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Blocking of cortical inhibitory synapses by intravenous lidocaine   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
K Tanaka  M Yamasaki 《Nature》1966,209(5019):207-208

Two networks of electrically coupled inhibitory neurons in neocortex   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
Gibson JR  Beierlein M  Connors BW 《Nature》1999,402(6757):75-79
Inhibitory interneurons are critical to sensory transformations, plasticity and synchronous activity in the neocortex. There are many types of inhibitory neurons, but their synaptic organization is poorly understood. Here we describe two functionally distinct inhibitory networks comprising either fast-spiking (FS) or low-threshold spiking (LTS) neurons. Paired-cell recordings showed that inhibitory neurons of the same type were strongly interconnected by electrical synapses, but electrical synapses between different inhibitory cell types were rare. The electrical synapses were strong enough to synchronize spikes in coupled interneurons. Inhibitory chemical synapses were also common between FS cells, and between FS and LTS cells, but LTS cells rarely inhibited one another. Thalamocortical synapses, which convey sensory information to the cortex, specifically and strongly excited only the FS cell network. The electrical and chemical synaptic connections of different types of inhibitory neurons are specific, and may allow each inhibitory network to function independently.  相似文献   

In the cerebral cortex, local circuits consist of tens of thousands of neurons, each of which makes thousands of synaptic connections. Perhaps the biggest impediment to understanding these networks is that we have no wiring diagrams of their interconnections. Even if we had a partial or complete wiring diagram, however, understanding the network would also require information about each neuron's function. Here we show that the relationship between structure and function can be studied in the cortex with a combination of in vivo physiology and network anatomy. We used two-photon calcium imaging to characterize a functional property--the preferred stimulus orientation--of a group of neurons in the mouse primary visual cortex. Large-scale electron microscopy of serial thin sections was then used to trace a portion of these neurons' local network. Consistent with a prediction from recent physiological experiments, inhibitory interneurons received convergent anatomical input from nearby excitatory neurons with a broad range of preferred orientations, although weak biases could not be rejected.  相似文献   

Stable propagation of synchronous spiking in cortical neural networks   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Diesmann M  Gewaltig MO  Aertsen A 《Nature》1999,402(6761):529-533
The classical view of neural coding has emphasized the importance of information carried by the rate at which neurons discharge action potentials. More recent proposals that information may be carried by precise spike timing have been challenged by the assumption that these neurons operate in a noisy fashion--presumably reflecting fluctuations in synaptic input and, thus, incapable of transmitting signals with millisecond fidelity. Here we show that precisely synchronized action potentials can propagate within a model of cortical network activity that recapitulates many of the features of biological systems. An attractor, yielding a stable spiking precision in the (sub)millisecond range, governs the dynamics of synchronization. Our results indicate that a combinatorial neural code, based on rapid associations of groups of neurons co-ordinating their activity at the single spike level, is possible within a cortical-like network.  相似文献   

Mammalian prions cause fatal neurodegenerative conditions including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans and scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy in animals. Prion infections are typically associated with remarkably prolonged but highly consistent incubation periods followed by a rapid clinical phase. The relationship between prion propagation, generation of neurotoxic species and clinical onset has remained obscure. Prion incubation periods in experimental animals are known to vary inversely with expression level of cellular prion protein. Here we demonstrate that prion propagation in brain proceeds via two distinct phases: a clinically silent exponential phase not rate-limited by prion protein concentration which rapidly reaches a maximal prion titre, followed by a distinct switch to a plateau phase. The latter determines time to clinical onset in a manner inversely proportional to prion protein concentration. These findings demonstrate an uncoupling of infectivity and toxicity. We suggest that prions themselves are not neurotoxic but catalyse the formation of such species from PrP(C). Production of neurotoxic species is triggered when prion propagation saturates, leading to a switch from autocatalytic production of infectivity (phase 1) to a toxic (phase 2) pathway.  相似文献   

