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基督教音乐为欧洲艺术音乐的发展奠定了基础。基督教在很大程度上影响着欧洲音乐的产生和发展。两者的关系密切,又相互渗透。基督教音乐为欧洲音乐的形成,进步和发展起到了不可磨灭的积极作用。  相似文献   

王湖清 《世界知识》2011,(22):62-63
欧洲人权观念的发展 欧洲人对中国人权的关注是伴随着自身人权观念发展而来的。二战后,随着欧洲一体化的加深,欧洲国家开始在内部和对外方面凸显人权大旗,以解决国家主权弱化带来的人权保障问题,树立欧洲作为一个整体在国际舞台上的形象。  相似文献   

近代世界体操两大派系的兴起与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代世界体操作为一种教育手段,最早起源于古希腊,而欧洲近代体操首先在德国诞生,又兴盛发展在欧洲,到了18世纪中期在欧洲已形成体操两在派系:即西欧体积派(德式体操)和北欧体操派(瑞典体操、丹麦体操)。  相似文献   

约翰·史蒂文森博士总编的《彩色欧洲史》叙述了从爱琴海文明到本世纪初的欧洲历史,再现了欧洲整体的发展全貌,摈除了“欧洲中心论”的传统影响,客观评价了欧洲在世界历史中的地位,尽量还原了真实的欧洲历史图景。不失为一套欧洲史的佳作。  相似文献   

为庆祝欧洲成人教育协会成立50周年,2003年第一次设立了欧洲成人教育奖,并以丹麦教育家格朗德维奇命名,以纪念他在欧洲和世界范围内对成人教育的贡献。从2003到2011年,格朗德维奇奖不间断地共颁发了9届,获此大奖的成人学习项目,都在本国或其他国家的成人教育领域做出了重大的贡献,获奖项目基本反映了近十年以来欧洲成人教育发展的趋势:更加关注弱势群体的社会融合;对成人学习的价值认识加深,成人学习的整体参与率得到了提高;非正规、非正式成人学习的教育水平呈上升趋势;更加关注成人基本技能和关键能力的培养;跨文化、跨社会的成人学习得到重视。  相似文献   

欧洲在迅速地变化与发展,成为世界领先的经济力量。欧洲市场存在着欧盟、欧洲自由贸易联盟国家、中部与东部欧洲国家三个子市场。了解欧洲,我们可以开发更加有效的商业计划和更为成功的方法。本书汇集了一组性质不同的论文,论述了欧洲市场及其未来。  相似文献   

英、法两国民众的和平主义情绪、德国民众的得仇主义情绪以及它们通过民主政治过程而集合产生的外交政策理念对两次大战间欧洲国际秩序产生了破坏性影响。但同时,这种情绪经过民主政治过程后的相互碰撞,使欧洲主要大国的互动结果不以人们的和平意志为转移地集结为一股瓦解原有欧洲秩序的力量。  相似文献   

近几年来,与世界各国一样,欧洲直销产业发展迅猛。以2003年为例来看,该年度欧洲直销产业整体营业额约为3770亿台币,超过台湾地区7倍之多,而全欧的直销人口约为450万人,不及台湾地区的478万人。若以各国的营业概况来看,前三名依次是德国、英国及法国,而屈居第五的俄罗斯则后势看涨。  相似文献   

东西方交往的日益频繁 ,为东西方音乐发展提供了相互借鉴的机遇。自古以来 ,西方音乐就受到东方音乐思想的渗透。 17、18世纪以来 ,欧洲艺术在充分吸取了欧洲各民族文化养分之后向遥远的亚洲文化再次寻求新的生命灌注。但欧洲音乐家真正有意识地深入研究东方音乐 ,则是 2 0世纪 3 0年代以后的事情。  相似文献   

公元3—6世纪,在欧洲和中国都在发生着的游牧民族与农业民族之间的大迁徙现象形成高潮。在中国,汉族人口众多,民族大迁徙对其农耕文化虽造成冲击,但并未致命,反倒是在不断冲击中,汉文化融进了一些新的内容,汉族自给自足的农业也造就了其守土重迁的性格;欧洲的罗马人则人口较少.粮食不能自给,需要流通,在与境内各民族的冲突中,旧有的文化体系被打破,一种新的文化从中孕育。  相似文献   

长期以来,很多人对于英国在布莱尔执政时期的外交政策存在较为偏颇的认识,认为其实行的是积极的美国政策,对于欧洲政策则裹足不前。其实在布莱尔执政时期,其对欧政策尽管受到很多国内国际因素的影响,但依然表现出较以往保守党政府积极的态度,如推进欧盟改革、支持欧洲共同市场、倡导欧洲共同防务等,这些政策表现出了继承性、务实性、灵活性、平衡性等特点,但究其实质,这些政策最终是为了维护英国的利益。  相似文献   

本拟研究十九世纪西欧现实主义学中的个人奋斗形象的主导精神,认为这种主导精神就是从西欧艺复兴运动中发展起来的人道主义在资本主义全面占据历史舞台的新的条件下的各种演变。表现为这些人物如何对待自身的尊严、如何调节自身与社会的矛盾冲突等价值观方面的判断与选择。  相似文献   

