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M Endres  T Fukuhara  D Pekker  M Cheneau  P Schauss  C Gross  E Demler  S Kuhr  I Bloch 《Nature》2012,487(7408):454-458
Spontaneous symmetry breaking plays a key role in our understanding of nature. In relativistic quantum field theory, a broken continuous symmetry leads to the emergence of two types of fundamental excitation: massless Nambu-Goldstone modes and a massive 'Higgs' amplitude mode. An excitation of Higgs type is of crucial importance in the standard model of elementary particle physics, and also appears as a fundamental collective mode in quantum many-body systems. Whether such a mode exists in low-dimensional systems as a resonance-like feature, or whether it becomes overdamped through coupling to Nambu-Goldstone modes, has been a subject of debate. Here we experimentally find and study a Higgs mode in a two-dimensional neutral superfluid close to a quantum phase transition to a Mott insulating phase. We unambiguously identify the mode by observing the expected reduction in frequency of the onset of spectral response when approaching the transition point. In this regime, our system is described by an effective relativistic field theory with a two-component quantum field, which constitutes a minimal model for spontaneous breaking of a continuous symmetry. Additionally, all microscopic parameters of our system are known from first principles and the resolution of our measurement allows us to detect excited states of the many-body system at the level of individual quasiparticles. This allows for an in-depth study of Higgs excitations that also addresses the consequences of the reduced dimensionality and confinement of the system. Our work constitutes a step towards exploring emergent relativistic models with ultracold atomic gases.  相似文献   

Feld M  Fröhlich B  Vogt E  Koschorreck M  Köhl M 《Nature》2011,480(7375):75-78
Pairing of fermions is ubiquitous in nature, underlying many phenomena. Examples include superconductivity, superfluidity of (3)He, the anomalous rotation of neutron stars, and the crossover between Bose-Einstein condensation of dimers and the BCS (Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer) regime in strongly interacting Fermi gases. When confined to two dimensions, interacting many-body systems show even more subtle effects, many of which are not understood at a fundamental level. Most striking is the (as yet unexplained) phenomenon of high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides, which is intimately related to the two-dimensional geometry of the crystal structure. In particular, it is not understood how the many-body pairing is established at high temperature, and whether it precedes superconductivity. Here we report the observation of a many-body pairing gap above the superfluid transition temperature in a harmonically trapped, two-dimensional atomic Fermi gas in the regime of strong coupling. Our measurements of the spectral function of the gas are performed using momentum-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, analogous to angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in the solid state. Our observations mark a significant step in the emulation of layered two-dimensional strongly correlated superconductors using ultracold atomic gases.  相似文献   

Electrostatic coupling between particles is important in many microscopic phenomena found in nature. The interaction between two isolated point charges is described by the bare Coulomb potential, but in many-body systems this interaction is modified as a result of the collective response of the screening cloud surrounding each charge carrier. One such system involves ultrafast interactions between quasi-free electrons in semiconductors-which are central to high-speed and future quantum electronic devices. The femtosecond kinetics of nonequilibrium Coulomb systems has been calculated using static and dynamical screening models that assume the instantaneous formation of interparticle correlations. However, some quantum kinetic theories suggest that a regime of unscreened bare Coulomb collisions might exist on ultrashort timescales. Here we monitor directly the temporal evolution of the charge-charge interactions after ultrafast excitation of an electron-hole plasma in GaAs. We show that the onset of collective behaviour such as Coulomb screening and plasmon scattering exhibits a distinct time delay of the order of the inverse plasma frequency, that is, several 10(-14) seconds.  相似文献   

Stewart JT  Gaebler JP  Jin DS 《Nature》2008,454(7205):744-747
Ultracold atomic gases provide model systems in which to study many-body quantum physics. Recent experiments using Fermi gases have demonstrated a phase transition to a superfluid state with strong interparticle interactions. This system provides a realization of the 'BCS-BEC crossover' connecting the physics of Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superconductivity with that of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Although many aspects of this system have been investigated, it has not yet been possible to measure the single-particle excitation spectrum (a fundamental property directly predicted by many-body theories). Here we use photoemission spectroscopy to directly probe the elementary excitations and energy dispersion in a strongly interacting Fermi gas of (40)K atoms. In the experiments, a radio-frequency photon ejects an atom from the strongly interacting system by means of a spin-flip transition to a weakly interacting state. We measure the occupied density of single-particle states at the cusp of the BCS-BEC crossover and on the BEC side of the crossover, and compare these results to that for a nearly ideal Fermi gas. We show that, near the critical temperature, the single-particle spectral function is dramatically altered in a way that is consistent with a large pairing gap. Our results probe the many-body physics in a way that could be compared to data for the high-transition-temperature superconductors. As in photoemission spectroscopy for electronic materials, our measurement technique for ultracold atomic gases directly probes low-energy excitations and thus can reveal excitation gaps and/or pseudogaps. Furthermore, this technique can provide an analogue of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy for probing anisotropic systems, such as atoms in optical lattice potentials.  相似文献   

