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该文详细描述了机构运动学分析中的位置正解和位置逆解之间的关系,分析了解析法和代数法求解的优缺点。利用代数解析法原理分别求出一种平面2自由度冗余并联机构的运动学逆解和运动学正解,通过解的对比可知,逆解不唯一,共有8组,正解也不唯一,共有2组。利用位置方程求出速度雅克比矩阵的表达形式。利用MATLAB软件,对该机构的运动轨迹包括沿直线行走和沿圆弧行走的轨迹进行运动学仿真,求解出速度、加速度曲线。  相似文献   

六自由度绳牵引并联机构的轨迹规划   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立所设计的六自由度绳牵引并联机构的运动学逆解模型后,提出1种计算拉力的算法,以动平台末端执行器能实现∞型的轨迹为目标,进行运动规划,研究绳的运动特性。仿真结果表明,绳的速度值和加速度值,始终不大于动平台末端执行器的速度值和加速度值,绳的加速度值和末端执行器的加速度值,同属1个数量级。同时,一些绳的拉力的变化不大(处于“关”的状态);而另外一些绳的拉力的变化很大(处于“开”的状态),这些运动轨迹规划的仿真结果,能为以后该机构的运动控制方案的研究以及控制系统的设计,提供依据。文中提出的运动轨迹规划方法,它对一般的六自由度绳牵引并联机构都适用。  相似文献   

3-(P)US/PU 3自由度并联机构运动学优化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了一种带恰约束从动支链的3自由度并联机构的运动学优化设计.该机构采用3-PUS/PU拓扑结构,可实现一维平移和两维转动自由度.在构造出该机构全速度雅可比矩阵的基础上,以支链误差传递率为性能指标,在考虑必要机械约束的基础上,采用遗传算法实现了该机构的尺度参数优化设计,并给出相应算例.由实例可知,经优化得出的尺度参数合理.此优化方法同样适用于其他类似并联机构的运动学设计.  相似文献   

球坐标式3自由度并联机器人机构的运动学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究一种球坐标式3自由度并联机器人机构的运动学设计,包括运动学反解、速度、考虑铰链转动范围和干涉等条件下的工作空间,和结构参数对工作空间的影响以及灵巧性能指标及其在保角变换平面上的分布特性,这些分析结果和结论对并联机器人机构的设计、轨迹规划和控制等有重要的指导意义.并联机构在并联机床、坐标测量机构和工业机器人等领域有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

提出了一种空间3自由度并联机构3-PRU,该机构有动平台、定平台和三个连接支链组成,动平台相对于定平台有2个转动和1个移动。该机构是个过约束机构,结构简单、对称,刚度高,控制简单。文中建立了运动学方程,通过计算给出了位置反解和Jacobi矩阵。  相似文献   

目的由引起机构部分构件运动的几何条件分析不同分支间引起的奇异位形。方法定义了构件之间相对运动的运动螺旋,分析了机构可以实现的运动自由度的个数及形式,以单个分支上的运动螺旋线性相关性判别奇异位形,得到奇异位形的几何意义。对于不同分支引起的奇异位形,假设将所有主动构件固定,由引起机构部分构件运动的几何条件来描述奇异位形的物理特征。结果得到了2类奇异位形在工作空间的分布特征。结论机构所有关节运动螺旋的反螺旋系代表了机构的公共约束,给出了发生各类奇异的判别准则。  相似文献   

平面三自由度并联机构逆动力学的模块化计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用模块化计算方法研究了平面三自由度并联机构的逆动力学,计算效率能够满足实时控制的要求.首先对平面三自由度并联机构进行了系统分类和描述,通过对各类支链的运动学及动力学逆解的分析,应用Newton-Euler法建立平面三自由度并联机构的逆动力学模型,提出了平面三自由度并联机构动力学逆解模块化计算软件的系统构架,结果表明该方法适用于各类平面三自由度并联机构的逆动力学自动建模和可重构设计,并给出了一台新型并联机床的分析实例.  相似文献   

二自由度球面定点并联五杆机构的运动学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以刚体空间运动学为基础,借助欧拉角法与球面解析几何方法建立由平行四杆驱动的二自由度球面定点五杆机构运动学模型,并对其运动学特性进行分析;运用三维CAD软件对运动过程进行仿真,将理论计算与仿真结果进行对比.结果表明,所建立的二自由度球面定点五杆机构运动学模型准确有效.  相似文献   

首先提出一种8根绳牵引的转动自由度解耦的6自由度并联机构,并建立其运动学模型.接着引入用 2个倾角计对6自由度绳牵引并联机构进行运动学参数标定的方法,并利用该方法对该机构的49个主要运动学参数进行辨识.最后,通过计算机仿真,对辨识结果进行验证,从而为提高该机构动平台的位姿精度莫定理论基础.这种标定方法适用于一般6自由度绳牵引并联机构的运动学参数标定,在标定时也可用相似的测量仪器来代替倾角计.同时,可在控制系统中在线嵌入其对应的标定修正模块,以便连续地补偿机构的运动学参数误差.  相似文献   

