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Though Robert Boyle called final causes one of the most important subjects for a natural philosopher to study, his own treatise on the subject, the Disquisition about Final Causes, has received comparatively little scholarly attention. In this paper, I explicate Boyle's complex argument against the use of teleological explanations for inanimate bodies, such as metals. The central object of this argument is a mysterious allusion to a silver plant. I claim that the silver plant is best understood as a reference to alchemical product: the Arbor Dianae, an offshoot of George Starkey's recipe for the Philosophers' Stone. Then, I show how the context of alchemy not only clarifies Boyle's argument but also places it within a wider dialectic about matter and teleology. I then contrast the parallel arguments of Boyle and John Ray on the question of whether metals have divine purposes and show that the difference is explained by Boyle's belief in the transmutation of metals.  相似文献   

Mining companies after the Gold Rush depended heavily on foreign expertise, and yet historians of mining have glorified ‘German engineering’ in America. The application of German technology in America was fraught with difficulties, and most advances were micro- rather than macro-innovations, such as Philip Deidesheimer's famous square-set timbering on the Comstock Lode. The problem began at German mining schools, such as the Freiberg Mining Academy, where Americans like Louis and Henry Janin, while they acquired advanced training and adopted an engineering ethos, struggled to learn about Mexican and American mining. Having complemented their course of study to remedy this deficiency, the brothers returned to the US intending to modernize mining on the frontier. Louis attempted the ‘Freiberg Process’ of amalgamation on the Comstock Lode, but locally developed methods proved more feasible, and the experiment failed. He came to apply his training rather toward the micro-level problem of how to reprocess amalgamation waste heaps.  相似文献   

根据区域经济学及产业经济学的理论,分析了湖南省有色金属产业的发展现状,建立了有色金属产业竞争力评价指标体系,运用主成分分析法将湖南与中部五省进行评价和比较。结论是湖南省有色金属产业竞争力属于中等偏上水平,总的经济效益偏低。提出了有效提升湖南省有色金属产业竞争力的政策建议.  相似文献   

Absorption of metal ions by KB, HeLa and L-59 cells has been analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the course of culture. Ions of the elements of the fourth period in the periodic chart such as Fe(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II) and Ni(II) were not taken up, but those of the higher periods, such as Cd(II), Pb(II), Hg(II) and Ag(I) were were taken up easily. The uptake behavior by the cultured cells was in accordance with the characteristic features of metals, that metals in the fourth period are essential elements, and most of the elements of the fifth and the sixth periods are non-essential or toxic elements. The initial rate of Cd(II) uptake and the Cd(II) concentration has a sigmoidal relationship. Cd(II) was absorbed homotropically through cell membranes. The uptake of Cd(II) was specifically inhibited by Cu(II), but was affected little by Zn(II). The toxicity of Cd(II) to KB cells was greatly enhanced in the presence of Cu(II). On the contrary, the toxicity of Cd(II) was reduced by the addition of Zn(II) at several concentrations of Cd(II). The toxicity of Cd(II) did not depend on the amount of Cd(II) absorbed in the cells, but was determined by cofactors such as Cu(II). The interaction between Cd(II) and Cu(II) may be important for Itai-itai disease.  相似文献   

Summary Absorption of metal ions by KB, HeLa and L-59 cells has been analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the course of culture. Ions of the elements of the fourth period in the periodic chart such as Fe(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II) and Ni(II) were not taken up, but those of the higher periods, such as Cd(II), Pb(II), Hg(II) and Ag(I) were were taken up easily. The uptake behavior by the cultured cells was in accordance with the characteristic features of metals, that metals in the fourth period are essential elements, and most of the elements of the fifth and the sixth periods are non-essential or toxic elements.The initial rate of Cd(II) uptake and the Cd(II) concentration has a sigmoidal relationship. Cd(II) was absorbed homotropically through cell membranes. The uptake of Cd(II) was specifically inhibited by Cu(II), but was affected little by Zn(II). The toxicity of Cd(II) to KB cells was greatly enhanced in the presence of Cu(II). On the contrary, the toxicity of Cd(II) was reduced by the addition of Zn(II) at several concentrations of Cd(II). The toxicity of Cd(II) did not depend on the amount of Cd(II) absorbed in the cells, but was determined by cofactors such as Cu(II). The interaction between Cd(II) and Cu(II) may be important for Itai-itai disease.  相似文献   

Summary Cap formation in mouse spleen cells induced by antiimmunoglobulin was inhibited by the metals Be, Fe, Cu and Al. Be was especially strong as an inhibitor of cap formation. It is suggested that these metals might change the mobility of the membrane and have some biological effects on the cross association of antigen receptors when B lymphocytes are attached by them.  相似文献   

