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伽达默尔对审美意识的批判已受到太多关注。鲜为人知的是,他对启蒙运动的批判是理解其本体论阐释学更有意义的部分。在他对启蒙运动的“笛卡尔基础”的批判上,本文深入地探讨了他对艺术的理解及其阐释理性观念之间的关系。与哈贝马斯等人的批评不同,本文认为伽达默尔的阐释学本质上不应在与启蒙事业严格对立的立场来解读。伽迭默尔早期的对话观念本身最初因启蒙抱负而起,问题是伽达默尔最终没有持守这种抱负。他的传统观念因太过贴近描绘艺术体验的崇高忘我精神,而使得其阐释学牢牢嵌入一种启蒙承诺与反启蒙冲动的浪漫转向之间悬而未决的张力中。  相似文献   

马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,深入地全面地批判了黑格尔辩证法的唯心主义性质,而紧紧抓住了他关于人、人的本质、人的劳动和人的自我生成的思想,突出了异化在否定的辩证法中的重要作用,由此建立起关注人的解放和发展的实践辩证法。  相似文献   

在传统的马克思主义“解读”中,人们习惯于将马克思的辩证法看作是对黑格尔辩证法的“颠倒”,即认为马克思在改造黑格尔辩证法的过程中,剥除了黑格尔唯心主义体系的外壳,留下了其辩证法的内核。但是,这一传统说法是对马克思与黑格尔辩证法关系的误解,实际上马克思是对黑格尔辩证法进行了批判之后又加以改造,才最终形成了自己的辩证法。  相似文献   

阿多诺以否定的辩证法为武器,全面批判现代资本主义,他批判了资本主义的异化现实及其对人性的扭曲,揭露了大众化粉饰现实的欺骗本质,他认为艺术应是自主自律的,主张美学就是一种伦理性,力图通过审美乌托邦的建造来拯救异化的人性。  相似文献   

辩证法是批判的,革命的马克思在《资本论》中明确指出:“辩证法不崇拜任何东西,按其本质来说,它是批判的和革命的。”马克思在毕生的理论研究工作中始终高举批判的旗帜。在应用唯物辩证法改造政治经济学时,他“破字当头”,对资产阶级的政治经济学进行了无情的批判。因此《资本论》的副标题就叫做“政治经济学批判”。同样,在应用唯物辩证法去改造微分学  相似文献   

分析了《妻妾成群》对旧中国女性悲剧命运的描写,认为虽然小说中的女性也曾尝试飞蛾扑火式的反抗,但是男权制度下,女性的自我拯救注定没有出路。深刻剖析了女性的生存困境,呼唤男性中心文化下女性的自省,从而达到对这一文化的更为有力的批判。  相似文献   

《阿Q正传》是鲁迅的重要作品。多年来对阿Q形象的分析已经很多了。但以往的研究大多从形象的启蒙及象征意义方面去思考,因而,忽略了形象性格结构中的错位关系,以及反讽艺术表现手法的运用。事实上作正是通过反讽的艺术表现,揭示出阿Q精神世界与现实处境的极端错位,从而取得其象征意义的。本在对《阿Q正传》重新解读的基础上指出,阿Q典型性格的实现,就是其精神与现实、不正常与正常、虚构与写实之间的对立错位。  相似文献   

本文主要是对霍克海默和阿多诺的启蒙辩证法思想进行简单的阐释,顺着"神话--启蒙--神话"的这样一个逻辑结构,从启蒙历史的长河中看到,启蒙一方面在反对封建制度和宗教神学上为资本主义的发展奠定了思想理论基础,用科学的理论取代了宗教的信仰;另一方面它所提倡的理性使人们在坚信自由、平等、民主的同时陷入了工具理性的桎梏中。尤其在文化工业社会中,使原本的启蒙走向了神话。这就是启蒙的辩证法。  相似文献   

乌托邦共同体思想是拯救现代性条件下人的生存状况的尝试。它产生于启蒙运动下,人文主义是其出发点,人对幸福的追求是其理论预设;启蒙理性是其批判现实的理论武器;天才和精英人物是完成其设计方案的主体;公共福利与个人幸福相一致的社会共同体是其最高价值诉求;空想性是其由特定历史状况所造成的时代局限。  相似文献   

