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Anomalous 17O compositions in massive sulphate deposits on the Earth   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bao H  Thiemens MH  Farquhar J  Campbell DA  Lee CC  Heine K  Loope DB 《Nature》2000,406(6792):176-178
The variation of delta 18O that results from nearly all physical, biological and chemical processes on the Earth is approximately twice as large as the variation of delta 17O. This so-called 'mass-dependent' fractionation is well documented in terrestrial minerals. Evidence for 'mass-independent' fractionation (delta 17O = delta 17O-0.52 delta 18O), where deviation from this tight relationship occurs, has so far been found only in meteoritic material and a few terrestrial atmospheric substances. In the rock record it is thought that oxygen isotopes have followed a mass-dependent relationship for at least the past 3.7 billion years, and no exception to this has been encountered for terrestrial solids. Here, however, we report oxygen-isotope values of two massive sulphate mineral deposits, which formed in surface environments on the Earth but show large isotopic anomalies (delta 17O up to 4.6%). These massive sulphate deposits are gypcretes from the central Namib Desert and the sulphate-bearing Miocene volcanic ash-beds in North America. The source of this isotope anomaly might be related to sulphur oxidation reactions in the atmosphere and therefore enable tracing of such oxidation. These findings also support the possibility of a chemical origin of variable isotope anomalies on other planets, such as Mars.  相似文献   

根据一维无限深势阱的归一化条件推出了一个反常积分公式。  相似文献   

Unique structure of murine interleukin-2 as deduced from cloned cDNAs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a lymphokine originally described as a humoral factor required for the continued proliferation of activated T-cell clones. It also seems to be involved in the mitogenic response of thymocytes, in augmenting natural killer cell activity, in the generation of cytotoxic T cells and in the induction of other lymphokines such as gamma-interferon and a B-cell growth factor (BCGF-1). More recently, there has been evidence for the involvement of IL-2 per se in the stimulation of B-cell growth (ref. 10 and T. Kishimoto and J. Vilcek, personal communications). We have reported previously the cloning and expression of a human IL-2 complementary DNA. The cDNA encodes biologically active IL-2 which would consist of 153 amino acids, including a signal sequence. Because so much of the work on IL-2 has been done in the human and mouse, we sought to obtain cDNA encoding murine IL-2, and we now report the cloning, expression and sequence analysis of murine IL-2 cDNAs. The longest cDNA insert encodes a polypeptide of 169 amino acids, containing unique repeats of a CAG sequence which would encode 12 consecutive glutamine residues within the active IL-2 molecule.  相似文献   

Ireland TR  Holden P  Norman MD  Clarke J 《Nature》2006,440(7085):776-778
Differences in isotopic abundances between meteorites and rocks on Earth leave unclear the true composition of the gas out of which the Solar System formed. The Sun should have preserved in its outer layers the original composition, and recent work has indicated that the solar wind is enriched in 16O, relative to Earth, Mars and bulk meteorites. This suggests that self-shielding of CO due to photo-dissociation, which is a well understood process in molecular clouds, also led to evolution in the isotopic abundances in the early Solar System. Here we report measurements of oxygen isotopic abundances in lunar grains that were recently exposed to the solar wind. We find that 16O is underabundant, opposite to an earlier finding based on studies of ancient metal grains. Our result, however, is more difficult to understand within the context of current models, because there is no clear way to make 16O more abundant in Solar System rocks than in the Sun.  相似文献   

NO and N2O fluxes from agricultural soils in Beijing area   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chinese agriculture represents one of the most intensively managed agroecosystems in the world. Typical nitrogen fertilization rates are more than three times those of the world' s average, resulting in dramatically accelerated nitrogen cycling in China. In this study, we have examined NO and N2O exchange in the upland agricultural systems of Beijing area. Inorganic and organic fertilizer treatments were arranged in order to evaluate their impact on the magnitude and proportion of trace gas emissions. Increasing inorganic fertilization rates showed a highly significant impact upon emissions of both NO and N2O. Organic matter amendment did not have a statistically significant impact on the N-gas fluxes examined here. Overall losses of added nitrogen by NO and N2O emission averaged 1.24% and 0.22% respectively over the range of treatments in this study. Results from our field study indicate that compared with other studies done elsewhere, emissions of reactive nitrogen from agricultural systems in Beijing area are not so large as expected before.  相似文献   