Bose-Einstein condensation denotes the formation of a collective quantum ground state of identical particles with integer spin or intrinsic angular momentum. In magnetic insulators, the magnetic properties are due to the unpaired shell electrons that have half-integer spin. However, in some such compounds (KCuCl3 and TlCuCl3), two Cu2+ ions are antiferromagnetically coupled to form a dimer in a crystalline network: the dimer ground state is a spin singlet (total spin zero), separated by an energy gap from the excited triplet state (total spin one). In these dimer compounds, Bose-Einstein condensation becomes theoretically possible. At a critical external magnetic field, the energy of one of the Zeeman split triplet components (a type of boson) intersects the ground-state singlet, resulting in long-range magnetic order; this transition represents a quantum critical point at which Bose-Einstein condensation occurs. Here we report an experimental investigation of the excitation spectrum in such a field-induced magnetically ordered state, using inelastic neutron scattering measurements of TlCuCl3 single crystals. We verify unambiguously the theoretically predicted gapless Goldstone mode characteristic of the Bose-Einstein condensation of the triplet states.  相似文献   

A Luttinger liquid is an interacting one-dimensional electronic system, quite distinct from the 'conventional' Fermi liquids formed by interacting electrons in two and three dimensions. Some of the most striking properties of Luttinger liquids are revealed in the process of electron tunnelling. For example, as a function of the applied bias voltage or temperature, the tunnelling current exhibits a non-trivial power-law suppression. (There is no such suppression in a conventional Fermi liquid.) Here, using a carbon nanotube connected to resistive leads, we create a system that emulates tunnelling in a Luttinger liquid, by controlling the interaction of the tunnelling electron with its environment. We further replace a single tunnelling barrier with a double-barrier, resonant-level structure and investigate resonant tunnelling between Luttinger liquids. At low temperatures, we observe perfect transparency of the resonant level embedded in the interacting environment, and the width of the resonance tends to zero. We argue that this behaviour results from many-body physics of interacting electrons, and signals the presence of a quantum phase transition. Given that many parameters, including the interaction strength, can be precisely controlled in our samples, this is an attractive model system for studying quantum critical phenomena in general, with wide-reaching implications for understanding quantum phase transitions in more complex systems, such as cold atoms and strongly correlated bulk materials.  相似文献   

In relativistic quantum field theory, information propagation is bounded by the speed of light. No such limit exists in the non-relativistic case, although in real physical systems, short-range interactions may be expected to restrict the propagation of information to finite velocities. The question of how fast correlations can spread in quantum many-body systems has been long studied. The existence of a maximal velocity, known as the Lieb-Robinson bound, has been shown theoretically to exist in several interacting many-body systems (for example, spins on a lattice)--such systems can be regarded as exhibiting an effective light cone that bounds the propagation speed of correlations. The existence of such a 'speed of light' has profound implications for condensed matter physics and quantum information, but has not been observed experimentally. Here we report the time-resolved detection of propagating correlations in an interacting quantum many-body system. By quenching a one-dimensional quantum gas in an optical lattice, we reveal how quasiparticle pairs transport correlations with a finite velocity across the system, resulting in an effective light cone for the quantum dynamics. Our results open perspectives for understanding the relaxation of closed quantum systems far from equilibrium, and for engineering the efficient quantum channels necessary for fast quantum computations.  相似文献   