《乡党》篇非后人伪造,其在《论语》中的地位也非常重要,它是对孔子生活的记录,是对孔子思想来源的阐释。思想来源于生活,生活体现着思想,这正是生活儒学所揭示的内容,即要回归生活的大本大源。以黄玉顺教授所创立的生活儒学的逻辑架构重新审视《论语·乡党》篇,不仅可以突破前人对孔子思想“形上——形下”的解读,而且亦可全面而深刻地理解孔子的思想原貌,这对于研究《论语》、准确解读孔子思想具有重要意义。  相似文献   

实验室条件下模拟304不锈钢冶炼中的AOD工位,采用硅铁做终脱氧剂,选择CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-CaF2五元渣系,考察了精炼渣碱度对304不锈钢中夹杂物的影响.实验中发现,随精炼渣碱度的增大,钢中全氧质量分数降低,夹杂物的总数、总面积和平均半径减小,说明高碱度渣对304不锈钢中的脱氧产物吸附以及对细小夹杂物的生成有利;碱度大于2的精炼渣处理效果明显优于碱度为1.5的实验渣系,建议现场采用碱度大于2的渣系处理钢液.  相似文献   

MgO·Al2O3 spinel type inclusions in casing steel were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The results show that there are three forms. One is pure MgO·Al2O3 spinel, another is the composite oxide of the Mg-Al-Ca-Si-O system, and the third is the complex with oxide as a core covered by sulfide. The formation mechanisms were studied. The influences of slag basicity and vacuum degree on the magnesium content during the vacuum treatment of molten steel and furnace lining in molten steel were calculated with the coexistence theory of slag structure. The results show that the magnesium content increases with the increase in slag basicity and aluminum content in molten steel, and decreases with the increase in CO partial pressure.  相似文献   

Controlling conditions for inclusion plasticization were calculated by FactSage, and the steel/slag reaction equilibration time was determined by pre-equilibrium experiments. Laboratory experiments with different top slags were carried out in 90 min, and industrial tests were performed based on the results of calculation and laboratory experiments. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were used to determine the morphology and composition of inclusions in tire cord steel. It is found that the shape of inclusions can be controlled well, and the composition of inclusions varies in the industrial test as the following transformation route:MnO-Al2O3-SiO2→CaO-Al2O3-SiO2→MnO-Al2O3-SiO2. Inclusion plasticization can be achieved by controlling the binary basicity of top slag (CaO/SiO2 by mass) around 1.0 and the (Al2O3) content in top slag below 10wt%. Under these controlling conditions in the industrial test, almost all of inclusions in the wire rods achieve plastic deformation.  相似文献   

采用非水溶液电解的方法,萃取分离出SAE8620齿轮钢中含MgO复合夹杂物,利用扫描电镜、能谱分析仪对夹杂物的组成、类型和形貌特征进行分析。结果表明,SAE8620齿轮钢在LF精炼过程中,含MgO复合夹杂物中MgO、CaO含量逐渐增加,SiO2含量逐渐减少,Al2O3含量呈先上升后下降的趋势;夹杂物的形貌多不规则,呈块状且棱角分明;夹杂物类型主要为SiO2-Al2O3-MgO、SiO2-MgO、SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-MgO等,此类夹杂物的尺寸较大、熔点较高,直接影响钢材的质量和使用性能。  相似文献   

The modification of MgO·Al2O3 spinel inclusions in Al-killed steel by Ca-treatment has been studied by industrial trials and thermodynamic calculations. In the industrial trials, samples were taken systematically during the refining process in which the molten steel was treated by calcium, and the characters of the inclusions were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectra (EDS). The effects of Ca-treatment were evaluated by tracking the compositions of the inclusions. The results show that the modification of MgO·Al2O3 spinel inclusions by Ca-treatment is effective and the transformation sequence of the inclusions during the refining is Al2O3→MgO·Al2O3→liquid complex inclusions. The modification of spinel inclusions by Ca-treatment was calculated by FactSage6.0 utilizing its free-energy minimization routines. The results of thermodynamic calculations indicate that spinel inclusions are easier to be modified than Al2O3 inclusions and the spinel inclusions in 30CrMo steel would transform to liquid complex inclusions when the content of dissolved Ca in the molten steel exceeds 1×10−6. Also, the results show that adding more calcium into the molten steel would lower the contents of Al2O3 and MgO and increase the CaO content of the inclusions, while the change in SiO2 content is little.  相似文献   

