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Zusammenfassung Die an chloralisierten, fortlaufend infundierten Hunden eintretende Verminderung der Diurese nach Hautverbrennung ist weder auf eine Hypoproteinämie noch auf eine Erhöhung der Plasmaviskosität und auch nicht auf eine Reduzierung des Plasmavolumens zurückzuführen. Die mitgeteilten Versuche stützen vielmehr die Auffassung, daß durch Verbrennung ein antidiuretischer Stoff entsteht.  相似文献   

Les Sphériques ont été écrites par Ménélaos sous la forme dun traité dapparence purement mathématique. Cependant, la matière qui y est développée dans les deuxième et troisième livres est étroitement liée à des problèmes rencontrés en astronomie: calcul des coordonnées équatoriales du Soleil, établissement de tables dascensions, étude du mouvement du Soleil dans la sphère oblique, levers simultanés. Ce lien, qui demeure implicite dans le texte, a été mis en évidence par deux mathématiciens et astronomes arabo-musulmans, qui ont exposé la signification astronomique de certains théorèmes des Sphériques. Nous présenterons, commenterons et complèterons cette explicitation en classant les théorèmes concernés en trois groupes: sens de variation de certaines grandeurs sur la sphère, propositions de trigonométrie sphérique et applications, sens de variation de rapports entre certaines grandeurs sur la sphère. The Spherics were written by Menelaos in the form of a purely mathematical treatise. However, the material developed in the second and third book is closely linked to problems met in astronomy: computation of equatorial coordinates of the Sun, setting up of rising-time tables, study of the motion of the Sun in the sphaera obliqua, simultaneous risings. This link, which remains implicit in the text, was clearly displayed by two arabo-islamic mathematicians and astronomers, who expounded the astronomical meaning of some theorems of the Spherics. We describe, comment and complement their explanations, by classifying the implications of the theorems in three groups: direction of variation of some quantities on the sphere, spherical trigonometry and applications, direction of variation of ratios of some quantities on the sphere.Presenté par M. Folkerts(Manuscrit reçu le 23 octobre 2002) Publié en ligne le 5 février 2004An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Summary A general survey of the actual knowledges on the bone phosphatase is given. The enzyme plays an important rôle in the calcification of bone and teeth, this process being unable to proceed at a physiological speed without the participation of a phosphatase. The biological function of the enzyme is thus to accelerate and not to promote the calcification.The knowledge of the mechanism of phosphatase activity in the skeletal organs and of the chemical composition of the bone salt cannot lead to a full understanding of the physiology of ossification. A prominent function in this field is devoted to the proteins of the ground substance of bone and to their evolution. The study of the protein matrix of bone is now the most important subject of work for the biochemistry of ossification.

Conférence faite le 28 mai 1946 au Hallerianum de l'Université de Berne.  相似文献   

Summary A colorimetric method based on the reducing power of the aldehydic end group has been developed in order to determine the M. W. of polysaccharides. It has been found that corn amylose contains chain molecules of much higher degree of polymerization than potato amylose.  相似文献   

Cet article a pour objet de montrer la nouveauté du traitement varignonien du mouvement des projectiles dans les milieux résistants par rapport au traitement de ce problème présenté entre autres par Newton dans les Principia. Aussi, après avoir analysé cursivement différentes Propositions du Livre II des Principia, nous étudierons plus spécialement, dans les Mémoires présentés par Varignon à l'Académie Royale des Sciences entre 1707 et 1711, la mise en place de l'expression d'une ‘Proposition générale’. Nous montrerons ensuite sur quelques cas particuliers en quel sens on peut dire que l'étude du mouvement des projectiles dans les milieux résistants se réduit alors, pour l'essentiel, à de simples questions d'intégration et de différentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The thymonucleic acid of the cell nucleus and the ribonucleic acid of the cytoplasmic granules are both included in very similar complexes. Treated by a 0.6 M solution of KCl these complexes separate in two fractions, one comprising thymo or ribonucleoproteid, the other characterized by its insolubility and its high content in alcaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 1890s, Schwarz and Peano (independently of each other) showed that Serret’s definition of the area of a surface was flawed. This paper first aims at describing the various methods that the mathematicians have used for correcting Serret’s reasoning; its second goal is to compare and to present more in detail two solutions: Lebesgue’s notorious construction and Peano’s definition.  相似文献   

Summary In 21 rabbits, the average concentration of sodium and potassium in the aqueous humor was found to be respectively 149±4.3 mEq/l and 5.34±mEq/l.Eleven of these animals were injected with Diamox (100 mg/kg of body weight); a significant drop of potassium concentration in the aqueous humor was observed three hours later, as compared with the ten control animals. No change in sodium concentration occurred.Our findings are considered in correlation with the fall of intraocular pressure produced by the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, and the role of this enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The potentiating effects of Neostigmine, D.F.P. and 3318 CT (a selective true cholinesterase inhibitor) on acetylcholine (ACh), propionylcholine (PrCh), butyrylcholine (BuCh) and amyltrimethylammonium (AmT), have been studied using the frog's rectus abdominis. Neostigmine increases the actions of the three esters much more than that of AmT. Low concentrations of D.F.P. potentiate maximally BuCh but have practically no effect on ACh, PrCh, and AmT. 3318 CT potentiates AcCh and PrCh but inhibits BuCh and AmT.These results indicate the specificity of the hydrolysis of pharmacologically active doses of BuCh, on the one hand, of AcCh and PrCh, on the other hand, by different enzymes or the frog's rectus.Results obtained with high concentrations of D.F.P. and with association of the different anticholinesterases indicate that a maximal or nearly maximal potentiation of one of these esters is already obtained with the specific inhibitor concerned; the supplementary inhibition of the non-specific enzymes thus appears to have no or only a poor effect.  相似文献   

Summary The males of two species of Palestine,Saga ephippigera Fisch. andS. gracilipes Uvar have respectively 33 and 31 chromosomes in the diploid state.S. pedo Pallas, a parthenogenetic thelytoc species largely distributed in Europe, has 68 chromosomes and probably represents a tetraploid. The cells of the three species have identical dimensions and the polyploidS. pedo is even the smallest in size.  相似文献   

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