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回顾了2022年全球气候变化与治理领域取得的系列令人瞩目的成果。介绍了2022年全球温度持续升高、温室气体浓度创新高、海冰范围缩小及海平面上升等气候变化科学共识;“三重”拉尼娜重现、南亚高温洪水、欧洲及中国高温干旱等极端天气气候事件;全球碳减排承诺、多灾种预警系统、IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)、第27届联合国气候变化大会(COP27)、生物多样性大会(COP15)等全球气候变化治理与认知方面的最新进展。  相似文献   

气候变化影响下的流域水循环:回顾与展望?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着全球气候变化的影响日益加剧,气候变化对流域水循环影响的研究成为普遍关注的焦点.数理统计和水文模拟两大手段的运用贯穿于过去30余年的研究当中,本文就其中所涉及的水文气象要素趋势分析、大气环流模式(GCMs)评估、降尺度技术及其选择、水文模型及其选择、不确定性分析5大内容的研究成果进行回顾与展望,以拉萨河流域为例综合运用前述技术分析区域气候变化特征及其对流域径流的影响.结果表明,在未来经济社会发展与气候变化情景下,流域径流时空分布不均匀性更加显著,具体表现为集中性增强,这给区域防洪抗旱与水资源配置等都带来了巨大挑战.通过系统阐述如何开展气候变化对流域水循环的影响研究及所包含的关键问题,可为后续相关研究和区域水资源管理提供科学依据与决策支撑.  相似文献   

Davidson EA  Janssens IA 《Nature》2006,440(7081):165-173
Significantly more carbon is stored in the world's soils--including peatlands, wetlands and permafrost--than is present in the atmosphere. Disagreement exists, however, regarding the effects of climate change on global soil carbon stocks. If carbon stored belowground is transferred to the atmosphere by a warming-induced acceleration of its decomposition, a positive feedback to climate change would occur. Conversely, if increases of plant-derived carbon inputs to soils exceed increases in decomposition, the feedback would be negative. Despite much research, a consensus has not yet emerged on the temperature sensitivity of soil carbon decomposition. Unravelling the feedback effect is particularly difficult, because the diverse soil organic compounds exhibit a wide range of kinetic properties, which determine the intrinsic temperature sensitivity of their decomposition. Moreover, several environmental constraints obscure the intrinsic temperature sensitivity of substrate decomposition, causing lower observed 'apparent' temperature sensitivity, and these constraints may, themselves, be sensitive to climate.  相似文献   

气候变化对衢州水文站洪水频率分析的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以衢州水文站为研究对象,针对衢州水文站的年最大值序列,选择广义极值分布作为该站洪水频率分析的分布函数,使用30a滑动平均法对线性矩估计所得分布函数参数的变化趋势进行分析,通过研究气候变化对衢州水文站洪水频率分析统计参数的影响来研究水文流量序列对气候变化的敏感程度.研究结果表明,气候变化对频率分析分布曲线的参数有较大影响,从而影响最终设计洪水的数值.  相似文献   

The carbon cycle is one of the fundamental climate change issues.Its long-term evolution largely affects the amplitude and trend of human-induced climate change,as well as the formulation and implementation of emission reduction policy and technology for stabilizing the atmospheric CO2concentration.Two earth system models incorporating the global carbon cycle,the Community Earth System Model and the Beijing Normal University-Earth System Model,were used to investigate the effect of the carbon cycle on the attribution of the historical responsibility for climate change.The simulations show that when compared with the criterion based on cumulative emissions,the developed(developing)countries’responsibility is reduced(increased)by 6%–10%using atmospheric CO2concentration as the criterion.This discrepancy is attributed to the fact that the developed world contributed approximately61%–68%(61%–64%)to the change in global oceanic(terrestrial)carbon sequestration for the period from 1850 to2005,whereas the developing world contributed approximately 32%–49%(36%–39%).Under a developed world emissions scenario,the relatively larger uptake of global carbon sinks reduced the developed countries’responsibility for carbon emissions but increased their responsibility for global ocean acidification(68%).In addition,the large emissions from the developed world reduced the efficiency of the global carbon sinks,which may affect the long-term carbon sequestration and exacerbate global warming in the future.Therefore,it is necessary to further consider the interaction between carbon emissions and the carbon cycle when formulating emission reduction policy.  相似文献   

