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2010—2012年、2014—2015年,采用食团内容物分析法分别对上海崇明、江苏盐城越冬长耳鸮的食物组成进行分析.两个越冬地3年时间内共收集完整食团717份,辨认出7种804只动物个体,其中鼠类、麝鼩等小型哺乳动物4种,占总数的93.7%,雀形目鸟类3种,及少量无法鉴定到种的鸟类.结果表明,两地越冬的长耳鸮对黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)的捕食量最大,捕食数量占食物总数的89.2%;对黑线姬鼠成年Ⅰ组的捕食比例最高,为40.2%;对黑线姬鼠各年龄组的捕食量与其当地种群数量变化基本一致.由此推测,越冬长耳鸮捕食的主要对象与周围环境中可获得的食物来源有关.  相似文献   

植物叶虫食的空间变化同生境有关,能反映昆虫与植物的相互关系.为探讨不同生境植物的叶虫食情况,以木荷林林下、林窗以及竹林林下3种不同条件下木荷幼树为研究对象,观测了其叶虫食损失率与叶虫食频率,并分析了观测结果产生变化的可能原因.结果表明:木荷林林下木荷幼树叶片的叶虫食损失率(14.14%)显著高于竹林林下(5.71%),木荷林林下(12.28%)低于木荷林林窗(14.72%),但差异不显著;大部分受损叶片其叶虫食损失率低于10%,昆虫对叶片仅为适量取食,叶面积大量损失的情况较少;木荷幼树叶虫食频率与叶虫食损失率极显著正相关.本研究发现昆虫取食叶片的行为随空间的变化而存在较大差异.  相似文献   

通过实验室剖胃观察,研究了浙江省金华地区虎纹蛙(Rana rugulosa)成体的食物多样性及营养生态位.结果表明:虎纹蛙喜食活的动物性食物,且以昆虫纲动物为主,主要有鞘翅目和同翅目,以及甲壳纲、蛛形纲的小动物等;也取食一些植物.随着栖息环境和个体大小的不同,其食性与捕食数量也有差异.雄体虎纹蛙的食物多样性指数大于雌体,而营养生态位宽度则小于雌体.在虎纹蛙种群中,雌雄间的营养生态位重叠值较大,说明雌雄间的食物成分相差不大.  相似文献   

在吉林省左家自然保护区,采用添加人工巢箱改变实验样地巢资源量的方法,进行了巢址资源对猛禽群落结构影响的研究.利用巢位统计法调查了猛禽的群落结构.研究期内共记录到繁殖猛禽37巢,隶属2目3科4属6种.繁殖猛禽种类、数量与巢资源总量存在极显著的正相关关系,猛禽对不同类型巢资源的选择存在种间差异.红隼和红脚隼主要利用喜鹊巢进行繁殖,占繁殖猛禽总数量的40.54%;红角鸮、领角鸮和长耳鸮主要利用树洞进行繁殖,占35.14%;灰脸狂鸟鹰只利用鹰类旧巢进行繁殖,占10.81%;红隼、红角鸮、长耳鸮还利用人工巢箱繁殖,占13.51%.悬挂人工巢箱可明显提高红隼种群的优势度.巢资源量的变化可影响繁殖猛禽的群落结构特征,随巢资源量的增加,猛禽群落多样性和物种丰富度均增加.  相似文献   

结合野外考察及部分室内实验,纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua Plumipes)在陕西歧山县最适生境为有稀树、土台或沟壑的开阔田野。种群密度冬季(1~2月)0.4对/10hm2,夏季(6月)2.1对/10hm2越冬期,昼伏夜出,主要捕食鼠类(占66.7%);繁殖期,昼夜活动,主要捕食昆虫类(占62%~96.9%)。解剖学特征与陆栖捕食行为高度适应。体色拟态效果及无声飞行更为有利捕食过程。平均日食量49.7g。估计全年可捕鼠238只、昆虫580余只。还报道了小自动情交配到后期换羽等一系列繁殖行为过程。  相似文献   

