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The electrical conductivity of serpentine is measured at 1.0-3. 0 GPa and 300-870℃. The effect of frequencies on electrical conductivity measurement is analyzed. The conduction mechanisms of serpentine before and after dehydration are discussed. Our experimental results show that the electrical conductivity of serpentine increases significantly after dehydration of serpentine, through which highly conductive layers (HCL) can be formed in the Earth's interior.  相似文献   

Lattice preferred orientations (LPO) of plagioclase and augite are measured on layered gabbro from the Panxi region, Sichuan Province. The LPO concentration [010] of plagioclase and [100] of augite are perpendicular to the foliation, which indicates a kind of growth fabric associated with crystallizing habits of minerals when the magma is solidifying under the compaction. Calculated seismic velocities based on LPO data of minerals give rise to rather strong anisotropy 5.81% and 5.54% for compressional seismic wave (Vp) and shear seismic wave (Vs), respectively. The experiments at high temperature and high pressure show that the P-wave velocity of layered gabbro is 6.4-6.97 km/s with the maximum Vp anisotropy 5.22% and the Poisson‘s ratio is between 0.28-0.31. According to the comparison of fabrics with seismic velocities of layered gabbro, it is suggested that the large-scale layered intrusive body or the similar layered geological body may exist in the lower crust of this area. Such a layered intrusive body which has strong seismic anisotropy may be the seismic reflector in the lower crust.  相似文献   

At 1.0?4.0 GPa and 1123?1473 K and under oxygen fugacity-controlled conditions (Ni+NiO, Fe+Fe3O4, Fe+FeO and Mo+MoO2 buffers), a YJ-3000t Model six-anvil solid high-pressure apparatus and a Sarltron-1260 Impedance/Gain-Phase analyzer were employed to conduct an in situ measurement of the electrical conductivity of single crystal olivine. Experimental results showed that: (1) within the range of experimentally selected frequencies (103?106 Hz), the electrical conductivity of the sample is of great dependence on the frequency; (2) with the rise of temperature (T), the electrical conductivity (σ) will increase, and the Arrenhius linear relationship is established between lgσ and 1/T; (3) under the control of oxygen buffer Fe+Fe3O4, with the rise of pressure, the electrical conductivity tends to decrease whereas the activation enthalpy and independent-of-temperature preexponential factor tend to increase, with the activation energy and activation volume of the sample estimated at (1.25±0.08) eV and (0.105±0.025) cm3/mol, respectively; (4) under given pressure and temperature conditions, the electrical conductivity tends to increase whereas the activation energy tends to decrease with increasing oxygen fugacity; and (5) the mechanism of electrical conduction of small polarons can provide insight into the behavior of electrical conduction of olivine under high pressure and high temperature.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivities of the dunite from the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau were measured with the impedance spectra method at 1.0-4.0 GPa and 643-1093 K. The experimental results indicated that activation enthalpies of the dunite are smaller than 0.9 eV, the conduction mechanism in dunite may be attributed to the mixed electrical conduction involving grain interiors and boundaries. On the basis of the results of this experiment, we can deduce that there exists cold mantle in the area of Gaize-Lugu in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau by reverse methods from the magnetotelluric sounding data (conductivity-depths profile) available for western Tibet. The result provides the present cold mantle viewpoint with strong proof on the basis of high temperature and pressure experiments.  相似文献   

高温高压条件下甲烷和二氧化碳溶解度试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据不同温度和压力条件下测得的甲烷和二氧化碳两种气体在碳酸氢钠型水中的溶解度数据,对两种气体的溶解度与温度、压力及地层水矿化度之间的关系进行研究。结果表明:在地层水中的溶解机制不同,导致两种气体的溶解度值随温度、压力条件的变化具有不同的演变特征;综合前人低温(小于90℃)测试的溶解度数据,可将甲烷溶解度与温度之间的演变关系划分为缓慢递减(0~80℃)、快速递增(80~150℃)和缓慢递增(大于150℃)3个阶段;二氧化碳溶解度随温度的升高而逐渐降低,随压力升高而逐渐增大,其溶解与析离能力受压力影响更为明显;实际地层中,两种气体间溶解度的差异演变影响了天然气的空间分布。  相似文献   

