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为解决我国金属非金属矿山企业安全标准化建设缺乏专业性、考评规则繁杂、考评难、小企业事故率高的问题,基于矿山企业典型的安全标准化业务的重组优化,建立支撑业务规范要求、便捷管理与考评的安全标准化管理系统。主要分析了安全标准化管理系统建设的战略目标、关键成功要素和信息技术需求,研究了金属非金属矿山4类企业通用的安全标准化管理系统功能模型,并基于该模型提出规则推理自动评分方案。研究结果显示该系统可促进不同规模矿山企业按照统一要求进行安全标准化建设。  相似文献   

根据高速铁路桥梁应急疏散的特点,建立了其疏散能力评价指标体系。对传统集对分析法进行了改良,提出了一种基于渐变理论的纂对联系度算法,并将其用于疏散能力评估。将高速铁路桥梁疏散过程划分成了三个部分——高铁线上行走过程、疏散通道穿行过程和避难场所等待过程。据此建立了高铁桥梁疏散能力评估的指标体系。然后将疏散能力划分成五个等级,拟定了各等级的分级论域。最后,以某高速铁路桥梁为例,评估了其疏散能力。结果表明:基于改良集对算法的高速铁路桥梁疏散能力评价模型具有较高的可靠性和实用性。  相似文献   

一种高速铁路无砟轨道混凝土结构疲劳损伤模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于连续损伤力学理论和边界面概念,建立了高速铁路无砟轨道混凝土结构在循环荷载作用下的疲劳损伤模型.模型在主坐标系中采用了拉压两个边界面,根据加载面与极限断裂面、边界面之间的位置关系来计算高速铁路无砟轨道混凝土结构在复杂应力状态下的损伤,并由累积损伤与应变能释放率之间的关系确定循环加载中极限断裂面的变化规律.通过将该理论模型嵌入有限元软件ABAQUS的用户材料子程序UMAT,与同类模型进行比较验证了模型的可行性.最后对高速铁路双块式无砟轨道支承层进行了循环动荷载作用下的疲劳累积损伤分析.结果表明该模型不仅能够较好地反映支承层在循环荷载作用下疲劳损伤非线性演变规律,还可以展现其疲劳损伤分布形态的全过程,为研究高速铁路无砟轨道混凝土结构的疲劳损伤与寿命预测,提供了可行的理论分析方法.  相似文献   

为获知高速铁路工程项目风险间的关系,基于解释结构模型(ISM),提出一种分析高速铁路工程项目风险相互关系的方法。首先识别出高速铁路工程项目的 17个风险因素,通过研究风险间的关系,建立邻接矩阵,利用matlab求得可达矩阵。然后根据风险的传导力和关联性进行层级划分,构建ISM图。最后在归类风险的基础上针对各类风险提出防范、治理措施。结果显示,高速铁路工程项目主要存在关联性风险和传导性风险,且各风险经过一定路径的传导放大,最终导致市场收益风险和公众风险的发生,一定程度上为项目管理者进行风险管理提供了方向,有助于提高风险管理的效率和质量。  相似文献   

基于城市设计的大尺度城市空间形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今中国史无前例的城市化进程中,相当多的中国城市都不同程度地经历了城市规模的急剧扩张.伴随着城市规划的持续编制、修编和实施,城市的功能结构、空间环境、街廓肌理乃至社会等发生了显著的变化,而所有这些都直接发生在某一城市尺度、甚至是发生在某一城市的大尺度空间形态上.本文通过对城市空间形态构成、演进和外显表征的描述和分析,尝试建构城市形态影响要素模型,进而讨论与形态密切相关的城市用地属性及保护、调整和开发潜力.同时,基于城市设计参与良好城市空间形态塑造和建设管理的专业特征,提出针对大尺度城市空间形态的量化评析技术方法,从而为城市政府和规划建设管理部门提供技术支持.  相似文献   

高速铁路无砟轨道不平顺谱   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究提出了我国高速铁路无砟轨道不平顺谱的计算方法、轨道不平顺谱拟合公式及轨道不平顺谱图.为提高轨道不平顺谱的计算精度,研究提出了基于线性插值和小波分析方法的轨道不平顺检测数据异常值和趋势向剔除算法.同时通过不同窗函数长度、不同窗函数和不同谱估计方法的轨道不平顺谱计算对比分析,确定了轨道不平顺谱的计算方法.利用高速综合检测列车检测数据计算确定了高速铁路无砟轨道不平顺谱及其拟合公式,并引入倍频能量表反映高速铁路无砟轨道周期结构的影响.由轨道不平顺谱拟合公式与倍频能量表共同构成的高速铁路无砟轨道不平顺谱,为高速铁路设计、评估和养护维修等提供了依据.  相似文献   