分析黎族、海南回族、仡隆人群中Y染色体单倍型(Y-SNP)的分布,从遗传学角度研究3个人群的起源。选取部分与东亚人群起源相关的Y染色体非重组区单核苷酸多态性位点,采用PCR-RPLF和geno-typing法分析其多态性,观察由这些多态性位点组成的单倍型在海南3个人群中的分布情况,并将结果与其他人群的分布进行比较。结果在黎族人群中发现4种Y染色体单倍型,其中单倍型O*-175为5个支系所共有,且分布频率都在95%以上。回族人群出现4种单倍型,仡隆人群有2种单倍型。由单倍型种类、频率分布及主成分分析均揭示,黎族与台湾原住民及百越最为接近,可能有共同的起源。海南回族与中国北方回族遗传关系较远;仡隆人群与汉族差异较大,而与百越的仡佬族、水族及黎族遗传关系接近。  相似文献   

从MD4衍生的HASH函数解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HASH函数MD4的设计是不基于任何假设和密码体制的,为了增强MD4的安全性和抗攻击程度,由MD4衍生出多种HASH函数如MD5、SHA-1、RIPEMD-160等,讨论了由MD4函数衍生出的MD5、SHA-1、RIPEMD-160算法设计及其安全性,比较分析各函数的相同与不同点.  相似文献   

Stable sulphate clusters as a source of new atmospheric particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kulmala M  Pirjola L  Makela JM 《Nature》2000,404(6773):66-69
The formation of new atmospheric particles with diameters of 3-10 nm has been observed at a variety of altitudes and locations. Such aerosol particles have the potential to grow into cloud condensation nuclei, thus affecting cloud formation as well as the global radiation budget. In some cases, the observed formation rates of new particles have been adequately explained by binary nucleation, involving water and sulphuric acid, but in certain locations--particularly those within the marine boundary layer and at continental sites--observed ambient nucleation rates exceed those predicted by the binary scheme. In these locations, ambient sulphuric acid (H2SO4) levels are typically lower than required for binary nucleation, but are sufficient for ternary nucleation (sulphuric acid-ammonia-water). Here we present results from an aerosol dynamics model with a ternary nucleation scheme which indicate that nucleation in the troposphere should be ubiquitous, and yield a reservoir of thermodynamically stable clusters 1-3 nm in size. We suggest that the growth of these clusters to a detectable size (> 3 nm particle diameter) is restricted by the availability of condensable vapour. Observations of atmospheric particle formation and growth from a continental and a coastal site support this hypothesis, indicating that a growth process including ternary nucleation is likely to be responsible for the formation of cloud condensation nuclei.  相似文献   

H Saito  D M Kranz  Y Takagaki  A C Hayday  H N Eisen  S Tonegawa 《Nature》1984,309(5971):757-762
Two related, but distinct, cDNA clones have been isolated and sequenced from a functional murine cytotoxic T-lymphocyte clone. The genes corresponding to these cDNA are expressed and rearranged specifically in T cells and both have similarities to immunoglobulin variable and constant region genes. It is concluded that these genes code for the two subunits of the heterodimeric antigen receptor on the surface of the T cell; its complete deduced primary structure is presented.  相似文献   

黑龙江地区小麦麸皮化学组成分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以我国黑龙江地区的小麦麸皮为原料,对其化学组成成分进行了定量分析,实验测得小麦麸皮中灰分质量分数5.41%、木质素质量分数6.01%、淀粉质量分数25.90%、脂肪质量分数3.45%、戊聚糖质量分数19.42%、综纤维素质量分数46.05%、纤维素的质量分数2.35%及总糖质量分数89.62%,实验结果表明,黑龙江地区的小麦麸皮中综纤维素含量较高,其中以半纤维素为主;戊聚糖含量较高,木质素含量低,易于提取戊聚糖,适应于作为制备功能性食品低聚糖的原料。  相似文献   

