模型中对规则网络、具有访问群聚特性的网络和引入分布式代理的网络进行仿真对比。研究表明:在路由器非线性的作用下,网络存在相变特性;与目的节点随机选取的规则网络相比,超文本链接网络中访问行为的大规模群聚特性使网络相变点明显左移,网络性能相对恶化;针对这种情况采用分布式代理对策,使网络相变点右移,网络性能得到明显改善。  相似文献   

Pier H  Kapon E  Moser M 《Nature》2000,407(6806):880-883
Optical structures with periodic variations of the dielectric constant in one or more directions (photonic crystals) have been employed extensively for studying optical diffraction phenomena. Practical interest in such structures arises from the possibilities they offer for tailoring photon modes, and thereby the characteristics of light propagation and light-matter interactions. Photonic resonator crystals comprising two-dimensional arrays of coupled optical microcavities have been fabricated using vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser wafers. In such structures, the light propagates mostly normal to the periodic plane. Therefore, the corresponding lateral Bragg-periodicities are larger, a feature that is advantageous for device manufacture as it allows for larger lattice constants in the lateral direction. Here we investigate strain effects in a photonic resonator crystal by shifting neighbouring lattice rows of microcavities in opposite directions, thereby introducing an alternating square or quasi-hexagonal pattern of shear strain. We find that, for strain values below a critical threshold, the lasing photon mode is virtually locked to the corresponding mode supported by the unstrained photonic crystal. At the critical strain value, we observe a phase-transition-like switching between the square and quasi-hexagonal lattice modes. The tolerance of subcritical strains suggests that the resonator crystal may be useful for applications requiring high spatial coherence across the lattice, while the mode switching could potentially be exploited in free-space optical communications.  相似文献   

We have investigated the temperature dependence of elastic modulus for various ferroelectric ceramics in the temperature range of 20–90°C.The Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3(NBT)ceramics has a phase transition at 200°C,thus exhibits minimal change in elastic modulus up to 90°C,while the elastic modulus of the BaZr0.07Ti0.93O3(BZT-7)shows 12.5%change at the phase transition temperature of70°C and that of the BaZr0.15Ti0.85O3(BZT-15)ceramics shows 34.6%change at the phase transition temperature of60°C.The variations of elastic modulus will affect the temperature stability of devices made by these lead-free ferroelectric ceramics.  相似文献   

Yoo YK  Duewer F  Yang H  Yi D  Li JW  Xiang XD 《Nature》2000,406(6797):704-708
Highly correlated electronic systems--such as transition-metal oxides that are doped Mott insulators--are complex systems which exhibit puzzling phenomena, including high-temperature superconductivity and colossal magnetoresistivity. Recent studies suggest that in such systems collective electronic phenomena are important, arising from long-range Coulomb interactions and magnetic effects. The qualitative behaviour of these systems is strongly dependent on charge filling (the level of doping) and the lattice constant. Here we report a time-efficient and systematic experimental approach for studying the phase diagrams of condensed-matter systems. It involves the continuous mapping of the physical properties of epitaxial thin films of perovskite manganites (a class of doped Mott insulator) as their composition is varied. We discover evidence that suggests the presence of phase boundaries of electronic origin at room temperature.  相似文献   

Achlioptas D  Naor A  Peres Y 《Nature》2005,435(7043):759-764
It is widely believed that for many optimization problems, no algorithm is substantially more efficient than exhaustive search. This means that finding optimal solutions for many practical problems is completely beyond any current or projected computational capacity. To understand the origin of this extreme 'hardness', computer scientists, mathematicians and physicists have been investigating for two decades a connection between computational complexity and phase transitions in random instances of constraint satisfaction problems. Here we present a mathematically rigorous method for locating such phase transitions. Our method works by analysing the distribution of distances between pairs of solutions as constraints are added. By identifying critical behaviour in the evolution of this distribution, we can pinpoint the threshold location for a number of problems, including the two most-studied ones: random k-SAT and random graph colouring. Our results prove that the heuristic predictions of statistical physics in this context are essentially correct. Moreover, we establish that random instances of constraint satisfaction problems have solutions well beyond the reach of any analysed algorithm.  相似文献   

γ射线能量-自旋曲线分析方法指认: 80Sr核的yrast带存在从U(5)振动基态到O(6)γ软转子基态的结构相变;借助微观sdIBM-2方案和实验单粒子能量值, 用了除K(np)外, 完全相同的一组参数成功地再现了它们相应的形状相变. 计算结果揭示: 80Sr的yrast带从基态起直到24+态都是集体态, 还没有出现回弯. 理论分析和计算结果表明: 对于有相互作用的中子-质子玻色子两流体, 在给定的g(σ),G(σ),K(σ)下, 增大K(np)意味着增强了核子对反抗Coriolis力拆对顺排的能  相似文献   

