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Summary A hydrolysis method for nanogram amounts of acetic acid esters is described.  相似文献   

Summary The catalytic hydrogenation of 1 ng of 1-hexadecene is described. The method is applicable to other 1-alkenes, and probably also to other kinds of unsaturated compounds, provided they fall into a definite range of volatility.

4. Mitteilung: Experientia29, 735 (1973).

Herrn Prof. Dr.M. Viscontini danke ich für wertvolle Diskussionen und dem Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung für die finanzielle Unterstützung.  相似文献   

Summary A device for the small-scale generation of diazomethane is described, as well as the methylation by this reagent of nanogram amounts of the following fatty acids: butyric, caproic, caprylic, capric, lauric.

3. Mitteilung:S. Huwyler, Experientia28, 1393 (1972).

Herrn Prof. Dr.M. Viscontini danke ich für wertvolle Diskussionen und dem Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung für die finanzielle Unterstützung.  相似文献   

Summary The rôle of the partition coefficient for the bactericidal efficiency of phenols and aromatic alcohols is stressed. It is postulated that these compounds in any concentration should have identical bactericidal effects if they attain the same molar concentration in a lipoid phase after distribution. It is proposed to use this postulate for a new approach to test phenolic and alcoholic disinfectants. p-chloro--phenetyl alcohol reveals a high bactericidal effect due to a favourable distribution coefficient combined with a water solubility of nearly 0.5%.  相似文献   

Summary The monoalkylation in 4-position of pyrazolidine-3,5-dione derivatives with primary and secondary alcohols, in the presence of Raney-Nickel, is described.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung B. L. van der Waerden zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet Vorgelegt von B. L. van der Waerden  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Vorgelegt von B. L. van der Waerden Herrn Professor I. I. Schafranovsky, Berginstitut Leningrad, in Dankbarkeit gewidmet  相似文献   

Summary In the centre of the septum between phialide and mutula of certain imperfect penicillia a plug was observed as electron dense mechanism. This observation is rather similar to that ofMoore in the case of 2 Ascomycetes. The author believes these plugs are nuclei migrating through septa. This is because they are not enclosed by the endoplasmatic reticula.  相似文献   

Summary On investigation by electron microscope of the phialides of a strain ofPenicillium cyclopium endogenous layed proconidia could often be observed.  相似文献   

Summary Kinetics of hepatic uptake of indocyanine green, a dye which is used for evaluation of liver function, were studied in the rat. The results indicate that the relationship between ICG-dose and initial hepatic dye uptake obeys Michaelis-Menten kinetics suggesting an interaction of the dye with a carrier or fixed site in the liver cell. Thus it was possible to calculate maximum ICG-uptake (v max ) and the Michaelis constant (K m ) of this transport system from several submaximal values.v max was 7.65 (6-06-9.65)22 mg per 100 g liver/min and K m 0.56 (0.31–0.81)22. Under the influence of substances which inhibit the elimination of dyes by the liver the parametersv max and K m showed changes which allowed characterization of the type of inhibition. While sodium glycocholate had no influence on maximum hepatic ICG-uptake and the Michaelis constant bilirubin caused a significant increase of K m to 1.29 (0.68–1.90)22 without significantly changingv max . These data suggest that bilirubin interferes with hepatic uptake of indocyanine green by competitive inhibition and that uptake of bile acids is dependent on a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Voacryptine is demonstrated to be 20-oxovoacangine. On reduction, it furnishes voacristine (20-hydroxyvoacangine) and 20-epi-voacristine.

3. Mitt.U. Renner undD. A. Prins, Exper.15, 456 (1959).  相似文献   

Summary In contrast to the narrow terminal innervation bands of human skeletal muscles, the vocal muscle shows a particularly extended region of synaptic contacts. A great number of muscle fibres receive two or more motor endings forming individual endplates at a distance of several hundred micra. The physiological significance would be a more rapid activation.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Frl.Ingeborg Schnöring danke ich für wertvolle techn. Hilfe.  相似文献   

Summary Eels with dermal tumors, consisting mainly of undifferentiated epidermal cells, have been treated with inorganic diphosphate. Depending on concentration of the diphosphate used, the tumors show either an increased number of mucous cells or they are repelled. In the adjacent tissue of the cutis, during these processes, a great number of lymphocytes and macrophages are found. Three possibilities are offered to explain these facts, the most important of which is that the diphosphate increases the ability of the tumor cells to redifferentiate. Consequently, formation of tumor specific antigens is induced, as a result of which the tumor is destroyed by an immunbiological reaction.  相似文献   

Summary By gaschromatographic-mass spectrometric methods 2-phenylethyl alcohol, benzylalcohol, phenylacetaldehyde and benzaldehyde were identified from scent brushes of male Noctuidae species (Lepidoptera).  相似文献   

Summary The activity of several enzymes in cross sections of the M. latissimus dorsi of the adult chick was examined. In the slow anterior latissimus dorsi muscle — which is thought to be composed of fibres of identical physiological properties — certain topochemical differences of the fibres are described.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for the isolation of chloroplasts from powder of frozen-dried leaves without using any liquids.  相似文献   

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