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This paper deals with the study of the so-called "taste organs" of 35 spe ies of tadpoles of different kinds of frogs and toads. They represent 7 families and 13 go.ieva and are mostly from West China. Kaloula borealis is utilized for more detailed study as it is a common species of Peking and its environs, consequently we are in possession of sufficient material both for the study of the morphology and the development of these organs.  相似文献   

Tadpoles of Kaloula borealis Barbour were used for feeding experiments. They were fed separately on four different kinds of food viz, 1) yolk of hardboiled egg,2) algae collected from ponds 3) yolk and algae together and 4) yolk,lgae plus thyroxin. The control specimens consisted of tadpoles richly collected from time to time from outdoor ditches.  相似文献   

本书的作者五年前曾出版了一部批评民治主义的书,(1)从实际主义者的眼光批评民治主义对於‘通常人’的迷信。他认为民治主义者所谓‘通常人’并没有所想像的潜力,用教育的方法并不能令其发展成有用於政治社会的个人。所以他认为唯有放弃对於‘通常人’潜力的迷信,才能使得民治主义继续生存。 现在倡说这种学说的人,忽而出来为自由辩护。在这本书里他注意於实际政治问题的解决而不注意於自由的理论探讨。意大利的史家克罗齐(Croce)会从十九世纪的欧洲史实,倡说民治的精义与自由的精义是相互抵触的;‘自由是质量的,活动的,精神的宗貌,民治是…  相似文献   

The effect of different anion on the morphology of electrode, the adsorption of quinoline and the SER spectra are investigeted. The adsorption peak of quinoline appears in cyclic voltammogram in Cl~- (or Br~-) -containing electrolyte, but not in NV_3~- solution. We also find that the adsorption of quinoline is correlated with Cl~- concentration. This indicates some complex consist of Cl~- and quinolne are produced on Ag surface, Scanning electron microscopy is used to evaluate differences in surface morphology subjected to ORC treatment in different anion solution.The surface morphology of Aq electrode roughened in NO_3~- solution on which no SER signal can be observed differs greatly from that of Ag electrode which roughened in Cl~-(or Br~-)-containing electrolyte.  相似文献   

梁靓 《科技信息》2006,(2):49-50
自建国以来,普通话作为我国的唯一官方语言得到了各级政府的大力推广.如今,普通话的推广工作得到了显著的成效.但是另一方面,随着广东,香港,澳门等省市或地区的经济飞速发展,广东话也逐渐在全国范围内流行,成为中国的一大方言.笔者就普通话南下和广东话北上的语言现象作了初步的阐释.  相似文献   

<正>忽然发现韩剧最近"进化"得很厉害,在脱离车祸、失忆、白血病等心塞剧情后,开始向高大上的精神卫生领域进军了。从《坏家伙们》的反社会人格,到《没关系,是爱情啊》中的精神分裂症、人际关系洁癖症和焦虑症、抽动秽语综合征,再到最近《匹诺曹》中神奇的说谎就打嗝的神经功能性紊乱。看起来,这是呼吁大家关注、关爱类似病人的节奏。不过,这些症状是否真的像电视剧中演的那样酷炫?它们和真正的心理科学  相似文献   

There is a powerful market-need for superfast disperse dyes in special use, e.g. for automotivefabrics. The photochemical fading reactions of dyes are often very complicated, and no singlphotodegradation pathway can be involved for all kinds of dyes. To enhance the photostability of the commonly used disperse dyes, a series of tests on the ef-fect of variable stabilizers on the photodegradation rate of nine representative disperse dyes werecarried out both in ethyl acetate solution and on cellulose acetate film. A moderate light sourceemitting above 300 nm was adopted in this study to simulate the photofading under practical appli-cations. The results show that, in solution, 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine is the most effectivegeneral stabilizer for all the tested dyes, but on cellulose film, nickel diethyl-dithiocarbamateshows the greatest general protecting effect, and a synergistic effect is observed for special combina-tions of stabilizers.  相似文献   

All charophytes,whether living or fossil,are placed in a single class,theCharophyceae.This is generally divided into the following three orders:theSycidiales,Trochiliscales,and Charales.All living genera are referred to the familyCharaceae.J.Groves‘(1935)and R.D.Wood‘s(1962)systems for the classification ofthe Characeae were quite generally followed until today.Groves and most phyco-logists think that the corticate forms(e.g.Chara)have been derived from the  相似文献   

By using compression factors of real gas and the Vilia equations and considering the variation of the thermophysical parameters of the mois air with its temperature, this paper develops the calculating equations of the thermophysical para leters of the moist air at high temperature ranging from 100℃- 200℃. It is convenient to calculate the thermophysical parameters and the thermophysical processes of the moist air at high temperature.  相似文献   

正从经典的《星球大战》《星际迷航》到今年的《疯狂的外星人》,关于外星文明的题材一直以来长盛不衰。我们忍不住想知道外星人生活在哪里,长什么模样,是像《阿凡达》里那样巨大,还是像《异形》里那样恐怖?如果有一天,外星人和地球人相遇,是会像《E.T.》里一样收获友情,还是像《独立日》里一样发动战争?  相似文献   

