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以涪陵地区为例,提出了三峡工程建设中移民安置的设想与规划。根据三峡库区移民安置区的特点,在人口环境容量的计算和论证中提出了自然人口环境容量、社会经济人口环境容量及区域综合人口环境容量等概念,给出了相应的计算方法,并为移民安置区的发展提出发展战略建议。  相似文献   

在对移民补偿与安置模式涵义进行讨论的基础上,指出传统的以农业为主的补偿与安置方式适应不了不断变化的社会经济格局、复杂的移民安置形势和变化的土地制度,需要创新水库移民补偿与安置模式:一是依靠市场机制选择补偿与安置模式;二是移民与业主分享产权,建立利益共同体;三是建立移民社会保障体系,规避非农安置面临的潜在风险。  相似文献   

阐述了我国水库移民安置实施阶段的主要任务和应当达到的基本要求。通过对部分水库移民安置经验的分析,提出搞好水库移民安置的实施与管理应重视几个方面:要有正确的思想舆论指导;走开发性安置移民的路子;多途径多方式安置移民;运用正确的政策调动积极性;正确使用淹没补偿资金;加强计划管理和项目管理;加强领导精心组织。  相似文献   

阐述了张峰水库移民安置规划,并结合移民调查中发现的部分问题,提出在实施规划的过程中需要着重考虑的几点建议。  相似文献   

三峡移民政策法规,对于规范开展和圆满完成三峡库区移民工作任务,保障移民合法权益,促进库区移民可持续发展和人与自然和谐相处,确保百万移民搬迁安置目标顺利实现等产生了巨大的推动作用,并提供了有力的保障。通过对三峡移民政策法规的历史沿革、制定原则和内容进行分析,结合三峡移民的工作实践,提出了现行的三峡移民政策法规的特点和不足,指出了进一步发展和完善三峡移民政策法规的对策。  相似文献   

水库移民的妥善安置是移民社区良性运行和协调发展的必要前提.结合当前水库移民社区发展的实际,以巴结社区为个案,分析维持水库移民安置区社会良性运行和协调发展的必要条件,为实现移民安置社区的良性运行和协调发展提供参考.  相似文献   

对汾河水库二次移民安置规划的几点看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了汾河水库移民存在的问题,论述了历史上对移民问题的处理情况,探讨了汾河水库二次移民规划的内容及其效果。  相似文献   

三峡工程举世瞩目,其成败的关键在于移民问题,而移民的健康问题关系到社会经济及人类社会的可持续发展.随着医学模式的转变,社会心理因素对人类健康与疾病的影响日趋显著.因此,研究三峡工程对移民的心理及行为的影响具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

三峡工程举世瞩目,其成败的关键在于移民问题,而移民的健康问题关系到社会经济及人类社会的可持续发展。随着医学模式的转变,社会心理因素对人类健康与疾病的影响日趋显著。因此,研究三峡工程对移民的心理及行为的影响具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Migrant resettlement is essential to the success of the Three Gorges Project (TGP),and the smooth implementation of resettlement is ensured by the resettlement planning and effective organization management.In the process of resettlement planning and implementation,systematic legislation and document support system is established;environmental capacity analysis and assets appraisal methods are introduced;resettlement sites are selected through in-depth analysis and comparison;the relationship between resettlement compensation and local development is correctly understood and considered,and reasonable resettlement schedules are well prepared.Through the establishment of efficient management system and capital management mode of "static control and dynamic management",as well as the timely adjustment of plan according to actual situations,the resettlement is accomplished smoothly.Thus,the social stability of the reservoir area is ensured;the economic development of reservoir area is promoted,and it has promoted successfully the improvement of legislation,regulations and techniques for land requisition and resettlement.The paper also discusses the theory and prospective work of resettlement.  相似文献   

三峡水利枢纽工程是治理开发长江的关键性工程,承担着防洪、发电、航运等综合利用任务。工程建成后可确保荆江地区防洪标准不低于百年一遇,大大缓解长江中下游防洪压力,为经济建设发展迅速的华中、华东、华南地区提供巨大的能源支持,从根本上改善川江航运条件,同时枯季补偿调节可提高长江中游河段航道水深和改善航运条件。新时期,长江治理、开发与保护对三峡工程运行提出了新要求,如何优化水资源利用,实施科学调度,全面提升水库综合效益,是三峡工程今后面临的一项长期任务。  相似文献   

