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Riassunto É stata fatta un'indagine elettroforetica delle RNasi di tessuti vegetali normali ed abituati diHaplopappus gracilis, diNicotiana glauca e diNicotiana bigelovii, coltivati in vitro. Sono state notate delle differenze nei complementi RNasici dei tessuti abituati rispetto a quelli dei tessuti normali. I risultati sono discussi brevemente in relazione alle loro implicazioni col problema dei tumori nelle piante.

Part of this study was supported by the Contract No. SC/001-096-1 BIAN between the European Atomic Energy Community and the University of Pisa, Institute of Genetics.

Publication No. 26 from Laboratorio di Mutagenesi e Differenziamento del C.N.R., Pisa, Italy.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans les reins et dans les tissus de tumeur un facteur provoquant une glutaminase a été mis en évidance. Cette activité est plus faible dans les reins. Le dialysat du rein accuse deux pH optima de 5.0 à 8.0, tandis que celui de la tumeur n'a qu'un pH optimum de 8.0.  相似文献   

Summary We have prepared dolichylpyrophosphoryl-[14C]-oligosaccharide (Dol-PP-oligosaccharide) from calf thyroid. Microsomal fractions from human breast tissues catalyzed the transfer of labeled oligosaccharide to endogenous acceptor proteins. Malignant tumors showed higher activity of the oligosaccharide transferring enzyme than normal tissue. With kojibiose (Kj), and inhibitor of (Glc3)-glucosidase, an increase in the radioactivity associated with glycoprotein was observed.  相似文献   

We have prepared dolichylpyrophosphoryl-[14C]-oligosaccharide (Dol-PP-oligosaccharide) from calf thyroid. Microsomal fractions from human breast tissues catalyzed the transfer of labeled oligosaccharide to endogenous acceptor proteins. Malignant tumors showed higher activity of the oligosaccharide transferring enzyme than normal tissue. With kojibiose (Kj), an inhibitor of (Glc3)-glucosidase, an increase in the radioactivity associated with glycoprotein was observed.  相似文献   

Résumé On a comparé l'activité de la glutamineaminohydrolase dans les fractions de divers tissus cellulaires de souris normales avec celles des tissus à partir de souris ayant des tumeurs. On a constaté cette activité surtout dans la fraction surnageante des tissus de l'hôte, tandis que dans les tissues des animaux normaux elle se manifeste en majeure partie dans la mitochondrie. Dans les tissus même de la tumeur, toute l'activité est limitée à la fraction surnageante.

Acknowledgment. The authors are thankful to Dr.A. G. Dutta for his valuable suggestions and discussions.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont examiné l'influence de la fixation sur la solubilité des protéines. Le rein et le foie de rats blancs ont été fixés dans l'éthanol absolu, la formaline et l'acétone par lyophilisation et par la méthode de «freeze-substitution». Les protéines furent extraites par l'eau distillée et leur quantité déterminée par la microméthode deKjeldahl. Un tableau résume les résultats obtenus.  相似文献   

Photon emission from normal and tumor human tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Photon emission in the visible and near ultraviolet range by samples of human tissue removed during surgery has been measured by means of a low noise photomultiplier coupled to a data acquisition system. The results show that among the 25 analyzed samples the 9 from normal tissues had an emission rate of the order of some tens of photons/cm2 min, while most of the 16 tumor tissue samples had a very much higher rate.  相似文献   

Riassunto Le proteine costituenti alcune frazioni subcellulari di cervello di cavia sono state separate mediante elettroforesi su gel di poliacrilamide in un tampone contenente sodio dodecilsolfato. Nonostante le contaminazioni crociate delle varie frazioni ottenute alla ultracentrifuga é stato possibile evidenziare componenti proteiche caratteristiche delle varie frazioni. Di alcune di tali proteine é stato determinato il peso molecolare.  相似文献   

Photon emission in the visible and near ultraviolet range by samples of human tissue removed during surgery has been measured by means of a low noise photomultiplier coupled to a data acquisition system. The results show that among the 25 analyzed samples the 9 from normal tissues had an emission rate of the order of some tens of photons/cm2 min, while most of the 16 tumor tissue samples had a very much higher rate.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Normale und abnorme Seren sowie gereinigtes menschliches Serumalbumin und Serumglobulin, wurden vor und nach Ultraschalleinwirkung auf elektrophoretisches Verhalten untersucht. Die Unterlagen deuten auf eine Bildung aussergewöhnlicher Komplexe zwischen gewissen Serumproteinen, wahrscheinlich-Globulin und Albuminfraktionen, durch ultrasonische Frequenzen hin.  相似文献   

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