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This paper develops a New‐Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (NKDSGE) model for forecasting the growth rate of output, inflation, and the nominal short‐term interest rate (91 days Treasury Bill rate) for the South African economy. The model is estimated via maximum likelihood technique for quarterly data over the period of 1970:1–2000:4. Based on a recursive estimation using the Kalman filter algorithm, out‐of‐sample forecasts from the NKDSGE model are compared with forecasts generated from the classical and Bayesian variants of vector autoregression (VAR) models for the period 2001:1–2006:4. The results indicate that in terms of out‐of‐sample forecasting, the NKDSGE model outperforms both the classical and Bayesian VARs for inflation, but not for output growth and nominal short‐term interest rate. However, differences in RMSEs are not significant across the models. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A large number of models have been developed in the literature to analyze and forecast changes in output dynamics. The objective of this paper was to compare the predictive ability of univariate and bivariate models, in terms of forecasting US gross national product (GNP) growth at different forecasting horizons, with the bivariate models containing information on a measure of economic uncertainty. Based on point and density forecast accuracy measures, as well as on equal predictive ability (EPA) and superior predictive ability (SPA) tests, we evaluate the relative forecasting performance of different model specifications over the quarterly period of 1919:Q2 until 2014:Q4. We find that the economic policy uncertainty (EPU) index should improve the accuracy of US GNP growth forecasts in bivariate models. We also find that the EPU exhibits similar forecasting ability to the term spread and outperforms other uncertainty measures such as the volatility index and geopolitical risk in predicting US recessions. While the Markov switching time‐varying parameter vector autoregressive model yields the lowest values for the root mean squared error in most cases, we observe relatively low values for the log predictive density score, when using the Bayesian vector regression model with stochastic volatility. More importantly, our results highlight the importance of uncertainty in forecasting US GNP growth rates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply Bayesian inference to model and forecast intraday trading volume, using autoregressive conditional volume (ACV) models, and we evaluate the quality of volume point forecasts. In the empirical application, we focus on the analysis of both in‐ and out‐of‐sample performance of Bayesian ACV models estimated for 2‐minute trading volume data for stocks quoted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in Poland. We calculate two types of point forecasts, using either expected values or medians of predictive distributions. We conclude that, in general, all considered models generate significantly biased forecasts. We also observe that the considered models significantly outperform such benchmarks as the naïve or rolling means forecasts. Moreover, in terms of root mean squared forecast errors, point predictions obtained within the ACV model with exponential distribution emerge superior compared to those calculated in structures with more general innovation distributions, although in many cases this characteristic turns out to be statistically insignificant. On the other hand, when comparing mean absolute forecast errors, the median forecasts obtained within the ACV models with Burr and generalized gamma distribution are found to be statistically better than other forecasts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we assess the predictive content of latent economic policy uncertainty and data surprise factors for forecasting and nowcasting gross domestic product (GDP) using factor-type econometric models. Our analysis focuses on five emerging market economies: Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, and Turkey; and we carry out a forecasting horse race in which predictions from various different models are compared. These models may (or may not) contain latent uncertainty and surprise factors constructed using both local and global economic datasets. The set of models that we examine in our experiments includes both simple benchmark linear econometric models as well as dynamic factor models that are estimated using a variety of frequentist and Bayesian data shrinkage methods based on the least absolute shrinkage operator (LASSO). We find that the inclusion of our new uncertainty and surprise factors leads to superior predictions of GDP growth, particularly when these latent factors are constructed using Bayesian variants of the LASSO. Overall, our findings point to the importance of spillover effects from global uncertainty and data surprises, when predicting GDP growth in emerging market economies.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the out of sample forecasts from four alternative interest rate models based on expanding information sets. The random walk model is the most restrictive. The univariate time series model allows for a richer dynamic pattern and more conditioning information on own rates. The multivariate time series model permits a flexible dynamic pattern with own- and cross-series information. Finally, the forecasts from the MPS econometric model depend on the full model structure and information set. In theory, more information is preferred to less. In practice, complicated misspecified models can perform much worse than simple (also probably misspecified) models. For forecasts evaluated over the volatile 1970s the multivariate time series model forecasts are considerably better than those from simpler models which use less conditioning information, as well as forecasts from the MPS model which uses substantially more conditioning information but also imposes ‘structural’ economic restrictions.  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of Bayesian methods for inference and forecasting in dynamic term structure models through integrated nested Laplace approximations (INLA). This method of analytical approximation allows accurate inferences for latent factors, parameters and forecasts in dynamic models with reduced computational cost. In the estimation of dynamic term structure models it also avoids some simplifications in the inference procedures, such as the inefficient two‐step ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation. The results obtained in the estimation of the dynamic Nelson–Siegel model indicate that this method performs more accurate out‐of‐sample forecasts compared to the methods of two‐stage estimation by OLS and also Bayesian estimation methods using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). These analytical approaches also allow efficient calculation of measures of model selection such as generalized cross‐validation and marginal likelihood, which may be computationally prohibitive in MCMC estimations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper uses forecast combination methods to forecast output growth in a seven‐country quarterly economic data set covering 1959–1999, with up to 73 predictors per country. Although the forecasts based on individual predictors are unstable over time and across countries, and on average perform worse than an autoregressive benchmark, the combination forecasts often improve upon autoregressive forecasts. Despite the unstable performance of the constituent forecasts, the most successful combination forecasts, like the mean, are the least sensitive to the recent performance of the individual forecasts. While consistent with other evidence on the success of simple combination forecasts, this finding is difficult to explain using the theory of combination forecasting in a stationary environment. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of disaggregation on forecast accuracy for nonstationary time series using dynamic factor models. We compare the forecasts obtained directly from the aggregated series based on its univariate model with the aggregation of the forecasts obtained for each component of the aggregate. Within this framework (first obtain the forecasts for the component series and then aggregate the forecasts), we try two different approaches: (i) generate forecasts from the multivariate dynamic factor model and (ii) generate the forecasts from univariate models for each component of the aggregate. In this regard, we provide analytical conditions for the equality of forecasts. The results are applied to quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) data of several European countries of the euro area and to their aggregated GDP. This will be compared to the prediction obtained directly from modeling and forecasting the aggregate GDP of these European countries. In particular, we would like to check whether long‐run relationships between the levels of the components are useful for improving the forecasting accuracy of the aggregate growth rate. We will make forecasts at the country level and then pool them to obtain the forecast of the aggregate. The empirical analysis suggests that forecasts built by aggregating the country‐specific models are more accurate than forecasts constructed using the aggregated data. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper derives four–five year predictions of growth rates of accounting earnings per share implicit in four expected return models commonly used in financial research. A comparison of such growth rates with those produced and reported by Value Line analysts and those generated by a submartingale model revealed the following: two expected return models—the Sharpe–Lintner–Mossin model and the Black model—were significantly more accurate than the submartingale model, though not significantly more accurate than the other return models. However, the growth rate forecasts provided by Value Line significantly outperformed all the other models tested—none of which relied on the direct input of a security analyst.  相似文献   