高温高压旋风分离器的性能及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以工业应用成熟的PV型高效旋风分离器为基础,从改善分离器的强度入手,对PV型分离器顶部及进气口等部位的结构进行改造,提出了一种拱顶、直切入口、升气管偏心的新型旋风分离器。介绍了新型分离器与PV型的冷模对比性能试验、分离效率与压降计算及其在粉煤灰熔聚流化床气化、聚丙烯聚合反应装置中的应用。结果表明,新型分离器结构强度和分离性能优良,适合在高温、高压工况下应用。  相似文献   

Compressional wave velocities in a trachybasalt, from Yichuan County, Henan Province, have been measured at 2.0 GPa and up to 1 350℃ in a YJ-3000 t cubic-anvil high-pressure apparatus. The run products have been gained at the same pressure but different temperatures, the observation of the thin sections of the run products indicates that, corresponding to the variation of the compressional wave velocity in the trachybasalt, the phase transition has taken place. The relationship between the change of the compressional wave velocity and the hydrous mineral dehydration, solid-solid phase transformation and partial melting has been discussed. The experimental data presented here are of great importance to elucidating the geological process in the earth's interior.  相似文献   

以经高能机械球磨的α-SiO2粉体作为初始原料,考察了高压高温下柯石英的合成。使用XRD和Raman等表征手段对合成样品进行了结构表征,结果显示在2.5GPa的低压下就能够合成出少量小尺度柯石英。  相似文献   

随着油气开采难度的增大,对固井质量和固井水泥浆添加剂的要求越来越高,需要研制开发出新型高渗透水泥浆体系。借助美国产Fann50流变仪,研究了温度和压力对高渗透水泥浆流变性的影响,并与常规水泥浆进行了对比。分析结果表明,一定压力下,高渗透水泥浆的动切力、表观粘度随温度的升高而逐渐降低,流性指数减小;一定温度下,压力对高渗透水泥浆体系流变参数的影响不如温度明显。高渗透水泥浆比常规水泥浆体系具有更好的热稳定性。运用宾汉、幂律、卡森、赫切尔巴尔克莱(H B)、带剪切稀释系数等5种模式对实验数据进行了拟合分析,结果表明,H B模式是描述高渗透水泥浆高温高压流变性的最佳模式。  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of H2O in solid and liquid phases has been measured at 0.21–4.18 GPa and 20–350°C. The results indicate: (I) different phases of H2O in solid have different relations between electrical conductivity and temperature and pressure. The conductivity changes continuously with temperature, but discontinuously with the pressure between 2.11 and 2.58 GPa, which corresponds to the transforming pressure between ice (VI) and ice (VII);(II) the amductivity of H2O in liquid all increases with temperature and pressure, but there are discontinuities at pressures between 0.57 and 0.9 GPa, and between 2.11 and 2.58 GPa, which are also consistent with the polyrnorph of ice (ice (V), ice (VI) and ice (VII)). This reflects that H2O in liquid at different pressures has quite different properties of electron chemistry. It is probably the important reason that causes the layers with high electrical conductivity and low velocity in the earth’s ceust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

