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激光与新材料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
激光技术的发展在很大程度上得益于相关新材料的问世和应用。本文就激光研究中几个最主要参数指标的进展。综述介绍了材料科学所起的关键作用。从一个方面说明了学科交叉与合作对于科学技术进步所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

Surprisingly little attention has been given hitherto to the definition of the laboratory. A space has to be specially adapted to deserve that title. It would be easy to assume that the two leading experimental sciences, physics and chemistry, have historically depended in a similar way on access to a laboratory. But while chemistry, through its alchemical ancestry with batteries of stills, had many fully fledged laboratories by the seventeenth century, physics was discovering the value of mathematics. Even experimental physics was content to make use of almost any indoor space, if not outdoors, ignoring the possible value of a laboratory. The development of the physics laboratory had to wait until the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

故明君贤将,所以动而胜人,成功出于众者,先知也.先知者,不可取于鬼神,不可象于事,不可验于度,必取于人,知敌情者也.  相似文献   

创新文化管理:现代管理的重要内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翻开当代西方管理学的丛书,有关“组织文化”问题的探索几乎已经成为了必不可少的内容,创新文化建设在我国已成为了管理者关注的一项重要内容,本文将从关于组织文化,文化研究与现代管理科学,影响组织文化的主要因素以及文化的转变的转变、领导者与创新文化建设等四个方面来探讨创新文化管理的问题。  相似文献   

The ancient philosopher Theophrastus (c. 371-285 BC) described a gemstone called lyngurium, purported to be solidified lynx urine, in his work De lapidibus ('On Stones'). Knowledge of the stone passed from him to other classical authors and into the medieval lapidary tradition, but there it was almost always linked to the 'learned master Theophrastus'. Although no physical example of the stone appears to have been seen or touched in ancient, medieval, or early modern times, its physical and medicinal properties were continually reiterated and elaborated as if it did 'exist'. By the seventeenth century, it began to disappear from lapidaries, but with no attempt to explain previous authors' errors since it had never 'existed' anyway. In tracing the career of lyngurium, this study sheds some light on the transmission of knowledge from the classical world to the Renaissance and the changing criteria by which such knowledge was judged.  相似文献   

Analysing the contents of magazines published with the stated intention of conveying information about science and technology to the public provides a mechanism for evaluation what counted as ‘popular science’. This article presents numerical surveys of the contents of three magazines published in inter-war Britain (Discovery, Conquest and Armchair Science) and offers an evaluation of the results. The problem of defining relevant topic-categories is addressed, both direct and indirect strategies being employed to ensure that the topics correspond to what the editors and publishers took to be the principal areas of science and technology of interest to their readers. Analysis of the results of the surveys reveals different editorial policies depending on the backgrounds of the publishers and their anticipated readerships. The strong focus of the two most populist magazines on applied science and ‘hobbyist’ topics such as natural history, radio and motoring is noted and contrasted with the very limited coverage of theoretical science. In conclusion, a survey of changes in the contents over the periods of publication is used to identify trends in the coverage of science during this period.  相似文献   

Faraday demonstrated electromagnetic induction in 1831 using an iron ring wound with two wire coils; on interrupting battery current in one coil, momentary currents arose in the other. Between Faraday's ring and the induction coil, coiled instruments developed via meandering paths. This paper explores the opening phase of that work in the late 1830s, as the iron core, primary wire coil, and secondary wire coil were researched and differentiated. ‘Working knowledge’ (defined by Baird) gained with materials and phenomena was crucial to innovations. To understand these material-based interactions, I experimented with hand-wound coils, along with examining historical texts, drawings, and artefacts. My experience recovered the historical dead-end of two-wire coils and ensuing work with long-coiled single conductors initiated by Faraday and Henry. The shock and spark heightened in these coils provided feedback to the many instrumental configurations tested by Page, Callan, Sturgeon, Bachhoffner, and others. The continuous conductor differentiated into two segments soldered together: a thick short wire carrying battery current and a long thin wire for elevating shocks (voltage). The joined wires eventually separated, yet their transitional connection documents belief that the induced effects depend on continuity. These coiled instruments, with their intertwined histories, show experimental work and understandings in the process of developing. Seeing the nonlinear paths by which these instruments developed deepens our understanding of historical experiences, and of how people learn.  相似文献   

本文简略途述了自然科学和社会科学数学化的历史进程,认为数学化是科学发展的必然趋势,自然科学已大部分成数学化,而社会科学的数学还有很多工作要做。  相似文献   

空间甚长基线射电干涉测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从干涉原理在天文学中的应用出发,简短回顾了从地面到空间的射电干涉测量历史,概述了世界上第一代空间VLBI计划(VSOP)及其研究成果,展望了未来空间VLBI发展趋势。  相似文献   

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