This study examines the forecasting accuracy of alternative vector autoregressive models each in a seven‐variable system that comprises in turn of daily, weekly and monthly foreign exchange (FX) spot rates. The vector autoregressions (VARs) are in non‐stationary, stationary and error‐correction forms and are estimated using OLS. The imposition of Bayesian priors in the OLS estimations also allowed us to obtain another set of results. We find that there is some tendency for the Bayesian estimation method to generate superior forecast measures relatively to the OLS method. This result holds whether or not the data sets contain outliers. Also, the best forecasts under the non‐stationary specification outperformed those of the stationary and error‐correction specifications, particularly at long forecast horizons, while the best forecasts under the stationary and error‐correction specifications are generally similar. The findings for the OLS forecasts are consistent with recent simulation results. The predictive ability of the VARs is very weak. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, I use a large set of macroeconomic and financial predictors to forecast US recession periods. I adopt Bayesian methodology with shrinkage in the parameters of the probit model for the binary time series tracking the state of the economy. The in‐sample and out‐of‐sample results show that utilizing a large cross‐section of indicators yields superior US recession forecasts in comparison to a number of parsimonious benchmark models. Moreover, the data‐rich probit model gives similar accuracy to the factor‐based model for the 1‐month‐ahead forecasts, while it provides superior performance for 1‐year‐ahead predictions. Finally, in a pseudo‐real‐time application for the Great Recession, I find that the large probit model with shrinkage is able to pick up the recession signals in a timely fashion and does well in comparison to the more parsimonious specification and to nonparametric alternatives. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Bayesian vector autoregressive (BVAR) model is developed for the Connecticut economy to forecast the unemployment rate, nonagricultural employment, real personal income, and housing permits authorized. The model includes both national and state variables. The Bayesian prior is selected on the basis of the accuracy of the out-of-sample forecasts. We find that a loose prior generally produces more accurate forecasts. The out-of-sample accuracy of the BVAR forecasts is also compared with that of forecasts from an unrestricted VAR model and of benchmark forecasts generated from univariate ARIMA models. The BVAR model generally produces the most accurate short- and long-term out-of-sample forecasts for 1988 through 1992. It also correctly predicts the direction of change.  相似文献   