Summary Calcified granules (concretions) in the kidneys of bivalve molluscs are able to absorb metals from solution and this ability is the result of the existence of saturable, medium affinity metal binding sites on the concretions. In addition different metals may compete for the same sites so that some metals will be accumulated preferentially over others.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous members of the multicopper oxidase family of enzymes oxidize a range of aromatic substrates such as polyphenols, methoxy-substituted phenols, amines and inorganic compounds, concomitantly with the reduction of molecular dioxygen to water. This family of enzymes can be broadly divided into two functional classes: metalloxidases and laccases. Several prokaryotic metalloxidases have been described in the last decade showing a robust activity towards metals, such as Cu(I), Fe(II) or Mn(II) and have been implicated in the metal metabolism of the corresponding microorganisms. Many laccases, with a superior efficiency for oxidation of organic compounds when compared with metals, have also been identified and characterized from prokaryotes, playing roles that more closely conform to those of intermediary metabolism. This review aims to present an update of current knowledge on prokaryotic multicopper oxidases, with a special emphasis on laccases, anticipating their enormous potential for industrial and environmental applications.  相似文献   

Summary Although the absolute concentrations of metal complexes in blood plasma are controlled by protein binding, the percentage distribution of transition metal ions amongst low molecular weight ligands is not. Thus, computer simulations which omit protein equilibria can nevertheless afford reliable information about such metals in the biofluid.Acknowledgments. One of us (P. M. M.) thanks the University of Cape Town and the C. S. I. R. for financial assistance. Computations were performed on both of the University of Cape Town's UNIVAC 1106 system and the St. Andrews University's IBM 360/44. Address ofP. W. Linder: University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape (South Africa).  相似文献   

In this paper I offer an account of the normative dimension implicit in D. Bernoulli’s expected utility functions by means of an analysis of the juridical metaphors upon which the concept of mathematical expectation was moulded. Following a suggestion by the late E. Coumet, I show how this concept incorporated a certain standard of justice which was put in question by the St. Petersburg paradox. I contend that Bernoulli would have solved it by introducing an alternative normative criterion rather than a positive model of decision making processes.  相似文献   

Epigenesis has become a far more exciting issue in Kant studies recently, especially with the publication of Jennifer Mensch's Kant’ Organicism. In my commentary, I propose to clarify my own position on epigenesis relative to that of Mensch and others by once again considering the discourse of epigenesis in the wider eighteenth century. Historically, I maintain that Kant was never fully an epigenesist because he feared its materialist implications. This makes it highly unlikely that he drew heavily, as other interpreters like Dupont and Huneman have suggested, on Caspar Friedrich Wolff for his ultimate theory of “generic preformation.” In order to situate more precisely what Kant made of epigenesis, I distinguish his metaphysical use, as elaborated by Mensch, from his view of it as a theory for life science. In that light, I raise questions about the scope and authority of philosophy vis a vis natural science.  相似文献   

S S Ranade  S Shah  P Haria 《Experientia》1979,35(4):460-461
In this report we present an analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry of some of the transition metals Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, and Ni in tissues and nuclear fractions in an experimental tumour system.  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate the nature of empirical findings that provide evidence for the characterization of a scientific phenomenon, and the defeasible nature of this evidence. To do so, I explore an exemplary instance of the rejection of a characterization of a scientific phenomenon: memory transfer. I examine the reason why the characterization of memory transfer was rejected, and analyze how this rejection tied to researchers’ failures to resolve experimental issues relating to replication and confounds. I criticize the presentation of the case by Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch, who claim that no sufficient reason was provided to abandon research on memory transfer. I argue that skeptics about memory transfer adopted what I call a defeater strategy, in which researchers exploit the defeasibility of the evidence for a characterization of a phenomenon.  相似文献   

Against what is commonly accepted in many contexts, it has been recently suggested that both deterministic and indeterministic quantum theories are not time-reversal invariant, and thus time is handed in a quantum world. In this paper, I analyze these arguments and evaluate possible reactions to them. In the context of deterministic theories, first I show that this conclusion depends on the controversial assumption that the wave-function is a physically real scalar field in configuration space. Then I argue that answers which restore invariance by assuming the wave-function is a ray in Hilbert space fall short. Instead, I propose that one should deny that the wave-function represents physical systems, along the lines proposed by the so-called primitive ontology approach. Moreover, in the context of indeterministic theories, I argue that time-reversal invariance can be restored suitably redefining its meaning.  相似文献   

