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Dickinson M  Farman G  Frye M  Bekyarova T  Gore D  Maughan D  Irving T 《Nature》2005,433(7023):330-334
Flight in insects--which constitute the largest group of species in the animal kingdom--is powered by specialized muscles located within the thorax. In most insects each contraction is triggered not by a motor neuron spike but by mechanical stretch imposed by antagonistic muscles. Whereas 'stretch activation' and its reciprocal phenomenon 'shortening deactivation' are observed to varying extents in all striated muscles, both are particularly prominent in the indirect flight muscles of insects. Here we show changes in thick-filament structure and actin-myosin interactions in living, flying Drosophila with the use of synchrotron small-angle X-ray diffraction. To elicit stable flight behaviour and permit the capture of images at specific phases within the 5-ms wingbeat cycle, we tethered flies within a visual flight simulator. We recorded images of 340 micros duration every 625 micros to create an eight-frame diffraction movie, with each frame reflecting the instantaneous structure of the contractile apparatus. These time-resolved measurements of molecular-level structure provide new insight into the unique ability of insect flight muscle to generate elevated power at high frequency.  相似文献   

K Trombitas  A Tigyi-Sebes 《Nature》1979,281(5729):319-320
One of the most frequently discussed problems of insect flight muscle morphology is the structure of the thick filaments, especially at the Z line. Many attempts have been to solve these problems but no unequivocal answers have been given so far. It is well known that physiological specialisation is accompanied by certain anatomical features in the myofibrillar level; the myofibrils have very short I bands in the resting state and the muscle acts under nearly isometric conditions. In this paper, a fresh approach is used to demonstrate the fine structure at the Z line in honey bee flight muscle.  相似文献   

M K Reedy  K C Holmes  R T Tregear 《Nature》1965,207(5003):1276-1280

K A Taylor  M C Reedy  L Córdova  M K Reedy 《Nature》1984,310(5975):285-291
Rigor cross-bridges show two conformations paired within each 38.7-nm axial repeat. The two forms may express two stages of the cross-bridge cycle during contraction. Differing numbers of myosin heads per cross-bridge and associated helical changes in the thin filament distinguish the two forms and suggest that both myosin heads usually bind to a single thin filament.  相似文献   

Sliding movement of single actin filaments on one-headed myosin filaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Y Harada  A Noguchi  A Kishino  T Yanagida 《Nature》1987,326(6115):805-808
The myosin molecule consists of two heads, each of which contains an enzymatic active site and an actin-binding site. The fundamental problem of whether the two heads function independently or cooperatively during muscle contraction has been studied by methods using an actomyosin thread, superprecipitation and chemical modification of muscle fibres. No clear conclusion has yet been reached. We have approached this question using an assay system in which sliding movements of fluorescently labelled single actin filaments along myosin filaments can be observed directly. Here, we report direct measurement of the sliding of single actin filaments along one-headed myosin filaments in which the density of heads was varied over a wide range. Our results show that cooperative interaction between the two heads of myosin is not essential for inducing the sliding movement of actin filaments.  相似文献   

H Higuchi  Y E Goldman 《Nature》1991,352(6333):352-354
Muscle contraction is generally thought to be driven by tilting of the 19-nm-long myosin head, part of the thick filament, while attached to actin, part of the thin filament. This motion would produce about 12 nm of filament sliding. Recent estimates of the sliding distance per ATP molecule hydrolysed by actomyosin in vitro vary widely from 8 nm to greater than or equal to 200 nm. The latter value is incompatible with a power stroke incorporating a single tilting motion of the head. We have measured the isotonic sliding distance per ATP molecule hydrolysed during the interaction between myosin and actin in skinned muscle fibres. We directly estimated the proportion of simultaneously attached actomyosin complexes and their ATP use. We report here that at low loads the interaction distance is at least 40 nm. This distance corresponds to the length of the power stroke plus the filament sliding while actomyosin crossbridges bear negative drag forces. If the power stroke is 12 nm, then our results indicate the drag distance to be at least 28 nm. Our results could also be explained by multiple power strokes per ATP molecule hydrolysed.  相似文献   

通过理论模化途径研究昆翅在飞行中的动态形变机制.设计翅气动力试验平台,验证翅准静态形变影响气动力的"柔性楔形效应"理论解释.探讨昆翅的变刚度特性表明,弦向刚度分布规律符合二项式函数时具有优越性和现实性,进而指出昆姻结构的变刚度特性是产生高升力的基本条件.建立了柔性翅的简化力学模型,通过坐标变换法求解在气动力和惯性力共同...  相似文献   

Myosin filaments in vertebrate smooth muscle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J Lowy  F R Poulsen  P J Vibert 《Nature》1970,225(5237):1053-1054

Bidirectional movement of actin filaments along tracks of myosin heads   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Y Y Toyoshima  C Toyoshima  J A Spudich 《Nature》1989,341(6238):154-156
It is well established that muscle contraction results from the relative sliding of actin and myosin filaments. Both filaments have definite polarities and well-ordered structures. Thick filaments, however, are not vital for supporting movement in vitro. Previously we have demonstrated that actin filaments can move continuously on myosin fragments (subfragment-1 or heavy meromyosin (HMM] that are bound to a nitrocellulose surface. Here we report that actin filaments can move in opposite directions on tracks of myosin heads formed when actin filaments decorated with HMM are placed on a nitrocellulose surface. The actin filaments always move forward, frequently changing the direction of the movement, but never move backward reversing the polarity of the movement. The direction of movement is therefore determined by the polarity of the actin filament. These results indicate that myosin heads have considerable flexibility.  相似文献   