Boamfa MI  Kim MW  Maan JC  Rasing T 《Nature》2003,421(6919):149-152
The behaviour of liquid crystal (LC) molecules near a surface is of both fundamental and technological interest: it gives rise to various surface phase-transition and wetting phenomena, and surface-induced ordering of the LC molecules is integral to the operation of LC displays. Here we report the observation of a pure isotropic-nematic (IN) surface phase transition-clearly separated from the bulk IN transition-in a nematic LC on a substrate. Differences in phase behaviour between surface and bulk are expected, but have hitherto proved difficult to distinguish, owing in part to the close proximity of their transition temperatures. We have overcome these difficulties by using a mixture of nematic LCs: small, surface-induced composition variations lead to complete separation of the surface and bulk transitions, which we then study independently as a function of substrate and applied magnetic field. We find the surface IN transition to be of first order on surfaces with a weak anchoring energy and continuous on surfaces with a strong anchoring. We show that the presence of high magnetic fields does not change the surface IN transition temperature, whereas the bulk IN transition temperature increases with field. We attribute this to the interaction energy between the surface and bulk phases, which is tuned by magnetic-field-induced order in the surface-wetting layer.  相似文献   

采用水热法合成钙钛矿结构钛酸铅(PbTiO3)纳米线.水热温度对产物的形貌有较大的影响,PbTiO3纳米线的直径为10~20 nm.变温Raman光谱研究表明,随着温度的升高,位于600 cm-1以上声子的振动频率变化不大,而位于低频的振动峰发生了红移或消失;PbTiO3纳米线在283℃发生正交→四方的结构转变,而在435℃附近对应于PbTiO3纳米线的四方→立方转变.  相似文献   

The features of the single crystals 0.76PMN-0.24PT in dietectric, ferroetectric, pyroetectric properties and domain structures indicate that they are located between typical ferroetectrics and normal ones. The unpoled crystals present a transitional domain configuration between microdomains and typical macrodomains while the crystals on (001) cuts undergo fietd-induced phase transition under poling, showing two special temperature points Td andT m during the succedent heating procedure. The dietectric constant starts to decrease drastically at Td during cooling, or the transformation from induced macrodomain to transitional domain takes place atT d during heating. Ferroetectric-paraetectric phase transition or depolarization continues within the whole temperature range ofT d-T m, where ferroetectric phase in the form of transitional macrodomains coexists with paraetectric phase. Then the crystals macroscopically transoform into paraetectric phase containing ferroetectric microdomains at a temperature aboveT m. However, owing to the influence of crystallite orientation on fietd-induced phase transition, the temperatureT d does not appear in the same temperature-etectric fietd history in multicrystal ceramics with the same composition as the above single crystals.  相似文献   

Q Si  S Rabello  K Ingersent  J L Smith 《Nature》2001,413(6858):804-808
When a metal undergoes a continuous quantum phase transition, non-Fermi-liquid behaviour arises near the critical point. All the low-energy degrees of freedom induced by quantum criticality are usually assumed to be spatially extended, corresponding to long-wavelength fluctuations of the order parameter. But this picture has been contradicted by the results of recent experiments on a prototype system: heavy fermion metals at a zero-temperature magnetic transition. In particular, neutron scattering from CeCu6-x Aux has revealed anomalous dynamics at atomic length scales, leading to much debate as to the fate of the local moments in the quantum-critical regime. Here we report our theoretical finding of a locally critical quantum phase transition in a model of heavy fermions. The dynamics at the critical point are in agreement with experiment. We propose local criticality to be a phenomenon of general relevance to strongly correlated metals.  相似文献   

Reversible phase transitions in polymer gels induced by radiation forces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Juodkazis S  Mukai N  Wakaki R  Yamaguchi A  Matsuo S  Misawa H 《Nature》2000,408(6809):178-181
Many polymer gels undergo reversible, discontinuous volume changes in response to changes in the balance between repulsive intermolecular forces that act to expand the polymer network and attractive forces that act to shrink it. Repulsive forces are usually electrostatic or hydrophobic in nature, whereas attraction is mediated by hydrogen bonding or van der Waals interactions. The competition between these counteracting forces, and hence the gel volume, can thus be controlled by subtle changes in parameters such as pH (ref. 4), temperature, solvent composition or gel composition. Here we describe a more direct influence on this balance of forces, by showing that the radiation force generated by a focused laser beam induces reversible shrinkage in polymer gels. Control experiments confirm that the laser-induced volume phase transitions are due to radiation forces, rather than local heating, modifying the weak interactions in the gels, in agreement with previous observations of light-induced chain association in polymer solutions. We find that, owing to shear-relaxation processes, gel shrinkage occurs up to several tens of micrometres away from the irradiation spot, raising the prospect that the combination of stimuli-responsive polymer gels and laser light might lead to new gel-based systems for applications such as actuating or sensing.  相似文献   

