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关于莱布尼茨的一个误传与他对中国易图的解释和猜想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多年来,在我国流行这样一种误传:莱布尼茨是看到《周易》,受到八卦符号的启发才发明了二进制算术。本文根据历史文献说明莱氏早在1679年就已写出关于二进制算术的论文草稿,而在1703年看到宋代邵雍所制的“伏羲六十四卦方圆图”之后才立即修改和发表了他的二进制算术论文。本文进而对莱布尼茨关于伏羲已创建二进制算术的猜想作了分析,并根据历史事实和现代科学认识论述了莱布尼茨对中国易图符号所作解释的实际意义。  相似文献   

二进制算术是计算机科学的数学基础,实际上在许多文化中,早已不自觉地运用了二进制.莱布尼茨并非现代二进制的首创者,但他最初探讨二进制并最终获得优先权,文化因素起了关键性作用.多元文化中的二进制现象以及二进制发展中的文化现象,反映了数学与文化之间的密切关系.  相似文献   

《致德雷蒙先生的信:论中国哲学》是莱布尼茨研究中国古代自然哲学的代表作。本文从理的本质、理与上帝、理一分殊、万物一体以及“鬼神”观诸方面,探讨了莱氏在其文中是怎样理解分析朱熹自然哲学的,从而发掘当时“东学西传”的历史文化蕴义。  相似文献   

本文从技术作为人的在世方式出发去把握其哲学本质,分别从存有论、认识论和方法论的层面去探究.从现象学存有论观点去揭示技术作为人的在世方式的形而上学本质和地位.从认识论层面上表明技术发明实际上也是一种发现的活动.从方法论层面着重探讨技术之作为人的器官的投射.  相似文献   

在十七世纪末、十八世纪初,莱布尼茨创立了与当时渐居主导地位的机械论相对立、以单子为基本范畴的有机论哲学。莱布尼茨的单子有机论并非是毫无根据的玄想,而是有着坚实的科学基础。显微生物学的发展是十七世纪生物学的突出成就,莱布尼茨正是在吸纳显微生物学新成就的基础上创立了单子有机论。单子哲学不仅有着显微生物学基础,而且还蕴涵着与后来生物学发展成果相契合的重要思想。从生物学角度透视单子哲学,不仅有助于理解这一玄奥的理论,而且对当代哲学乃至科学的发展都具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

单子的欲求和前定和谐理论是理解莱布尼茨单子论中的时间观的关键。单子的欲求使得单子持续地从一个状态过渡到下一个状态,从而形成了个体单子的时间序列;由于单子之间以及单子领域和现象领域之间的前定和谐,所有单子的状态变化以及所有现象的变化之间存在着一一对应关系,因此所有单子和现象处于同一时间框架之中。时间只是上帝创世时所预设的一般序列法则,单子和现象的变化都按照一般序列法则依次展开,个体事物的时间序列只是一般序列法则的一个样式。  相似文献   

正正如其他颠覆性的技术,人工智能是数个世纪的艺术想象、哲学反思、科学突破和工程进步合力的产物。神造人的传说,笛卡尔的"身心二元论",霍布斯关于一切心灵活动都可以被还原为加减乘除的断言,莱布利兹的二进制,巴贝奇的可编程机械计算器,布尔的0和1为结论赋值的代数,罗素悖论,希尔伯特关于算术公理的相容性问  相似文献   

布加耶夫是19世纪末20世纪初俄罗斯著名的数学家、哲学家,是莫斯科大学哲学与数学学派的创始人。他在数学研究中针对"分析学"中的连续函数思想,提出了一种"算术学"的间断函数思想,并形成他的"算术化"数学哲学和"进化单子论"哲学思想,为数学和力学后续发展中的稳定性理论、动力系统理论、分岔和突变理论奠定了坚实的思想基础。  相似文献   

把机体的假说作为哲学的基础应归功于莱布尼茨。撇开现象的数学物理秩序,深入实体的形而上学秩序,理解机体系列生长的共同根据,在原始力量中寻找派生力量的基础是莱布尼茨单子论的任务。单子论呈现了一个动态的、关系的宇宙图景,强调了实在的不确定性,指出了完满的协调、完整秩序和宇宙统一的可能性。怀特海的机体哲学是以单子论为出发点,以现代科学为基础对关系本体论和动态宇宙观的深化。  相似文献   

人类一直渴望预知生死,然而世间并没有如此强大的神灵。但近日美国研究人员宣称,他们已经发明了一种“死亡计算器”,只要输入你的性别、年龄、地域等信息,它就能预测出你的死亡时间和死亡原因。计算器能够预测死亡 据美国LiveScience网站报道,  相似文献   