Abstract: As the most significant water project, the Three Gorges Project (TGP) was designed to take care of multiple objectives for water utilization such as flood control, power generation and navigation. The implementation of the project will improve the flood safety level of Jingjiang reach to more than 100-year return period, which will reduce greatly the flood risk at the mid-lower reaches of Changjiang River, produce huge quantity of energy for the central, east and south China, and improve significantly the navigation conditions of Chuanjiang River. Meanwhile, the operation of the TGP in dry season which will compensate the downstream water resources, will as well deepen the navigation channel and thus improve the navigation conditions in the middle river reach. With the increasing demands raised from various aspects of the society, new requirements will be made for the TGP for the purpose of harnessing, development and protection of the Yangtze River Basin. Therefore, it will be a long-term task for the operation of TGP on how to optimize the water resources utilization and implement an effective operation.  相似文献   

举世瞩目的三峡水利枢纽工程是世界上规模最大的水电站,也是中国有史以来建设的最大型水利水电工程。2010年10月26日,三峡水库蓄水首次达到设计水位175 m,这标志着其防洪、发电、航运等各项功能达到设计要求。三峡工程从构想、论证、设计、建设至竣工全面投入运行历时近百年。当初兴建三峡工程的构想是如何提出的?三峡工程究竟起什么作用?存在什么分歧意见?是如何进行论证的?论证的结论怎样?这是许多人关心而又不太了解的,笔者在文中做了扼要的介绍,以纪念世纪之梦的实现。  相似文献   

三峡工程大坝为混凝土重力坝,坝顶高程185 m,最大坝高181 m,坝轴线全长2 309.5 m,分为泄洪坝段、厂房坝段、非溢流坝段、升船机坝段、临时船闸坝段、左导墙坝段和纵向围堰坝段。笔者着重从泄洪建筑物水力学、坝体分缝、电站引水压力管道布置及结构形式、坝基深层抗滑稳定、临时船闸封堵、坝基封闭抽排等方面对大坝结构设计进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

The dam of Three Gorges Project is a concrete gravity dam with the crest elevation of 185 m, the maximum height of 181m and dam axis length of 2 309.5 m. The dam consists of spillway, powerhouse, non-over flow, ship-lift, temporary ship-lock, left diversion wall and longitudinal cofferdam blocks. Some key techniques relating to dam structure design are presented, including hydraulics of flood discharge structure, dam joint design, layout and structural type of penstock, deep anti-sliding stability of dam foundation, reconstruction of temporary ship-lock and closed drainage and pumping of dam foundation.  相似文献   

The world-famous Three Gorges Project (TGP) is the largest hydropower station in the world and the largest water resources and hydropower project constructed in China.The impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir reached the design water level of 175 m for the first time on October 26,2010,which indicated that the project had met design requirements of various functionalities of flood control,power generation and navigation.To complete the project it took nearly 100 years for conception,demonstration,design and construction of the TGP.How was the conception of TGP proposed? What kind of role should it be? What were the different opinions? How was the project demonstrated? What was the conclusion of demonstration? Those are the issues that many people care and don’t know about.To memorize the realization of the century dream of Chinese people and to record the history of development of TGP,the author presents a compendious introduction to the project.  相似文献   

在归纳总结三峡工程移民信访工作的成绩和做法的基础上,分析了当前三峡工程移民信访反映的主要问题、信访特点及信访原因,进行了移民信访工作的思考,提出了在三峡工程后续工作新时期搞好移民信访工作的建议。  相似文献   

Three Gorges Project (TGP),the largest water resources and hydropower project in the world with huge scale and complex techniques,has great comprehensive benefits mainly in flood control,power generation and navigation improvement.Through 17-year construction and practice,the project has been successfully completed.Some valuable experience from the successful construction of TGP has been gained for the management system and mechanism of hydropower project construction in China.Its construction management mode produces important influences on the management system of domestic capital construction.With combination of the construction management practice of TGP,the characteristics of management system and mechanism are summarized,and the suggestions on current hydropower development system and construction management mode are put forward.  相似文献   

The construction of Three Gorges Project (TGP) is characterized by large construction scale,high construction intensity and complexity in technology.In view of various technical difficulties such as navigation in construction period,two river closures,high-intensity concrete and earth-rock construction,high-intensity construction and demolition of RCC (roller compacted concrete) cofferdam in stage III and immediate navigation of double-line five-step shiplock after impoundment of reservoir,the scheme of river diversion during construction is adopted,namely "diversion in 3 stages,open channel navigation and cofferdam power generation".The practice and innovation achievements in river diversion during construction as well as earth-rock and concrete construction are presented emphatically.  相似文献   

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