Thymic cortical epithelial cells can present self-antigens in vivo   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
R G Lorenz  P M Allen 《Nature》1989,337(6207):560-562
Antigens present during neonatal life are recognized as self and individuals are tolerant to these antigens. In normal individuals T cells are tolerant to most self proteins but we still know little of the mechanism(s) by which tolerance is established. A requisite part of the current negative selection model of self tolerance is the expression of self proteins complexed with major histocompatibility complex molecules in the thymus. As MHC proteins bind antigens and present them to the receptor on the antigen-specific T cell, then for tolerance to self to occur, it is possible that each self protein must be processed and presented by an MHC molecule. As a result of the development of a unique T-cell hybrid reactive to the self protein murine haemoglobin, we have shown that in normal animals this self protein is continuously processed and potentially presented in an MHC-restricted manner. Here we show that self haemoglobin is being processed and presented by thymic antigen-presenting cells as early as gestational day 14. We also demonstrate that three types of thymic stromal cells, namely macrophages, dendritic cells and cortical epithelial cells, can present the haemoglobin self antigen in vivo. This surprising presentation of a self antigen by thymic cortical epithelial cells implies that they could be involved in T-cell development and negative selection.  相似文献   

Chen X  Leischner U  Rochefort NL  Nelken I  Konnerth A 《Nature》2011,475(7357):501-505
The individual functional properties and spatial arrangement of afferent synaptic inputs on dendrites have a critical role in the processing of information by neurons in the mammalian brain. Although recent work has identified visually-evoked local dendritic calcium signals in the rodent visual cortex, sensory-evoked signalling on the level of dendritic spines, corresponding to individual afferent excitatory synapses, remains unexplored. Here we used a new variant of high-resolution two-photon imaging to detect sensory-evoked calcium transients in single dendritic spines of mouse cortical neurons in vivo. Calcium signals evoked by sound stimulation required the activation of NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors. Active spines are widely distributed on basal and apical dendrites and pure-tone stimulation at different frequencies revealed both narrowly and widely tuned spines. Notably, spines tuned for different frequencies were highly interspersed on the same dendrites: even neighbouring spines were mostly tuned to different frequencies. Thus, our results demonstrate that NMDA-receptor-dependent single-spine synaptic inputs to the same dendrite are highly heterogeneous. Furthermore, our study opens the way for in vivo mapping of functionally defined afferent sensory inputs with single-synapse resolution.  相似文献   

Addition and subtraction by human infants.   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
K Wynn 《Nature》1992,358(6389):749-750
Human infants can discriminate between different small numbers of items, and can determine numerical equivalence across perceptual modalities. This may indicate the possession of true numerical concepts. Alternatively, purely perceptual discriminations may underlie these abilities. This debate addresses the nature of subitization, the ability to quantify small numbers of items without conscious counting. Subitization may involve the holistic recognition of canonical perceptual patterns that do not reveal ordinal relationships between the numbers, or may instead be an iterative or 'counting' process that specifies these numerical relationships. Here I show that 5-month-old infants can calculate the results of simple arithmetical operations on small numbers of items. This indicates that infants possess true numerical concepts, and suggests that humans are innately endowed with arithmetical abilities. It also suggests that subitization is a process that encodes ordinal information, not a pattern-recognition process yielding non-numerical percepts.  相似文献   

Dupont E  Hanganu IL  Kilb W  Hirsch S  Luhmann HJ 《Nature》2006,439(7072):79-83
The immature cerebral cortex self-organizes into local neuronal clusters long before it is activated by patterned sensory inputs. In the cortical anlage of newborn mammals, neurons coassemble through electrical or chemical synapses either spontaneously or by activation of transmitter-gated receptors. The neuronal network and the cellular mechanisms underlying this cortical self-organization process during early development are not completely understood. Here we show in an intact in vitro preparation of the immature mouse cerebral cortex that neurons are functionally coupled in local clusters by means of propagating network oscillations in the beta frequency range. In the newborn mouse, this activity requires an intact subplate and is strongly synchronized within a cortical column by gap junctions. With the developmental disappearance of the subplate at the end of the first postnatal week, activation of NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors in the immature cortical network is essential to generate this columnar activity pattern. Our findings show that during a brief developmental period the cortical network switches from a subplate-driven, gap-junction-coupled syncytium to a synaptic network acting through NMDA receptors to generate synchronized oscillatory activity, which may function as an early functional template for the development of the cortical columnar architecture.  相似文献   

通过实验证实培养的皮质神经元网络存在一种同步自发钙振荡.这种钙振荡是突触活动驱动的,可以被TTX,谷氨酸受体拮抗剂CNQX/APV所阻断.而GABAA受体阻断剂picrotoxin对其没有影响,表明这种自发钙振荡完全依赖于谷氨酸能突触活动.同样证实这种同步自发钙振荡依赖于外钙的内流,而不需要胞内钙库钙的释放,L型钙通道阻断剂nifeclipine完全阻断这种自发钙振荡,表明钙的内流主要通过L型钙通道.  相似文献   

