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Structure of tumour necrosis factor   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
E Y Jones  D I Stuart  N P Walker 《Nature》1989,338(6212):225-228
Tumour necrosis factor is a trimeric molecule, each subunit of which consists of an antiparallel beta-sandwich. Individual subunits from the trimer by a novel edge-to-face packing of beta-sheets. A comparison of the subunit fold with that of other proteins reveals a remarkable similarity to the 'jelly-roll' structural motif characteristic of viral coat proteins.  相似文献   

Identity of differentiation inducing factor and tumour necrosis factor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human myelogenous leukaemic cells can be induced to differentiate into the monocyte/macrophage pathway by protein inducers called differentiation inducing factors (DIF) in conditioned media of mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood leukocytes. However, human DIF has not yet been well characterized. DIF is known to be a T-cell lymphokine, as it can be obtained from the T-cell line HUT-102 and can be partially purified from medium conditioned by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated lymphocytes. We found that monocytes also produce factor(s) that induce differentiation of human myelogenous leukaemia cell lines to cells with macrophage-like characteristics. This factor(s) has activity different from that of colony-stimulating factor(s) or interferons. We have now purified a DIF to homogeneity from medium conditioned by PHA-stimulated leukocytes using a human myeloblastic leukemia cell line, ML-1, as target cells. The purified DIF has a relative molecular mass (Mr) of approximately 17,000, with an NH2-terminal sequence the same as that of human tumour necrosis factor (TNF). Recombinant human TNF (rHuTNF) induces differentiation of ML-1 cells and an anti-pDIF monoclonal antibody can neutralize both differentiation inducing activity and cytotoxic activity of DIF and rHuTNF. The findings indicate that one of the DIF(s) produced by leukocytes is probably TNF.  相似文献   

In mammals, several well-defined metabolic changes occur during infection, many of which are attributable to products of the reticuloendothelial system. Among these changes, a hypertriglyceridaemic state is frequently evident, resulting from defective triglyceride clearance, caused by systemic suppression of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). We have found previously that macrophages secrete the hormone cachectin, which specifically suppresses LPL activity in cultured adipocytes (3T3-L1 cells). When originally purified from RAW 264.7 (mouse macrophage) cells, cachectin was shown to have a pI of 4.7, a subunit size of relative molecular mass (Mr) 17,000 and to form non-covalent multimers. A receptor for cachectin was identified on non-tumorigenic cultured cells and on normal mouse liver membranes. A new high-yield purification technique has enabled us to determine further details of the structure of mouse cachectin. We now report that a high degree of homology exists between the N-terminal sequence of mouse cachectin and the N-terminal sequence recently determined for human tumour necrosis factor (TNF). Purified cachectin also possesses potent TNF activity in vitro. These findings suggest that the 'cachectin' and 'TNF' activities of murine macrophage conditioned medium are attributable to a single protein, which modulates the metabolic activities of normal as well as neoplastic cells through interaction with specific high-affinity receptors.  相似文献   

Mediation of mouse natural cytotoxic activity by tumour necrosis factor   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Natural cell-mediated cytotoxic activity in the mouse has been associated with two types of effector cells, the natural killer (NK) cell and the natural cytotoxic (NC) cell, which seem to differ with regard to their patterns of target selectivity, cell surface characteristics and susceptibility to regulatory factors. During studies on the mechanism of action of cytotoxic molecules, it became evident that WEHI-164, the prototype NC target cell, was highly susceptible to direct lysis by both human and mouse recombinant tumour necrosis factor (TNF). Here we show that NC, but not NK activity mediated by normal splenocytes, is abrogated by rabbit antibodies to recombinant and natural TNF, respectively. Thus, the cell-mediated activity defined as NC is due to release of TNF by normal spleen cells and does not represent a unique natural effector mechanism.  相似文献   