目的以提高平面3自由度并联机构运动精度为目标,提出最优控制的策略。方法在状态空间构造量化机构误差性能的二次型指标,兼顾系统响应与控制能量两个方面,实现了机构误差性能最优控制,将问题归结为求解微分方程两点边值问题。结果仿真结果表明,在动力学参数发生微小变化时,机构实际运动对目标的轨迹误差最大值仅为0.02mm,速度误差量值更小。结论对并联机构进行动力学最优控制,可以有效地抑制结构参数和系统扰动引起的运动误差,且方法很容易推广到最优时间控制和最短作业路径控制问题中。  相似文献   

The analysis on the workspace and rotational capability of HANA, a spatial 3-DoF parallel manipulator, is concerned. The parallel manipulator consists of a base plate, a movable platform, and three connecting legs. The moving platform has three degrees of freedom (DoFs) which are two translations and one rotation, with respect to the base plate. The new parallel manipulator is very interesting for the reason of no singularity in the workspace, the single-DoF joint architecture and high rotational capability of the moving platform. The inverse kinematics problem is described in a closed-form, which is very useful to present the workspace geometrically. The constant-orientation and reachable workspaces for the manipulator are analyzed firstly. The index that is used to evaluate the rotational capability of the manipulator is defined and discussed in detail. Finally, the distribution of rotational capability index on the workspace is presented, which helps us know how much the index is at different point. The parallel manipulator has wide application in the fields of industrial robots, simulators, micro-motion manipulators, and parallel kinematics machines.  相似文献   

February analytical approach to the dimensional synthesis of spherieal parallel manipulators is investigated. With both the isotropy and force transmission behavior considered, a set of clnsed-fonn parametric relationships is ob tained which enable a global conditioning index to be achieved in the overall workspace. The outcome has been used for the kinematic design of a novel swivel worktable.  相似文献   

提出三角平台并联机器人运动学参数识别算法 .本算法是通过相互垂直两个向量的数量积来建立误差模型 ,避免了传统的并联机器人参数识别方法中通过位置正解及循环迭代过程求解误差参数而带来的一系列问题 .  相似文献   

0IntroductionParallel-structure manipulators are attracting moreattentionfromthe designers andscholars duetotheir mer-its of compact structure,high precision,highrepeatabili-ty,high stiffness and large load-volume ratio,etc.Re-search on parallel manipulators has been a hot issue fortheir applications in bioengineering[1],precision engi-neering[2],precisionsenor systems[3,4],mechanical man-ufacturing[5,6]and so on.Infact,it is very difficult for these parallel manipu-lator systemsto attainfurth…  相似文献   

针对一种新型机构3自由度3-PRRU并联机器人,应用Denavit-Hartenberg(D-H)方法建立了该机构的运动学方程,得出理论上具有64组位置反解的结论,采用matlab软件对反解进行了数值仿真.最后用雅可比矩阵行列式获得奇异位形条件方程,对此并联机构的奇异问题进行了分析.  相似文献   

Inverse kinematics model of parallel macro-micro manipulator system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An improved design, which employs the integration of optic, mechanical and electronic technologies for the next generation large radio telescope, is presented in this note. The authors propose the concept of parallel macro-micro manipulator system from the feed support structure with a rough tuning subsystem based on a cable structure and a fine tuning subsystem based on the Stewart platform. According to the requirement of astronomical observation, the inverse kinematics model of this parallel macro-micro manipulator system is deduced. This inverse kinematics model is necessary for the computer-controlled motion of feed.  相似文献   

一种新型三自由度并联机构逆运动学及其工作空间分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一种新型三自由度并联机构2-RPU&SPR为研究对象,对其逆运动学及工作空间进行分析.首先,利用矢量法对其逆运动学进行分析,推导出机构位置反解的显式数学表达式;随后,利用极限边界搜索法,根据并联机构位置反解及其它约束条件,获得其工作空间,最后通过数值仿真对逆运动学数学模型以及机构工作空间搜索方法进行了验证.  相似文献   

Low-degree-of-freedom (Low-DOF) parallel manipulators (PMs) have drawn extensive interests, particularly in type synthesis in which two main formal approaches were established by using the reciprocal screw system theory and Lie group theory. This paper aims at numeration and type synthesis of orthogonal translational parallel manipulators (OTPMs) by resorting to an integration of the group- based method and graphical representation of the topology. For this purpose, the concept of Cartesian DOF-characteristic matrix, orig- inated from displacement subgroup and displacement submanifold, is proposed. A new approach based on the combination of the atlas of Cartesian DOF-characteristic matrix and the displacement group-theoretic method is addressed for both exhaustive classification and type synthesis of OTPMs. The proposed approach is prone to construct an orthogonal structure and is easy to realize the complete classification and exhaustive enumeration of this class of low-DOF PMs.  相似文献   

Low-degree-of-freedom (Low-DOF) parallel manipulators (PMs) have drawn extensive interests, particularly in type synthesis in which two main formal approaches were established by using the reciprocal screw system theory and Lie group theory. This paper aims at numeration and type synthesis of Orthogonal Translational Parallel Manipulators (OTPMs) by resorting to an integration of the group-based method and graphical representation of the topology. For this purpose, the concept of Cartesian DOF-characteristic matrix, originated from displacement subgroup and displacement submanifold, is proposed. A new approach based on combination of the atlas of Cartesian DOF-characteristic matrix and displacement group-theoretic method is addressed for both exhaustive classification and type synthesis of OTPMs. The proposed approach is prone to construct an orthogonal structure and is easy to realize the complete classification and exhaustive enumeration of this class of low-DOF PMs.  相似文献   

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