Switching on and off fear by distinct neuronal circuits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Herry C  Ciocchi S  Senn V  Demmou L  Müller C  Lüthi A 《Nature》2008,454(7204):600-606
Switching between exploratory and defensive behaviour is fundamental to survival of many animals, but how this transition is achieved by specific neuronal circuits is not known. Here, using the converse behavioural states of fear extinction and its context-dependent renewal as a model in mice, we show that bi-directional transitions between states of high and low fear are triggered by a rapid switch in the balance of activity between two distinct populations of basal amygdala neurons. These two populations are integrated into discrete neuronal circuits differentially connected with the hippocampus and the medial prefrontal cortex. Targeted and reversible neuronal inactivation of the basal amygdala prevents behavioural changes without affecting memory or expression of behaviour. Our findings indicate that switching between distinct behavioural states can be triggered by selective activation of specific neuronal circuits integrating sensory and contextual information. These observations provide a new framework for understanding context-dependent changes of fear behaviour.  相似文献   

维科的《新科学》借用古埃及人的划分体系将人类分为神的时代、英雄时代和人的时代,尽管程度不同,但构建这一体系的主体都是“人“。每个时代的内容都很纷繁复杂,但却都以13个特征为表征,且在这13个特征之下,有一条暗线即人类理性发展的程度将三个时代区分开来。最后,社会并没有在第三个时代止步,而是以螺旋式上升的态势继续向前发展。  相似文献   

Modulation of visual cortical plasticity by acetylcholine and noradrenaline   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
M F Bear  W Singer 《Nature》1986,320(6058):172-176
During a critical period of postnatal development, the temporary closure of one eye in kittens will permanently shift the ocular dominance (OD) of neurones in the striate cortex to the eye that remains open. The OD plasticity can be substantially reduced if the cortex is infused continuously with the catecholamine neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) during the period of monocular deprivation, an effect that has been attributed to selective depletion of cortical noradrenaline. However, several other methods causing noradrenaline (NA) depletion leave the plasticity intact. Here we present a possible explanation for the conflicting results. Combined destruction of the cortical noradrenergic and cholinergic innervations reduces the physiological response to monocular deprivation although lesions of either system alone are ineffective. We also find that 6-OHDA can interfere directly with the action of acetylcholine (ACh) on cortical neurones. Taken together, our results suggest that intracortical 6-OHDA disrupts plasticity by interfering with both cholinergic and noradrenergic transmission and raise the possibility that ACh and NA facilitate synaptic modifications in the striate cortex by a common molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

Tomita S  Adesnik H  Sekiguchi M  Zhang W  Wada K  Howe JR  Nicoll RA  Bredt DS 《Nature》2005,435(7045):1052-1058
AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid) receptors mediate fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the brain. These ion channels rapidly deactivate and desensitize, which determine the time course of synaptic transmission. Here, we find that the AMPA receptor interacting protein, stargazin, not only mediates AMPA receptor trafficking but also shapes synaptic responses by slowing channel deactivation and desensitization. The cytoplasmic tail of stargazin determines receptor trafficking, whereas the ectodomain controls channel properties. Stargazin alters AMPA receptor kinetics by increasing the rate of channel opening. Disrupting the interaction of stargazin ectodomain with hippocampal AMPA receptors alters the amplitude and shape of synaptic responses, establishing a crucial function for stargazin in controlling the efficacy of synaptic transmission in the brain.  相似文献   

关系数据库是具有严格数学模型的一种数据库系统,该系统有效地解决了数据存储和数据应用问题;除法运算是关系数据库的基本运算之一,在MS SQL里面较难实现相关操作.文章利用谓词逻辑的基本推理方法有效地分解了除法运算的基本过程,给出了除法运算的基本语义,并对除法运算提供了有效的SQL实现手段,从而提供了MS SQL实现除法运算的有效手段,也为MS SQL有关的教学提供了操作模式.  相似文献   

Engineering stability in gene networks by autoregulation   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
Becskei A  Serrano L 《Nature》2000,405(6786):590-593

网络的普及使各企事业单位建立了自己的内部网络(INTRANET),但计算机用户数量的增加,特别虽单位实现了办公自动化,如:各种管理信息系统的实施,使网络管理日趋复杂,把所有机器混杂在一起管理,显然不是一个好的解决办法,本文将从网络层的角度出发,介绍一种在风格拓扑结构上实现网络的分组管理的方法--子网划分。  相似文献   

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