I began this study with Laudan's argument from the pessimistic induction and I promised to show that the caloric theory of heat cannot be used to support the premisses of the meta-induction on past scientific theories. I tried to show that the laws of experimental calorimetry, adiabatic change and Carnot's theory of the motive power of heat were (i) independent of the assumption that heat is a material substance, (ii) approximately true, (iii) deducible and accounted for within thermodynamics.I stressed that results (i) and (ii) were known to most theorists of the caloric theory and that result (iii) was put forward by the founders of the new thermodynamics. In other words, the truth-content of the caloric theory was located, selected carefully, and preserved by the founders of thermodynamics.However, the reader might think that even if I have succeeded in showing that laudan is wrong about the caloric theory, I have not shown how the strategy followed in this paper can be generalised against the pessimistic meta-induction. I think that the general strategy against Laudan's argument suggested in this paper is this: the empirical success of a mature scientific theory suggests that there are respects and degrees in which this theory is true. The difficulty for — and and real challenge to — philosophers of science is to suggest ways in which this truth-content can be located and shown to be preserved — if at all — to subsequent theories. In particular, the empirical success of a theory does not, automatically, suggest that all theoretical terms of the theory refer. On the contrary, judgments of referential success depend on which theoretical claims are well-supported by the evidence. This is a matter of specific investigation. Generally, one would expect that claims about theoretical entities which are not strongly supported by the evidence or turn out to be independent of the evidence at hand, are not compelling. For simply, if the evidence does not make it likely that our beliefs about putative theoretical entities are approximately correct, a belief in those entities would be ill-founded and unjustified. Theoretical extrapolations in science are indespensable , but they are not arbitrary. If the evidence does not warrant them I do not see why someone should commit herself to them. In a sense, the problem with empricist philisophers is not that they demand that theoretical beliefs must be warranted by evidence. Rather, it is that they claim that no evidence can warrant theorretical beliefs. A realist philosopher of science would not disagree on the first, but she has good grounds to deny the second.I argued that claims about theoretical entities which are not strongly supported by the evidence must not be taken as belief-worthy. But can one sustaon the more ambitious view that loosely supported parts of a theory tend to be just those that include non-referring terms? There is an obvious excess risk in such a generalisation. For there are well-known cases in which a theoretical claim was initially weakly supported by the evidence  相似文献   

In 1684, during the Edo period (1603–1868), the imperial court of Japan passed a reform act that resulted in a new almanac called the Jôkyô almanac. This was the first reform in more than eight hundred years, and marked a departure from the past practice of adopting almanacs from China. Yet, the reform was complicated, and it was achieved after decades through the efforts of Shibukawa Harumi (1639–1715). How was the reform accomplished, and why was it significant? In this study, I will focus on Harumi's role in the reform. I propose to examine the reform as the culmination of a process deeply linked to Harumi's political connections and his intellectual growth especially in the field of calendrical sciences. I will show that this approach of looking at the reform by analyzing different aspects of Harumi's life has implications for understanding trends in society in seventeenth-century Japan. First, despite the ban on Christianity, intellectuals like Harumi assimilated European sciences in unique ways. Second, Harumi's activities exemplified how intellectual ties were increasingly embedded within political networks. Overall, I will argue that the reform of the almanac, viewed as a process surrounding the core figure of Harumi, was driven by scientific goals and personal ambitions.  相似文献   

In mice chronically infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, the masseter muscle (rich in type II fibers) was devoid of inflammatory infiltrates and parasites. In contrast, other muscles, composed of type I and II fibers, showed a decrease of type I fibers, parasites and lesions, suggesting that in T. cruzi infection type I muscle fibers are selectively damaged.  相似文献   

Summary In this report we present an analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry of some of the transition metals Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, and Ni in tissues and nuclear fractions in an experimental tumour system.Acknowledgments. The atomic absorption spectroscopic analysis was done at the Health Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay. The author are indebted to Dr S.D. Soman, Director, Health Physics Division for providing facilities for the said analysis.  相似文献   

The “Instrumental Revolution” in chemistry refers to a transitional period in the mid-20th century during which sophisticated instrumentation based on physical principles was introduced to solve chemical problems. Historical and philosophical reflection on whether the revolution was a scientific one has been dominated by general models of scientific revolution, in particular, those proposed by Thomas Kuhn, I. B. Cohen and Ian Hacking. In this article I propose that the Industrial Revolution is a useful model for understanding the transformation wrought by the increasingly important role of machines in chemical research. Drawing on Marx's analysis of that event, I argue that that the Instrumental Revolution bears a striking resemblance to the industrial one. I offer grounds for thinking that the resemblance is not fortuitous, but rather reflects a general pattern of development involving the mechanization of the labor process. It is suggested that the cognitive consequences of radical changes in the means of production, as exemplified in the Instrumental Revolution, warrant the consideration of whether the latter is an instance of a kind of revolution in science rather than a singular episode.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of the Higgs at 125 GeV by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC has put significant pressure on a principle which has guided much theorizing in high energy physics over the last 40 years, the principle of naturalness. In this paper, I provide an explication of the conceptual foundations and physical significance of the naturalness principle. I argue that the naturalness principle is well-grounded both empirically and in the theoretical structure of effective field theories, and that it was reasonable for physicists to endorse it. Its possible failure to be realized in nature, as suggested by recent LHC data, thus represents an empirical challenge to certain foundational aspects of our understanding of QFT. In particular, I argue that its failure would undermine one class of recent proposals which claim that QFT provides us with a picture of the world as being structured into quasi-autonomous physical domains.  相似文献   

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