鼠害及其治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鼠类是生态系统中的主要成员,在草地、农业、森林生态系统中起着重要的作用。70年代以来,我国北方草原地区暴发过数次严重的鼠害。在灾害发生的高峰年,害鼠危害草场的面积占可利用面积的60%,即使在正常年份也达10%~20%。害鼠对植被的危害和作用主要表现在:(1)害鼠直接啃食牧草,妨碍植被恢复进程;(2)鼠类的洞道、窝巢挖掘活动会抛出大量的沙土,危害植被根系,影响植被固沙效果;(3)鼠类食性因素决定了其对植物种类的取食压力不同,从而使植被群落结构和演替过程发生变化,此外鼠类对植物种子具有一定的传播和散布作用;(4)鼠类的日常活动在一定程…  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金项目“水稻防止基因BpHi008A启动子中褐飞虱应答区域及应答元件核心元件的确定”(项目批号30570137)由我校袁红雨教授主持.植食性昆虫的取食作用极大地影响着植物的生长、发育和繁殖.植物在长期的进化过程中形成了组成型和诱导型两种防卫机制来抵御植食性昆虫的为害.植物的诱导抗虫性是指植物体在遭受昆虫进攻后表现出来的一种抗虫特性,是一种更为重要的防卫形式.目前对植物诱导抗性方面的研究,重点集中在利用消减杂交、mRNA差异展示、cDNA微阵列等技术克隆受昆虫取食诱导的基因,并从转录水平上分析虫害诱发的分子反应…  相似文献   

昆虫和植物是地球上起源很早的生物类群,亿万年来他们就因营养、繁殖、保护、防卫、扩散等需要而发生了密切的关系,植食性昆虫与植物协同进化的结果是植食性昆虫有其特定的取食范围,植物对昆虫具有防御能力,两者存在相互适应.本文就植食性昆虫对寄主植物的行为,和寄主植物的此生代谢物质对植食性昆虫的习性影响和防御进行分析.  相似文献   

对在山西隰县采集的108堆鼬类粪便样本进行了食性分析。结果表明,样本的内容物由鼠类、鸟类、兔类(草兔等小型非啮齿目兽类)、两爬类(两栖动物类和爬行动物类)、昆虫类、植物类等构成。出现鼠类的粪便样本数最多,达到85份,占总样本数的78.70%。进一步分析得出,不同季节鼬类对食物具有选择性,各种鼠类在样本中出现的频率因季节不同存在差异。按全年总体来说,长尾仓鼠在当地鼬类粪便样本中出现的频率最高,达到24.27%,大仓鼠、社鼠在全年粪便中出现频率也较高,均为14.56%,说明这3种鼠类是当地鼬类的主要食物。  相似文献   

大多数鸮类因面形似猫,故民间通称为"猫头鹰";南方个别地区还把草鸮特称为"猴面鹰".猫头鹰包括草鸮科及鸱鸮科,在国内计有27种,占全世界这一类种数总额的百分之二十.  相似文献   

The diet of Common Kestrels Falco tinnunculus was studied during the breeding seasons from 2004 to 2008 in Northeast China. Diet was determined by direct observation of the prey brought to nests, and analysis of prey remains collected from nests. Fifteen vertebrate species from three classes, and two groups of insects were identified as prey items. Rodents were the main prey items, comprising 93.9% of the total prey items (TPI) and 97.0% of total prey biomass (TPB). Birds, frogs and insects were also eaten. The kestrels preferred to prey on small rodents (mean weight 20-40 g) and displayed density-dependent prey selection. Daily prey consumption of an adult and a nestling was 2.6 individual rodents or 87.6 g, and 1.7 individual vertebrates or 48.2 g, respectively. The estimated prey consumption of a breeding pair (adults and nestlings) during the breeding season was 520.1 individual vertebrates or 19.7 kg.  相似文献   