电阻率各向异性是影响煤储层电法勘探的重要因素,针对煤样复电阻率各向异性的参数评价,对焦作地区煤矿储层沿平行和垂直层理方向分别钻取了煤样,并在高温高压条件下测量得到了相应的复电阻率频谱。为了定量分析温度、压力对煤样复电阻率各向异性的影响,建立了煤样不同方向频散参数(界面极化频率、模值频散度、弛豫时间)与温度压力的对应关系,电阻率各向异性系数与温度、压力的对应关系。结果表明:平行层理方向频散参数均与温度、压力呈现良好的线性关系,垂直层理方向频散参数的线性关系不如平行层理方向好;任意方向煤样频散与温度、压力的响应关系都可以用弛豫时间来定量评价;随温度升高各向异性系数增大,随压力增大各向异性系数变化不明显。研究结果可为更精确地定量评价温度、压力对煤储层电各向异性的影响提供实验基础和理论参考。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中北坡奥陶系地层是典型的高温高压气层,气藏钻井工程中常诱发气侵溢流等复杂危害,严重影响了钻井的进度和安全。当前采取的封缝堵气措施面临着超高温高温高压及地层非均质性带来的压力窗口窄、钻井液性能不稳定、封堵材料效果不显著等诸多问题,很难快速高效的一次性形成稳固封堵区。文章以顺南区块为例,分析地质特征及带来的封缝堵气技术难点,考虑高温高压特征对现场井浆的影响,利用人工造缝岩心及封缝堵气实验装置开展评价实验。室内形成高强度复合架桥材料及广谱粒径纤维材料,优选纳米材料,并结合现场井浆对封缝堵气材料体系开展性能评价,体系与钻井液配伍性良好,能够有效封堵气层,储层伤害恢复程度大于90%  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of H_2O at 0.21-4.18 GPa and 20 -350℃   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The electrical conductivity of H2O in solid and liquid phases has been measured at 0.21-4.18 GPa and 20-350℃. The results indicate: ( i ) different phases of H2O in solid have different relations between electrical conductivity and temperature and pressure. The conductivity changes continuously with temperature, but discontinuously with the pressure between 2.11 and 2.58 GPa, which corresponds to the transforming pressure between ice (Ⅵ) and ice ( Ⅶ ) ; ( ii ) the con-ductivity of H2O in liquid all increases with temperature and pressure, but there are discontinuities at pressures between 0.57 and 0.9 GPa, and between 2.11 and 2.58 GPa, which are also consistent with the polymorph of ice (ice ( Ⅴ), ice (Ⅵ) and ice ( Ⅶ ) ) . This reflects that H2O in liquid at different pressures has quite different properties of electron chemistry. It is prob-ably the important reason that causes the layers with high electrical conductivity and low velocity in the earth's crust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

在凝聚相含能材料的反应过程中,反应体系往往需要高温高压的反应条件,且其中原子、分子的反应往往具有不同于气态分子的反应路径.因此,除需对体系分子的结构及电子性质进行计算分析外,还需对体系分子做反应动力学分析.本文采用ReaxFF分子动力学方法模拟了凝聚相下1,3,5-三氨基-2,4,6-三硝基苯(TATB)分子的初始反应过程,通过对分子产物随时间的分布、分子产物在不同时间段内的分布等分析,总结了其在反应初期的一些反应过程.结果显示,C-NO2键的断裂及质子转移为引起更复杂化学反应的初始反应.  相似文献   

难熔金属的高压熔化曲线在动-静高压实验之间存在巨大争议,而在发生冲击熔化之前是否存在固-固相变是目前的研究热点问题.本文以3种典型难熔金属钽、钼、钨为例,通过第一性原理晶格动力学方法,计算了钽、钼、钨的声子色散曲线.采用准谐近似的方法,获得了Hugoniot状态方程以及Hugoniot声速.对于钽和钨的声速计算表明,其基态体心立方结构在高压下一直保持其稳定性;而钼的晶格动力学计算表明其基态结构的稳定性在高压下消失,而钼的Hugoniot声速在175–275GPa区域内发生了拐折,这一结果证实了冲击波实验中对于钼的声速测量的结果:在210GPa压力附近声速发生间断.  相似文献   

参照JB4732—95钢制压力容器———分析设计标准,对机头箱进行了有限元强度分析.按照应力分类的原则,进行了应力分类评定和疲劳寿命校核.结果表明,机头箱满足强度要求.  相似文献   

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