本文基于青藏高原地区气候变化的预估结果,利用SWIM 模型模拟了该地区最具有代表性的布哈河流域在未来3个时期(2016-2035年、2046-2065年和2081-2100年)径流深、实际蒸散量和深层渗漏量的变化及其时空格局.结果表明:1)模型对布哈河流域径流的模拟结果较为理想,表明SWIM 模型在高寒地区有较强的适用性;2)随着降水的增加和气温的持续上升,流域的径流深和实际蒸散量在2100年前会持续增加,而深层渗漏量则先下降后上升;3)气候变化对流域水文过程的影响有季节差异性,其对深层渗漏量的影响集中于7、8月,而对径流深和实际蒸散量的影响主要在6-8月期间;4)流域各水文过程及其在不同时期的变化呈现一定的空间差异性.   相似文献   

以山东胶东半岛黄垒河流域为研究区,构建了SWAT分布式水文模型,采用SUFI-2算法进行模型参数敏感性分析、率定与验证研究,对巫山水文站2011—2018年月径流量数据进行模拟,在此基础上设置3类变化情景,定量识别黄垒河流域内气候变化与土地利用变化下的水文响应情况.结果表明:1)SWAT模型在黄垒河径流模拟中具有较好的适用性,模型率定期的R2、ENS分别为0.74和0.71,验证期R2、ENS分别为0.69和0.72;2)综合型情景模拟分析得出,气候变化、土地利用变化及二者共同变化均引起流域内年均径流增加,分别使年均径流量增加0.14、0.05、0.19 m3·s-1,径流量对气候变化比土地利用变化更敏感,径流变化由气候变化主导;3)气候变化情景模拟分析得出,流域内年均径流量与降水变化成正相关,降水增加比降水减少对径流变化作用更显著,气温升高对流量变化有负效应,流量对气温升高比气温降低更敏感;4)极端土地利用情景模拟分析得出,城市扩张情景、耕地保护情景、退...  相似文献   

以雅鲁藏布江奴下水文站以上流域为研究对象,针对缺资料流域的水文计算和预测问题,采用流域水文模型THREW,用地面气象观测、遥感植被覆盖和积雪面积等资料,基于断面水文监测数据对模型进行率定,应用CMIP5数据对径流演变进行预估。结果表明:对于雅鲁藏布江奴下水文站以上流域,THREW模型对1991—1995年率定期月径流模拟的纳什效率系数为0.75,对1996—2000年验证期月径流模拟的纳什效率系数为0.76;IPCC AR5所设置在CO2排放量最大的情况下,径流明显增加。  相似文献   

以厦门市为研究区,以1994—2015年间4景Landsat TM/OLI影像为数据源,对厦门市地表温度景观格局时空演变特征及其与不透水面分布的关系进行研究. 结果表明:厦门市城市地表温度空间分异越来越大,次高温和高温区景观类型的面积增大;地表温度景观总体上破碎化程度降低,斑块类型的多样性和均匀分布程度降低,次高温和高温斑块的面积及最大斑块指数增大,斑块数量降低,斑块形状越趋复杂,各类型斑块在空间上趋于聚集成片分布;研究时段内中低等级斑块类型(1、2、3级)向高等级斑块类型(4、5级)转化的面积呈持续增大趋势,等级升高的面积明显大于同期等级降低的面积. 统计分析表明,随着城市化的发展,不透水面的增温效应显著增大.  相似文献   

为探索土地利用对气候变化的影响,基于站点观测资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料的地面最高、最低温度,采用观测资料减去再分析资料的方法(OMR),研究了1979-2008年我国东部区域地面温度的变化及不同土地利用类型对地面温度变化的影响。研究表明,1979-2008年,研究区域的地面最高、最低温度增加显著,变化趋势分别为0.45和0.47℃/10a;总体上,土地利用状况导致的地面最高温度变化较小,由此导致的地面最低温度变化占最低温度变化总量的25.1%;城镇对地面最高、最低温度的影响最显著,耕地对地面温度日较差的影响最显著;夏、秋季土地利用状况对地面最高、最低温度变化的影响以降低或者增加幅度较小为主,而在春、冬季则主要导致地面温度上升。  相似文献   