北京白河湿地夏季昆虫群落组成特征的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究利用网捕法对北京市白河湿地昆虫群落进行了调查,共获标本21 429只,隶属于15目149科.其中,叶蝉科、爪姚科、盲蝽科、蚜科、潜蝇科、飞虱科、摇蚊科等19科为优势或常见科.在不同功能类群中,植食性昆虫最占优势,捕食性和寄生性昆虫个体较少,但类群较多.白河湿地昆虫群落的组成不仅较北京人工草坪群落和圆明园群落丰富,而且也较河南黄河、江西鄱阳湖以及厦门马銮湾3个湿地昆虫群落丰富,并以双翅目和膜翅目尤为突出.昆虫是湿地生态系统食物网的重要组成部分,研究湿地昆虫群落多样性对湿地生态系统功能的评价具有重要意义.白河湿地虽然面积较小,却蕴藏着丰富的昆虫多样性,应引起充分重视.  相似文献   

Abstract The diet of the bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum was studied at the Zhi'an Village of Ji'an City in China, from June to August 2004. The bats were trained in a laboratory (volume: 9×4×4 m^3). Foraging strategies of the bat were observed at night and prey remains were collected and identified. The results showed that the diet consisted mainly of Lepidoptera in summer, including 11 families, more than 30 species of moths, such as Noctuidae (36.6% by number),Sphingidae (24.1%), Geometridae (13.4%) and Limacodidae (9.5%). The length of culled wings ranged from 10--40 mm (97.7%). Pearson correlation analysis showed that the bat R.ferrumequinum foraged their prey selectively, but not opportunistically. From field studies, two ways were observed in which the bats retrieved their prey including aerial hawking during peak active period of the insects and flycatching during the insects' non-peak activity period. The bats never gleaned prey from the ground, though they appeared to be well able to detect fluttering moths on the ground.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long focused on the coexistence of sympatric species.Here,we investigated two horseshoe bat species,Rhinolophus affinis and Rhinolophus pearsoni inhabited in the same cave,for their foraging strategies,niche differentiation,prey selection,and their coexistence status.These two species of horseshoe bats were ditierent in the dominant frequency of their echolocation calls.but similar in their morphology.We found evidence for prey selectivity although there was a high degree of overlap in prey categories and sizes.R affinis and R pearsoni foraged on 16 and 7 categories insects,respectively,with Pyralidae,Geometridae,Melolonthidae dominating their diets.The degree of trophic niche overlap was 0.69.Pairwise comparisons suggested that there was no obvious differentiation in prey categories and size.However,high prey availability in the environment(Simpson diversity index=0.79 and Margalef richness index=4.121 contributed to their coexistence by dampening the interspecific competition.Since there are one or more mechanisms facilitating species coexistence in a community,our results suggest that the spatial niche differentiation in foraging microhabitats and in foraging habitats at landscape scale may promote the coexistence of the two bat species.However,additional field data are needed to confirm this speculation.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long focused on the coexistence of sympatric species. Here, we investigated two horseshoe bat species, Rhinolophus affinis and Rhinolophus pearsoni inhabited in the same cave, for their foraging strategies, niche differentiation, prey selection, and their coexistence status. These two species of horseshoe bats were different in the dominant frequency of their echolocation calls, but similar in their morphology. We found evidence for prey selectivity although there was a high degree of overlap in prey categories and sizes. R. affinis and R. pearsoni foraged on 16 and 7 categories insects, respectively, with Pyralidae, Geometridae, Melolonthidae dominating their diets. The degree of trophic niche overlap was 0.69. Pairwise comparisons suggested that there was no obvious differentiation in prey categories and size. However, high prey availability in the environment (Simpson diversity index = 0.79 and Margalef richness index = 4.12) contributed to their coexistence by dampening the interspecific competition. Since there are one or more mechanisms facil- itating species coexistence in a community, our results suggest that the spatial niche differentiation in foraging rnicrohabitats and in foraging habitats at landscape scale may promote the coexistence of the two bat species. However, additional field data are needed to confirm this speculation.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long focused on the coexistence of sympatric species. Here, we investigated two horseshoe bat species, Rhinolophus affinis and R. pearsoni inhabited in the same cave, for their foraging strategies, niche differentiation, prey selection, and their coexistence status. These two species of horseshoe bats were different in the dominant frequency of their echolocation calls but similar in their morphology. We found evidence for prey selectivity although there was a high degree of overlap in prey categories and sizes. R. affinis and R. pearsoni foraged on 16 and 7 categories insects, respectively, with Pyralidae, Geometridae, Melolonthidae dominating their diets. The degree of trophic niche overlap was 0.69. Pairwise comparisons suggested that there was no obvious differentiation in prey categories and size. However, high prey availability in the environment (Simpson diversity index = 0.79 and Margalef richness index = 4.12) contributed to their coexistence by dampening the interspecific competition. Since there are one or more mechanisms facilitating species coexistence in a community, our results suggest that the spatial niche differentiation in foraging microhabitats and in foraging habitats at landscape scale may promote the coexistence of the two bat species. However, additional field data are needed to confirm this speculation.  相似文献   

