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简述了空心锭子差捻包缠纱的成纱过程,论述了空心锭子差捻包缠纱的包缠捻度、加捻捻度对纱线性能的影响。  相似文献   

本文通过理论分析和实验测试,研究了环锭细纱机上加捻卷绕部分三段(纺纱段、气圈段和卷绕段)动态捻度传递及其相互关系.文中分析了导纱钩与纱线的接触情况、平均包围角度及其对捻度传递的影响;在气圈段分析了纱线在钢丝圈上包围角及阻捻系数的变化.文中还建立了相应的关系式.  相似文献   

通过转杯凝聚槽内须条的运动和受力分析,对转杯纺捻度传递长度进行解析研究,建立了数学模型.并分别以棉和涤纶为纺纱原料对捻度传递长度进行了数值计算,分析了影响捻度传递长度的各种因素.  相似文献   

国内外测试转杯纱捻度的方法很多,如二重法、三倍退捻加捻法、一次退捻加捻法(GB 2543-81)、一次退捻加捻法(FZ/T 10001-92)和二次退捻加抢法等,在分析了前3种方法测试原理的基础上,通过对后3种方法测试原理的分析,指出了上述5种方法测试结果所呈现的规律性及各种方法的特点,为根据测试试样特点等因素选用恰当的测试方法提供理论依据.  相似文献   

运用数理统计理论分析了测试赛络纱线捻度的两种方法,结果表明退捻加捻法和退捻平行法测试的结果是一致的.因此,可以采用退捻加捻法测试赛络纱线的捻度  相似文献   

研究网格圈负压式集聚纺集聚区须条的捻回传递,提出了直线形集聚斜槽集聚区须条附加捻度传递的概念.通过力学分析,建立了集聚区附加捻度传递长度的微分方程组模型,并得到模型的解析解.通过对纺制15.3 tex纯棉集聚纱的模拟计算,得知集聚须条半径、集聚须条与网格圈之间的摩擦因数、集聚斜槽倾角、集聚负压等因素对须条附加捻度传递长度的影响较为显著,并得到其附加捻度传递长度一般在10~22 mm,研究结论为直线形集聚槽槽长的设计提供理论指导.  相似文献   

选用了不同号数、不同设计捻度的棉转杯纱12种,分别采用一次退捻加捻法、二次退捻加捻法、三倍退捻加捻法、二重法测试棉转杯纱的捻度。从棉转杯纱捻度测试结果可看出,相对于设计捻度,三倍退捻加捻法的测试误差最小,其次是二次退捻加捻法和二重法,一次退捻加捻法的测试误差最大。  相似文献   

通过对纱条在假捻盘上的运动和受力分析,对转杯纺杯内的捻度分布进行研究,并得到了杯内捻度分布的一般规律.  相似文献   

对棉纺翼锭加捻过程中的阻捻作用进行了较系统的分析研究,从而得出了纱条在各加捻区中抢度的变化规律.  相似文献   

介绍了转杯纺假捻盘对纱线加捻过程影响作用的研究现状,分析和评价了几项比较具有代表性的研究,说明了假捻盘在转杯纺纱加捻过程中具有假捻、阻捻或捻陷作用的不同观点及其相应的分析方法,并对今后分析假捻盘在转杯纺加捻过程中作用的研究思路提出了建议。  相似文献   

The mathematical model of peripheral twist extent(PTE) length was set up by studying the kinematics anddynamics of the yarn in rotor groove. The value of PTElength was calculated by using numerical method, andthe factors affecting the PTE length were also discussed.The results show that the theoretical predicted value ofPTE length seems to be consistent with the measured val-ue. The yarn linear density and rotor speed have re-markable effects on PTE length. The parameters includ-  相似文献   

转杯纺自由纱段形态对其捻度分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对自由纱段的运动及受力分析,对自由纱段形态以及纺纱工艺参数对自由纱段捻度分布的影响进行了研究。研究表明:因自由纱段在杯内成弯曲形状,从而使得自由纱段捻度自假捻盘入口处向剥离点处不断减少,真至剥离点处纱条捻度甚至降到只有设计捻度的40%-80%。为了保证凝聚槽内一定的捻度传递长度,则须适当提高设计捻度,这就揭示了转杯纱设计捻度高于环锭纱的一个主要原因。高速细支时的剥离点纱条捻度相对于低速粗支而言要高,说明只要一些纺纱工艺参数如转杯直径、转杯速度、假捻盘规格等配合得当,转杯纺也可高速稳定地纺制细支纱。  相似文献   

Many practices of the rotor spinning show that the false twist effect of the navel is much more complicated than that of the one point based friction model. Both ends of the yarn's twist and torque changes were analyzed under the static effect of the navel, and then established yarn twist ratio on both ends. It verified its correctness through simulation experiment by designing the experimental device, and analyzed the effect of navers radius on twist ratio.  相似文献   

通过分析阻捻器阻捻机理,建立了可衡量转杯纺纱阻捻器阻捻效果大小的任意曲面阻捻器阻捻系数的理论模型,并对圆柱面阻捻器阻捻系数进行了数值计算,得出纺纱工艺参数以及安装参数对阻捻系数大小均有一定影响的结论。  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effect of the spinning triangle on yarn structure,a shape model of the spinning triangle is established.The fiber motion in the spinning triangle can be divided into three stages,and the relationship between yarn structure and fiber duration as well as the force acting on the fibers in the three stages is analyzed.The fiber elongation in different location of the spinning triangle is variational.The difference is that the elongation of fiber in the middle spinning triangle is bigger than that in the edge of it and the difference will be amplified with the increase of spinning triangle width,which has an effect on the characteristic of yarns structure.Research results for further study on compact yarn structure and improving spinning frame structure provide theorybasis.  相似文献   

In this paper, the kinematics and dynamics of the yarn on the navel were studied. A series of twist distribution curves were obtained by numerical calculation. The results show that the navel is essential to the false twist development on the yarn arm. The fiber surface properties, yarn linear density, rotor speed and diameter, navel design are all the parameters having remarkable effects on the false twist level inside rotor.  相似文献   

主要研究钢领的粘着磨损问题.经过观察发现钢领伴随着“撕脱”而产生表层剥落,粘着出现在钢领的启动阶段;经分析后认为,钢领和钢丝圈摩擦运行过程中,负摩擦特性是激发粘滑振动的主要因素.作者赞同Halling 教授的观点:积极运用现有的知识来指导钢领生产,必将取得可观的经济效益.  相似文献   

In this paper,the difference of the twist insertion levels of the compact and ring span yarns of the same count is analyzed based on the relationship of the yarn twist factor to the twist angle and the bulk density.It is proposed that the relationship of the twist angle,twist level,and the yarn diameter should be synthetically considered when evaluating the twist insertion level of the compact yarn.The twist angle of the compact yarn is smaller than that of the ring yarn with the same twist insertion level.This results from the ordered fiber arrangement and compact structure of the compact yarn.Experiment was conducted to verify the conclusions.It is also discovered that the selection of the twist factor of the compact yarn,which can be usually lower than that of the ring yarn by 10%-15%,can be determined based on the yarn tensile strength.  相似文献   

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