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为了解苔藓植物对环境变化的反应,采集了甘肃中部地区不同海拔的蛇苔植物( Conocephalum conicum(L.)Dum),分析了它的叶状体稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C值)和叶状体表皮特征.结果表明:蛇苔植物δ13C值的范围为-32.399‰~-29.497‰,随着海拔的升高而变大;叶状体表皮细胞面积和空气孔面积均随着海拔的升高而减小.相关分析表明:叶状体δ13C、表皮细胞面积和密度、空气孔面积与海拔的相关性都达到了显著水平(P<0.05).  相似文献   

针对新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘洪古勒楞组下段是否存在弗拉-法门阶界线的问题,对比研究布龙果尔剖面该段地层以及湖南中部锡矿山剖面上泥盆统法门阶中下部碳酸盐岩的碳同位素特征,并结合已有的生物地层学证据,重新讨论洪古勒楞组下段的时代。结果表明,布龙果尔剖面洪古勒楞组下段碳同位素的变化趋势与国内外诸多典型剖面弗拉-法门期之交的δ~(13)C偏移明显不同:未见到显著正偏移;布龙果尔剖面δ~(13)C在0~1‰范围内变化,小于国际上目前已知的弗拉-法门期之交δ~(13)C正偏移的幅度(2‰~3‰)。布龙果尔剖面洪古勒楞组下段可能不存在弗拉期地层,甚至可能缺失法门阶底部(牙形石Pa.triangularis带)。法门早中期,布龙果尔剖面碳同位素曲线可与湖南锡矿山剖面同时期地层进行较好的对比,分为3个阶段:2个完整的正偏—负偏旋回以及之上的小幅正偏。主量元素特征表明,布龙果尔剖面第3-1层的下半部受陆源物质影响较大,推测可能与区域构造活动变强烈有关。  相似文献   

综合运用主断裂处碳酸盐原岩及其节理充填方解石碳、氧同位素分析以及反演构造应力场等方法,对大巴山前陆构造带流体的来源及活动期次进行研究.结果表明:大巴山前陆构造带存在两次大的流体活动,分别对应于早期的(T3-J1)印支运动和晚期的(J3-K1)燕山运动;各断裂的流体来源复杂,城口断裂和鸡鸣寺断裂流体来源多样,有海相沉积水、低温热液及受火成岩影响的变质水,镇巴断裂和坪坝断裂流体来源单一,主要来自与断裂相接触的海相地层中的沉积水.  相似文献   

在牙形石生物地层的基础上,利用塔里木盆地塔北隆起钻井全岩碳同位素数据,结合其他学者公布的碳同位素曲线,探讨了塔里木盆地奥陶纪碳同位素波动特征,并与世界其他地区进行对比。塔里木盆地奥陶纪特马豆克阶-达瑞威尔阶早期碳同位素波动较弱,缺乏可全球对比的波动标志。达瑞威尔阶中期和凯迪阶早期发育明显的碳同位素正漂移,分别对应于国际上的中达瑞威尔阶碳同位素正漂移(MDICE)和加顿伯格碳同位素正漂移(GICE),能够进行全球对比。桑比阶早期牙形石 Pygodus anserinus 带内发育波动幅度达1.4‰的正漂移,其可能仅在部分地区分布,暂时命名为早桑比阶碳同位素正漂移(ESICE)。凯迪阶中后期碳同位素波动特征目前还不清楚,晚奥陶世赫南特阶碳同位素正漂移(HICE)在塔里木盆地也未见报道。MDICE 和 GICE 可作为塔里木盆地中上奥陶统的等时对比标志。  相似文献   

In order to identify the sources of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in airborne PM2.5 in Hangzhou, OC and EC were oxidized to CO2 offline in two thermal steps, and their carbon isotope compositions were measured by mass spectrometer. Results showed that the average δ13COC values were -52.8‰, -48.1‰, -50.0‰ and -52.5‰ in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, respectively, and the annual average value was -50.9‰ (-85.0‰ to -35.6‰), whereas δ13CEC values were -26.4‰, -26.9‰, -26.7‰ and -25.9‰ in the four seasons, and its annual value was -26.5‰ (-30.5‰ to -23.8‰). Large differences were found between isotope compositions of the two types of carbon. δ13COC values were much smaller than those of δ13CEC, and varied in a large range, and the ratios in both spring and winter were the smallest. δ13CEC varied in a small range, and its mean values in four seasons were nearly the same. This suggests that the carbon isotope compositions of OC and EC in PM2.5 can provide useful information in distinguishing their sources.  相似文献   

Surface soil samples collected over a high spatial resolution in eastern China were analyzed for carbon isotope composition(δ 13C) of total organic carbon(TOC) and higher plant-derived long-chain n-alkanes,with the latter reported as weighted mean values.The two sets of δ 13C values are significantly correlated and show similar trends in spatial variation.The spatial distribution of δ 13C shows less negative values in the mid-latitudes between 31°N and 40°N and more negative ones at higher and lower latitudes.This is consistent with previously reported carbon isotope data from surface soil phytoliths in the same region and suggests that the mid-latitude area provides relatively favorable growing conditions for C4 plants.Furthermore,δ 13C values of both TOC and long-chain n-alkanes from 12 surface soil samples collected from a small grassland in north China displayed similar carbon isotope values and the difference between paired δ 13C of a soil samples remains relatively constant.Our data demonstrate that in eastern China,soil δ 13C composition of both TOC and long-chain n-alkanes is effective indicators of C3/C4 ratios of the prevailing vegetation.This work suggests that -22‰ and -32‰ are good estimated end members for the weighted mean δ 13C values of long-chain n-alkanes(C27,C29 and C31 n-alkanes) from soils under dominant C4 or C3 vegetation,allowing us to reconstruct paleovegetation trends.  相似文献   