Directed binary hierarchies have been introduced in order to give a graphical reduced representation of a family of association rules. This type of structure extends the classical binary hierarchical classification in a very specific way. In this paper an accurate formalization of this new structure is studied. A directed hierarchy is defined as a set of ordered pairs of subsets of the initial individual set satisfying specific conditions. A new notion of directed ultrametricity is studied. The main result consists in establishing a bijective correspondence between a directed ultrametric space and a directed binary hierarchy. Finally, an algorithm is proposed in order to transform a directed ultrametric structure into a graphical representation associated with a directed binary hierarchy.  相似文献   

A Binary Integer Program to Maximize the Agreement Between Partitions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This research note focuses on a problem where the cluster sizes for two partitions of the same object set are assumed known; however, the actual assignments of objects to clusters are unknown for one or both partitions. The objective is to find a contingency table that produces maximum possible agreement between the two partitions, subject to constraints that the row and column marginal frequencies for the table correspond exactly to the cluster sizes for the partitions. This problem was described by H. Messatfa (Journal of Classification, 1992, pp. 5–15), who provided a heuristic procedure based on the linear transportation problem. We present an exact solution procedure using binary integer programming. We demonstrate that our proposed method efficiently obtains optimal solutions for problems of practical size. We would like to thank the Editor, Willem Heiser, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments that resulted in improvements of this article.  相似文献   

Probabilistic feature models (PFMs) can be used to explain binary rater judgements about the associations between two types of elements (e.g., objects and attributes) on the basis of binary latent features. In particular, to explain observed object-attribute associations PFMs assume that respondents classify both objects and attributes with respect to a, usually small, number of binary latent features, and that the observed object-attribute association is derived as a specific mapping of these classifications. Standard PFMs assume that the object-attribute association probability is the same according to all respondents, and that all observations are statistically independent. As both assumptions may be unrealistic, a multilevel latent class extension of PFMs is proposed which allows objects and/or attribute parameters to be different across latent rater classes, and which allows to model dependencies between associations with a common object (attribute) by assuming that the link between features and objects (attributes) is fixed across judgements. Formal relationships with existing multilevel latent class models for binary three-way data are described. As an illustration, the models are used to study rater differences in product perception and to investigate individual differences in the situational determinants of anger-related behavior.  相似文献   

Many similarity coefficients for binary data are defined as fractions. For certain resemblance measures the denominator may become zero. If the denominator is zero the value of the coefficient is indeterminate. It is shown that the seriousness of the indeterminacy problem differs with the resemblance measures. Following Batagelj and Bren (1995) we remove the indeterminacies by defining appropriate values in critical cases. The author would like to thank three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and valuable suggestions on earlier versions of this article.  相似文献   

Bounds of Resemblance Measures for Binary (Presence/Absence) Variables   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Bounds of association coefficients for binary variables are derived using the arithmetic-geometric-harmonic mean inequality. More precisely, it is shown which presence/absence coefficients are bounds with respect to each other. Using the new bounds it is investigated whether a coefficient is in general closer to either its upper or its lower bound. The author would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and valuable suggestions on earlier versions of this article.  相似文献   

对脉冲双星PSR1913+16引力辐射计算的一个注解   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
苑新喜 《中国基础科学》2011,13(6):12-13,22
本文在牛顿的万有引力定律与爱因斯坦的狭义相对论之间找到一个理论结合点,使质电类比更具理据,以此对陈永明的脉冲双星PSR1913+16引力辐射的计算提供一个注解。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代初的中国真正开始致力于建立一种具有自治权和学术自由精神的现代大学。本文以蔡元培时期的北京大学和郭秉文时期的东南大学为例,探讨20世纪20年代前后军阀政治与政党政治交替之际,大学内部职权与政治、学术、市场多重互动的复杂关系,并对两所大学的内部职权运行体系进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

探讨中医术语“肝”的起源与演变,可以发现“肝”的“能指/所指”关系发生过多次转移:物质实体→功能概念→物质实体。“肝”的组合关系和聚合关系,揭示了“肝”的意义指向,以及在整个符号系统中的地位。“肝”的隐喻和转喻同样揭示的是组合关系和聚合关系,隐喻的基础是相似,转喻的基础是相近,以此可以说明中医“肝”概念的形成过程。从历时上考察,“肝”的所指存在混乱和边界不清的情况。在目前中医药术语规范体系中,尚缺乏一个重要术语“肝系”。“肝系”一词的使用,具有词频和理据两方面的合理性,且具有较强的区分度和解释功能。“心系”“脾系”“肺系”“肾系”等同级别名词也应相应增加,才符合系统性。  相似文献   

首先探讨术语定义的基本要素,指出概念的定义必须足以判断某个事物属于或不属于该概念所指称的属类。然后针对“操作系统”这个计算机学科基本名词,详细分析了其概念内涵,指出了国内外常见教材中相关定义存在的问题,并提出了揭示概念本质特性的新定义。  相似文献   

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