Huang  FuXiang  Liu  NianQing  Zhao  MingXian  Wang  ShuRong  Huang  Yu 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(10):943-948
The FY-3 satellite is a second-generation Chinese polar-orbit meteorological satellite.The Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Sounder (SBUS),one of the main payloads on the FY-3 satellite,is the first Chinese ozone-monitoring instrument on a meteorological satellite.As part of the in-orbit validation of FY-3,we carried out a retrieval trial using measurements from SBUS during the period of 17-30 July,2008,and compared those data with measurements and retrieved profiles from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric A...  相似文献   

Plants and soils as indicators of metals in the air   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
G T Goodman  T M Roberts 《Nature》1971,231(5301):287-292

目的 :对大理不同来源的旋毛虫肌肉幼虫形态进行初步研究。方法 :镜下观察旋毛虫幼虫卷曲状态 ,用测微尺随机测量囊包长、宽。结果 :五株不同来源的旋毛虫幼虫多为圆盘状卷曲 ,C1株、C2株和L株旋毛虫幼虫囊包指数不同于S株和A株 ;前者囊包长梭形 ,后者则近似椭圆形。结论 :大理不同来源的旋毛虫幼虫囊包形态存在一定差别 ,但不是旋毛虫种株鉴定的依据。  相似文献   

王昱应  姬炳忠 《河南科学》2002,20(3):230-233
在新参量正方形核素图中 ,在坐标差常数K方向的奇A核素的上界呈现出优美的三点共线对称规律 ,本文分析了以坐标差K =10~ 5上界为基础的三组平行共线对称组 (5 ,7,9) (6 ,8,10 ) ;(1,4,7) (2 ,5 ,8) ;(- 4,0 ,4) (- 3,1,5 )的联系 ,以向上左移的规则在稳定区上方外推出一系列奇A核素 ,以同一规则向下也能推得同类奇A核素 ,它们之间极可能存在着深刻的内在联系。这儿有可能象原子光谱中的可见光区域的两侧存在远红外 ,红外与紫外区域一样。  相似文献   

Langston GI  Conner SR  Lehar J  Burke BF  Weiler KW 《Nature》1990,344(6261):43-45
ELLIPTICAL galaxies acting as gravitational lenses occasionally produce spectacular images-Einstein rings-of distant objects. Giant arcs(1) and radio rings(2) have been observed. A wide variety of image morphologies is possible, the generation of which is qualitatively understood in terms of large magnifications at caustic and critical lines in the lensing geometry(3-5). From the angular size of the image, and with knowledge of the distances of the lensed and lensing object, rough estimates of the mass of the lensing galaxy can be obtained. We have made high-resolution radio-interferometric observations of MG1654 + 1346 (ref. 6) a radio quasar in near-perfect alignment with an elliptical galaxy, and show that radio emission is distorted into a narrow Einstein ring that lies within a diamond-shaped region bounded by caustic lines. From the details of the ring structure, a new model for the lensing geometry is deduced which leads to a more accurate estimate of the mass of the lensing galaxy.  相似文献   

汉字学问博大精深,如何执简御繁、化难为易地教学汉字一直是我们要重视的问题。而目前的汉字教学存在令人担忧的现象,问题的症结在于他们往往局限于现代汉字的字形,忽略汉字古今源流的演变。《汉字源流》的出版为我们提供重要启示:重梳理源流,知其所以然,具备必要的"知识储备";沟通古今,以今文字、常用字为落脚点,做到深入浅出、精彩纷呈;溯源探流,出于学术,归于教学,做到学术由教学而致用;学习和研究汉字当以守正为本,做到科学审慎。  相似文献   

目的:了解纳米Fe2O3和纳米Al2O3颗粒对土壤有机碳分解矿化作用的影响.方法:以若尔盖高寒草甸土为研究对象,采用室内培养实验方法,测定不同纳米材料对土壤呼吸强度的影响.结果:在一个培养试验周期内,添加Al2O3纳米颗粒后土壤呼吸作用增强,添加Fe2O3纳米粒子的土壤呼吸作用变化不明显;随纳米材料加入量增加,土壤呼吸强度的变化无显著差异;结论:Al2O3纳米粒子能够一定程度增强土壤有机碳分解矿化作用,Fe2O3纳米粒子对土壤有机碳分解矿化作用的影响不大.  相似文献   

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