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一般截面复合曲梁在复杂受力下的正应力研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
给出了一般截面形状的复合曲梁在复杂载荷作用下正应力的计算公式,作为特殊情况,该梁在平面弯曲时的相应公式也可以从上述公式得到。最后给出了计算实例。  相似文献   

硅对盐胁迫下杨树叶片细胞超微结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了杨树在不同程度盐胁迫下加硅处理30d后,叶片细胞超微结构的变化。结果表明,无硅条件下,随着盐胁迫浓度的增加和时间的延长,杨树叶肉细胞内叶绿体类囊体扭曲、变形、松散,嗜锇颗粒增多,外膜逐渐断裂解体,局部消失,细胞核固缩,核物质凝聚,核膜不清晰。盐质量浓度为40g/L比盐质量浓度为20g/L和30g/L的处理对叶片细胞结构的损伤程度更为严重。盐胁迫下加硅后杨树叶肉细胞细胞器损伤得到明显改善,表现为叶绿体类囊体排列有序,嗜锇颗粒略有增多,细胞核基本完好,局部核物质凝聚。施硅质量浓度为05g/L比施10g/L的效果显著,且对盐质量浓度为20g/L和30g/L的缓解效果比质量浓度为40g/L的更为明显。  相似文献   

TiNi形状记忆合金回复力模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过修正Clausius Clapeyron方程 ,使之在马氏体分数不断变化的条件下仍然适用 ,并在此基础上建立了TiNi形状记忆合金的回复力模型 ,模型中的参数均可通过实验确定 .利用此模型 ,使用典型的TiNi形状记忆合金性能参数 ,计算得到了TiNi形状记忆合金回复力与温度的关系曲线 ;与实验测试曲线的对比表明 ,本模型在大的预应变条件下与实验结果是吻合的  相似文献   

Role of cell shape in growth control   总被引:82,自引:0,他引:82  
J Folkman  A Moscona 《Nature》1978,273(5661):345-349
Tissue culture plastic adhesivity was precisely varied by applying different concentrations of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate). The extent of cell spreading was thus accurately controlled so that cells cultured on these substrata could be held at any one of a graded series of quantitated cell shapes. Cell shape was found to be tightly coupled to DNA synthesis and growth in nontransformed cells. These findings suggest a mechanism that is important in growth control of mammalian cells, and provide a more fundamental interpretation of such phenomena as density dependent inhibition of cell growth and anchorage dependence.  相似文献   

本文给出Hilbert空间上保内积映射和保距映射的完全刻画.设H,K是实(或复)Hilbert空间,φ:H→为一映射,我们证明了φ为保内积映射的充要条件是φ为线性等距算子;φ为保距映射且φ0=0的充要条件是φ为线性等距算子;而φ为保距映射的充要条件是φ为一个平移映射与一个线性等距算子的复合.  相似文献   

Pattern adaptation is one of the fundamental sensory processes in the visual system. In this study, we compared pattern adaptation induced by two types of sinusoidal drifting grating in dLGN cells of cat. The two types of grating have the same parameters (e.g. spatial frequency,temporal frequency and contrast) except their pattern shapes,one of which is normal grating and the other annular grating.The results suggested that the annular grating elicited stronger response and stronger pattern adaptation than the normal grating. This is consistent with the adaptation and aftereffect to the two types of drifting gratings seen in psychology and may reflect the subcortical neural mechanism underlying these psychological phenomena.  相似文献   

用不同浓度的NaCl或外源过氧化氢(H_2O_2)溶液处理野生型(WT)拟南芥和交替氧化酶(alternative oxidase,AOX)基因反义抑制突变体(AS-12)拟南芥,发现随NaCl和过氧化氢浓度的增加,两种拟南芥幼根生长速率降低,且出现了明显的细胞死亡。在50和100 mM NaCl或在50 mM H_2O_2处理下,与WT植株相比,AS-12植株幼根的生长速率更低,且组织的细胞死亡程度也更加明显。150 mM NaCl或100及200 mM H_2O_2处理导致AS-12与WT幼根的生长停止和严重的细胞死亡,但两种植株幼根在生长速率和细胞死亡程度上无明显差别。以上实验结果说明交替氧化酶在一定水平的盐胁迫和氧化压力下能够影响幼根的生长和细胞死亡的发生。  相似文献   

依据轴变论思想,结合结构力学的力学机理,研究了适应高水平应力软岩煤巷的断面形状.研究表明"平顶弧帮"形巷道围岩承载、抗弯、自稳能力均优于直墙矩形巷道.通过UDEC数值模拟,从破坏场、应力场和位移场等方面分别验证了弧墙的优越性,特别是对煤巷的两帮变形能起到更有效的控制作用.  相似文献   

系统地阐述了应激及其脑机制,并结合决策领域研究,梳理了应激对社会决策的影响.针对以往研究结论的不一致性,从多角度进行解释和分析,并指出未来研究应注重从应激源的类型和强度、个体差异以及时间效应等角度深入考察应激对脑功能和社会决策的影响.  相似文献   

振动时效消除金属构件残余应力效果检测   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用盲孔法对几种大型焊接结构进行了未时效,热时效,振动时效前后的残余应力测试分析,证明了振动时效在降低和均化焊接残余应力上,比现有的热时效工效果更好,振动时效是一项可行的新技术。  相似文献   