Myosin subfragment-1 is sufficient to move actin filaments in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The rotating crossbridge model for muscle contraction proposes that force is produced by a change in angle of the crossbridge between the overlapping thick and thin filaments. Myosin, the major component of the thick filament, is comprised of two heavy chains and two pairs of light chains. Together they form two globular heads, which give rise to the crossbridge in muscle, and a coiled-coil rod, which forms the shaft of the thick filament. The isolated head fragment, subfragment-1 (S1), contains the ATPase and actin-binding activities of myosin (Fig. 1). Although S1 seems to have the requisite enzymatic activity, direct evidence that S1 is sufficient to drive actin movement has been lacking. It has long been recognized that in vitro movement assays are an important approach for identifying the elements in muscle responsible for force generation. Hynes et al. showed that beads coated with heavy meromyosin (HMM), a soluble proteolytic fragment of myosin consisting of a part of the rod and the two heads, can move on Nitella actin filaments. Using the myosin-coated surface assay of Kron and Spudich, Harada et al. showed that single-headed myosin filaments bound to glass support movement of actin at nearly the same speed as intact myosin filaments. These studies show that the terminal portion of the rod and the two-headed nature of myosin are not required for movement. To restrict the region responsible for movement further, we have modified the myosin-coated surface assay by replacing the glass surface with a nitrocellulose film. Here we report that myosin filaments, soluble myosin, HMM or S1, when bound to a nitrocellulose film, support actin sliding movement (Fig. 2). That S1 is sufficient to cause sliding movement of actin filaments in vitro gives strong support to models of contraction that place the site of active movement in muscle within the myosin head.  相似文献   

Thick filaments in unstretched mammalian smooth muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A P Somlyo  C E Devine  A V Somlyo 《Nature》1971,233(5320):218-219

J A Spudich  S J Kron  M P Sheetz 《Nature》1985,315(6020):584-586
Although the biochemical properties of the actin/myosin interaction have been studied extensively using actin activation of myosin ATPase as an assay, until recently no well-defined assay has been available to measure the mechanical properties of ATP-dependent movement of myosin along actin filaments. The first direct measurements of the rate of myosin movement in vitro used a naturally occurring, biochemically ill-defined array of actin filaments from the alga Nitella. We report here the construction of an oriented array of filaments reconstituted from purified muscle actin and the use of this array in a biochemically defined quantitative assay for the directed movement of myosin-coated polystyrene beads. We demonstrate for the first time that actin alone, linked to a substratum by a protein anchor, is sufficient to support movement of myosin at rates consistent with the speeds of muscle contraction and other forms of cell motility.  相似文献   

R J Adams  T D Pollard 《Nature》1986,322(6081):754-756
Eukaryotic cells are dependent on their ability to translocate membraneous elements about the cytoplasm. In many cells long translocations of organelles are associated with microtubules. In other cases, such as the rapid cytoplasmic streaming in some algae, organelles appear to be propelled along actin filaments. It has been assumed, but not proven, that myosin produces these movements. We have tested vesicles from another eukaryotic cell for their ability to move on the exposed actin bundles of Nitella as an indiction that actin-based organelle movements may be a general property of cells. We found that organelles from Acanthamoeba castellanii can move along Nitella actin filaments. Here, we report two different experiments indicating that the single-headed non-polymerizable myosin isozyme myosin-I is responsible for this organelle motility. First, monoclonal antibodies to myosin-I inhibit movement, but antibodies that inhibit double-headed myosin-II do not. Second, approximately 20% of the myosin-I in homogenates co-migrates with motile vesicles during Percoll density-gradient ultracentrifugation. This is the first indication of a role for myosin-I within the cell and supports the suggestion of Albanesi et al. that myosin-I moves vesicles in this way.  相似文献   

Structure of the backbone in myosin filaments of muscle   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
J S Wray 《Nature》1979,277(5691):37-40
New X-ray data suggest how myosin rods, themselves alpha-helical coiled coils, form the thick filament backbone of crustacean muscles by additional supercoiling. Natural transformations of this structure may describe the myosin backbone in many other animals also.  相似文献   

Organization of actin in a mammalian smooth muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
G F Elliott  J Lowy 《Nature》1968,219(5150):156-157

A Morris  J Tannenbaum 《Nature》1980,287(5783):637-639
The altered morphology, disappearance or 'disruption' of actin filaments (microfilaments) in cells treated with cytochalasin has sometimes been attributed to depolymerization of filamentous actin (F-actin) to its globular subunit (G-actin), but attempts to confirm that mechanism have been inconclusive. Treatment of purified actin filaments with cytochalasin B (CB) decreased their viscosity, consistent with depolymerization, which was not, however, revealed by electron microscopy, although the filaments appeared abnormal. CB also increased the ATP-ase activity of F-actin, suggesting that it had been destabilized, while actin filaments in the acrosomal process were not depolymerized. CB or cytochalasin D (CD) can dissolve actin gels (reviewed in ref. 7, see also refs 8 and 9) without depolymerizing their filaments. The 'disrupted' actin structures in CD-treated cells bound heavy meromysin, indicating that at least some of the cellular actin was filamentous. Using a rapid assay for G- and F-actin in cell extracts, based on the inhibition of DNase I, we have found that neither short-nor long-term exposure of HEp-2 cells to CD produce net depolymerization of actin filaments.  相似文献   

Ca2+-sensitive gelation of actin filaments by a new protein factor   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
N Mimura  A Asano 《Nature》1979,282(5734):44-48
Two protein factors which bind to, and induce gelation of, actin filaments were purified from Ehrlich tumour cells. Filamin induced Ca2+-insensitive gelation, whereas a new protein factor ('actinogelin') was found to induce Ca2+-sensitive gelation.  相似文献   

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