Koschorreck M  Pertot D  Vogt E  Fröhlich B  Feld M  Köhl M 《Nature》2012,485(7400):619-622
The dynamics of a single impurity in an environment is a fundamental problem in many-body physics. In the solid state, a well known case is an impurity coupled to a bosonic bath (such as lattice vibrations); the impurity and its accompanying lattice distortion form a new entity, a polaron. This quasiparticle plays an important role in the spectral function of high-transition-temperature superconductors, as well as in colossal magnetoresistance in manganites. For impurities in a fermionic bath, studies have considered heavy or immobile impurities which exhibit Anderson's orthogonality catastrophe and the Kondo effect. More recently, mobile impurities have moved into the focus of research, and they have been found to form new quasiparticles known as Fermi polarons. The Fermi polaron problem constitutes the extreme, but conceptually simple, limit of two important quantum many-body problems: the crossover between a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate and a superfluid with BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) pairing with spin-imbalance for attractive interactions, and Stoner's itinerant ferromagnetism for repulsive interactions. It has been proposed that such quantum phases (and other elusive exotic states) might become realizable in Fermi gases confined to two dimensions. Their stability and observability are intimately related to the theoretically debated properties of the Fermi polaron in a two-dimensional Fermi gas. Here we create and investigate Fermi polarons in a two-dimensional, spin-imbalanced Fermi gas, measuring their spectral function using momentum-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. For attractive interactions, we find evidence for a disputed pairing transition between polarons and tightly bound dimers, which provides insight into the elementary pairing mechanism of imbalanced, strongly coupled two-dimensional Fermi gases. Additionally, for repulsive interactions, we study novel quasiparticles--repulsive polarons--the lifetime of which determines the possibility of stabilizing repulsively interacting Fermi systems.  相似文献   

The four-body interaction plays an important role in many-body systems, and it can exhibit interesting phase transition behaviors. In this letter, we report the experimental demonstration of a four-body interaction in a four-qubit nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processor. The strongly modulating pulse is used to implement spin selective excitation. The results show a good agreement between theory and experiment.  相似文献   

根据Landau的负能谱理论,探讨了高密度物质中存在负能谱系统的可能性,首先介绍了Landau的负能谱理论,进一步利用星体内部场的结构方程-TOV方程分别讨论了相对论流体,超相对论流体中形成负能谱的可能性,最后对相对论量子系统中形成负能谱的条件也作了基础性阐述.  相似文献   

Entanglement is the fundamental characteristic of quantum physics-much experimental effort is devoted to harnessing it between various physical systems. In particular, entanglement between light and material systems is interesting owing to their anticipated respective roles as 'flying' and stationary qubits in quantum information technologies (such as quantum repeaters and quantum networks). Here we report the demonstration of entanglement between a photon at a telecommunication wavelength (1,338?nm) and a single collective atomic excitation stored in a crystal. One photon from an energy-time entangled pair is mapped onto the crystal and then released into a well-defined spatial mode after a predetermined storage time. The other (telecommunication wavelength) photon is sent directly through a 50-metre fibre link to an analyser. Successful storage of entanglement in the crystal is proved by a violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality by almost three standard deviations (S = 2.64?±?0.23). These results represent an important step towards quantum communication technologies based on solid-state devices. In particular, our resources pave the way for building multiplexed quantum repeaters for long-distance quantum networks.  相似文献   

The Kondo effect is usually connected with the interaction between a localized spin moment and itinerant electrons. This interaction leads to the formation of a narrow resonance at the Fermi level, which is called the Abrikosov-Suhl or Kondo resonance. Scanning tunnelling microscopy is an ideal technique for real-space investigations of complicated electronic structures and many-body phenomena, such as the formation of the Kondo resonance or d-wave pairing in high-T(c) superconductors. Theory has predicted that similar, Kondo-like many-electron resonances are possible for scattering centres with orbital instead of spin degrees of freedom--the quadruple momenta in uranium-based compounds or two-level systems in metallic glasses are examples of such 'pseudo-Kondo' scattering centres. Here we present evidence for the orbital Kondo resonance on a transition-metal surface. Investigations of an atomically clean Cr(001) surface at low temperature using scanning tunnelling microscopy reveal a very narrow resonance at 26 meV above the Fermi level, and enable us to visualize the orbital character of the corresponding state. The experimental data, together with many-body calculations, demonstrate that the observed resonance is an orbital Kondo resonance formed by two degenerate d(xz), d(yz) surface states.  相似文献   

在Poveda和Varandas构建的4 A″态势能面上,使用含时波包量子方法对反应H(2S)+NH进行了动力学的研究.首先计算了不同振动态和总角动量下该反应的反应概率、积分反应截面.计算中考虑了离心突然近似(centrifugal sudden approximation)和科里奥利耦合(Corioli coupling effect).然后计对同位素反应进行了计算,分析对比该体系的同位素效应,并研究了科里奥利效应在同位素反应中的影响.最后用准经典轨线(QCT)法计算了反应H+ND和D+ND的矢量性质,分析了碰撞能和同位素对反应动力学性质的影响.  相似文献   