Ecological responses to recent climate change   总被引:128,自引:0,他引:128  
There is now ample evidence of the ecological impacts of recent climate change, from polar terrestrial to tropical marine environments. The responses of both flora and fauna span an array of ecosystems and organizational hierarchies, from the species to the community levels. Despite continued uncertainty as to community and ecosystem trajectories under global change, our review exposes a coherent pattern of ecological change across systems. Although we are only at an early stage in the projected trends of global warming, ecological responses to recent climate change are already clearly visible.  相似文献   

Linking climate change to lemming cycles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The population cycles of rodents at northern latitudes have puzzled people for centuries, and their impact is manifest throughout the alpine ecosystem. Climate change is known to be able to drive animal population dynamics between stable and cyclic phases, and has been suggested to cause the recent changes in cyclic dynamics of rodents and their predators. But although predator-rodent interactions are commonly argued to be the cause of the Fennoscandian rodent cycles, the role of the environment in the modulation of such dynamics is often poorly understood in natural systems. Hence, quantitative links between climate-driven processes and rodent dynamics have so far been lacking. Here we show that winter weather and snow conditions, together with density dependence in the net population growth rate, account for the observed population dynamics of the rodent community dominated by lemmings (Lemmus lemmus) in an alpine Norwegian core habitat between 1970 and 1997, and predict the observed absence of rodent peak years after 1994. These local rodent dynamics are coherent with alpine bird dynamics both locally and over all of southern Norway, consistent with the influence of large-scale fluctuations in winter conditions. The relationship between commonly available meteorological data and snow conditions indicates that changes in temperature and humidity, and thus conditions in the subnivean space, seem to markedly affect the dynamics of alpine rodents and their linked groups. The pattern of less regular rodent peaks, and corresponding changes in the overall dynamics of the alpine ecosystem, thus seems likely to prevail over a growing area under projected climate change.  相似文献   

一次暴雨天气对陆面参数扰动的敏感性数值影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为检验暴雨天气过程对地表参数扰动的敏感性,应用WRF2.2,给定其中的NOAH陆面模式参数(地表反照率、地表粗糙度、最小叶孔阻抗、土壤最大容积水含量)一系列初始扰动,模拟了2007年7月7~9日的南京暴雨过程.试验结果表明,此次暴雨天气过程对陆面参数的扰动比较敏感,尤其是对土壤最大容积含水量以及地表反照率扰动的影响更为明显.陆面参数的扰动首先改变感热、潜热、动量等通量,更主要的是通过陆气相互作用,改变大气底层水汽输送的环流形势,从而对暴雨强度和范围产生重要影响.  相似文献   

由于具有特殊的形态和生理特征,苔藓植物对环境污染和气候变化的反应十分敏感。本文从生态、生理和生长特征等方面综述了苔藓植物对气候变化的响应特征,以期促进苔藓植物对气候变化的响应研究。  相似文献   

Clear evidence provided by the singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and precipitation data identifies that there exists a sensitive region of vegetation-climate interaction located in the transitional zone over northern China and its surrounding areas, where the vegetation cover change has the most significant influence on summer precipitation over China.““ Comparison of reanalysis data with station data provides a good method to assess the impacts of land use change on surface temperature, and the most obvious contribution of land use change may be to lead to notable warming over northern China in the interdecadal time scale. Based on the new statistical results, a high-resolution regional integrated environmental model system (RIEMS) is employed to investigate the effects of land surface degradation over the transitional zone and its surrounding areas (northern China and southern Mongolia) on the regional climate. Land degradation results in the decreases in precipitation over northern and southern China, and the increase in between, and increased and decreased temperature over vegetation change areas and the adjacent area to the south, respectively. Not only would it change the surface climate, but also bring the significant influence on the atmospheric circulation. Both the surface climate and circulation changes generally agree to the observed interdecadal anomalies over the last five decades. These integrated statistical and simulated results imply that land surface degradation over the transitional zone in northern China and its surrounding areas could be one of the main causes responsible for the climate anomalies over China, especially the drought over northern China.  相似文献   

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