贵州瓮安陡山沱组碳同位素特征及古海洋意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对贵州瓮安含磷岩系剖面进行碳同位素分析,对震旦纪陡山沱期的成磷事件、生物事件及古海洋环境的变化进行了研究。瓮安大塘剖面陡山沱组碳酸盐岩碳同位素值表现为正偏移的趋势,与其他地区同期碳同位素变化趋势相似。这与大冰期后生物生产率的提高有关,其中的负偏移与环境的波动相关,环境的快速变化刺激了生物的进化。穿岩洞剖面上磷矿段的黑色碳质磷块岩获得的较低的有机碳同位素值与浮游生物吸收12 C有关,体现了生物有机质聚磷作用。该时期的碳酸盐岩碳同位素值的正偏移、磷矿的沉积与生物事件之间有一定的关联性,大洋深部的缺氧事件使底水富磷质;随着古海洋流通性的提高,富磷海水随上升洋流运移到浅海沉积成矿,并为生物圈供应营养物质,进而引发生物竞争及推动进化。  相似文献   

以四川盆地东部合川盐井溪剖面三叠系嘉陵江组第二段的盐溶角砾岩-次生灰岩为重点研究对象,在薄片观察、阴极发光和元素分析的基础上,探讨了盐溶角砾岩-次生灰岩和相邻地层中微晶灰岩、微晶白云岩的元素地球化学特征和碳、氧同位素组成。研究表明:盐溶角砾岩-次生灰岩锰、锶的质量分数和δ~(13) C、δ~(18) O平均值分别为268×10~(-6)、120×10~(-6)、-5.80‰和-8.97‰,微晶灰岩锰、锶的质量分数和δ~(13) C、δ~(18) O平均值分别为142×10~(-6)、767×10~(-6)、-1.60‰和~(-6).31‰。与相邻地层的微晶灰岩相比,盐溶角砾岩-次生灰岩具有较高的锰含量、较低的锶含量、较负的碳、氧同位素组成,显示盐溶角砾岩-次生灰岩的地球化学特征代表了表生成岩环境,其碳源主要与近地表大气水环境的CO_2有关,并可能掺和细菌硫酸盐还原作用产生的CO_2,氧除与近地表大气水有关外,并可能继承了硫酸盐中的氧;微晶灰岩则对海水地球化学信息具有更好的代表性。相邻地层微晶白云岩的锰、锶的质量分数和δ~(13) C、δ~(18) O平均值分别为291×10~(-6)、98×10~(-6)、-0.30‰和-4.23‰,具有和盐溶角砾岩-次生灰岩类似的锰、锶含量和较正的碳、氧同位素组成,碳同位素可能较好地代表了同期海水,氧同位素则代表了蒸发海水。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩碳氧稳定同位素地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中-下奥陶统碳酸盐岩储层是塔里木盆地塔中地区的主要油气产层.利用碳氧稳定同位素的分布特征和变化规律,可分析影响碳酸盐岩沉积环境和成岩作用的因素.中-下奥陶统的碳酸盐岩可在垂向上把δ13C和δ18O值的变化趋势划分为三段,二者的变化趋势是一致的.中-上奥陶统岩层碳氧稳定同位素比值明显下降,证明中-下奥陶统经历过一次短暂的抬升暴露和随后的大面积海水加深淹没事件.海水淹没时期,大量C转到海水之中,海水中沉淀出的碳酸盐岩的δ13C值相对较低.  相似文献   

Although the distribution of mono-,di-and trimethylated 2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-Trimethyltrideeyl) chromans(MTTCs) is well understood as an indicator of water salinity,their origin and formation mechanism are still ambiguous and under debate.In this paper,abnormally high levels of MTTCs were detected in Cenozoic saline lacustrine source rocks from the Western Qaidam Basin.Using a two-step column chromatography method,the MTTCs and naphthalenes were separated from other aromatic compounds and concentrated in one fraction,so that the stable carbon isotope compositions of these compounds could be accurately measured.Similar carbon isotope ratios for the mono-,di-and trimethylated 2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-Trimethyltrideeyl) chromans in a given sample suggest the MTTCs may share the same biological source(s).The MTTCs from the Western Qaidam Basin have similar carbon isotope compositions to primary producer-derived pristane and phytane.However,the ? 13C values for the MTTCs showed significant differences with other primary producers-derived biomarkers(e.g.C27 and C29 steranes),probably indicating a distinct microalgae source from specific niches for the MTTC compounds.We speculate that the MTTCs distribution patterns may be controlled by the water chemistry dynamics in niches,which,in turn,is affected by hypersaline bottom water.  相似文献   

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