本文以湖北宜昌三峡库区马家沟侏罗纪红砂岩为对象,对岩石试样开展点荷载和单轴抗压强度试验,研究常见的试样形状(圆柱体、方块体、不规则块体)对点荷载强度的影响。研究结果显示:对于不同形状的试样,确定好合适的形状修正指数m,形状效应对点荷载强度IS(50)的影响可以忽略;同时了对比了国内外不同规范m取值的影响,综合分析后,推荐该地区红砂岩标准试样的修正指数m取0.5,非标准试样的修正指数m取0.42;结合红砂岩室内单轴抗压强度的试验结果,得到了适用于该地区红砂岩点荷载强度IS(50)与单轴抗压强度UCS的经验转换关系式。  相似文献   

Y型偏心支撑钢框架受力性能有限元分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对5个具有不同耗能梁段长度的Y型偏心支撑钢框架的滞回性能与耗能梁段的耗能性能进行了非线性有限元分析.研究表明:Y型偏心支撑钢框架具有良好的耗能性能和延性,耗能梁段能够充分发挥耗能和变形的作用;耗能梁段的长度对Y型偏心支撑钢框架的强度、刚度、延性和耗能性能均产生明显的影响,耗能梁段越短,其塑性变形越大,Y型偏心支撑钢框架的承载力越高,耗能梁段过长钢框架的抗震性能越差.  相似文献   

使用染色石膏颗粒研究颗粒破碎过程中的形状演化,采用基于正交视图的拍照识别方法获取颗粒形状,借助Weibull分布函数对颗粒形状的统计分布进行定量表征,分析了染色石膏颗粒一维压缩破碎前后的颗粒形状特征。结果表明:破碎产生的颗粒与亲代颗粒粒径相差越大,其表面越粗糙、圆度越差、越扁平,且形状因子分布越不均匀;存活颗粒相比亲代颗粒形状变得更规则,形状因子分布趋向于均一化,而破碎颗粒的形状演化则完全相反;由于整体试样既包含存活颗粒又包含破碎颗粒,其形状演化规律未表现出明显的一致性。  相似文献   

Dehydrins, known as the D-11 subgroup of late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein, are an immunologically distinct family of proteins, which typically accumulate in desiccation-tolerant seed embryo or in vegetative tissues in response to various environmental stresses such as drought, salinity and freezing. The existence of conservative sequences designated as K, S, and Y segments is a structural feature of dehydrins, and the K segment found in all dehydrins represents a highly conserved 15 amino acid motif (EKKGIMDKIKEKLPG) and forms an amphiphilicα-helix. According to the arrangement of these domains and clustering analysis, dehydrins are subdivided into 5 subtypes: YnSK, Kn, KnS, SKn and YnK. Different types of dehydrins are induced by different environmental stress in plants. Study results showed that dehydrins might play important protective roles under abiotic stress via a number of different mechanisms, including improving or protecting enzyme activities by the cryoprotective activity in responding to freeze/thaw or dehydration; stabilizing vesicles or other endomembrane structures by function as the membrane stabilizer during freeze induced dehydration, and preventing the membrane system from the oxidative damage induced by reactive oxygen radicals as the radical scavenger. Here, the gene expression and molecular mechanisms of dehydrin in response to stress in plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Dehydrins, known as the D-11 subgroup of late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein, are an immunologically distinct family of proteins, which typically accumulate in desiccation-tolerant seed embryo or in vegetative tissues in response to various environmental stresses such as drought, salinity and freezing. The existence of conservative sequences designated as K, S, and Y segments is a structural feature of dehydrins, and the K segment found in all dehydrins represents a highly conserved 15 amino acid motif (EKKGIMDKIKEKLPG) and forms an amphiphilic α-helix. According to the arrangement of these domains and clustering analysis, dehydrins are subdivided into 5 subtypes: YnSK, Kn, KnS, SKn and YnK. Different types of dehydrins are induced by different environmental stress in plants. Study results showed that dehydrins might play important protective roles under abiotic stress via a number of different mechanisms, including improving or protecting enzyme activities by the cryoprotective activity in responding to freeze/thaw or dehydration; stabilizing vesicles or other endomembrane structures by function as the membrane stabilizer during freeze induced dehydration, and preventing the membrane system from the oxidative damage induced by reactive oxygen radicals as the radical scavenger. Here, the gene expression and molecular mechanisms of dehydrin in response to stress in plants are discussed.  相似文献   

为研究人行桥在不同环境激励下的振动响应规律,采用Hilbert-Huang变换对某人行桥在噪声激励、车辆荷载、行人荷载以及车辆-行人荷载耦合激励条件下的加速度响应进行分析。结果表明:噪声激励、车辆荷载、人行荷载、车辆-行人耦合激励条件下人行桥的加速度响应幅值逐渐增大,脉冲指标呈逐渐增加的趋势,功率谱幅值不断向高频段偏移。四种激励下,人行桥的加速度响应经过EMD分解后的前五阶IMF的方差贡献率及相关系数较大,且瞬时振幅和瞬时频率呈减小趋势;其能量分布随加速度幅值的增大逐渐增大,车辆荷载作用下其能量熵值最小,能量分布相对均匀。Hilbert-Huang变换对处理复杂环境激励下的桥梁振动响应具有较好的识别效果,本文的分析过程可为同类振动信号处理所借鉴。  相似文献   

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