B B Aggarwal  T E Eessalu  P E Hass 《Nature》1985,318(6047):665-667
Tumour necrosis factors, TNF-alpha and TNF-beta (previously called lymphotoxin), are the products of activated monocytes and lymphocytes, respectively, and both have recently been purified, sequenced and cloned by recombinant DNA methods, revealing 35% identity and 50% homology in the amino-acid sequence. Both proteins have been found to be specifically toxic to many tumour cells. Furthermore, it has been reported that various interferons are synergistic with TNF for anti-tumour effects in vitro, while activities attributed to the two proteins have also been shown to necrotize various tumours in vivo. We have now prepared 125I-labelled highly purified recombinant human TNF-alpha to study in detail its binding to the human cervical carcinoma cell line ME-180. Our results indicate that there is a single class of specific high-affinity receptors for TNF on this cell line which has a Kd of about 0.2 nM and an average of 2,000 receptor sites per cell. The binding of labelled TNF-alpha to these cells can be inhibited by both TNF-alpha and TNF-beta but not by gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma). However, preincubation of cells with IFN-gamma increases the total number of TNF receptors two to threefold without any significant change in the affinity constant. This is the first report that TNF-alpha and -beta share a common receptor and that the receptors can be up-regulated by interferon. Our results may explain previous observations regarding similar biological activities observed for these two cytotoxic proteins and also their synergistic action with interferons.  相似文献   

T Shirai  H Yamaguchi  H Ito  C W Todd  R B Wallace 《Nature》1985,313(6005):803-806
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) was found originally in mouse serum after intravenous injection of bacterial endotoxin into mice primed with viable Mycobacterium bovis, strain Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). TNF-containing serum from mice is cytotoxic or cytostatic to a number of mouse and human transformed cell lines, but less or not toxic to normal cells in vitro. It causes necrosis of transplantable tumours in mice. TNF also occurs in serum of rat, rabbit and guinea pig. Rabbit TNF has been purified recently to give a single band on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The purified TNF had a relative molecular mass (Mr) 40,000 +/- 5,000 measured by gel filtration, and 17,000 by SDS-PAGE. Its isoelectric point is 5.0 +/- 0.3. The necrotic activity in vivo and the cytotoxicity in vitro are produced by the same substance. The gene encoding TNF has been identified in a human genomic DNA library using as a probe a cloned cDNA encoding a portion of rabbit TNF. The regions of this gene encoding an amino-acid sequence corresponding to mature TNF have been expressed in Escherichia coli and the product of this expression isolated in pure form and shown to produce necrosis of murine tumours in vivo.  相似文献   

A M Ritter  G R Lewin  N E Kremer  L M Mendell 《Nature》1991,350(6318):500-502
In adult animals, sensory neurons innervating the skin are phenotypically diverse. We have now investigated whether nerve growth factor (NGF) has a physiological role in the development of this diversity. We gave antisera against NGF to rats from postnatal day 1 (PND 1) to adulthood (5 weeks). We found a virtually complete depletion of high threshold mechanoreceptors conducting in the A delta range (2-13 ms-1) in the sural nerve. This afferent type, normally present in large numbers, appeared to have been replaced by D-hair afferents, sensitive mechanoreceptors which normally are relatively rare. NGF deprivation had this effect only in early postnatal life; treatment from postnatal day 14 to adulthood had no effect. We conclude that the presence of NGF postnatally in skin is necessary for the proper phenotypic development of A delta cutaneous nociceptors.  相似文献   

Cachectin and tumour necrosis factor as two sides of the same biological coin   总被引:178,自引:0,他引:178  
B Beutler  A Cerami 《Nature》1986,320(6063):584-588
In response to invasive stimuli macrophages secrete cachectin, a multipotent protein. Prominent among its biological effects is the ability to induce wasting (cachexia) as well as a lethal state of shock. The identity of cachectin and tumour necrosis factor has led to a new view of its therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Human tumour necrosis factor has about 30% homology in its amino acid sequence with lymphotoxin, a lymphokine that has similar biological properties. Recombinant tumour necrosis factor can be obtained by expression of its complementary DNA in Escherichia coli and induces the haemorrhagic necrosis of transplanted methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas in syngeneic mice.  相似文献   