为使莱钢高炉冶炼中具有合理渣系,保障高炉长期稳定运行,对其炉渣二元碱度及MgO、Al2O3、FeO含量对炉渣黏度的影响进行研究。结果表明,为保证较低的黏度,高炉渣保持二元碱度约为1.15、w(MgO)为8%~10%较适宜;当高炉渣Al2O3含量达到一定值时,其黏度会明显提高,高炉渣中Al2O3含量最好应控制在15%以内;高炉渣黏度随着FeO含量的增加而显著降低,初渣中较高FeO含量可改善其流动性能。  相似文献   

在DS-LD-RH-CC工艺IF钢工业生产过程系统取样和全氧含量、氮含量、非金属夹杂物形貌和化学成分检测的基础上,结合热力学分析,研究了非金属夹杂物含量、形貌与成分的演变过程.结果表明,冶炼过程钢中全氧含量逐渐降低,但需控制钢包渣氧化性以进一步降低铸坯中全氧含量;在浇铸过程中发生明显的增氮现象,应进一步加强保护浇铸,控制浇铸过程钢水增氮;在RH精炼过程中,脱氧后主要生成团簇状单一Al2O3夹杂物,Ti合金化后生成球形Al-Ti-O和内外分层的Al-Ti-Ca-Mg-O复合夹杂物;在钢水凝固过程中,生成了内层为Ti-Al-Mn-O-S、外层为TiN和AlN的复合夹杂物.在铸坯中还存在由结晶器卷渣导致的含有K,Na成分的Ti-Al-Ca-Si-Mn-O大型复合夹杂物.  相似文献   

To design optimal pyrometallurgical processes for nickel and cobalt recycling, and more particularly for the end-of-life process of Ni-Co-Fe-based end-of-life (EoL) superalloys, knowledge of their activity coefficients in slags is essential. In this study, the activity coefficients of NiO and CoO in CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slag, a candidate slag used for the EoL superalloy remelting process, were measured using gas/slag/metal equilibrium experiments. These activity coefficients were then used to consider the recycling efficiency of nickel and cobalt by remelting EoL superalloys using CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slag. The activity coefficients of NiO and CoO in CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slag both show a positive deviation from Raoult's law, with values that vary from 1 to 5 depending on the change in basicity. The activity coefficients of NiO and CoO peak in the slag with a composition near B=(%CaO)/(%SiO2)=1, where B is the basicity. We observed that controlling the slag composition at approximately B=1 effectively reduces the cobalt and nickel oxidation losses and promotes the oxidation removal of iron during the remelting process of EoL superalloys.  相似文献   

SiCa line and SiCaBaFe alloy were injected into liquid pipeline steel at the end of LF refining as calcium treatment, and samples were taken from the ladles, mould, and slabs. Analysis of Ca content and inclusions shows that Ca content in steel decreases obviously in the following process after calcium treatment; the compositions, morphology, and sizes of inclusions also vary much in the production; primary inclusions in the ladles prior to calcium treatment are mainly Al2O3 inclusions, but they turn to fine irregular CaS-CaO-Al2O3 compound inclusions after the treatment, then become fine globular CaO-Al2O3 inclusions in the mould, and finally change to a few larger irregular CaS-CaO-Al2O3 complex inclusions in the slabs. Thermodynamic study reveals that inclusion variations are related with the preferential reactions among Ca, Al2O3, and S and the precipitation of S in CaO-Al2O3 inclusions with high sulfur capacity. New evaluation standards for calcium treatment in high-grade pipeline steel were put forward according to the inclusion variations and requirements of pipeline steel on inclusion controlling, and the calcium process was studied and optimized.  相似文献   

在实验室条件下采用钼丝挂渣法测量熔渣发泡高度,以相对发泡高度作为衡量指标,结合理论分析,系统研究了高碱度合成精炼渣的泡沫化性能.结果表明:熔渣相对发泡高度随着黏度的增大、表面张力和密度的减小而增大.在精炼渣成分一定时,随温度升高和吹气量增加,熔渣相对发泡高度都有先增加后降低的趋势.具有较好泡沫化性能的精炼渣组成范围是:ω(CaO)/ω(SiO_2)为5~8,ω(Al_2O_3):27%,ω(CaF_2)为3%~6%,ω(MgO)=8%,ω(FeO)<0.5%.  相似文献   

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