It has been shown in recent economic and statistical studies that composite forecasts may produce more accurate forecasts than individual ones. The purpose of this study is to develop composite forecasting models that may produce forecasts superior to the individual forecast implicit in forward exchange rates. In an efficient market one would expect to find little improvement with the composite models relative to the forward exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper uses a meta‐analysis to survey existing factor forecast applications for output and inflation and assesses what causes large factor models to perform better or more poorly at forecasting than other models. Our results suggest that factor models tend to outperform small models, whereas factor forecasts are slightly worse than pooled forecasts. Factor models deliver better predictions for US variables than for UK variables, for US output than for euro‐area output and for euro‐area inflation than for US inflation. The size of the dataset from which factors are extracted positively affects the relative factor forecast performance, whereas pre‐selecting the variables included in the dataset did not improve factor forecasts in the past. Finally, the factor estimation technique may matter as well. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper finds the yield curve to have a well-performing ability to forecast the real gross domestic product growth in the USA, compared to professional forecasters and time series models. Past studies have different arguments concerning growth lags, structural breaks, and ultimately the ability of the yield curve to forecast economic growth. This paper finds such results to be dependent on the estimation and forecasting techniques employed. By allowing various interest rates to act as explanatory variables and various window sizes for the out-of-sample forecasts, significant forecasts from many window sizes can be found. These seemingly good forecasts may face issues, including persistent forecasting errors. However, by using statistical learning algorithms, such issues can be cured to some extent. The overall result suggests, by scientifically deciding the window sizes, interest rate data, and learning algorithms, many outperforming forecasts can be produced for all lags from one quarter to 3 years, although some may be worse than the others due to the irreducible noise of the data.  相似文献   

In this paper we aim to improve existing empirical exchange rate models by accounting for uncertainty with respect to the underlying structural representation. Within a flexible Bayesian framework, our modeling approach assumes that different regimes are characterized by commonly used structural exchange rate models, with transitions across regimes being driven by a Markov process. We assume a time-varying transition probability matrix with transition probabilities depending on a measure of the monetary policy stance of the central bank at home and in the USA. We apply this model to a set of eight exchange rates against the US dollar. In a forecasting exercise, we show that model evidence varies over time, and a model approach that takes this empirical evidence seriously yields more accurate density forecasts for most currency pairs considered.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a regime switching vector autoregressive model with time‐varying regime probabilities, where the regime switching dynamics is described by an observable binary response variable predicted simultaneously with the variables subject to regime changes. Dependence on the observed binary variable distinguishes the model from various previously proposed multivariate regime switching models, facilitating a handy simulation‐based multistep forecasting method. An empirical application shows a strong bidirectional predictive linkage between US interest rates and NBER business cycle recession and expansion periods. Due to the predictability of the business cycle regimes, the proposed model yields superior out‐of‐sample forecasts of the US short‐term interest rate and the term spread compared with the linear and nonlinear vector autoregressive (VAR) models, including the Markov switching VAR model.  相似文献   

Category management—a relatively new function in marketing—involves large-scale, real-time forecasting of multiple data series in complex environments. In this paper, we illustrate how Bayesian Vector Auto regression (BVAR) fulfils the category manager's decision-support requirements by providing accurate forecasts of a category's state variables (prices, volumes and advertising levels), incorporating management interventions (merchandising events such as end-aisle displays), and revealing competitive dynamics through impulse response analyses. Using 124 weeks of point-of-sale scanner data comprising 31 variables for four brands, we compare the out-of-sample forecasts from BVAR to forecasts from exponential smoothing, univariate and multivariate Box-Jenkins transfer function analyses, and multivariate ARMA models. Theil U's indicate that BVAR forecasts are superior to those from alternate approaches. In large-scale forecasting applications, BVAR's ease of identification and parsimonious use of degrees of freedom are particularly valuable.  相似文献   

By linking measures of forecast accuracy as well as testing procedures with regard to forecast rationality this paper investigates aggregated survey forecasts with forecast horizons of 3, 12, and 24 months for the exchange rates of the Chinese yuan, the Hong Kong dollar, the Japanese yen, and the Singapore dollar vis-à-vis the US dollar and, hence, for four different currency regimes. The rationality of the exchange rate predictions is initially assessed utilizing tests for unbiasedness and efficiency which indicate that the investigated forecasts are irrational in the sense that the predictions are biased. As one major contribution of this paper, it is subsequently shown that these results are not consistent with an alternative, less restrictive, measure of rationality. Investigating the order of integration of the time series as well as cointegrating relationships, this empirical evidence supports the conclusion that the majority of forecasts are in fact rational. Regarding forerunning properties of the predictions, the results are rather mediocre, with shorter term forecasts for the tightly managed USD/CNY FX regime being one exception. As one additional important and novel evaluation result, it can be concluded, that the currency regime matters for the quality of exchange rate forecasts.  相似文献   

In the light of the still topical nature of ‘bananas and petrol’ being blamed for driving much of the inflationary pressures in Australia in recent times, the ‘headline’ and ‘underlying’ rates of inflation are scrutinised in terms of forecasting accuracy. A general structural time‐series modelling strategy is applied to estimate models for alternative types of Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures. From this, out‐of‐sample forecasts are generated from the various models. The underlying forecasts are subsequently adjusted to facilitate comparison. The Ashley, Granger and Schmalensee (1980) test is then performed to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between the root mean square errors of the models. The results lend weight to the recent findings of Song (2005) that forecasting models using underlying rates are not systematically inferior to those based on the headline rate. In fact, strong evidence is found that underlying measures produce superior forecasts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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