医疗服务供应链管理模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析医疗服务特点的基础上,建立了基于信息平台的医疗服务供应链管理模型.其中,供应商、医院和患者通过信息平台进行有效沟通,进行需求管理、人力资源管理、医疗服务能力管理、供应商关系管理、医疗服务质量管理和医患关系管理,以及与卫生局、食品药品监督管理局、银行和政府等医疗服务供应链外部的联系.通过CR医院的实证分析,证明了基于信息平台的医疗服务供应链管理模型的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

复杂产品系统创新具有多主体知识联盟共同开发和制造,设计高密集性、产品复杂性、生产不确定性的特点.知识管理系统有利于复杂产品系统创新中知识的共享、利用和扩散.在知识管理系统模型研究成果的基础上,构建了基于过程导向的知识链与创新流相结合,以实现知识战略为目标,技术、文化、组织体系为支撑的知识管理系统.明确知识管理战略、把知识管理融入创新流程、创建知识共享文化和激励机制、运行并不断改进系统等策略有利于KMS的实施.  相似文献   

本文系统地阐述了建立房产信息查询系统的方法和技术实施,着重分析了房产销售管理的主要内容及管理过程,以此进行了系统功能设计和数据库结构设计,并对图形数据与属性数据的联接进行了研究。结合目前我国城市房产管理的实际情况,以阜新市惠福小区为例,开发了可视化房产信系查询系统:本系统设计和建立了一些基本的房产数据库,实现了进行房产可视化管理的一些主要功能。系统在中文Windows击者XP环境下,基于组件式信息系统MapX开发而成,具有良好的用户界面。通过对系统的测试证明,系统设计比较合理,程序运行比较稳定,使用方便,可以为房产商和购房者提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

黄河流域地下水资源网络地理信息系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对黄河流域地下水资源管理的各项需求,提出构建黄河流域地下水资源网络地理信息系统的设计方案和实现方法.主要解决流域海量数据管理和数据共享问题,为黄河流域地下水资源管理与研究提供强大的地理信息系统技术支持.探讨了为大尺度地学研究对象建立分布式网络地理信息系统的必要性和可能性.提出了此类系统建设的网络部署总体策略,数据的分布存储与管理措施,各省基于三层模型的应用程序构架,跨省市数据交互与协同分析的实现方案.阐明了应用程序部署的MVC结构,系统内各类数据库的协作关系及系统预期实现的功能.  相似文献   

This paper puts forward the hypothesis that the distinctive features of quantum statistics are exclusively determined by the nature of the properties it describes. In particular, all statistically relevant properties of identical quantum particles in many-particle systems are conjectured to be irreducible, ‘inherent’ properties only belonging to the whole system. This allows one to explain quantum statistics without endorsing the ‘Received View’ that particles are non-individuals, or postulating that quantum systems obey peculiar probability distributions, or assuming that there are primitive restrictions on the range of states accessible to such systems. With this, the need for an unambiguously metaphysical explanation of certain physical facts is acknowledged and satisfied.  相似文献   

Summary It was found that some ciliates,Stentor, Spirostomum andBlepharisma, which can contract rapidly like the stalks of Vorticellidae, have Ca2+-binding proteins that are very similar to spasmins, in the immunological sense. The presence of spasmins in other Protozoa and in some Metazoa was also investigated.  相似文献   

A part of the gene coding for a halophilic serine protease from a halophilic archaeumHaloferax mediterranei R4 was amplified by PCR and its 672 nucleotide sequence was determined. Tentative translation to the amino acid sequence suggested that the enzyme was quite similar to halolysin produced by another halophilic archaeum strain 172P1. Nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA encoding genes from 9 halophilic archaea were determined. Alignment of 19 sequences known so far showed that there are more than 20 positions carrying bases or deletions specific for each halobacterial genus:Halobacterium, Haloarcula, Haloferax, andHalococcus.  相似文献   

Summary Recent data on the immunologication of regulatory peptides and related propeptide sequences in endocrine cells and tumours of the gastrointestinal tract pancreas, lung, thyroid, pituitary (ACTH and opioids), adrenals and paraganglia have been revised and discussed. Gastrin, xenopsin, cholecystokinin (CCK), somatostatin, motilin, secretin, GIP (gastric inhibitory beenrevised and discussed. Gastrin, xenopsin, cholecystokinin (CCK), somatostatin, motilin, secretin, GIP (gastric inhibitory polypeptide), neurotensin, glicentin/glucagon-37 and PYY (peptide tyrosine tyrosine) are the main products of gastrointestinal endocrine cells; glucagon, CRF (corticotropin releasing factor), somatostatin, PP (pancreatic polypeptide) and GRF (growth hormone releasing factor), in addition to insulin, are produced in pancreatic islet cells; bombesin-related peptidesare the main markers of pulmonary endocrine cells; calcitonin and CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) occur in thyroid and extrathyroid C cells; ACTH and endorphins in anterior and intermediate lobe pituitary cells, -MSH and CLIP (corticotropoin-like intermediate lobe peptide) in intermediate lobe cells; met- and leu-enkephalins and related peptides in adrenal medullary and paraganglionic cells as well as in some gut (enterochromaffin) cells; NPY (neuropeptide Y) in adrenalin-type adrenal medullary cells, etc.. Both tissue-appropriate and tissue-inappropriate regulatory peptides are produced by endocrine tumours, with inappropriate peptides mostly produced by malignant tumours.  相似文献   