Requirement for integrins during Drosophila wing development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
D L Brower  S M Jaffe 《Nature》1989,342(6247):285-287
The position-specific (PS) integrins of Drosophila are highly homologous to vertebrate integrins, most of which are cell-surface receptors for extracellular matrix components. Integrins are heterodimers, each consisting of noncovalently associated alpha- and beta-subunits. As for the subfamilies of vertebrate integrins, the same beta-subunit is found in both Drosophila PS integrins, combined with a specific alpha-subunit to generate either a complete functional PS1 or PS2 integrin. Both alpha- and beta-subunits are large transmembrane proteins (relative molecular masses greater than 100,000). Either one or both of these two PS integrins are expressed in most fly tissues during development. A particularly intriguing pattern of expression is found in the mature wing imaginal disc, where the PS1 integrin is expressed primarily on the presumptive dorsal wing epithelium, and the PS2 integrin is found almost exclusively on the ventral epithelium. Immediately after pupariation, the central wing pouch evaginates, folding along its centre to appose the epithelia that will secret the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the adult wing blade. Here we report the results of a genetic analysis indicating that both of the PS integrins are required to maintain the close apposition of the dorsal and ventral wing epithelia during morphogenesis. Also, we conclude that the integrins are not necessary for the maintenance of the cell lineage restriction between the two presumptive wing surfaces in the developing imaginal disc.  相似文献   

HLA class II molecules are surface glycoproteins which are essential in the initiation of immune responses. It has been postulated that induction of class II in epithelial cells such as endocrine cells, which are normally class II negative, may result in autoimmunity. In type I diabetes, islet beta cells, the target of the autoimmune process, selectively express class II antigens. But in contrast to most other cell types, islet beta cells are not stimulated to express class II by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and thus the conditions under which this induction occurs have been particularly elusive. The cytotoxins tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and lymphotoxin (LT) synergize with IFN-gamma in a number of activities. We report here that IFN-gamma in combination with either TNF or LT induces islet cell class II expression. This finding has important implications for the pathogenesis of type I diabetes and the understanding of the differential control of class II expression.  相似文献   

Requirement for a functional Rb-1 gene in murine development.   总被引:86,自引:0,他引:86  
Human retinoblastomas can occur both as hereditary and as sporadic cases. Knudson's proposal that they result from two mutational events, of which one is present in the germ line in hereditary cases, has been confirmed by more recent molecular analysis, which has shown both events to involve loss or mutational inactivation of the same gene, RB-1 (ref. 2). RB-1 heterozygosity also predisposes to osteosarcoma, and RB-1 allele losses are seen in sporadic lung, breast, prostate and bladder carcinomas. RB-1 is expressed in most, if not all, tissues and codes for a nuclear phosphoprotein which becomes hypophosphorylated in the G0 growth arrest state and in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. To gain a further insight into the role of RB-1 we and other groups have generated mice carrying an inactivated allele of the homologous gene, Rb-1 (ref. 10), by gene targeting. We report here that young heterozygous mice do not appear abnormal and do not develop retinoblastoma at a detectable frequency. However, homozygous mutant embryos fail to reach term and show a number of abnormalities in neural and haematopoietic development. Broadly similar results are reported by the other groups.  相似文献   

D A Brenner  M O'Hara  P Angel  M Chojkier  M Karin 《Nature》1989,337(6208):661-663

Mast-cell growth factor (MGF) is encoded by the murine steel (Sl) locus and is a ligand for the tyrosine kinase receptor protein encoded by the proto-oncogene c-kit at the murine dominant white spotting (W) locus. Mutations at both these loci affect mast cells, primordial germ cells (PGCs), haemopoietic stem cells and melanocytes. In many Sl and W mutants, the rapid proliferation of PGC that normally occurs between day 7 and 13.5 of embryonic development fails to occur. As c-kit is expressed in PGCs while MGF is expressed in the surrounding mesenchyme, MGF might promote the proliferation of PGCs. Here we report that MGF is essential for PGC survival in culture, but does not stimulate PGC proliferation. Moreover, whereas both the transmembrane and soluble proteolytic cleavage forms of MGF stimulate mast-cell proliferation, soluble MGF has a relatively limited ability to support survival of PGCs in culture, thus explaining the sterility in mice carrying the steel-dickie (Sld) mutation, which encodes only a soluble form of MGF, and providing a functional role for a transmembrane growth factor.  相似文献   

本文从社会生产力的内涵及其构成谈起,首先指出了社会生产力的内涵及其构成因素,进而提出了判断先进的生产力的标准及其发展要求是什么,指出了中国共产党应如何“代表中国先进社会生产力的发展要求”。  相似文献   

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