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Summary The monoalkylation in 4-position of pyrazolidine-3,5-dione derivatives with primary and secondary alcohols, in the presence of Raney-Nickel, is described.  相似文献   

Summary A freezing method is described which permits the measurement of electrolytes and enzymes in the peri- and endolymph from a single turn of the cochlea of guinea pig at a known time. The perilymphs of the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani are different, especially in the first basic turn. This difference may be produced by a partial semipermeability of the Reissner's membrane. After producing deafness by a sound of frequency 2000 c/s, the potassium (the total potassium level detected chemically and by the use of potassium-42) increases in the perilymph of the second turn only, and decreases slightly in the endolymph of the same turn. In the other turns, the potassium does not change.This method permits the analysis of chemical changes due to the stimulus of single sounds.

Die Arbeiten wurden mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalen Forschungsfonds durchgeführt.

Technische Hilfe leisteten uns in dankenswerter Weise Dr.R. A. Collet, Isotopenlabor, Zentrallaboratorium des Kantonsspitals, und. Dr.Fischer (Kältekammer von – 15°C), Centre de transfusion, Kantonsspital Genf.  相似文献   

Summary Some examples of transesterifications of cardenolidacetates to acetyl-free glycosides with zincacetate are reported. The method is advantageous for the deacetylation of acetates with base-resistant acetyl groups or with special base sensitivity.

56. Mitteilung über Herzglykoside. 55. Mitt. s. Helv. chim. Acta51, 1317 (1968).  相似文献   

Summary Glass microelectrodes were filled with 3M KCl containing 2 g of sodium fluoresceine/l. The glass-tips of the electrodes are visible under the microscope in a blue activating light.  相似文献   

Summary The inhibition of AChE by Paraoxon is overcome by the application of the oximes 2-PAM, Toxogonin® and HS 3. Soman inhibited AChE is affected only to a limited extent by HS 3 and HS 9.  相似文献   

Summary Employing catalytic methods, the Mn- and Cu-content was determined in different cell fractions (chloroplasts, cytoplasts) of freeze-dried leaves ofValerianella olitoria isolated with a new dry method byBehrens et al.1. Cu was found essentially in the fractions with high chloroplast content; Mn was found mainly in the fractions with low chloroplast content.  相似文献   

Summary The space-group of Cu(NH3)4SO4·H2O isD 2h 16 orD 2h 13 (D 2h 5 , D 2h 1 ) with a=7,07, b=12,12, c=10,66 Å ± 1%.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments made on human red cells showed that spirolactones (SC 5233 and SC 9420) added to the sample as dry powder (10–3 g/ml) exert an inhibitory action on the active transport of sodium and potassium across the cell membrane. Spirolactone at its saturation concentration in serum (1.5×10–5 g/ml), however, was ineffective.The inhibitory action was not affected by aldosterone or hydrocortisone.Experiments involving exposure of red cells to spirolactone and a cardiac glycoside simultaneously led to the conclusion that these substances do not have the same mechanism of action. The inhibition caused by spirolactone added to the inhibition due to a supramaximal concentration of ouabain (5 × 10–4).

Diese Arbeit wurde unterstützt durch ein Stipendium der CIBA für naturwissenschaftliche, medizinische und technische Forschung.  相似文献   

Summary The bromination of -ergokryptine, a genuine ergot alkaloid of the peptide type, in position 2 of the indol nucleus to 2-bromo--ergokryptine is described. Its transformation to the methanesulfonate led to the prolactin inhibitor bromocriptine-methanesulfonate, Parlodel®.

85. Mitteilung über Mutterkornalkaloide.

Anfragen bitte an diesen Autor richten.  相似文献   

Summary A series of new substituted indole derivatives was prepared, all of which were distinguished by sympathicolytic activity. A number of these substances, mainly those from the group of indoline derivatives, have a hypotensive action. Others, especially those from the group of indole derivatives, have a hypertensive action.   相似文献   

Summary The rôle of the partition coefficient for the bactericidal efficiency of phenols and aromatic alcohols is stressed. It is postulated that these compounds in any concentration should have identical bactericidal effects if they attain the same molar concentration in a lipoid phase after distribution. It is proposed to use this postulate for a new approach to test phenolic and alcoholic disinfectants. p-chloro--phenetyl alcohol reveals a high bactericidal effect due to a favourable distribution coefficient combined with a water solubility of nearly 0.5%.  相似文献   

Summary The biosynthesis of reserpinine (II) and vincamedine (IVa) in Vinca plants has been investigated with the help of labelled precursors. Incorporation of 1-14C-Sodium acetate into the non-tryptophan C10-moiety of these alkaloids occurred only with extensive randomization of the label. In addition, indications were obtained that the methyl group of methionin is not involved in the formation of this fragment.  相似文献   

Summary Following pretreatment of rats by thyroid extract or thyroxin, the anti-inflammatory action of phenylbutazone on formalin edema of the rat paw was strongly diminished by simultaneous numal anaesthesia of the animals.   相似文献   

Summary In paper-electrophoresis metallic ions migrate to the anode together with the humic acids. In combination with autoradiography (using59Fe) 1 µg of humic acids may be detected.  相似文献   

Summary Vasopressin and oxytocin are antagonistically effective substances with inverse dependence on concentration in the nervous system of insects. These results emphasize the central importance of neurohormonal control of general response in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated damage of the drug-metabolizing enzyme system, the binding power of the endoplasmic reticulum for hexobarbital and aniline, and glucose-6-phosphatase, appears 3 h after oral administration of carbon tetrachloride. The damage is evidently dependent on the dose and can become enlarged after phenobarbital pretreatment.

Die Ergebnisse wurden teilweise auf der 11. Pharmakologischen Frühjahrstagung in Mainz im März 1970 vorgetragen.  相似文献   

Summary Euler (1947) andM. L. Stein (1953) had observed that germinating seeds of barley, rye, wheat and other grasses are colourless when exposed to solutions containing more than 0.2% of streptomycin or dihydrostreptomycin. These plants are not inhibited in growth. The chlorophyll already formed is not destroyed by streptomycin.The present authors describe the bleaching effect on germinating seeds of chlortetracycline and tetracycline. These antibiotics inhibit or reduce the formation of chlorophyll in germinating seeds but the authors could not obtain this inhibition without toxic effects (reduced growth). Contrary to streptomycin, the tetracyclines are not able to precipitate nucleic acids and nucleoproteins.  相似文献   

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