Cognition wars     
In what kinds of physical systems can cognition be realized? There are currently competing answers among scientists and theorists of cognition. There are many plant scientists who maintain that cognition can be realized in plants. There are biological scientists who maintain that cognition is materially realized in bacteria. In this paper, I will present the basis for such claims and evaluate them and discuss the future for theories of the metaphysical basis of cognition in the cognitive sciences.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro and in vivo data on the benzimidazoline compound indicate anthelmintic potential when introduced directly into the abomasum.  相似文献   

Summary Monarch butterflies sequester cardenolides from their larval host plants in the milkweed genusAsclepias for use in defense against predation. Of 108Asclepias species in North America, monarchs are known to feed as larvae on 27. Research on 11 of these has shown that monarchs sequester cardenolides most effectively, to an asymptote of approximately 350 g/0.1 g dry butterfly, from plants with intermediate cardenolide contents rather than from those with very high or very low cardenolide contents. SinceAsclepias host plant species are distributed widely in space and time across the continent, monarchs exploit them by migration between breeding and overwintering areas. After overwintering in central Mexico, spring migrants east of the Rocky Mountains exploit three predominantAsclepias species in the southern USA that have moderately high cardenolide contents. Monarchs sequester cardenolides very effectively from these species. First generation butterflies are thus well protected against predators and continue the migration north. Across the northern USA and southern Canada most summer breeding occurs on a fourthAsclepias species and in autumn most of these monarchs migrate back to Mexican overwintering sites. The ecological implications of this cycle of cardenolide sequestration for the evolution of monarch migration are discussed.  相似文献   

The fate of environmental pollutants — the various isotopes of elements, and inorganic or organic compounds — is a fundamental aspect of ecology and ecotoxicology, and bioaccumulation is a phenomenon often discussed in this context. Human activities have drastically altered natural concentrations of many substances in the environment and added numerous new chemicals. An understanding of the processes of bioaccumulation is important for several reasons. 1) Bioaccumulation in organisms may enhance the persistence of industrial chemicals in the ecosystem as a whole, since they can be fixed in the tissues of organisms. 2) Stored chemicals are not exposed to direct physical, chemical, or biochemical degradation. 3) Stored chemicals can directly affect an individual's health. 4) Predators of those organisms that have bioaccumulated harmful substances may be endangered by food chain effects. While former theories on the processes of bioaccumulation focused on single aspects that affect the extent of accumulation (such as the trophic level within the food chain or the lipophilicity of the chemical), modern theories are based on compartmental kinetics and the integration of various environmental interactions. Concepts include results from quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR), pharmacokinetics, ecophysiology and general biology, molecular genetic aspects and selection, and finally the structure of communities and man-made alterations in them.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a common sex pheromone composition may account for interspecific sexual interactions observed with certain moths in the Arctiidae. In this study, it is demonstrated that the sex pheromones released by females of the Scarlet Tiger Moth,Callimorpha dominula L., and the Cinnabar Moth,Tyria jacobaeae L., have similar activities and elute at the same retention time on analysis by coupled gas chromatography (GC)-electrophysiology with males from each species. Peak enhancement on GC, chiral GC and coupled GC-mass spectrometry using authentic compounds show that the sex pheromone for bothC. dominula andT. jacobaeae is (3Z,6Z,9S,10R)-9,10-epoxyheneicosa-3,6-diene.  相似文献   

Summary Fruit and leaf initiation by 26 trees representing five stranglerFicus species in the subgenusUrostigma were monitored for 5–8 years in a seasonal lowland forest of central Panamá. Individual trees of each species initiated fruit in synchronized crops. High variation in the number of crops, intervals between crops and dates of crop initiation indicate that these species, like species in the subgenusPharmacosycea, initiate fruit crops the year around. Nevertheless, mean crop initiation dates for four of five species fell within the four-month dry season. Similarly, all species produced new leaf flushes throughout the year, however, mean leaf flush dates of all species fell within the first three months of the dry season.  相似文献   

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