Li H  Durbin R 《Nature》2011,475(7357):493-496
The history of human population size is important for understanding human evolution. Various studies have found evidence for a founder event (bottleneck) in East Asian and European populations, associated with the human dispersal out-of-Africa event around 60 thousand years (kyr) ago. However, these studies have had to assume simplified demographic models with few parameters, and they do not provide a precise date for the start and stop times of the bottleneck. Here, with fewer assumptions on population size changes, we present a more detailed history of human population sizes between approximately ten thousand and a million years ago, using the pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent model applied to the complete diploid genome sequences of a Chinese male (YH), a Korean male (SJK), three European individuals (J. C. Venter, NA12891 and NA12878 (ref. 9)) and two Yoruba males (NA18507 (ref. 10) and NA19239). We infer that European and Chinese populations had very similar population-size histories before 10-20?kyr ago. Both populations experienced a severe bottleneck 10-60?kyr ago, whereas African populations experienced a milder bottleneck from which they recovered earlier. All three populations have an elevated effective population size between 60 and 250?kyr ago, possibly due to population substructure. We also infer that the differentiation of genetically modern humans may have started as early as 100-120?kyr ago, but considerable genetic exchanges may still have occurred until 20-40?kyr ago.  相似文献   

在AVL发动机试验台架上,对国Ⅳ柴油机进行排气污染物排放控制系统发动机台架耐久性试验。在耐久性试验前后,对该柴油机均进行了欧洲稳态循环(ESC)和欧洲瞬态循环(ETC)试验,并利用AVL AMA i60排放测量系统对排放物进行检测分析。试验结果表明,耐久性试验前后,气体污染物排放随工况的变化趋势基本一致;经耐久性试验后,NOx排放量基本无变化,CO,HC和PM排放,在ETC试验分别增加了67%,508%和85%,而在ESC试验其变化较小;柴油机在耐久性试验前后均满足国Ⅳ排放标准,排气污染物排放控制系统符合国标GB 20890-2007要求。  相似文献   

Dawkins MS  Donnelly CA  Jones TA 《Nature》2004,427(6972):342-344
Intensive broiler (meat) chicken production now exceeds 800 million birds each year in the United Kingdom and 2 x 10(10) birds worldwide, but it attracts accusations of poor welfare. The European Union is currently adopting standards for broilers aimed at a chief welfare concern--namely, overcrowding--by limiting maximum 'stocking density' (bird weight per unit area). It is not clear, however, whether this will genuinely improve bird welfare because evidence is contradictory. Here we report on broiler welfare in relation to the European Union proposals through a large-scale study (2.7 million birds) with the unprecedented cooperation of ten major broiler producers in an experimental manipulation of stocking density under a range of commercial conditions. Producer companies stocked birds to five different final densities, but otherwise followed company practice, which we recorded in addition to temperature, humidity, litter and air quality. We assessed welfare through mortality, physiology, behaviour and health, with an emphasis on leg health and walking ability. Our results show that differences among producers in the environment that they provide for chickens have more impact on welfare than has stocking density itself.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学方兴未艾,其主要目标是培养学生的汉语交际能力,研究如何使汉语口语学习更有效便显得既迫切又必要。韩国、欧美学生基本代表东西文化圈汉语口语学习的特点,使用问卷调查、访谈与课堂观察结合的方式研究了他们的汉语口语学习策略(CSLS)使用情况,研究得出:韩国、欧美学生使用最多的是社会策略;使用较少的是记忆策略和情感策略;文化背景对韩国、欧美学生CSLS的使用总体影响不大,但明显影响记忆策略的使用。建议对外汉语口语教学考虑学生的学习特点,因势利导。  相似文献   

前东欧国家走上社会主义道路之后,开始探索适合本国国情的发展道路。由于苏联外力作用,富有成效的“民族化道路”探索夭折了。20世纪50年代后各国虽曾进行了多次改革,但终究未能根本突破苏联模式的束缚,找到一条正确的发展道路。这是东欧国家共产党丧失执政合法性,从而丢掉政权的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

Morphological traits typical of Neanderthals began to appear in European hominids at least 400,000 years ago and about 150,000 years ago in western Asia. After their initial appearance, such traits increased in frequency and the extent to which they are expressed until they disappeared shortly after 30,000 years ago. However, because most fossil hominid remains are fragmentary, it can be difficult or impossible to determine unambiguously whether a fossil is of Neanderthal origin. This limits the ability to determine when and where Neanderthals lived. To determine how far to the east Neanderthals ranged, we determined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from hominid remains found in Uzbekistan and in the Altai region of southern Siberia. Here we show that the DNA sequences from these fossils fall within the European Neanderthal mtDNA variation. Thus, the geographic range of Neanderthals is likely to have extended at least 2,000 km further to the east than commonly assumed.  相似文献   

欧洲一体化的不断深入与扩大使欧洲统一成为一种客观趋势 ,共同的文化传统、共同的地域观念和统一的政治基础 ,使当今欧洲统一的发展成为可能。欧洲联合符合世界历史发展的大潮流 ,但其特殊的历史根源决定了欧洲统一的发展模式不具有普遍意义。  相似文献   

This paper is intended to describe an ongoing initiative that is being carried out among three Chinese and two European universities.The aim of the International Operations Management Project is to create and offer a common didactical offer for both Chinese and European students either at under and post graduate level.According to the partners' beliefs,the internationalization of the Operations Management topic needs to be properly addressed at those levels.In this work,the authors outline main managerial and technological decisions taken when they needed to harmonize such heterogeneous working teams.The proposed IOM Didactical Platform architecture,which is described here,is a result of a deep analysis of the described scenario which has allowed us to properly achieve both project's goals and partner's expected flexibility.By means of a Moodle-based architecture,contents' creation and accessibility is already available for all the partners who need them in order to arrange their specific didactical offer,according their particular environmental needs.  相似文献   

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