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作为相关态解释的自然推论,量子测量的多世界解释理论从诞生以来即被边缘化。半个世纪以后该理论逐渐成为一个倍受争议和关注的理论热点,甚至也被称为新标准解释,这是值得深思的。本文详细探讨多世界解释对于哥本哈根解释的超越,重点分析多世界解释地位确立的原因。  相似文献   

多世界解释理论作为量子测量解释的一种,已经存在了半个多世纪。它从相关态解释开始,经过漫长的沉默期、发展期逐渐成为主流物理学家和哲学家关注的热点。该理论的确立为量子测量问题提出了一致的解释,更为量子理论谋求到坚实的、另类的实在论基础。它捍卫了科学理论的真理性,并揭示了现代量子理论的发展趋势。本文分析多世界理论的哲学根源,概述其在量子测量中的研究路径,探讨其哲学意义,期望有助于人们全面了解多世界理论。  相似文献   

在二十世纪,对于经典的数学概率演算,逐渐形成了四种解释,包括逻辑解释、主观解释、频率解释以及倾向解释.近年来吉利斯还提出了一种新的概率解释,即主体间解释.本文主要论述这种新的概率解释理论,包括主体间解释的思想渊源、主体间概率的形成条件以及主体间概率的角色与定位等方面.  相似文献   

华中科技大学-WISCO联合实验室赵国求研究员新著《从相互作用实在到量子力学曲率解释》已于2008年武汉出版社出版。全书由物质观与科学时空观的演变,相互作用原理,宏、微观质点抽象及作用机制的转换,经典概率、量子概率与概率的可视度解释,量子力学曲率解释中的量子测量,康普顿物质波与规范变  相似文献   

测量问题一直都是量子力学的核心问题,更是量子力学解释得以发展的根基。文章对量子力学中围绕测量问题而产生的几种解释思路进行了分析,对三种新的主流解释进行了说明,另外还对当下最流行的量子力学解释——埃弗雷特解释及其核心问题给出了解答,并对其成为新正统解释的可能性给出分析。  相似文献   

范·弗拉森的量子力学解释理论既是他的量子力学哲学的核心,也是他的建构经验论的科学思想基础。本文主要从量子力学的一般解释理论、量子力学测量问题、测量的模态解释的主要思想、模态解释的意义等四个层次较深入浅出地介绍范·弗拉森的量子力学解释理论。  相似文献   

量子力学的测量问题是量子力学哲学研究中一个重要的认识论问题.针对冯·诺依曼的"波包塌缩"假说和玻尔的"量子-经典"的二元分割,从20世纪50年代起,物理学家提出了一些不同于标准解释的可供选择的解决方案,这些解决方案作为科学理论发展长河中的历史产物,它们的提出表明科学理论的发展总是趋向无矛盾、可理解、可检验的方向.  相似文献   

模态解释:量子力学的新图景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“测量难题”是量子力学中的核心困惑之一。本文所介绍分析的量子力学的模态解释,从一个全新的角度对量子力学做出了解释,它不仅是对“测量难题”认识的最新发展,也是对物理学哲学最新发展主题的深刻剖析。  相似文献   

本文通过对不同量子测量解释的共同基本特征的考察,系统地阐述了量子测量解释中隐含的实在观的三个基本信条,(1)在本体论意义上,承认世界的独立存在性;(2)可以对物理过程进行统计因果性的说明;(3)物理世界具有非分离性或整体性.提出了以这种整体性实在观为前提,对量子力学的实在论解释要求重新审查传统真理观的观点.  相似文献   

多世界理论的范式结构是在相对态解释的基础上,基于不同的理解和视角发展出的包括多世界解释、多心灵解释、多历史解释在内的多种解释范式的集合。整体来说这些解释范式都是对形式体系的一种理解,缺乏经验上和常识上的验证,完全是在理性推理和逻辑演算的基础上加入了个人的理解而做出的论证。因此,要深入理解多世界解释的内涵和本质,需要从整体上对各个解释的范式结构及其转换进行全面的理解和透视。本文将对多世界理论的诸多范式结构转换进行系统的梳理和评述。  相似文献   

We discuss a generalization of the standard notion of probability space and show that the emerging framework, to be called operational probability theory, can be considered as underlying quantal theories. The proposed framework makes special reference to the convex structure of states and to a family of observables which is wider than the familiar set of random variables: it appears as an alternative to the known algebraic approach to quantum probability.  相似文献   

本文阐述了量子力学的实质,介绍了玻姆对量子力学的本体论解释,高度评价共科学-哲学思想的重大意义。  相似文献   

General metaphysical arguments have been proposed in favour of the thesis that all dispositions have categorical bases (Armstrong; Prior, Pargetter, Jackson). These arguments have been countered by equally general arguments in support of ungrounded dispositions (Molnar, Mumford). I believe that this controversy cannot be settled purely on the level of abstract metaphysical considerations. Instead, I propose to look for ungrounded dispositions in specific physical theories, such as quantum mechanics. I explain why non-classical properties such as spin are best interpreted as irreducible dispositional properties, and I give reasons why even seemingly classical properties, for instance position or momentum, should receive a similar treatment when interpreted in the quantum realm. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, I argue that quantum dispositions should not be limited to probabilistic dispositions (propensities) by showing reasons why even possession of well-defined values of parameters should qualify as a dispositional property. I finally discuss the issue of the actuality of quantum dispositions, arguing that it may be justified to treat them as potentialities whose being has a lesser degree of reality than that of classical categorical properties, due to the incompatibility relations between non-commuting observables.  相似文献   

Although the present paper looks upon the formal apparatus of quantum mechanics as a calculus of correlations, it goes beyond a purely operationalist interpretation. Having established the consistency of the correlations with the existence of their correlata (measurement outcomes), and having justified the distinction between a domain in which outcome-indicating events occur and a domain whose properties only exist if their existence is indicated by such events, it explains the difference between the two domains as essentially the difference between the manifested world and its manifestation. A single, intrinsically undifferentiated Being manifests the macroworld by entering into reflexive spatial relations. This atemporal process implies a new kind of causality and sheds new light on the mysterious nonlocality of quantum mechanics. Unlike other realist interpretations, which proceed from an evolving-states formulation, the present interpretation proceeds from Feynman’s formulation of the theory, and it introduces a new interpretive principle, replacing the collapse postulate and the eigenvalue–eigenstate link of evolving-states formulations. Applied to alternatives involving distinctions between regions of space, this principle implies that the spatiotemporal differentiation of the physical world is incomplete. Applied to alternatives involving distinctions between things, it warrants the claim that, intrinsically, all fundamental particles are identical in the strong sense of numerical identical. They are the aforementioned intrinsically undifferentiated Being, which manifests the macroworld by entering into reflexive spatial relations.  相似文献   

In recent times, a particular attention has been devoted to thesignificance of Quantum Theory for other disciplines. The articlescollected in this issue discuss some interesting cases,characterized by an interaction between Quantum Theory andother fields. Some basic notrons of the mathematical formalismof the theory are here summarized.  相似文献   

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