周易为古籍中难解之书,故亦为多解之书。经师家主一说,固无论矣。而自汉以後学者以异学牵合经义者代有其人,如汉儒之傅会图议,魏晋人之援引老庄,宋儒之推衍象数,皆其中之最著者。邵雍传陈传之学,演易卦为皇极经世,司马光提扬雄太玄而作洗虚,推衍象数,系统尤密,各自以为发宇宙之玄理,然以後人观之,皆不免有“空中楼阁”之感(程颐论邵雍语)。沈仲涛君;以多年学易之所得,著为易卦与科学一书,大旨在阐明吾国五千余年前先哲之玄学(沈君以八卦为西磨纪元前3322年伏义所书)实与二十世纪之科学相吻合。沈君八卦爻与几何,代数,算术,物理,天文,化学,逻…  相似文献   

By means of producing and using TV teaching materials on chemical teaching,the authors have been exploring thecomprehensive reform in the curriculum system,the teaching content and the teaching methods of the subject ofchemical education at higher normal universities.This paper takes the production of TV-teaching programme  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAt present, the pulp industry is facing to the large stress against using bleaching agents which contain the chlorine. And the paper making industry has fixed the attention to lighten the environment pollution. To reduce the pollution, many countries have carry through the TCF (total chlorine free bleaching), and that the oxygen-alkali bleaching is one of the maturate technology of TCF by now. To obtain clean produce the oxygen-alkali bleaching of NaOH-AQ straw pulp has b…  相似文献   

关于钱梦龙语文教学“三主”论的争论,正如刘孝学在《钱梦龙语文教学思想讨论述评》(载《上饶师专学报》1991年第6期)一文中所指出的那样,“分歧集中在教师在教学中处于什么地位”。我认为,纠缠于“主体”或“主导”的概念无助于问题的解决,只有揭示它们的涵义,才能理顺教学过程中的师生关系。教学过程中的所谓“主体”,是否可以认为是指在教学过程中,处在充分发挥主观能动性地位的参与者。教学过程有别于学习过程,它是在教师的主导作用下师生互为主客体相互作用的双边建构活动。在这一过程中,教师是始终处在指导地位的参与者,驾驭整个教学过  相似文献   

Drawing tests upon PET POY have been made by using dynamic thermal stress analyser,which show that the dynamic thermal stress of fiber is readily affected by drawing conditions. Aseries of samples have been obtained under different drawing velocities, drawing temperatures anddraw ratios. The variations of structural factors of fiber such as the orientation, crystallinity,crystallite size and the thermal shrinkage have been measured. It is proved through experimentsthat the thermal shrinkage(Y) of the drawn fiber of PET POY is influenced by the orientation (rep-resented by sonic velocity x_1) and crystallinity (x_2) of the fiber. The quantitative relationship is es-tablished using the binary regression method: Y=10.2246+2.2030x_1-26.2670x_2 The mechanical properties such as tenacity, elongation, yield stress, initial modulus and the te-nacity at 10% elongation, etc. have also been measured. The relations between the tenacity at 10%elongation (D) and drawing velocity(V), draw ratio (DR), drawing temperature (T), and sonic ve-locity and crystallinity have been obtained using a method of mathematical statistics: D=4.594-0.009 6V , D=-8.937+7.170DR, D=2.866+0.00629T, D=-7.34+2.866x_1+6.314x_2 These equations fit well with data from the experiments. This work will be benefical to the control of quality of products and the development of newproducts.  相似文献   

The viscosities of chitosan-HAC in aqueous solution with various amount of NaAC have beenmeasured.Based on the analysis of experimental data,an empirical equation is deduced to des-cribe the relationship between the intrinsic viscosity and the concentration of external salt in thechitosan solution:[η]=[η]_∞+P/m~nand another empirical equation is proposed for describing the variation of reduced viscosity ofchitosan solution as function of salt and chitosan concentrations:(η_(sp)/c)_(salt)={D+A/(1+BC+HC~2)}·{1-1/(([η]_m=0)/([η]_(m=0)-[η]_∞)+P/m~R)+(C~/m~)}where the first term represents the relationship between viscosity and polymer concentration in theabsence of external salt,while the second term represents the correction value on viscosity in thepresence of external salt.  相似文献   

《妇女的爱情与生活》是舒曼最著名的声乐套曲之一,《戒指戴在手指上》是整部套曲中的第四首,常作为音乐会的独唱曲目。它的旋律象民歌那样亲切感人,极其细致地描绘了一个陶醉在爱情幸福之中的少女形象,人物形象生动而丰满。  相似文献   

美国《新闻周刊》3月6日发表文章,认为全球中产阶级这个群体并非如西方人想象中的那样稳固且思想自由。  相似文献   

在两起“奶粉事件”——从2004年的阜阳奶粉事件到2008年的三鹿奶粉事件面前——《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》显得那么无助和苍白无力,或许没有几部法律像《食品安全法》那样与普通老百姓的健康乃至生命如此休戚相关。  相似文献   

Both the variety of Chinese Information input techniques and the complexity of the users‘ demands require that the keyboard management module with the ability to input Chinese Information could be modified and expanded conveniently.This paper presents a standard structure of this keyboard management module which will meet the needs of developing Chinese Information input techniques.  相似文献   

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