Li Y  Balédent V  Yu G  Barišić N  Hradil K  Mole RA  Sidis Y  Steffens P  Zhao X  Bourges P  Greven M 《Nature》2010,468(7321):283-285
The elucidation of the pseudogap phenomenon of the high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) copper oxides-a set of anomalous physical properties below the characteristic temperature T* and above T(c)-has been a major challenge in condensed matter physics for the past two decades. Following initial indications of broken time-reversal symmetry in photoemission experiments, recent polarized neutron diffraction work demonstrated the universal existence of an unusual magnetic order below T* (refs 3, 4). These findings have the profound implication that the pseudogap regime constitutes a genuine new phase of matter rather than a mere crossover phenomenon. They are furthermore consistent with a particular type of order involving circulating orbital currents, and with the notion that the phase diagram is controlled by a quantum critical point. Here we report inelastic neutron scattering results for HgBa(2)CuO(4+δ) that reveal a fundamental collective magnetic mode associated with the unusual order, and which further support this picture. The mode's intensity rises below the same temperature T* and its dispersion is weak, as expected for an Ising-like order parameter. Its energy of 52-56?meV renders it a new candidate for the hitherto unexplained ubiquitous electron-boson coupling features observed in spectroscopic studies.  相似文献   

Brennecke F  Donner T  Ritter S  Bourdel T  Köhl M  Esslinger T 《Nature》2007,450(7167):268-271
Cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) describes the coherent interaction between matter and an electromagnetic field confined within a resonator structure, and is providing a useful platform for developing concepts in quantum information processing. By using high-quality resonators, a strong coupling regime can be reached experimentally in which atoms coherently exchange a photon with a single light-field mode many times before dissipation sets in. This has led to fundamental studies with both microwave and optical resonators. To meet the challenges posed by quantum state engineering and quantum information processing, recent experiments have focused on laser cooling and trapping of atoms inside an optical cavity. However, the tremendous degree of control over atomic gases achieved with Bose-Einstein condensation has so far not been used for cavity QED. Here we achieve the strong coupling of a Bose-Einstein condensate to the quantized field of an ultrahigh-finesse optical cavity and present a measurement of its eigenenergy spectrum. This is a conceptually new regime of cavity QED, in which all atoms occupy a single mode of a matter-wave field and couple identically to the light field, sharing a single excitation. This opens possibilities ranging from quantum communication to a wealth of new phenomena that can be expected in the many-body physics of quantum gases with cavity-mediated interactions.  相似文献   

Inelastic light scattering spectroscopy has, since its first discovery, been an indispensable tool in physical science for probing elementary excitations, such as phonons, magnons and plasmons in both bulk and nanoscale materials. In the quantum mechanical picture of inelastic light scattering, incident photons first excite a set of intermediate electronic states, which then generate crystal elementary excitations and radiate energy-shifted photons. The intermediate electronic excitations therefore have a crucial role as quantum pathways in inelastic light scattering, and this is exemplified by resonant Raman scattering and Raman interference. The ability to control these excitation pathways can open up new opportunities to probe, manipulate and utilize inelastic light scattering. Here we achieve excitation pathway control in graphene with electrostatic doping. Our study reveals quantum interference between different Raman pathways in graphene: when some of the pathways are blocked, the one-phonon Raman intensity does not diminish, as commonly expected, but increases dramatically. This discovery sheds new light on the understanding of resonance Raman scattering in graphene. In addition, we demonstrate hot-electron luminescence in graphene as the Fermi energy approaches half the laser excitation energy. This hot luminescence, which is another form of inelastic light scattering, results from excited-state relaxation channels that become available only in heavily doped graphene.  相似文献   

The control of quantum systems is of fundamental scientific interest and promises powerful applications and technologies. Impressive progress has been achieved in isolating quantum systems from the environment and coherently controlling their dynamics, as demonstrated by the creation and manipulation of entanglement in various physical systems. However, for open quantum systems, engineering the dynamics of many particles by a controlled coupling to an environment remains largely unexplored. Here we realize an experimental toolbox for simulating an open quantum system with up to five quantum bits (qubits). Using a quantum computing architecture with trapped ions, we combine multi-qubit gates with optical pumping to implement coherent operations and dissipative processes. We illustrate our ability to engineer the open-system dynamics through the dissipative preparation of entangled states, the simulation of coherent many-body spin interactions, and the quantum non-demolition measurement of multi-qubit observables. By adding controlled dissipation to coherent operations, this work offers novel prospects for open-system quantum simulation and computation.  相似文献   

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