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Summary A rapid and simple method for estimating the phospholipid synthetic activity of incubated lymphocytes by a Florisil column technique following the uptake of14C-oleic acid was established. Stimulation of phospholipid synthesis by PHA and inhibitions caused by Tween 20 or Tween 80 and heating were evaluated easily with this method.  相似文献   

Riassunto Si descrive un metodo per la determinazione della guanidine nei liquidi biologici e si rileva che essa aumenta nel siero uremico fino a 30 volte la norma (valore medio normale: 1.41±0.49 g/100 ml) e che nei cani uremici la concentrazione muscolare è di quasi 3 volte superiore a quella plasmatica. La eliminazione urinaria non è diversa fra normali ed uremici: 382±221 e 459±229 g/24 h, rispettivamente.

Aknowledgments. This investigation was supported by Public Health Service, Research Contract No. PH-43-68-1466.  相似文献   

A new method for measuring membrane potentials with external electrodes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zusammenfassung Beschreibung einer neuen Methode, die es gestattet, mit Aussenelektroden die wahre Grösse der Membranpotentialschwankungen, die durch den Einfluss von hyper- oder hypopolarisierenden Substanzen oder durch die Erregung in markhaltigen Nervenfasern erzeugt werden, zu registrieren.  相似文献   

Riassunto Viene descritto un nuovo e semplice metodo per ottenere in un tempo molto breve (6–8 ore) e con grande riproducibilità le clamidospore dallaC. albicans.

Acknowledgements. We wish to express our gratitude to Dr.V. Ortali of the Istituto Superiore della Sanità, Rome, for supplies and classification of most of the species used in this study.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a new rapid and simple method for collection and preparation of cell suspensions for electron microscopy; the cells are prefixed with glutaraldehyde in their culture medium, and are then compacted on a filter disc. Post-fixation in osmium, staining and dehydration are performed by transferring the filter disc and the cell pellet from one solution to the next. The pellet is easily separated from the filter disc just before treatment in propylene oxide. This method preserves the fine structure as well as the classical technique. Advantages are that numerous cells have the same orientation in the sections and that many samples can be taken in a very short time.Acknowledgments. The authors are indebted to Prof. H. Leclerc, Director of I.N.S.E.R.M. laboratory U 146 in which part of this work has been performed, and to Dr J.F. Dubremetz, Dr G. Prensier and Dr P.A. Trinel for their advices.  相似文献   

Summary A new multi-bladed air-driven guillotine is described. This device removes newborn rat heads and slices them into several thin wafers, which facilitates freezing and permits easy regional dissection.Supp. in part by U. S. Public Health Service Grant. AA-01391.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli Autori riportano un nuovo metodo di saggio sul topo di piccole quantità di ormone follicolo stimolante (FSH), basato sulla riduzione intravaginale del cloruro di 2,3,5-trifeniltetrazolio cloruro (TTC). È cosi possibile determinare quantitativamente in sole 30 h dosi di FSH almeno 50 volte inferiori a quelle valutabili con i metodi fino ad oggi proposti.  相似文献   

Summary A new technique is described for measuring radioactivity in select areas of intact tissue sections. The method, which makes use of a liquid scintillation counter, also makes possible identification of the studied zones by prestaining.The financial support of the Israel Cancer Association is gratefully acknowledged.Acknowledgment. We sish to thank Professor H. Nathan for his help and support and Professor J. Lenge for his constructive reading of the article.  相似文献   

Résumé On décrit une méthode spectrophotométrique quantitative pour la détermination de la répartition du carbone colloÏdal dans les organes d'une seule souris. La sensibilité de la méthode est de 0,25l de la suspension de carbone colloÏdal C11/1431a. La rate est le tissu qui a présenté la plus grande capacité de fixation du carbone. Elle est suivie par la moelle osseuse, la foie et les poumons.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Schablone zur direkten Messung von Rf-Werten auf Dünnschichtplatten wird beschrieben, deren Ausführung den Besonderheiten der Dünnschichtchromatographie angepasst ist. Mit Hilfe dieser Schablone konnte die Auswertung von Chromatogrammen vereinfacht und wesentlich beschleunigt werden.  相似文献   

A new technique is described for measuring radioactivity in select areas of intact tissue sections. The method, which makes use of a liquid scintillation counter, also makes possible identification of the studied zones by prestaining.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein neues und einfaches polarographisches Verfahren unter Benützung von Clarks Platinelektrode beschrieben, das die Messung der Sauerstoffspannung des Blutesin vitro gestattet.  相似文献   

Summary Red blood cell nuclei from avian anaemic blood have been fractionated by rate sedimentation on discontinous sucrose gradients into fractions which can be distinguished both by their RNA synthesizing ability and by their morphology as revealed by electron microscopy.Acknowledgment. We wish to thank H. Gitay for the electron micrographs. This work was supported by grants from the University of Cape Town Research Committee and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.  相似文献   

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