Colloidal suspensions that form periodic self-assembling structures on sub-micrometre scales are of potential technological interest; for example, three-dimensional arrangements of spheres in colloidal crystals might serve as photonic materials, intended to manipulate light. Colloidal particles with non-spherical shapes (such as rods and plates) are of particular interest because of their ability to form liquid crystals. Nematic liquid crystals possess orientational order; smectic and columnar liquid crystals additionally exhibit positional order (in one or two dimensions respectively). However, such positional ordering may be inhibited in polydisperse colloidal suspensions. Here we describe a suspension of plate-like colloids that shows isotropic, nematic and columnar phases on increasing the particle concentration. We find that the columnar two-dimensional crystal persists for a polydispersity of up to 25%, with a cross-over to smectic-like ordering at very high particle concentrations. Our results imply that liquid crystalline order in synthetic mesoscopic materials may be easier to achieve than previously thought.  相似文献   

许星光 《科学技术与工程》2012,12(34):9306-9308,9312
采用相关有效场理论,对具有正方点阵结构的S=2横向BC模型,推导出系统的磁矩公式,并利用数值计算方法得到了基态相图。研究发现三种相变线将相图分成三个区域:有序铁磁相O1、有序铁磁相O2及无序顺磁相P,一级有序-有序相变线将铁磁相分成了O1及O2,并使铁磁相O2的区域非常狭窄。  相似文献   

Li L  Weidner DJ 《Nature》2008,454(7207):984-986
The velocities of seismic waves in the Earth are governed by the response of the constituent mineral assemblage to perturbations in pressure and stress. The effective bulk modulus is significantly lowered if the pressure of the seismic wave drives a volume-reducing phase transformation. A comparison between the amount of time required by phase transitions to reach equilibrium and the sampling period thus becomes crucial in defining the softening and attenuation of compressional waves within such a two-phase zone. These phenomena are difficult to assess experimentally, however, because data at conditions appropriate to the Earth's deep interior are required. Here we present synchrotron-based experimental data that demonstrate softening of the bulk modulus within the two-phase loop of olivine-ringwoodite on a timescale of 100 s. If the amplitude of the pressure perturbation and the grain size are scaled to those expected in the Earth, the compressional-wave velocities within the discontinuities at 410, 520 and, possibly, 660 km are likely to be significantly lower than otherwise expected. The generalization of these observations to aluminium-controlled phase transitions raises the possibility of large velocity perturbations throughout the upper 1,000 km of the mantle.  相似文献   

机器学习理论区别于传统方法,因其在对于复杂的数据集识别、分类的准确性和高效性而被广泛应用于各个领域.识别相变是机器学习和统计物理领域相结合的最有代表性的工作.到目前为止,机器学习完成的相变识别几乎都是基于具有动力学演化过程的自旋模型,如Ising模型等,而其在另一类不具有动力学演化过程而完全由系统结构特征决定的相变模型,如逾渗模型等,仍未有细致研究.本文结合现有的机器学习技术,卷积神经网络和一般向量机,对二维方格子上的座逾渗问题进行了研究,发现能以高正确率对不同相的构型进行识别,证明了机器学习在这类问题上研究的可行性.通过已完成训练的学习机对不同参数下构型预测的正确率计算,发现正确率在相变点附近会出现急剧衰减,与系统参数呈幂律衰减.这与传统相变理论一致.通过定量计算,还发现2种学习机的正确率衰减规律都满足同一个幂律指数.这不仅进一步从全新的角度揭示了相变的普适性,而且为找寻相变点提供了新的方法.  相似文献   

Higher-order topological phases give rise to new bulk and boundary physics,as well as new classes of topological phase transitions.While the realization of high...  相似文献   

采用第一性原理基于密度泛函平面波赝势方法来详细研究了 SrZrO3 和 ZnCr2O4 的结构,力学和电子性质.分别通过分析压力下 SrZrO3 的能带宽度和弹性模量,我们预测SrZrO3 分别在30 GPa 和 20~25 GPa 下发生相变.通过分析压力下 ZnCr2O4 的弹性常数,我们预测 ZnCr2O4 在 ...  相似文献   

Grinberg I  Cooper VR  Rappe AM 《Nature》2002,419(6910):909-911
The Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) disordered solid solution is widely used in piezoelectric applications owing to its excellent electromechanical properties. Six different structural phases have been observed for PZT at ambient pressure, each with different lattice parameters and average electric polarization. It is of significant interest to understand the microscopic origin of the complicated phase diagram and local structure of PZT. Here, using density functional theory calculations, we show that the distortions of the material away from the parent perovskite structure can be predicted from the local arrangement of the Zr and Ti cations. We use the chemical rules obtained from density functional theory to create a phenomenological model to simulate PZT structures. We demonstrate how changes in the Zr/Ti composition give rise to phase transitions in PZT through changes in the populations of various local Pb atom environments.  相似文献   

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