食虫有袋类食性选择与猎物质量的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
食虫有袋类是捕食多种昆虫的泛食性动物.同域的不同食虫有袋类同样选择鞘翅目、蜚蠊目、直翅目和膜翅目昆虫作为主要猎物但对同种昆虫猎物的捕食频率明显不同.食虫有袋类的食性具有季节转变现象.不同猎物昆虫质量之间的差异大多不显著但猎物昆虫的质量具有季节变化.食虫有袋类的食性选择与猎物质量、食性季节转变与猎物质量季节变化之间不存在显著相关关系.根据该结果以及最佳摄食理论,食性选择有可能受猎物可获得量或猎物体形大小的影响,值得今后进一步加以研究.  相似文献   

采用室内饲养观察法与饵木诱集观察法,对松褐天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)在湖北西部地区的生活习性、生活史、发生规律进行了研究。结果表明,该虫在该地区1年1代,以低龄幼虫和老熟幼虫分别在韧皮部和木质部的虫道内越冬。翌年4月中旬化蛹,5月上中旬始见成虫,5月下旬至6月下旬为成虫羽化盛期。幼虫于6月中旬开始取食,10月进入越冬。发育期温度升高可缩短各虫态的发育历期。多雨潮湿可抑制成虫活动和幼虫感病。在树干的中段虫口密集。成虫喜食长势良好的树木枝皮,喜欢在新伐倒木和生长衰弱的立木上产卵,采用饵木和诱捕器诱集效果良好,为该虫的防治和预测预报提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

Otto SB  Rall BC  Brose U 《Nature》2007,450(7173):1226-1229
In natural ecosystems, species are linked by feeding interactions that determine energy fluxes and create complex food webs. The stability of these food webs enables many species to coexist and to form diverse ecosystems. Recent theory finds predator-prey body-mass ratios to be critically important for food-web stability. However, the mechanisms responsible for this stability are unclear. Here we use a bioenergetic consumer-resource model to explore how and why only particular predator-prey body-mass ratios promote stability in tri-trophic (three-species) food chains. We find that this 'persistence domain' of ratios is constrained by bottom-up energy availability when predators are much smaller than their prey and by enrichment-driven dynamics when predators are much larger. We also find that 97% of the tri-trophic food chains across five natural food webs exhibit body-mass ratios within the predicted persistence domain. Further analyses of randomly rewired food webs show that body mass and allometric degree distributions in natural food webs mediate this consistency. The allometric degree distributions hold that the diversity of species' predators and prey decreases and increases, respectively, with increasing species' body masses. Our results demonstrate how simple relationships between species' body masses and feeding interactions may promote the stability of complex food webs.  相似文献   

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